• Andrew Schneider 10
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I am having an issue with this challenge as well, I am doing everything it asks and don't see what I'm doing wrong.  The instructions are:
Dataset: DTC Opportunity
Add Group: Close Date (Year-Month)
Add Group: Forecast Category
Change Measure: Count of Rows to Sum of #
Filter by: Closed Equals False
Chart Type: Timeline
Lens Name: Sales Pipeline Overview

I double checked I am saving to My Exploration and copy and pasted the title exactly from the instructions.  HELP!

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I am having an issue with this challenge as well, I am doing everything it asks and don't see what I'm doing wrong.  The instructions are:
Dataset: DTC Opportunity
Add Group: Close Date (Year-Month)
Add Group: Forecast Category
Change Measure: Count of Rows to Sum of #
Filter by: Closed Equals False
Chart Type: Timeline
Lens Name: Sales Pipeline Overview

I double checked I am saving to My Exploration and copy and pasted the title exactly from the instructions.  HELP!

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I just completed this challenge and it's not working.

I've done everything according to the requirements and still get this message:
"Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The 'Sales Pipeline Overview' lens does not appear to have the correct query. Please check the requirements and ensure everything is setup correctly."

Also, the "Copy and Paste Results between Lenses" is no longer possible for me. Can't find copy or paste...
Can somebody please help me out here how to measure based on the sum of # instead of a count of rows or sum of the amount because on my case # is not appearing on the creating lens window Thanks in advance. PFB more details.

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