• Johny Sins
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  • Member since 2019

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Hi, I am Johny Sins. I am from Plumbing Services Near Me (https://medium.com/@plumbersnearmee/plumbing-services-near-me-4fd62f47054c) and i want to make a website for my business. Please let me know On which platform, i can make a website more attractive?
I am Johny Sins from Plumbers In Washington (https://plumbersnearmee.hatenablog.com/entry/plumbers-in-washington) service. Please suggest me know the best plugin to use my website for shopping cart.

Hello, This is Johny Sins from Plumbers Near Me (https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/profile/2375c78c-82ff-4622-a9d8-c4cd4994d101) service. I want to make a website but confused about what platform shoud i use to a perfect website.

Please let me know?


One quick question
Can we get a report of all objects with count of the object and most recent created date?

Share you suggestions, if any.

Hi Friends,

I need help in fixing the VF Pages. 
I created a Class and VF Pages where I want to display a Table values. so, I created a Pageblocktable. Now I have 1 issue when I table has values and other table does not have a values it is diplaying both table which looks awkward.
I need to hide the columns if there is no values.

Below is my VF code and Image for your reference.
<apex:panelGrid columns="3" width="90%">
            <apex:pageblock >
                <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!orderItemsList1}" width="100%" var="div">
                    <apex:column >
                        <apex:pageBlockTable width="100%" columns="1" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellPadding="1" value="{!div.OrderItems}" var="custom">
                            <apex:column headerValue="Body" >
                                <apex:outputField value="{!custom.Product2.Name}"/><p class="onepointfive"/>
                                Blue Plates Required:<apex:outputField value="{!custom.Product2.Blue_plates__c}"/><p class="onepointfive"/>
                                <apex:outputText value="Serial No:" /> <p class="onepointfive"/>
                                <apex:outputText value="Work Order #" />
            <apex:pageblock >
                <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!orderItemsList2}" width="100%" var="div">
                    <apex:column >
                        <apex:pageBlockTable width="100%" columns="1" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellPadding="1" value="{!div.OrderItems}" var="custom">
                            <apex:column headerValue="Fridge">
                                <apex:outputField value="{!custom.Product2.Name}"/><p class="onepointfive"/>
                                Blue Plates Required:<apex:outputField value="{!custom.Product2.Blue_plates__c}"/><p class="onepointfive"/>
                                <apex:outputText value="Serial No:" /> <p class="onepointfive"/>
                                <apex:outputText value="Work Order #" />
            <apex:pageblock >
                <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!orderItemsList3}" width="100%" var="div">
                    <apex:column >
                        <apex:pageBlockTable width="100%" columns="1" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellPadding="1" value="{!div.OrderItems}" var="custom">
                            <apex:column headerValue="Tail Lift" >
                                <apex:outputField value="{!custom.Product2.Name}"/><p class="onepointfive"/>
                                Blue Plates Required:<apex:outputField value="{!custom.Product2.Blue_plates__c}"/><p class="onepointfive"/>
                                <apex:outputText value="Serial No:" /> <p class="onepointfive"/>
                                <apex:outputText value="Work Order #" />
        </apex:panelGrid> <br/>
Pageblock Table VIew

Kindly advice how can solve this issue.

I have added few custom fields in the OP Object. When I look at a O, I want to view the custom fields in the OP associated to a O.

I get a list of the Products in the O page & when I click the link for the Product, it takes me to the Product page & there is no way that I amable to see the OP Records.

How can I see a list of all OP records associated to a O from the O Page?

Hi all,

We need to implement the following pattern at my org:
  • callout to external data source
  • if that callout takes too long (according to some configurable threshold), log an error (ie do some DML)
  • if that callout timed out on the remote server, try it again
Recognizing the potential for the dreaded "You have uncommitted work pending. Please commit or rollback before calling out." error, I put the error logging code in a future method, thus isolating the DML from the callouts. However, the error is still being thrown. I reduced the issue down to this pattern:
public static void foo() {
    Http http = new Http();
    HttpRequest req = new Httprequest();
    req.setEndpoint('https://test.salesforce.com'); //whatever endpoint
    http.send(req); //works fine
    http.send(req); //throws calloutexception

@future public static void bar() {

Am I correct to assume that calling a future method counts as a DML operation? Is there any documentation I'm missing somewhere?

Hi All,

Based on the Lead status I am trying to update the lead owner to a queue using the process builder. When my process builder has been pushed to different org I am getting error as below.
Error: The flow tried to update these records: null. This error occurred: INVALID_CROSS_REFERENCE_KEY: invalid cross reference id.

My Action field update is Lead owner(field) Queue(Type) xxx_Queue(Value)

could any one explain even though i wrote standard controlller 
 <apex:page standardController="japan__c" recordSetVar="jap">
    <apex:dataTable value="{!jap}" var="a">
        <apex:column value="{!a.name}" />
User-added image
i am unable to see Visualforce in page layout. do i need enable anything in specific . 
Hi There,

I want to access Metadata of a salesforce org (either developer or sandbox) from another salesforce org. I think I can use oAuth 2.0 to access it. Any thoughts on that? If it is oAuth, can someone guide me a place where I can start with?
BR, Mudi
  • February 09, 2017
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i have set the OWD to public read/write and  profile is read only .  i have a sharing rule ( with read/ write)in which  user A wants to share that record to the another user B (in the same profile) .here i have doubt is whether the second user can edit the records or not.

1)and my secod question is profile over rides the OWD....? 

  I need to autopopulate the number datatype field after the record is deleted.
For example,
I have 5 records and their serial numbers are  1,2,3,4 and 5. If i delete the 3rd record , then the serial number of the 4th record should be automatically populated as 3 and 5th records as 4.
How to achieve this delete operation?

My Trigger Code:

trigger RecordSteps on Record__c(before insert,after delete) 
        List<Record__c> cp = new List<Record__c>(); 
        set<id> id = new set<id>();
        List <AggregateResult> requirements = new List<AggregateResult>();  
       if (Trigger.isBefore && Trigger.isInsert)
        for(Record__c pt:trigger.new)
         requirements=[select Count(Seq__c) from Record__c];
         if(requirements.size() > 0)
         for(AggregateResult ar:requirements)
         pt.Seq__c = Decimal.ValueOf(String.ValueOf(ar.get('expr0')));
      if (Trigger.isAfter&& Trigger.isDelete) 
      for(Record__c pt1:trigger.old)
cloud you please give me help for this Question

I retrive the data from account(using custom controller) object and display that data in datatable(vf) format this one is good.
but  here column name for example: name,industry,type,rating.
here whenever i click the name or industry ior any other field name I want to display sort order depending on that field.


Hi, is it possible to create nested table on apex page using  pageBlockTable or other tags?


I got an erreor: Save error: Object type not accessible. Please check permissions and make sure the object is not in development mode: SOQL statements cannot query aggregate relationships more than 1 level away from the root entity object. RequestAsPDF.page.


Using <apex:column breakbefore> and a controller extention could fill the child table content in a new row.

But is there anything already there to use? Thanks.

I'm trying to copy a new user as contact by using a trigger but I'm getting the following error


MIXED_DML_OPERATION, DML operation on setup object is not permitted after you have updated a non-setup object (or vice versa): Contact, original object: User


trigger Acceleration_User_Copyto_Contact on User (after insert, after update) {
   // Map<String,User> newLead = new Map <String, User>();
    system.debug('Acceleration_User_Copyto_Contact Trigger....');
    for ( User user : System.Trigger.new)
        if  (user.Email.contains('acceleration'))
            system.debug('Acceleration_User_Copyto_Contact Trigger..2.');
            Integer RecordCount = [select count() from Contact c where c.Email = : user.Email];
            system.debug('Acceleration_User_Copyto_Contact Trigger..2a .' + RecordCount);
            if (RecordCount == 0)
                String AccountId = '';
                for ( Account a : [Select a.Id From Account a where Name = 'Acceleration']) 
                    system.debug('Acceleration_User_Copyto_Contact Trigger..3.');
                    AccountId = a.Id;
                    Contact con = New Contact();
                    con.AccountId = AccountId ;
                    con.Email = user.Email;
                    con.Firstname = User.Firstname;
                    con.Lastname = User.Lastname ;
                    con.User__c = User.Id;
                    insert con;