• Amar123
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On contact There  is Recordtype which is created by manage Package. I want   Longitutde And Latitude after filling address field so I have Activated the geoCoding from Data Integration But its   not working , Its working in only Manually created recordType
I've a custom field which is not being populated in the visual force email which is send. If I test the email template via Setup > My Templates > Send test and verify merge fields, the custom field {!relatedTo.xxx} is populated in the email.
Though when we send the actual email, which is send via a trigger, the field is not populated
I am making a REST Api call and getting the Access token in the Response.I am getting the full length Access Token when i try in the Postmen.But facing issue in getting full length Access token when i making Api call in Apex,some part of the string only returning when i put the debug logs.

can anyone know why this happes and the length of the string like 1325 .
Please Suggest
Thank you!

I've a custom field which is not being populated in the visual force email which is send. If I test the email template via Setup > My Templates > Send test and verify merge fields, the custom field {!relatedTo.xxx} is populated in the email.
Though when we send the actual email, which is send via a trigger, the field is not populated
I am making a REST Api call and getting the Access token in the Response.I am getting the full length Access Token when i try in the Postmen.But facing issue in getting full length Access token when i making Api call in Apex,some part of the string only returning when i put the debug logs.

can anyone know why this happes and the length of the string like 1325 .
Please Suggest
Thank you!

Hi Team, I need to encrypt email address in the apex.

Here is sample Java code. Pls, help me how to generate this?
String email = "jobs@example.com";
String api_secret = "your api secret key".getBytes(new Charset("UTF-8"));
byte[] keydata = new byte[16];
// get the first 16 bytes of the api secret
System.arraycopy(api_secret, 0, keydata, 0, keydata.length);
byte[] email_bytes = email.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8);
// Create a SecretKeySpec using the shared api secret
SecretKeySpec key = SecretKeySpec(keydata, "AES");
// Encrypt the email
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
IvParameterSpec ivspec = new IvParameterSpec(new byte[]{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 });
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key, ivspec);
byte[] email_encrypted = cipher.doFinal(email_bytes);
// convert encrypted email to hex
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(email_encrypted.length * 2);
for (byte b : email_encrypted) {
    String hexDigits = Integer.toHexString((int) b & 0x00ff);
    if (hexDigits.length() == 1)
String encrypted_email = buf.toString();

When using Indeed Apply through email, you must encrypt the email to which Indeed sends the applications. Indeed expects the email to be encrypted using the AES algorithm with your 128-bit secret key. The cipher mode is CBC with PKCS5 padding. The initialization vector is 16 bytes of 00.
Using your secret key, generate a 128-bit secret key using the first 16 bytes.
Read the bytes of the plain-text email encoded in "UTF-8".
Encrypt the email using the AES algorithm and your 128-bit key. Be sure to use CBC mode and PKCS5 padding.
Convert the encrypted bytes to hex string.
Use this hex string as your data-indeed-apply-email attribute.

Thanks in advance