• Taha Haider
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I want the validation rule on field of "16 digits as long the last one is W"
I want W in the end.
I want to know about unlock package about what can go wrong or we can say what are cons of unlock package?
How do i separate strings in a Text field??

"Taha Haider"

I want break this name into 2 sections.

Getting error in Creating a relation in between External Objects.
Its giving error on custom field saying add "__c" in the field but that field is standard i cant edit that field.

I want to create relation between 2 external objects.
Getting this error "ps_external_id: more than one record found for external id field: [a083M000000y8i0QAA, a083M000000y8i5QAA]"

Scenario is that:
I want to link child records with parent record from External id.
When upserting the child record it gives an error of "external id duplication" 
For example:
Father has 2 kids,Kids will be refer from father external id.
When i upsert the kids record it gives external id duplication error and dont link them with father record.
How can we enable person profile?
Can someone guide me step by step i have done these 3 steps but stuck in 4th one. 

"Important: To use Person Accounts, your org must meet the following requirements.
There's at least one record type for accounts.
Users that have read permission on accounts have read permission on contacts.
Organization-wide default sharing is set so that Contact is “Controlled by Parent” or Account and Contact is “Private”.
If profile filtering is enabled, the View All Profiles permission is required.
After you've met these requirements, we'll provide information on how to finish enabling Person Accounts. "
How can i Migrating Dynamic pages from one org to another org by CLI (Package.xml)
What is the package.xml syntax for this?
I has created a website in salesforce but the issue is that, Its asking for Id and password.
How can i create a website that the users/customers can visit or view my site without login or signup.
Can someone guide me step by step.
How can we integrate Einstein Bot with whatsapp?
I created one custom field in accounts and tranfer it from one org to another org.
FLS and Profile transfer successfully BUT it did not showed on my accounts form,I have to put this field manually from pagelayouts after that it will be showing in accounts form.

In package.xml file


Getting this error in cli when deploying the org:
ERROR running force:source:deploy:  INVALID_SESSION_ID: Session expired or invalid
Getting this error in deployment
"Error  force-app/main/default/profiles/Admin.profile-meta.xml             Unknown user permission: CanAccessCE"
Want to transfer all profiles from one org to another.
User-added image
How to import everything from account object only?
By CLI salesforce (package.xml file)
Can we retain record id from one environment to another environment? Or will it always get updated when we import the same data
How to transfer Flows in CLI by retrieve and deploying by package.xml file?
How can we rollback the deployment from CLI(package.xml file).
Is there any possibility that we can rollback the deployment in production.
I want to restrict the local machine IP,Instead of local ip the server will see salesforce Ip or id.
User-added image

See the image for example:
image cloud will see the Salesforce ID or IP not the local machine IP or id of user.

Thanks in advance

I am doing this "Create the Canvas App":
and stuck on 18th point : 
Go to the command window and stop the Jetty Web server by entering CTRL+C. At the prompt, enter Y.

how to do this on mac? 
How do i separate strings in a Text field??

"Taha Haider"

I want break this name into 2 sections.

How can we enable person profile?
Can someone guide me step by step i have done these 3 steps but stuck in 4th one. 

"Important: To use Person Accounts, your org must meet the following requirements.
There's at least one record type for accounts.
Users that have read permission on accounts have read permission on contacts.
Organization-wide default sharing is set so that Contact is “Controlled by Parent” or Account and Contact is “Private”.
If profile filtering is enabled, the View All Profiles permission is required.
After you've met these requirements, we'll provide information on how to finish enabling Person Accounts. "
How can i Migrating Dynamic pages from one org to another org by CLI (Package.xml)
What is the package.xml syntax for this?
Getting this error in cli when deploying the org:
ERROR running force:source:deploy:  INVALID_SESSION_ID: Session expired or invalid
How to import everything from account object only?
By CLI salesforce (package.xml file)

I am doing this "Create the Canvas App":
and stuck on 18th point : 
Go to the command window and stop the Jetty Web server by entering CTRL+C. At the prompt, enter Y.

how to do this on mac? 
I want to upload image every time in my contact form when creating a new user.

I have a field of URL in my contact page and want to render the image from that URL.

"Using URL because the image's are saved on other site"
Hi all, I am working on the Handle Server Error part in Trailhead as part of the Lightning Web Components and Salesforce Data Module


I am attempting to allow for error handling and write my code as follows

import { LightningElement, wire } from 'lwc';
import {
} from 'c/ldsUtils';
import getContactList from '@salesforce/apex/ContactController.getContactList';

export default class ContactList extends LightningElement {
    @wire(getContactList) contacts;

    handleSelect(event) {
        // 1. Prevent default behavior of anchor tag click which is to navigate to the href url
        // 2. Create a custom event that bubbles. Read about event best practices at http://developer.salesforce.com/docs/component-library/documentation/lwc/lwc.events_best_practices
        const selectEvent = new CustomEvent('contactselect', {
            detail: { contactId: event.currentTarget.dataset.contactId }
        // 3. Fire the custom event
    get errors() {
        return (this.accounts.error) ?
            reduceErrors(this.accounts.error) : [];

    <template if:true={contacts.data}>
        <template if:true={errors}>
        <template for:each={contacts.data} for:item="contact">
                        <img src={contact.Picture__c} alt="Profile photo" />
                    <lightning-layout-item padding="horizontal-small">

public with sharing class ContactController {
    public static List<Contact> getContactList() {
        throw new AuraHandledException('Forced error');
        /*return [
            SELECT Id, Name, Title, Phone, Email, Picture__c
            FROM Contact
            WHERE Picture__c != null
            LIMIT 10

    public static List<Contact> findContacts(String searchKey) {
        String key = '%' + searchKey + '%';
        return [
            SELECT Id, Name, Title, Phone, Email, Picture__c
            FROM Contact
            WHERE Name LIKE :key AND Picture__c != null
            LIMIT 10

    public static Contact getSingleContact() {
        return [
            SELECT Id, Name, Title, Phone, Email, Picture__c
            FROM Contact
            LIMIT 1

But I get this error We can’t find 'reduceErrors' imported into contactList.js. Any steps I need to take here.