• Girish Reddy 52
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I want to assign a default user as logged-in user to the user lookup field on my LWC form. How can I do this? Can anyone please help me with this
public with sharing class datatablecont {
    public static List<BMCServiceDesk__Incident__c> getInc(){
            return [select id,name from BMCServiceDesk__Incident__c ];    }

import { LightningElement,wire,track } from 'lwc';
import getInc from '@salesforce/apex/datatablecont.getInc';
const colm = [
    {label:'Id', fieldName:'Id', type:'id'},
    {label:'Name', fieldName:'Name', type:'text'}
export default class Datatable extends LightningElement {
    @track col = colm;
    @wire(getInc) getIncident;

    <lightning-card title="Incident Tickets">
        <lightning-datatable key-field="Id" data={getIncident} columns={col}></lightning-datatable>
I tried deleting the only component which I had earlier deployed, I created a new project and tried deploying this but got this error and was unable to find the solution even after googling. Please help me someone so that I can proceed with learning 
Aura Component 
<aura:component >
    <lightning:card title="Emp Details">
            <lightning:button label="Submit" onClick="{!c.Submit}"/>

    Submit : function(component, event, helper) {
        alert('Show Alert');

when I click on submit button it's not working at all, I tried writing another sample code but faced the same issue. Please help
Approval & Process builder is working fine on Sandbox, but this error is occurring on prod. I tried figuring out the problem but could not get anything.
Does anyone know what might be the problem why am I getting this error?
your help would be really appreciated, thank you 
" {\"isSuccess\":true,\"RequestNumber\":\"00208820\",\"RequestId\":\"a1T7c000002Pv29EAC\"}  " 

the double quotation is what I'm getting in the postman, I don't want them I just without quotations
Please help me
Thank You
I filled all the required fields still getting this error, someone please help me. Where is the mistake I'm unable to understand, is there a mistake in fulfillment mapping ? 
I meant to say more than two post methods which are doing different works
I think I made mistake in de-serializing & didnot use the map correctly. But not sure how to correct it. Yout help will be really appreciated 
    global static void doPost() 
         RestRequest req = RestContext.request;
        RestResponse res = Restcontext.response;       
        String requestJson = req.requestBody.toString();
        map<String, Object> jsonMap = (map<String, Object>) JSON.deserializeUntyped(requestJson);
        String Name = String.valueof(jsonMap.get('Name'));
        String Gender = String.valueof(jsonMap.get('Gender'));
        String Email = String.valueof(jsonMap.get('Email'));        
Can you please give an example for each it would be really helpful.
Thank You
Can you please give me an example of that code 
Hi, I have alread created an Object but I forgot to select Add Notes and 'Attachments related list to default page layout' this checkbox & my Object is ready now. How can I select this checkbox again ? Is there any option ?
This process I want to continue for new added users, so is there any method for this be automated or Should I indivdually keep changing the permissions for each users ?
I'm confused in assignment rule & queue , if we want to automate tranfer of owners of other than lead and case object, what should be done .

Please someone clarify my doubt
Tthank You
for example: here Opportunites & Opportunity is used

1. List<Account> Aop = [Select Name (Select Name, StageName From Opportunites) From Account];

2. for(Opportunity opp: acc.opportunity){
        system.debug('Child '+ opp.Stagename);
Hi, I have alread created an Object but I forgot to select Add Notes and 'Attachments related list to default page layout' this checkbox & my Object is ready now. How can I select this checkbox again ? Is there any option ?
I want to assign a default user as logged-in user to the user lookup field on my LWC form. How can I do this? Can anyone please help me with this
I tried deleting the only component which I had earlier deployed, I created a new project and tried deploying this but got this error and was unable to find the solution even after googling. Please help me someone so that I can proceed with learning 
Aura Component 
<aura:component >
    <lightning:card title="Emp Details">
            <lightning:button label="Submit" onClick="{!c.Submit}"/>

    Submit : function(component, event, helper) {
        alert('Show Alert');

when I click on submit button it's not working at all, I tried writing another sample code but faced the same issue. Please help
I filled all the required fields still getting this error, someone please help me. Where is the mistake I'm unable to understand, is there a mistake in fulfillment mapping ? 
This process I want to continue for new added users, so is there any method for this be automated or Should I indivdually keep changing the permissions for each users ?
i have created a app ..in which iam using standard objects..i want to restrict user not to see the records created by admin