• Chad Phillips 25
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I have a platform event.  When the platform event trigger fires, it does a callout to a 3rd party REST API.  The Apex method is marked @future(callout = true).  If the 3rd party REST API has a timeout, I would like to have the platform event retry.

The issue is since the code is @future(callout = true), the platform event fires and doesn't wait to see if the callout completes.

Is there a way to catch the timeout in my Apex code and have it cause the platform event to later retry?

thank you
I have a Connected App that provides SAML SSO.  We use this so our Experience Cloud users can SSO on to a 3rd party website.

When I use "login as user" I am unable to use the Connected App to SSO on to the 3rd party website.
Does Salesforce prevent the "login as user" feature from using Connected Apps?
thank you

Does anyone know a way to report or download a list of all ThirdPartyAccountLink?  I tried using Workbench, but can only download 2,500 records and have not been able to figure out how to report on it.

Anyone know how to do that?
thank you

My company has a Salesforce community.  The business is asking that we make community sessions perpetual.  Meaning, once a customer logs in once, they NEVER need to log in again.  They want thier community sessions to NEVER time out.

Am I correct in saying the closest Salesforce will allow is 24 hours of inactivity and there is no way around that?

Does anyone know of any blog posts are articles explaining why Salesforce uses a max of 24 hours of inactivity?  I understand the security concerns, but need something in writing explaining them (but I can't seem to find them).

Is it correct to say that Salesforce Communities will not allow a perpetual login?

Anyone know of any articles explaining why?

thank you