• Lavinia Ciobanu
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Hi everyone!

I have an issue and I cannot figure it out what's the problem.
I have created a flow for changing shipping method and updating delivery address. When I run the flow with my system administrator profile everything goes as expected. When I try to run with a supervisior profile I have an issue when it tries to update some fields on OrderDeliveryGroupSummary Object and I have this error: : INVALID_FIELD_FOR_INSERT_UPDATE: Unable to create/update fields: DeliverToCountry, DeliverToCity, DeliverToName, DeliverToState, DeliverToPostalCode, DeliverToStreet. Please check the security settings of this field and verify that it is read/write for your profile or permission set

The problem is that I checked the object permission for this profile and it has the same permission as a system administrator. I gave access for everything this flow needs. These fields are not visible in the object because they are address type I believe, they are visibile only in Workbench, so I can not give access directly to these fields, but it's the same for System administrator and it works. How to solve this issue? Please help

Thank you!
Hi everyone!

I am new to creating flows and I need some advice.
I have the following scenario in order management: I have a fulfillment order and when the delivery method is changed from ShipToHome to ShipToStore and vice versa, the delivery address must be updated (according to home address or store address). I have created a triggered flow for this.

But the problem is that when delivery method is changed from ShipToHome to ShipToStore, I need a screen component because the user needs to choose a store location from a list. If I make this, the flow needs to be a screen flow and then I can not trigger it when that field (deliveryMethod) is updated.

So how can I do this? For me it seems that I need both triggered flow and screen flow.

Thank you in advance.
Hi everyone!

I have an issue and I cannot figure it out what's the problem.
I have created a flow for changing shipping method and updating delivery address. When I run the flow with my system administrator profile everything goes as expected. When I try to run with a supervisior profile I have an issue when it tries to update some fields on OrderDeliveryGroupSummary Object and I have this error: : INVALID_FIELD_FOR_INSERT_UPDATE: Unable to create/update fields: DeliverToCountry, DeliverToCity, DeliverToName, DeliverToState, DeliverToPostalCode, DeliverToStreet. Please check the security settings of this field and verify that it is read/write for your profile or permission set

The problem is that I checked the object permission for this profile and it has the same permission as a system administrator. I gave access for everything this flow needs. These fields are not visible in the object because they are address type I believe, they are visibile only in Workbench, so I can not give access directly to these fields, but it's the same for System administrator and it works. How to solve this issue? Please help

Thank you!
Hi everyone!

I have an issue and I cannot figure it out what's the problem.
I have created a flow for changing shipping method and updating delivery address. When I run the flow with my system administrator profile everything goes as expected. When I try to run with a supervisior profile I have an issue when it tries to update some fields on OrderDeliveryGroupSummary Object and I have this error: : INVALID_FIELD_FOR_INSERT_UPDATE: Unable to create/update fields: DeliverToCountry, DeliverToCity, DeliverToName, DeliverToState, DeliverToPostalCode, DeliverToStreet. Please check the security settings of this field and verify that it is read/write for your profile or permission set

The problem is that I checked the object permission for this profile and it has the same permission as a system administrator. I gave access for everything this flow needs. These fields are not visible in the object because they are address type I believe, they are visibile only in Workbench, so I can not give access directly to these fields, but it's the same for System administrator and it works. How to solve this issue? Please help

Thank you!