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It would be nice if there was a field within Salesforce Events and Tasks that could store an external ID for synchronization (length 255 chars).  You have the new synchronization APIs but it would be nice if you could grab an external ID from Salesforce Events and Tasks. This would save a query against a customer's external database for the Salesforce Event and Task ID. 

Providing the Deleted items table and Updated items has made bi directional synchronization almost completely possible.  However one more field would make things just right to complete calendar synchronization with Exchange Server without having to add custom fields to salesforce to improve performance.

Could you comment whether this will be available in future versions.


Geoff Pearce


I have an application that automatically saves email attachments.  At startup is there a method to determine if the document/attachment feature is available for the Salesforce customer?

In VBScript how can I set the SessionID on the SForceSession object?  I dont want to login rather I want to use and existing sessionID.

I require to create the object

Set binding = CreateObject("SForceOfficeToolkit.SForceSession")

binding.<Set_Session_Member_or_Property> = SessionID

Rather than

Set binding = CreateObject("SForceOfficeToolkit.SForceSession")

document.writeln("Sales Force Login")
MeSession = binding.Login("<username>", "<password>", False)

How do you store email attachments within SalesForce?  I know for the email with the plain text is stored in a Task related to a Account or Contact. However I do not see how to relate the Task to an item in the stored documents.  Attachments seem to only permit parent IDs to be accounts or contacts but not tasks.
If you add an email from an earlier date (synchronizing and old message store) is it possible to change the creation date to reflect the creation date of the email?  The field dates within the Attachment Table are not accessible from the API

I am doing a call on the user table an whenever I enter the "first name" field for my select list it produces the following.  If I user other fields that do not contain spaces then the query is successful.

"Bad field name 'first name' in select list of query call"

Is there a table which lists the IDs or deleted contacts?  Otherwise is there another way to know which contacts have been deleted recently?  I would prefer not to search each ID to see if it still exists in the contact table.

Thank you for any help provided


         I have a peculiar problem when i add a lead in the smart Lead Application.When i fill in the details and call the createAPI then a  SoapException is thrown sometimes and sometimes the system works fine (the Lead record is successfully inserted) but on failure it thows the following exception


System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "" at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters) at SmartLead.SalesForcelib.SforceService.create(sObject[] sObjects) in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\SmartLead\Web References\SalesForcelib\Reference.cs:line 143 at SmartLead.Connection.InsertRecordsToSFDC(Hashtable RecordTable, String entity, String SID, String URL, String& errmsg, String& recordID) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\smartlead\connection.cs:line 4

Exception is thrown at the following line during the create call of Partner wsdl 

SaveResult[] saveResult=binding.create(new sObject[]{newaccount});

I would appreciate if someone is able to provide a solution for the above problem

                                                                                             Thanks And Regards





Any one know of a way to keep Exchange and SF.com in sync automatically. (not using a manualy triggered Intellisync).


Field Salesforce with GPRS enabled outlook devices (Blackberry's, XDA and other).

Want to make sure they are notified when someone else books them for an appointment and when they book an appointment. For various reasons just using Exchange or just using SF.com will not work.

Does anyone know of 3rd party synchronisation tool?



Does anyone have any idea why getDelete always fails even when a records have been deleted from a relerven t Sforce object (I tried this on Contact and Account)

It always failed returning a null value....the block of code I used was a further development to the sample c# code provided in Help documentation.

sforce.GetDeletedResult gdr = binding.getDeleted("Contact", startTimeU, endTimeU);

if (gdr.deletedRecords != null) //always returns null even when records have been deleted in relarvant time block


if (gdr.deletedRecords.Length > 0){

//if (gdr.deletedRecords != null && gdr.deletedRecords.Length > 0){ //this combination did not work either

for (int i=0;i<gdr.deletedRecords.Length;i++)


//Console.WriteLine(gdr.deletedRecords[i].id + " was deleted on " + gdr.deletedRecords[i].deletedDate.ToString());

// Invoke retrieve call and save results in an array of SObjects

sforce.sObject[] records = binding.retrieve("Id", "Contact", new String[] {gdr.deletedRecords[i].id});

sforce.Contact contact = (sforce.Contact)records[0];

// Get the contact properties

//System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("ID is: "+ contact.Id);

//Delete Contact query here

Delete_ContactRecord(contact.Id);//remove records from local DB




Has any one come across any similar problems with Getdeleted in C# .The GetUpdate works fine. Any work around methods or code sample to solve this problem is much appreciate as it is kind of important to a protoype we are developing currently.

Thanks in advance




I was wondering if anyone had attacked syncing SalesForces data with Microsoft Exchange's data.

As, I'm sure my company is simlar to many in that many of our users are constantly in Outlook and use Exchange as a backend to hold Customer addresses and emails in a Global Address list.
Along with having pre-definded Email Groups i.e. USCustomers, that they can quickly send off a quick email to the group of USCustomers that would get sent to many external customer emails.

But at the same time we would like to use Sales Force's great power as our CRM package.
I guess what it comes down to is...Is there anyway NOT to have to update a Customer's email in both Exchange AND Sales Force.


  • November 10, 2004
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In VBScript how can I set the SessionID on the SForceSession object?  I dont want to login rather I want to use and existing sessionID.

I require to create the object

Set binding = CreateObject("SForceOfficeToolkit.SForceSession")

binding.<Set_Session_Member_or_Property> = SessionID

Rather than

Set binding = CreateObject("SForceOfficeToolkit.SForceSession")

document.writeln("Sales Force Login")
MeSession = binding.Login("<username>", "<password>", False)

How do you store email attachments within SalesForce?  I know for the email with the plain text is stored in a Task related to a Account or Contact. However I do not see how to relate the Task to an item in the stored documents.  Attachments seem to only permit parent IDs to be accounts or contacts but not tasks.
If you add an email from an earlier date (synchronizing and old message store) is it possible to change the creation date to reflect the creation date of the email?  The field dates within the Attachment Table are not accessible from the API

I am doing a call on the user table an whenever I enter the "first name" field for my select list it produces the following.  If I user other fields that do not contain spaces then the query is successful.

"Bad field name 'first name' in select list of query call"

One of the things I asked SF about early on was how we get customer emails into the system. They said we needed to copy-paste the contents of the email into SF. After realising they weren't joking (!), I was pleased to hear about the Outlook plugin, which deals with many of my concerns.

But.. this still relies on a human being to shove an incoming email into the system. So if for example a customer emails us, and we're short-staffed, and the email doesn't get dragged into SF for a few hours, it negates a lot of the benefits of the queuing and auto-escalation systems.

So my curiosity is whether anyone has put together, or is considering putting together, an app that will poll a mail server (for us, it would need to be via IMAP), pull incoming emails into SF, and then file them in another folder. The benefit then is that emails go directly and almost immediately into SF to be handled appropriately.

Is this feasible given the way SF works? How would emails be pulled in? How can we ensure emails that are pulled in are dealt with appropriately by support and sales personnel? My sense is that for this to work all emails would need to be shoved into SF as Cases, to ensure they were seen and handled by customer service people. Would that cause problems?

I welcome your thoughts.


  • August 07, 2003
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