• Jonas S.
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  • Member since 2004

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Currently we need to enter our orders twice, both in SalesForce and in our own order system. I would like to make it possible to only enter the order once in SalesForce. Then it should be transfered to our system and the there the seller only needs to say if it's ok or not.
But for this top work I need to have the order transfered as soon as the seller has entered it in SalesForce and I'm having problems finding a way for this. Is this possible or do I have to wait and then poll by for instance issuing a getUpdated-call?
I have som products (Product2) that I would like to have in a pricebook (Pricebook2). And I can use PricebookEntry to place them in the pricebook. But I would also be able to set the UnitPrice without messing up my standard pricebook.
If I follow:
I get the product in my standard pricebook also. Or am I missing out on something here?
Is there a way to associate a Lead with an Account? Just like it's possible with an opportunity by setting the field AccountId to ID of the Account.
Currently we need to enter our orders twice, both in SalesForce and in our own order system. I would like to make it possible to only enter the order once in SalesForce. Then it should be transfered to our system and the there the seller only needs to say if it's ok or not.
But for this top work I need to have the order transfered as soon as the seller has entered it in SalesForce and I'm having problems finding a way for this. Is this possible or do I have to wait and then poll by for instance issuing a getUpdated-call?
Have any developers tried or thought about using XUL asa front end for salesforce. Or would any developers like to co-develop one.

Also anyone familiar or know XUL.