• MarkerV
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.net doesn't seem to have a problem with the v9 wsdl, but xmlspy doesn't like the fact that the soapaction is empty. 
according to the spec...For the HTTP protocol binding of SOAP, this is value required (it has no default value).  i don't really care to start a sfdc vs altova discussion, but is this just a case of the spec being interpreted differently?  thanks.
Does anyone have an example of creating a record (either task or custom object) using the API called from an S-Control using Javascript?

I've been able to create a query, but cannot figure out the syntax for creating a new record.  Using an S-control to interact with a 3rd party fulfillment center, but need to track shipping details (passed back to s-control) within SFDC.

I've found a VB example, and examples of doing other stuff with the API, but there's no good documentation or examples I can find for creating a new record.

I've been tasked with getting real-time info from an external .NET app to display within salesforce.

I'm looking for an example where I can be on a contact record, click a link that will pass data to another system/webservice that returns data. We don't want to pass it in the URL for security reasons.

I was thinking, for testing purposes...of calling a WS from weather.com or something based on the contacts zip and then displaying that in a custom tab. Unfortunately, I'm not having a lot of luck finding examples or how tos...

I'm still trying to figure all this webservice stuff out and figured if I could find an example, and maybe good instructions it would help.

Any help would be appreciated.
I've been asked this question and see references to it here, but what the heck is it?

This came up in that we're trying to display data from another system (real time) in SF, might be using a weblink since from a contact record we'll lose what record we were on by clicking on a tab...in any event...what's a wil?
Is it possible to have Lead Related Lists become Contact Related Lists upon conversion?

We have related lists associated with a lead, but when we convert the leads to a contact, we must recreate the related list association. Is there a way to have those related lists automatically come accorss with the conversion?
I have a need to create a formula field based on a Multi-select field. I'm trying to do something like:
If(CONTAINS({!multifieldname__c}, "Value"), "Yes", "No")

But getting an error in that it wont let me use a multiselect field. Even ISPICKVAL doesn't work for a multi select.

Is this a limitation on SFDC?

I found the suggested way to do a round robin lead assignment:
MOD(VALUE({!Lead_Number__c}) ,3)  using the custom auto-number field called Lead Number.

That's great, if I want all my leads to be assigned evenly through all Queues or Reps, BUT...We are set up to do territory assignment.  The problem is, some territories are split.  So for example leads that come in from NYC need to be distributed evenly between 3 reps. 

If we use the above solution above, I will not be distributing leads evenly between the 3 NYC reps because the Lead Number field is assigned on the creation of the lead.  If every 3rd lead happens to come in from NYC, then EVERY lead for NYC would go to the same rep. 

Basically, I am going to set up so that I route to my Territory Queues based on whatever criteria I have (Zip, State..etc).  Then for any Territory that has multiple Reps, I need to do a round robin AT THAT POINT.  I'd love it if I could set the auto-number field based on what territory the lead goes into.

Any ideas?

Another way to look at it is if I had Sales people that specialized in particular products.  If a lead for Product A came in, it needed to be distributed between Reps 1, 2 and 3...If a lead came in for Product B, it needs to be distributed to Reps 4, 5 and 6.

The Auto Number incriments all the leads together, so I can divide them up evenly within the 2 groups.  I did think about using the auto number, then forcing it to be odd or even (Auto Num * 2 for even, Auto Num * 2 +1 for odd), which might work for 2 groups, but I'll have 4 or 5 groups, not just 2.

Message Edited by MarkerV on 08-24-2005 09:22 AM

I've been using Eclipse for awhile to dev sControls and a whole lot of other stuff (php, perl, javascript...).
Yesterday I got access to Apex on my Dev account and was ready to get started...
1) upgrades eclipse to 3.2.1
2) java 1.5-08
3) installed the apex toolkit

 but now... neither AppExchange Toolkit nor the Apex Toolkit

all issues loading classes.

What give? Or what did I do wrong :smileyhappy: and how do I fix it?

  • February 15, 2007
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Does anyone have an example of creating a record (either task or custom object) using the API called from an S-Control using Javascript?

I've been able to create a query, but cannot figure out the syntax for creating a new record.  Using an S-control to interact with a 3rd party fulfillment center, but need to track shipping details (passed back to s-control) within SFDC.

I've found a VB example, and examples of doing other stuff with the API, but there's no good documentation or examples I can find for creating a new record.

Is it possible to have Lead Related Lists become Contact Related Lists upon conversion?

We have related lists associated with a lead, but when we convert the leads to a contact, we must recreate the related list association. Is there a way to have those related lists automatically come accorss with the conversion?
Is it possible to change values in the opportunity stage history without creating new entries?

Specifically, we have changed our sales model and the stages associated. We would like to update history records to match the new picklist values.
Is this possible?

Does any one know what this means?

Message Edited by Maxxum on 08-22-2005 08:21 AM

  • August 22, 2005
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I'm trying to implement the sample Google Maps S-Control, and not having much luck.

I'm about ready to abandon the idea, but thought I'd check for some assistance first.

I'm referring to the sample s-Control which does not require your own server, and is described at:

I've followed the proscribed steps of:
   > Adding two custom fields to Account, Contact, and Lead
   > Building the sControl from the sample code
   > Creating a Web tab
   > Configuring the browser to allow "Access data sources across domains"

When I open the page, I get:

   > Pop-up message:
"The Google Maps API key used on this web site was registered for a different web site. You can generate a new key for this web site at http://www.google.com/apis/maps"

   > Errors displaying the page:
"Line 721, char 2, Error: 'GIcon' is undefined, Code 0
URL: https://ssl.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.Integration?lid=01N00000000007b&enc-UTF-8
Line 736, char 1, Error: 'GMap' is undefined, Code 0
URL: https://salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.Integration?lid=01N00000000007b&enc-UTF-8

   > The dialogs (e.g. picking criteria and searching) don'e function.

I tried the api page mentioned in the message but, if I'm reading this right, it appears that I'd need to apply for an api key for one of the salesforce.com urls?

Any thoughts gratefully accepted.


Updated the first link, and removed links which are just text.

Message Edited by Scot on 07-27-2005 05:53 PM

  • July 27, 2005
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Hey there,


Can anyone out there give me a few pointers on how one creates/inserts a new record within a contact's Activity History?  My situation is a follows:

  • I've developed an ActiveX control that performs some operations relating (potentially) to an sfdc contact or lead.
  • I want to lookup the contact/lead by its email address.
  • With that contact/lead ID in hand, I'd like to insert an entry (ie. task) within the Activity History of the contact or lead.
  • I am using Javascript.

Any help would be greatly appeciated!  Ae

Thanks in advance,



  • June 14, 2005
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