• guitardj
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Hi all,

I wonder if anyone can help me with this problem.  In the opportunity, there is a field called "close date", so whenever I use excel connector to retrieve opportunities, I would like to write a SOQL statement to only retrieve the opportunity with the most recent close date. 

Please let me know what you think.  I am currently using excel connector's callable function, soql_table.. here is my statement

soql_table("Opportunity", "Workspace_ID__c = " & "'" & sourceWSID & "'")

This statement sometimes returns mutiple opportunities, so if i can add in the SOQL statement on close date, then it will be perfect and return only the "most recent close date opportunity"

Your help is much appreciated.
Hi all,

I wonder if there is a way to merge between two opportunities. Let's say that I have a awy to find opportunities that are related with each other, then is there a way to do the merge between those two opportunities on the salesforce.com GUI interface?

I've pretty much thought of many ways, but none of them actually work, your advices would be much appreciated.

Thank you
Take care
Hi all,

How are you all doing?

I am not sure if this is doable or not. But i am definitely open to suggestions.

The question is, is there a way to list up all the opportunities using a common key. My company has a custom field called workspace ID, and there are opportunities which share the same workspace ID. So what I need to do is to creae a custom object or fields that will list up all the opportunities that share the same workspace ID under the Opportunity view page.

please dont hestiate to share your thoughts. Thank you so much!

Take care
Hi all,

I'm a newbie using salesforce Webservices API. My question is pretty straightfoward. Is there a way to create a custom link through salesforce Webservices API? If there is, may someone please write the code here to show me how? I would appreciate it if this is done in Java or VB.

Thank you VERY MUCH!!
Take care
Hi all,

I am a partner API newbie. Your help will be much appreciated.

I use Eclipse to run the PartnerSamepled.java file and when I tried to create an Account or a contact, I see this exception message saying that "Non nillable element 'id' is null" . I've spent the entire weekend trying to resolve this issue, however, there is still no luck to it. Does this mean I have to code in the ID field for the account or contact?

In case you guys wonder, I use java SDK 1.4.2, Axis 1.2.1, Eclipse 3.1 and everything can be compiled.

BTW, this problem can be fixed when I go back to Axis 1.1. But I really would like to use Axis 1.2.1 instead of 1.1 with Partner WSDL. So if any of you can point out what's wrong with the code or how to fix this problem, I would really appreciate it!

Thank you and God bless
Hi all,

Is there a way to group opportunities that share a common field together on salesforce.com? I.E. two opportunties shares the same common field, sales person name, then I can do a lookup or search to group or link those two opportunities together. Maybe custom object, doing relationship?

I am not too sure since I am still a newbie using salesforce.com. Please advise. Thank you so much.

Take care
Hi all,

I'm a newbie using salesforce Webservices API. My question is pretty straightfoward. Is there a way to create a custom link through salesforce Webservices API? If there is, may someone please write the code here to show me how? I would appreciate it if this is done in Java or VB.

Thank you VERY MUCH!!
Take care
Hi all,

I am a partner API newbie. Your help will be much appreciated.

I use Eclipse to run the PartnerSamepled.java file and when I tried to create an Account or a contact, I see this exception message saying that "Non nillable element 'id' is null" . I've spent the entire weekend trying to resolve this issue, however, there is still no luck to it. Does this mean I have to code in the ID field for the account or contact?

In case you guys wonder, I use java SDK 1.4.2, Axis 1.2.1, Eclipse 3.1 and everything can be compiled.

BTW, this problem can be fixed when I go back to Axis 1.1. But I really would like to use Axis 1.2.1 instead of 1.1 with Partner WSDL. So if any of you can point out what's wrong with the code or how to fix this problem, I would really appreciate it!

Thank you and God bless