• Flash
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I just want to confirm that I can not create a Custom Object and then define a lookup relationship to that same Custom Object (to create a hierarchical relationship, for example). An example might be a Custom Object called "Folder" which has a lookup relationship called "Parent Folder" of type "Folder".
  • February 13, 2006
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I thought I could create multiple Record Types for my Custom Object and a corresponding Page Layout for each Record Type so that a different UI can be rendered depending on the Record Type.

For example, if I had a Custom Object called "Product" and we sell 3 different kinds of products, each with 10 custom fields unique to themselves, I thought I could add all 30 custom fields to my Product object and then create 3 Record Types, one for each thing we sell and a different Page Layout that just has the custom fields that relate to it.

Well I created all that, and made all the right Page Assignments, but when I click "New", it just goes to the Page Layout associated with the "Master" Record Type. (I figured "New" would now be forced to first ask me what kind of Product I wanted to create and then, depending on what I select (i.e. what Record Type I picked), it would then take me to whatever Page Layout was to be used for that Record Type.)

From searching this discussion board, it looked to me like maybe what I'm trying to do isn't supported with Custom Ojbect yet, but I just wanted to double check. Thanks in advance!

Message Edited by Flash on 02-09-2006 01:20 PM

  • February 09, 2006
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I have two custom objects configured in a master-detail relationship: an "Order" object and a "Line Item" object.

I click on an existing Order and see a section for the related Line Items. I click "New" to create a new Line Item and fill out its details. So far so good. I then click "Save" and expect to return to the Order (showing the newly-added Line Item) but, instead, it just displays the newly-saved Line Item and I have to click on my "Orders" tab and find the Order I was just on in order to get back to it.

Is this the correct behavior or am I doing something wrong?
  • February 08, 2006
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I have a custom "Order" object that, after the user fills it out, I want to "assign" it to some other User or Role to fulfill: so the people that should have read/write access to this order should be the person that created it (and perhaps people above them in the role hierarchy) and the User or Role that they assigned it to, but I can't figure out how to make that work: I don't see a way to grant "named user" or "named role" access.

Is this a limitation of custom objects, or of salesforce.com in general, or am I doing something wrong?
  • February 08, 2006
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I have a custom "Order" object with a lookup relationship to a custom "Service Provider" object. I want to create a rule that triggers only when a new Order is created for a particular Service Provider, but relationship fields don't appear in the Workflow Rule builder: it looks like I can only define workflow rules off of the non-relationship fields (for custom objects, anyway).

Am I doing something wrong, or is this a limitation of custom objects?
  • February 08, 2006
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I have a custom "Order" object with a picklist "status" field. I want to enforce that an Order's status starts as "Pending", then "Submitted", then "In Progress", then "Complete", or some other specific sequence of status changes.

What's the best approach for trying to enforce these kinds of state transitions? (e.g. how would I prevent somebody from changing an "in progress" order back to "pending", etc.?)
  • February 08, 2006
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I just want to confirm that I can not create a Custom Object and then define a lookup relationship to that same Custom Object (to create a hierarchical relationship, for example). An example might be a Custom Object called "Folder" which has a lookup relationship called "Parent Folder" of type "Folder".
  • February 13, 2006
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I thought I could create multiple Record Types for my Custom Object and a corresponding Page Layout for each Record Type so that a different UI can be rendered depending on the Record Type.

For example, if I had a Custom Object called "Product" and we sell 3 different kinds of products, each with 10 custom fields unique to themselves, I thought I could add all 30 custom fields to my Product object and then create 3 Record Types, one for each thing we sell and a different Page Layout that just has the custom fields that relate to it.

Well I created all that, and made all the right Page Assignments, but when I click "New", it just goes to the Page Layout associated with the "Master" Record Type. (I figured "New" would now be forced to first ask me what kind of Product I wanted to create and then, depending on what I select (i.e. what Record Type I picked), it would then take me to whatever Page Layout was to be used for that Record Type.)

From searching this discussion board, it looked to me like maybe what I'm trying to do isn't supported with Custom Ojbect yet, but I just wanted to double check. Thanks in advance!

Message Edited by Flash on 02-09-2006 01:20 PM

  • February 09, 2006
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I have two custom objects configured in a master-detail relationship: an "Order" object and a "Line Item" object.

I click on an existing Order and see a section for the related Line Items. I click "New" to create a new Line Item and fill out its details. So far so good. I then click "Save" and expect to return to the Order (showing the newly-added Line Item) but, instead, it just displays the newly-saved Line Item and I have to click on my "Orders" tab and find the Order I was just on in order to get back to it.

Is this the correct behavior or am I doing something wrong?
  • February 08, 2006
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