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  • November 04, 2010
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正月休みに勉強がてらSOQLを補完するWebアプリを作りました。まあObject BrowserとかOracle SQL Developer使ってる人にはお馴染みのやつです。






  • January 07, 2013
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I've created a web app to auto-complete SOQL reading the organization schema, using jison parser and generator in coffeescript.






I think Eclipse or other development platform may support Apex completion, but not SOQL. 

Currently it is not imlementing full feature of console (no output result for query), but usefull to create a valid SOQL in easier way.


  • January 07, 2013
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I've created a sample app using OAuth2 user-agent flow, i.e. JavaScript based client, without any server side code.




Because Salesforce doesn't support XMLHttpRequest level2 yet, (but they are already having crossdomain.xml) I proxied the request to flash, using flXHR project (http://flxhr.flensed.com/). I hacked a little to work in current Ajax Toolkit. I hope in future REST API will support crossdomain feature like XHRl2 or something else.



This is just an aside, but when I was creating this example I felt that it is not acceptable for most OAuth consumers to ask users to install the package before its authentication. Not only it is far from user-centricity but also it could be a reason for API consumers to continue gathering user's login name and password.


I posted the idea on IdeaExchange. If you are interested, please read it and vote.




  • November 25, 2010
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In Winter '11, it is announced that search() API on FeedPost and FeedComment is introduced. When I'm using search API using SOSL on FeedComment I encountered an error which tells following message.


SOSL in search API :



FIND {*chat*} RETURNING FeedComment(CommentBody)


Error Message :


faultstringUNKNOWN_EXCEPTION: An unexpected error occurred. Please include this ErrorId if you contact support: 451082378-1095 (-1079906384)


It only occurs when I logged in as a standard user. If I logged in as an administrator it does not fail.

Is there anyone who have encountered similar problem before ?


  • November 25, 2010
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Folks, I found that OAuth feature (Remote Access) is now available for all orgs at last, but I'm doubting there's a fatal defect.


When reading help page of Remote Access feature (https://na7.salesforce.com/help/doc/en/remoteaccess_authenticate.htm) and referring OAuth core 1.0A spec (http://oauth.net/core/1.0a), I found current salesforce's behaviour is not fullfilling the specification.


In the help page it is described that it requires oauth_consumer_key parameter in Authorization redirect phase (see "Authorizing the User" section), but the 1.0A spec is not (see 6.2.1). It is not only a documentation bug, but it actually raises error when no oauth_consumer_key is passed. 


I'm not sure why salesforce requires consumer key other than oauth_token. Consumer key is considered not to be exposed to the users, so not used as a parameter during the user redirection.


I'm writing code that connects to salesforce using OAuth library on python, but not successful mainly because this spec violation.

  • October 21, 2009
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If you interestend in developing a custom web pages inside Salesforce, Visualforce might be a good way to do that, but still requires development skills, like tag editting.

Afrous Dashboard, which is recently published on AppExchange, might be an alternative solution when the pages are highly needed to be customized by the end users.

This application is really cool because ... please see this movie. You'll find that it's really like "iGoogle". You can create these full-Ajax web pages only by drag and drop operation. All salesforce standard objects (Account, Contact, Opportunities...) and even custom objects can be embedded as widgets.

Importantly, this application is using Visualforce and Force.com API, and entirely running on the Force.com platform. That is, no other outer servers are involved (=native). Recent salesforce update that enabled packaging of Visualforce and static resources enabled us to publish this application.

Also we're using JavaScript library "Ext JS", which is a popular Ajax widget library, included in the package as a static resource.

Please visit the AppExchange site and install it in your org (of cource, DE is OK). Even if you are a pure developer, this might be simply interesting how we did it on the Force.com platform. And see and meet us at Dreamforce ! We are holding the booth there.

  • October 31, 2008
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Recently I noticed that flex toolkit can send crossdomain requests to Salesforce, because Salesforce have crossdomain policy file in /services/Soap/u/cross-domain.xml in each pods (na1-5,ap,emea). If we were willing to login from flex application - using username/password, not using sessionid - first we have to send login request to www.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/10.0, but www currently seems not having cross-domain.xml in that path, except for the default https://www.salesforce.com/crossdomain.xml, which seems really restricted to particular 3rd party vendor (I don't know why they selected them)

Is there anyone who have used or heard about this cross-domain policy ?

  • October 02, 2007
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From R3.7 I found metadata api methods (e.g. createObject) are newly added, and I also found some scripts like CustomObject.as are also included in source code folder of that release.

However, when compiling I encountered compile error telling no CustomObject class found in .swc file.

It seems that there is some difference between released binary file and bundled source code. Of course I can workaround by compiling the toolkit from source code file, but wellcome to be fixed officialy.
  • August 21, 2007
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Another flex question. I couldn't find out it is intended or not.
Unlike AJAX Toolkit, describeSObject method in flex toolkit returns "fields" field as hash object, not in array.

AJAX Toolkit:

  • August 03, 2007
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I'm now start using flex toolkit for apex, and had a trouble while creating record with dateTime attribute. For example, following code doesn't work properly.
var event1:SObject = new SObject('Event');
event1.Subject = 'event #1';
event1.ActivityDateTime = new Date(2007, 7, 30, 9, 0, 0); // 2007-07-30:09:00:00+9:00
event1.DurationInMinutes = 60;
var event2:SObject = new SObject('Event');
event2.Subject = 'event #2';
event2.ActivityDateTime = new Date(2007, 7, 30, 8, 0, 0); // 2007-07-30:08:00:00+9:00
event2.DurationInMinutes = 60;
conn.create([ event1, event2 ], new AsyncResponder(handleResult));
Both records were successfully inserted, but not correctly for event #2. The date of event #2 became  next day, 2007-07-31.
First I thought it might be caused by some bugs in flex toolkit manipulating timezone offset (because my current timezone is +9:00 (JST), and the incorrect insertion always happens before 9:00 a.m. ). Following test code might explain this  (I'm using Flex Toolkit PR3.6)
<—xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"–>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
applicationComplete="test()" >
import com.salesforce.Util;

private function test():void {
var d:Date = new Date();
for (var i:int=0; i<24; i++) {
output.text += Util.dateTimeToString(d)+'\n';
<mx:TextArea id="output" width="100%" height="800"/>
and output is here:

From the mid of the output line you can see timezone offset becomes +9:00 to -15:00, but the date itself is still remains 2007-07-30.
"2007-07-30T08:20:08.95-15:00" is considered as "
2007-07-31T08:20:08.95+09:00", so it's not a valid dateTime format for the designated date.



  • July 30, 2007
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Recently I have a chance to use a new feature called "AJAX Proxy", which enables the web service callouts from S-Control pages, and just tried it to access an external XML web services. But I got a following error when invoking a web services which is provided via "http" scheme. The error tells me that  "400 Endpoint protocol(http/https) mismatch:".

I can't understand why such a restriction has been introduced. I'm seeing it is kind of excessive regulation and narrowing the possibility of AJAX Proxy. I can work around it by setting my S-Control page url from https: to http:, but changing user's page unsecure seems not to be recommended.

This feature is what we've longly waited for. I want to use it, but the restriction disturbs.

  • June 26, 2007
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with(sforce.connection)deleteIds(query("SELECT Id FROM "+sobjectType).getArray('records').map(function(r){return r.Id}))


This should work in Firefox 1.5 + and IE7.
IE6 with prototype.js is also OK (Array.prototype.map is defined).
Note that it deletes only up to 200 records (deleteIds maximum is 200...).

You can use this snippet sforce.debug.open() window or firebug.
  • May 24, 2007
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I heard about Salesforce SOA that enables to invoke outer web services from salesforce. They said that Salesforce SOA will have the feature to create apex SOAP web services client stub from WSDL. But how about REST calls ?

Because the demonstration is showing the integration with Google Docs&Spreadsheet, and Google's GData service is kind of REST interface, I expect that it might have the other way to invoke them.


  • May 24, 2007
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We, multi-byte language users, are always worrying about SControl-based AppX apps which are only written in English and requires enourmous amount of time to translate them to local language. Native apps, on the other hand, is a bit easier because all resources are separated in metadata.

Are there any best-practices for making SControl apps with i18n? If you don't have right now, let's consider how they should be like? I hope some knowledgable guys in this area would return some comments...
  • March 13, 2007
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While creating AJAX Toolkit apps I encountered an unexpected error, saying
uncaught exception: {faultcode:'soapenv:Client', faultstring:'Attribute "xmlns" bound to namespace "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/" was already specified for element "query".', }
After long time debugging I finally found out following two libraries are conflicting, prototype.js and AJAX Toolkit. This simple S-Control would raise same error message.

    <script type="text/javascript" src="/soap/ajax/8.0/connection.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://prototypejs.org/assets/2007/1/18/prototype.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">    
window.onload = function() {
  var res = sforce.connection.query('SELECT count() FROM Account', function(res) { alert(res.size) })
It appears that some array prototype overiding in prototype.js causes this problem. Now prototype.js is one of the most major JavaScript library, do you have any workaround from AJAX Toolkit side?
  • January 30, 2007
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I heard that dojo is going to be supported in winter '07, but I found that in my pre-release environment they only have the version of 0.3.1.
I'd like to use some of 0.4 features in my apps (like FilteringTable widget - in 0.3.1, only SortableTable is available, and it's already deprecated).
Is salesforce.com hosting any newer version of dojo ?


  • January 01, 2007
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Returned "Undefined" when using Google apps script to downloading Account data from Opportunity. Please help me to get proper record from Field "Account.Name".

Copied following method.

Modified as followings:

from: Opportunity
fields: Id,Account.Name

// Query account data from Salesforce, using REST API with OAuth2 access token.
  var fields = "Id,Account.Name";
  var soql = "SELECT "+fields+" FROM Opportunity LIMIT 100";
  var queryUrl = instanceUrl + "/services/data/v21.0/query?q="+encodeURIComponent(soql);
  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(queryUrl, { method : "GET", headers : { "Authorization" : "OAuth "+accessToken } });
  var queryResult = Utilities.jsonParse(response.getContentText());



I've created a web app to auto-complete SOQL reading the organization schema, using jison parser and generator in coffeescript.






I think Eclipse or other development platform may support Apex completion, but not SOQL. 

Currently it is not imlementing full feature of console (no output result for query), but usefull to create a valid SOQL in easier way.


  • January 07, 2013
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In Winter '11, it is announced that search() API on FeedPost and FeedComment is introduced. When I'm using search API using SOSL on FeedComment I encountered an error which tells following message.


SOSL in search API :



FIND {*chat*} RETURNING FeedComment(CommentBody)


Error Message :


faultstringUNKNOWN_EXCEPTION: An unexpected error occurred. Please include this ErrorId if you contact support: 451082378-1095 (-1079906384)


It only occurs when I logged in as a standard user. If I logged in as an administrator it does not fail.

Is there anyone who have encountered similar problem before ?


  • November 25, 2010
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  • November 04, 2010
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Folks, I found that OAuth feature (Remote Access) is now available for all orgs at last, but I'm doubting there's a fatal defect.


When reading help page of Remote Access feature (https://na7.salesforce.com/help/doc/en/remoteaccess_authenticate.htm) and referring OAuth core 1.0A spec (http://oauth.net/core/1.0a), I found current salesforce's behaviour is not fullfilling the specification.


In the help page it is described that it requires oauth_consumer_key parameter in Authorization redirect phase (see "Authorizing the User" section), but the 1.0A spec is not (see 6.2.1). It is not only a documentation bug, but it actually raises error when no oauth_consumer_key is passed. 


I'm not sure why salesforce requires consumer key other than oauth_token. Consumer key is considered not to be exposed to the users, so not used as a parameter during the user redirection.


I'm writing code that connects to salesforce using OAuth library on python, but not successful mainly because this spec violation.

  • October 21, 2009
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Is there a library or implementation of OAuth protocol using Apex?


I'm writing OAuth Consumer using Apex and Visualforce pages but faced several issues:


  * HTTP Redirect function, message-passing using HTTP header etc.

  * Session management (Cookie, Session ID, Session Object etc.)

  * Nonce generation


I appreciate your help.




  • September 04, 2009
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I'm getting a NullPointerException when trying to save a page that references a VF component from a managed package. This seems to have broken since the Summer 09 release. Has anyone else seen this? Does anyone have workarounds?


screen shot

Message Edited by james2000 on 06-11-2009 12:27 PM
Message Edited by james2000 on 06-11-2009 12:28 PM

I'm using LMA to modify a license for a new customer and since the new update I'm getting the following error:


Page ModifyLicense does not exist


I need this fixed ASAP or I can't provision licenses for my apps. Any ideas?!

Message Edited by RRES on 06-09-2009 10:12 AM
  • June 09, 2009
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If you interestend in developing a custom web pages inside Salesforce, Visualforce might be a good way to do that, but still requires development skills, like tag editting.

Afrous Dashboard, which is recently published on AppExchange, might be an alternative solution when the pages are highly needed to be customized by the end users.

This application is really cool because ... please see this movie. You'll find that it's really like "iGoogle". You can create these full-Ajax web pages only by drag and drop operation. All salesforce standard objects (Account, Contact, Opportunities...) and even custom objects can be embedded as widgets.

Importantly, this application is using Visualforce and Force.com API, and entirely running on the Force.com platform. That is, no other outer servers are involved (=native). Recent salesforce update that enabled packaging of Visualforce and static resources enabled us to publish this application.

Also we're using JavaScript library "Ext JS", which is a popular Ajax widget library, included in the package as a static resource.

Please visit the AppExchange site and install it in your org (of cource, DE is OK). Even if you are a pure developer, this might be simply interesting how we did it on the Force.com platform. And see and meet us at Dreamforce ! We are holding the booth there.

  • October 31, 2008
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Dear all developers!
I am a newbie in saleforce. I am about to create a page with ExtJS but I don't know how to include the Ext Library.
Does any one experiance with this, pls pay attention to help me.

Thanks in advance.
Recently I noticed that flex toolkit can send crossdomain requests to Salesforce, because Salesforce have crossdomain policy file in /services/Soap/u/cross-domain.xml in each pods (na1-5,ap,emea). If we were willing to login from flex application - using username/password, not using sessionid - first we have to send login request to www.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/10.0, but www currently seems not having cross-domain.xml in that path, except for the default https://www.salesforce.com/crossdomain.xml, which seems really restricted to particular 3rd party vendor (I don't know why they selected them)

Is there anyone who have used or heard about this cross-domain policy ?

  • October 02, 2007
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Another flex question. I couldn't find out it is intended or not.
Unlike AJAX Toolkit, describeSObject method in flex toolkit returns "fields" field as hash object, not in array.

AJAX Toolkit:

  • August 03, 2007
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I'm now start using flex toolkit for apex, and had a trouble while creating record with dateTime attribute. For example, following code doesn't work properly.
var event1:SObject = new SObject('Event');
event1.Subject = 'event #1';
event1.ActivityDateTime = new Date(2007, 7, 30, 9, 0, 0); // 2007-07-30:09:00:00+9:00
event1.DurationInMinutes = 60;
var event2:SObject = new SObject('Event');
event2.Subject = 'event #2';
event2.ActivityDateTime = new Date(2007, 7, 30, 8, 0, 0); // 2007-07-30:08:00:00+9:00
event2.DurationInMinutes = 60;
conn.create([ event1, event2 ], new AsyncResponder(handleResult));
Both records were successfully inserted, but not correctly for event #2. The date of event #2 became  next day, 2007-07-31.
First I thought it might be caused by some bugs in flex toolkit manipulating timezone offset (because my current timezone is +9:00 (JST), and the incorrect insertion always happens before 9:00 a.m. ). Following test code might explain this  (I'm using Flex Toolkit PR3.6)
<—xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"–>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
applicationComplete="test()" >
import com.salesforce.Util;

private function test():void {
var d:Date = new Date();
for (var i:int=0; i<24; i++) {
output.text += Util.dateTimeToString(d)+'\n';
<mx:TextArea id="output" width="100%" height="800"/>
and output is here:

From the mid of the output line you can see timezone offset becomes +9:00 to -15:00, but the date itself is still remains 2007-07-30.
"2007-07-30T08:20:08.95-15:00" is considered as "
2007-07-31T08:20:08.95+09:00", so it's not a valid dateTime format for the designated date.



  • July 30, 2007
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Does anyone have a good debug environment or resources for inspecting and/or walking through the cross-domain information transfer?
I'm using the following code and am having troubles determining if my php script is even being called and if so what I should be expecting in php.
function sendObj(objectToSend) {
sforce.debug.log("Sending object: " + {"contactContainer":objectToSend});
url: "http://mydomain.com/middleware.php",
requestHeaders: {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"},
requestData: {"contactContainer":objectToSend},
mimeType: "text/xml",
method: "POST",
onSuccess: function(response) {
document.getElementById("result").value = response.textContent;
onFailure: function(response) {
document.getElementById("result").value = "Failed " + response;
alert("Error in sendObj: " + e);
} // end sendObj

Recently I have a chance to use a new feature called "AJAX Proxy", which enables the web service callouts from S-Control pages, and just tried it to access an external XML web services. But I got a following error when invoking a web services which is provided via "http" scheme. The error tells me that  "400 Endpoint protocol(http/https) mismatch:".

I can't understand why such a restriction has been introduced. I'm seeing it is kind of excessive regulation and narrowing the possibility of AJAX Proxy. I can work around it by setting my S-Control page url from https: to http:, but changing user's page unsecure seems not to be recommended.

This feature is what we've longly waited for. I want to use it, but the restriction disturbs.

  • June 26, 2007
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I am converting an app to a managed package, which means I need to add a registered prefix to each object and field reference in about 12 S-Controls. In some cases, I also want to change other parts of a field name as well. I have enough object and field references in the S-Controls to justify using a tool to make these changes. Does anyone know a tool that can mass edit all of my S-Controls, given an array of "match string" and "replace string" pairs?
I am trying to install a new version of my app that I have uploaded and registered on Appexchange. It had no problem with upload and registration. However, when I try to install the app, I get the message:
AppExchange Package not found
The AppExchange package with ID 00D3000000078nY00530000000wqik could not be found. It may have been deleted by the owner. If you are installing this from a public AppExchange listing, please report this missing package to salesforce.com. If you are trying to install a privately shared package, please contact the package owner directly to resolve.
If anyone wants to see this problem themselves, try installing:
It does not have a password.

Please let me know if it works for you (and uninstall it if it does).
I would appreciate any way to get around this problem.

P.S. I have also logged a case on this problem, but hope someone has an expedient work around.

Message Edited by RichardC on 04-26-2007 10:13 AM