• Marisol Thomer
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Hi all,


I'm trying to create a workflow rule to use to send an email alert whenever an task is created that is related to a Contact with a particular contact record type.


I've run into 2 snags in doing this.

1) I can't figure out how to reference the contact record type in the workflow rule criteria formula.

2) when creating a template email (for my notification email I want to have sent), activity fields don't seem to be available as merge field.


I'm hoping someone here may have figured out how to solve the first problem or can at least definitively say it can't be done (if not, any work around suggestions?). Any knowledge on the second, though it doesn't pertain to the board's topic area, is appreciated too!


Many thanks!


Marisol Thomer

Outreach Director

Progressive States Network

Hi all,

I saw in a December '06 post that in order to query a picklist selection, you have to use the operators "equals" or "not equal."

What about for multi-select picklists?  I tried using the "includes" operator to query records based on whether they include one of the picklist selections and found it would only return those records that ONLY had that picklist selection (and no others).

Also, how do you format more than one selection (of a multi-select picklist) in Excel to have Excel Connector recognize it as such, more than one selection (as opposed to some new selection called "x, y, z")??

I feel like I must have missed something basic here.  Any help is MUCH appreciated!
Hi I have installed connector for PE.  I keep getting the following error.
"about Macro in Temporary directory Cannot be found"
I have read various links and cannot figure out how to solve the install problem. I could use some help? 
  • October 22, 2008
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Is there a way to override the New button on the Contact Lookup search screen? I am prefilling the Account name on the Contact Edit screen by overwritting the New button (which works for the main Contact edit screen). But the Account name field is not visible via the New button on the screen Contact Lookup Search. Any ideas?
Below is the code I succesfully prefill the account field on the main Contact edit screen.
<script src="/soap/ajax/9.0/connection.js"></script>
function init()

var ssAccount = "{!Account.Name}";

if (ssAccount.length >0)
window.parent.location.href="{! URLFOR( $Action.Contact.NewContact , null, [con4= Account.Name ], true)}"; 
window.parent.location.href="{! URLFOR( $Action.Contact.NewContact , null, [con4= "Citizen"], true)}"; 

<body onload="init()">


I opened the "sforce_connect.xla" file.  This is the file that later I saw a not that says "resist the temptation to open this file" in the installation instructions.  Now I am now unable to use the Excel Connector correctly, and I think that opening that file might be the reason for the following problems. . . .

I have tried installing and uninstalling excel connector several times since opening the .xla file by mistake.  Once I get it installed and the sforce connector button showing in excel, then when I select the Query option from it's dropdown, SF gives me the following error message:

" The macro "C:\Documents and Settings\sg0897039\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKAC\sforce_connect.xla'!sfDescribeAndQuery' cannot be found. "

A similar message appears for all the options I have tried to select, just replacing '!sfDescribeAndQuery' with whichever option I tried to select.  I think OLKAC is my temporary files folder, but even when I finally access OLKAC, I don't see the sforce_connect.xla file in there.

Please help me :)