• deepz
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hi everyone,


I want to disable the textfield in salesforce.I have to confirm is it possible to disable textfield in salesforce.

In my application one text filed is like this STATUS 20-40.In this field default value always is status(20-40).

No one can change this value.If possible this functionality in sales force plz help me.




I am looking to make a validation rule so that a checkbox field can be checked by anyone, however it cannot be unchecked except by an admin user.


I'm familiar with validation rules and forumlas, just having a hard time getting my head around this.  Any ideas?

Creating a new checkbox field and my field name is getting cut off.  I tried using only one column and I still couldn't get it all.  Any ideas?
  • November 04, 2009
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I would like to know the number of full copy sandboxes and developer sandboxes available in Enterprise edition.



  • March 10, 2010
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I would like to know if its possible to process records directly from database instead on a CSV or XML file using Bulk Api. Thanks.
  • March 10, 2010
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We have a page with a number field.if the number value is too large,it is getting displayed in exponential format...like 1.345e5.


Somebody please let me know how this can be fixed.



  • November 11, 2009
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 I have a scenario wherein a field F1 in object1 is being updated by an approval process. Based on the value of F1, field F2 in object2 needs to be updated via a workflow.Object1 and Object2(master) have master-detail relationship. F1 gets updated successfully. But F2 gets updated only if I manually edit object1 and save the record.Am I doing something wrong. Please let me know if we can implement this.Thanks.

  • October 26, 2009
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     What is the max limit of emails that we can send using work flow rule.(how many emails can we send using workflow rule with out exceeding governing limits)

hi everyone,


I want to disable the textfield in salesforce.I have to confirm is it possible to disable textfield in salesforce.

In my application one text filed is like this STATUS 20-40.In this field default value always is status(20-40).

No one can change this value.If possible this functionality in sales force plz help me.




hi can anybody help me to write Test Method for given below code ,




public PageReference deleteRecord()

{ String customerId=null;

try { customerId=ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('customerId');



List demo = new List(); demo = [Select id,Customer_Id__c From CustomerDemographicsDetail__c where Customer_Id__c=:customerId]; delete demo; List insuredParty = new List(); insuredParty = [Select id,Customer_Id__c From CustomerFinancialDetail__c where Customer_Id__c=:customerId]; delete insuredParty; List survivor = new List(); survivor = [Select id,Customer_Id__c From Customer_Financial_Detail1__c where Customer_Id__c=:customerId]; delete survivor; List retirement = new List(); retirement = [Select Customer_Id__c From Customer_Retirement_Detail__c where Customer_Id__c=:customerId]; delete retirement; List education = new List(); education = [Select Customer_Id__c From Customer_Educational_Goal__c where Customer_Id__c=:customerId]; delete education; List survivorNeeds = new List(); survivorNeeds = [Select Customer_Id__c From Customer_Survivor_Needs__c where Customer_Id__c=:customerId]; delete survivorNeeds; List survivorIncomeProv = new List(); survivorIncomeProv = [Select Customer_Id__c From Survivor_Income_Provision__c where Customer_Id__c=:customerId]; delete survivorIncomeProv; } } catch(Exception e) { ApexPages.addMessages(e); } return null; }


Thanks in advance



Is there any limition for the apex class send email



Thanks very much! 

I have a custom object that contains these 2 fields:


1. Check box field Is Child?

2. Text Box Childs Name


If the Is Child? is checked I need to require the field Childs Name is filled in.  How can I do this?




I am trying to make a validation rule that will accomplish the following, but can't get my head around the logic.


If a certain checkbox field is checked, don't allow anyone except an admin to edit the record.  The only exception to this is that a specific profile can edit a specific picklist field to 3 specific values, but nothing else.



I can do the first half no problem, but the second half is giving me a hard time.  Any help is appreciated. 

My recycle bin is clogged with 1200+ objects dating back 5 months; from what I understand there should be no object older than 45 days. How do I cleanup my recycle bin?


Any help would be greatly appreciated,




Q. when a new tab is created what will you get automatically?(chosse 3)


1.CreateNew buton is created at the sidebar

2.Side bar search is enabled

3.Available for Custom reporting

4.Quick create

5.Create in recent items


Thanks in Advance,


I am looking to make a validation rule so that a checkbox field can be checked by anyone, however it cannot be unchecked except by an admin user.


I'm familiar with validation rules and forumlas, just having a hard time getting my head around this.  Any ideas?



I have a requirement where in once the record is approved  the record status is set to approved then we need to set up a task for account owner to review and change the status to reviewed and if he does not change it to reviewed then keep sending him reminder emails every 3 days.


I tried the following


On approval update the status to approved and assign a task for account owner


and I created a workflow which had a rule criteria that "stauts should be equal to approved" and then it will set up a time bound email alerts to the account owner till the status is changed to reviewed. But when I change the status manually thru edit account page then the workflow is initiated but if the status is being set to approved by the approval process then the workflow process is not initiated. Can someone help me with this?




Creating a new checkbox field and my field name is getting cut off.  I tried using only one column and I still couldn't get it all.  Any ideas?
  • November 04, 2009
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 I am plannig to appear for Dev 401 Certification.


Can any one help me in finding some practice questions for the same.



Himanshoo Seth