• HarryHH
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Hello all,


I have a managed package, that has passed the security review. Now I want to upgrade this managed package to a  newer version. I couldn't find how to do that. There is no button to create a new version when editing the package. I have only a new button above the package list, but this creates a new package, which then can only be unmanaged. So please help me find the way to do that.


Thanks a lot




I have a weird System Null Pointer exception! The system tells me:

System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object

Fehler in Ausdruck '{!BarVerkaufLieferungen_speichern}' in Komponente <apex:pageMessages> in page barverkauflieferungenzuordnen

Class.BarVerkaufWizardController.BarVerkaufLieferungen_speichern: line 4410, column 1


The code in this part of the code is:

                system.debug('############################# hier kümmern wir uns um die Rechnung alleRP ' + ReposList);
                if (RePosList != null){
                if ( RePosList.size() != 0){           <----- line 4410


How can the programm go to line 4410 if ReposList is null? Can anyone explain?






I need some help for a page rendered as PDF. I had some columns in a datatable with facets which were shown in the PDF. Now I've changed a bit: my Columns are rendered under certain conditions. Everything is working fine, except the facets, they are not shown on the PDF.





I have a problem with synchronizing my new Force-IDE with my salesforce-Projects, I've just installed the Force-IDE completly new and generated my salesforce-projects in it. That was all ok and my Projects are in Eclipse. But if I now try to refresh from server or to deploy to server, I always get the following Error;


Unable to refresh resource 'Sani-Ebtwicklung':

com.salesforce.ide.api.metadata.types.Metadata(Dollarsign)JaxbAccessorF_fullName cannot be

cast to com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.Accessor



Can somebody please help? Thanks




I've written the following VF Page code:




        <apex:panelBarItem label="Genehmigungen" rendered="{!NOT(ISNULL(Genehmigungen_prop))}">
            <apex:PageBlock ID="GenBlock" >
            <apex:pageBlockSection title="Genehmigungen"
                collapsible="false" id="GenBlocksection" >
                <apex:pageBlockTable style="text-align:center;white-space: pre;"
                    value="{!Genehmigungen_prop}" var="AP" id="GenBlockTable">
                    <apex:column headerValue="Kopieren" >
                        <apex:commandButton id="GenKop" action="{!GenKopieren}"
                            rerender="BarForm,RezeptForm,Gesamtpreis" value="Kopieren">
                            <apex:param name="genkop" assignTo="{!applylfdNr}" value="{!AP.lfdNr}" />
                             <apex:param name="testTyp" assignTo="{!applyTyp}" value="Genehmigung" /> 
                    <apex:column headerValue="LZ bearb" >
                        <apex:commandButton id="LZGenBearb" action="{!BarVerkaufAposLaufzettel}"
                            value="LZ bearb">
                            <apex:param name="LZGb" assignTo="{!applylfdNr}" value="{!AP.lfdNr}" />
                            <apex:param name="genT" assignTo="{!applyTyp}" value="Genehmigung" /> 
                    <apex:column headerValue="Positionsart">
                        <apex:outputField value="{!AP.theRecord.Positionsart__c}" />


And the following controller code:


    public Integer applylfdNr {
                applylfdNr = value;
                system.debug('############################ ApplylfdNr ' + applylfdNr);

    public String applyTyp {
            return applyTyp;
                applyTyp = value;
                system.debug('############################ ApplyTyp ' + applyTyp);


If I now press the second buttom with id LZGenBearb both variables applylfdNr and applyTyp are null in the controller. If I press the first buttom with the id GenKop both variables are set in the controller. If I then again press the second buttom the values of the first buttom are in the controller. What is wrong in my code?


Thanks for your help!



  • September 07, 2011
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I am trying to deploy a new application from eclipse to server. In the salesforce source Development edition I can see this application, but if I try to refresh this application from server to Eclipse I find in the folder src/applications all other applications but not this one and surely my deployment fails because of the missing application. Probably this problem is linked with another problem: in eclipse the related package.xml shows the warning: Refresh error: Cannot retrieve documents in a user's private folder; move the document to a named folder.


Can anyone help?






I'm writing a new application with the Force IDE Eclipse. Every time when I refresh the application from the Server the new package.xml gets the warning:


Refresh error: Cannot retrieve documents in a user's private folder; move the document to a named folder


In the List of applications in eclipse this one is not listed. For normal implementation that is no problem, but if I try to deploy this application to another salesforce environment I get many errors.


Can anyone give me a hint, what I can do?






this is probably a very stupid question: I have a List of shipping notes, each of which having different items. I now want to display them in one visualforce page somehow like this:


shipping note 1; fields of note 1

  item 1of note 1; fields of item 1

  item 2of note 1; fields of item 2




Shipping note 1; fields of note 2

  item 1of note 2; fields of item 1

  item 2 of note 2; fileds of item 2






Which Visualforce tags are the right ones for this? Thanks!





I have a visualforce page with a command Button. When this is pressed some work is done in the page-reference of the controller-extension. During this work it is sometimes necessary to open new Windows in which are PDF-Documents are generated and diplayed. Is it possible to open a second, third, forth ... window with a visualforce page rendered as PDF directly from the apex code without leaving the original window. In the pagereference I think, I can only pass one new page, which is then displayed in the actual window, but I want to stay on this window with the original content and open the others for the user, who can then print them?






I have the need to generate very big invoices with many positions that don't fit on one page. At a code view session at the dreamforce a salesforce developer told me to create a list of lists with the invoicepositions. Each List of the inner Lists contains the invoicepositions for one page. If I do so I have the problem to get only one list of the lists. I don't know how to do that with the apex:datatable tag. Here is my getter method:


    public List<List<Tourzusammenfassung__c>> getTourzusammenfassung()
        List<List<Tourzusammenfassung__c>> TZ;
        return TZ;


And here my page:


        <apex:dataTable value="{!Tourzusammenfassung[0]}" var="TZ" id="theList" styleClass="my_table">
            <apex:facet name="header"></apex:facet>
            <apex:column >
                <apex:facet name="header">TourNr.</apex:facet>
                <apex:Outputtext value="{!TZ.Tourmodell__r.name}"/>


But this does not work. Can anyone help me on this. If there are any other soltions for paginated PDF's let me know please!






I try to rerender a pageblock that wasn't rendered before. In the page the user can select articles and add them as orderpositions to an order. When he comes here for the first time there are no orderpositions and I want to hide the pageblock. But that does not work. Here is my code:


<apex:page standardController="Auftragsposition__c" extensions="BarVerkaufWizardController" tabStyle="Auftragsposition__c" >
  <apex:form ID="Artikelform">


      <apex:PageBlock ID="ArtikelBar "rendered="{!Bar_prop}">  
      <apex:pageBlockSection title="ausgewaehlte Artikel Bar" collapsible="false" id="selectedArtBar" rendered="{!Bar_prop}">
           <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!BVAposlisteBar}" var="AP" id="selectedPBTableBar" rendered="{!Bar_prop}">
... //some columns



       <apex:pageBlock ID="Artikelblock">
              <apex:actionStatus id="Status" starttext="Suche..."/>
              <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Artikelliste}" var="Art" id="Artikeltable">
                  <apex:column headerValue="Bar">
                      <apex:commandButton action="{!SelectedArtBar}"  rerender="ArtikelBar,selectedArtBar,selectedPBbTableBar,Gesamtpreis" value="Bar">
                        <apex:param name="b" assignTo="{!applyArtId}" value="{!Art.ID}"/>

...  //some more columns 



And here is the controller code:


    public Boolean Bar_prop{
            Boolean bar = True;
            system.debug ('################### Länge BVAposlisteBar ' + BVAposlisteBar.size());
            if (BVAposlisteBar.size() == 0){
                bar = False;
            system.debug ('################### Bar Tabelle anzeigen ' + bar);
            return bar;

The system sets the right value for Bar_prop and it gets true if the user selects an article, but if the Pageblock and the pageblocksection weren't rendered before, they are not rendered. If only the pageblocktable wasn't rendered before, everything runs as expected.


Where is the problem?

Thanks in advance!





I have written a controller extension, which is a wizard for three VF pages, that are called from the user in consecutive order. When I as systemadmin open the first page, I can open the page editor and see the Viewstate. If I now go to the second page, I can still see the page editor and the Viewstate, but the code that is displayed in the editor is that of the first page. If I now proceed to the third page, I cannot see the page editor or the Viewstate either.


Is that an error or am I too stupid?


Thanks for your help!




I want to capture the enter-key when a User enters a searchText and then hits enter, so that the corresponding search button is clicked. I've got it so far, that the systems searches what it is expected and displays the results. But then the system goes to the next page (the enter-key is obviously still in action). How can I make this key/event null?


My Javascript&colon;

<script type="text/javascript">

function doSearchOnEnter(element,e) {

var keynum = 0;

if (window.event) {

   keynum = window.event.keyCode;

} else if (e.which) {

   keynum = e.which;


alert("Element " + Element);

alert("e.which " + e.which);

if (keynum == 13) {

   var mySearchButton = document.getElementById('{!$Component.Kundenform.Kundensuche.Suchsection.btnSearch}');

   if (mySearchButton != null) {


    } else {

        alert('was not found.');



e = null;

element = null;

alert("Element " + Element);                                                              ****** here the system displays the searchresults *******

alert("e " + e);                                                                                        ****** if I pass this line the systems jumps to the next page *************

return false;





The corresponding VF code:


              <apex:inputText id="searchText" value="{!searchText}" onKeyPress="doSearchOnEnter(this,event)"/>

              <apex:inputText style="display:none"/>

              <apex:commandButton id="btnSearch" action="{!Kundensuche}" title="Kundensuche" alt="Kundensuche" value="Kundensuche" rerender="Kundenblock" status="Status"/>


Can anyone help?





While requesting the following VisualforcePage https://c.na7.visual.force.com/apex/barverkaufartikelsuche?core.apexpages.devmode.url=1 I got as result the following errormessage:


An internal server error has occurred An error has occurred while processing your request. The salesforce.com support team has been notified of the problem. If you believe you have additional information that may be of help in reproducing or correcting the error, please contact Salesforce Support. Please indicate the URL of the page you were requesting, any error id shown on this page as well as any other related information. We apologize for the inconvenience.


Thank you again for your patience and assistance. And thanks for using salesforce.com!


Error ID: 8306116-1763 (393970645)


The salesforce support team sent me here, to get answers.


First of all I would like to know whether this is a problem in my controller-code (the systemprotocoll tells me nothing about a problem) or in my VF-code (I tested the same with a VF page with only the tags apex:page and apex:form with the same error) or is that a force.com issue?


Thanks in advance!





I have a list of different shopped articles/orderpositions in an apex:pageblocktable. I now want to display the total amount of money of these articles in the first footerline. The amount of money that the Customer gives to the cashier I would like to place in the second footer line and the change in the third footerline. Is that possible? At the moment I have three tags <apex:Facet value="footer"> in the column, but VF displays only the last tag.


Thanks for your help!




I need some guidance on customer settings and picklists: I have a list of different VAT with a Name and the percentage. I would like to make these settings available to the user in a picklist-field in a customer-object for articles. Is that possible? If yes, how can I define the picklist-values?


Thanks in advance




I use eclipse as IDE for salesforce. If I save a class, trigger, page or something else, I have always to save these changes manually (with right mouseclickk/ Force/ save to server). I think normally that should be done as soon as I save with Ctrl-S.

Does anyone know which parameter may be wrong in my IDE?






I have Wizard Controller with more than one page. If I now go from the first page to the second one, the system displays this page correct, but if I open the Page editor, the first page is in the editor.

Thanks for your help!





I am designing a force.com application with different locations. In these locations are different warehouses. Each user of the platform should only work with the items in the warehouse of the specific location. So the user should have a lookup-relationship to the location. But if I try to generate a customer field for the user a lookup-relationship is not possible. What can I do, to link the user to the location?






I have a public class called parameterlesenclass in which I have a public function called read_decimal_param like this:


public class Parameterlesenclass



    public decimal read_decimal_param (String param_name)






If I now try to call this function from a clobal void within a global class with the following code:


        Decimal WBZ = parameterlesenclass.read_decimal_param('WBZ');


I get the compilation error:  Method does not exist or incorrect signature: parameterlesenclass.read_decimal_param(String)


Has anyone an idea why a public function is not found?


Thanks Harry



I have a weird System Null Pointer exception! The system tells me:

System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object

Fehler in Ausdruck '{!BarVerkaufLieferungen_speichern}' in Komponente <apex:pageMessages> in page barverkauflieferungenzuordnen

Class.BarVerkaufWizardController.BarVerkaufLieferungen_speichern: line 4410, column 1


The code in this part of the code is:

                system.debug('############################# hier kümmern wir uns um die Rechnung alleRP ' + ReposList);
                if (RePosList != null){
                if ( RePosList.size() != 0){           <----- line 4410


How can the programm go to line 4410 if ReposList is null? Can anyone explain?






I need some help for a page rendered as PDF. I had some columns in a datatable with facets which were shown in the PDF. Now I've changed a bit: my Columns are rendered under certain conditions. Everything is working fine, except the facets, they are not shown on the PDF.





I've written the following VF Page code:




        <apex:panelBarItem label="Genehmigungen" rendered="{!NOT(ISNULL(Genehmigungen_prop))}">
            <apex:PageBlock ID="GenBlock" >
            <apex:pageBlockSection title="Genehmigungen"
                collapsible="false" id="GenBlocksection" >
                <apex:pageBlockTable style="text-align:center;white-space: pre;"
                    value="{!Genehmigungen_prop}" var="AP" id="GenBlockTable">
                    <apex:column headerValue="Kopieren" >
                        <apex:commandButton id="GenKop" action="{!GenKopieren}"
                            rerender="BarForm,RezeptForm,Gesamtpreis" value="Kopieren">
                            <apex:param name="genkop" assignTo="{!applylfdNr}" value="{!AP.lfdNr}" />
                             <apex:param name="testTyp" assignTo="{!applyTyp}" value="Genehmigung" /> 
                    <apex:column headerValue="LZ bearb" >
                        <apex:commandButton id="LZGenBearb" action="{!BarVerkaufAposLaufzettel}"
                            value="LZ bearb">
                            <apex:param name="LZGb" assignTo="{!applylfdNr}" value="{!AP.lfdNr}" />
                            <apex:param name="genT" assignTo="{!applyTyp}" value="Genehmigung" /> 
                    <apex:column headerValue="Positionsart">
                        <apex:outputField value="{!AP.theRecord.Positionsart__c}" />


And the following controller code:


    public Integer applylfdNr {
                applylfdNr = value;
                system.debug('############################ ApplylfdNr ' + applylfdNr);

    public String applyTyp {
            return applyTyp;
                applyTyp = value;
                system.debug('############################ ApplyTyp ' + applyTyp);


If I now press the second buttom with id LZGenBearb both variables applylfdNr and applyTyp are null in the controller. If I press the first buttom with the id GenKop both variables are set in the controller. If I then again press the second buttom the values of the first buttom are in the controller. What is wrong in my code?


Thanks for your help!



  • September 07, 2011
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this is probably a very stupid question: I have a List of shipping notes, each of which having different items. I now want to display them in one visualforce page somehow like this:


shipping note 1; fields of note 1

  item 1of note 1; fields of item 1

  item 2of note 1; fields of item 2




Shipping note 1; fields of note 2

  item 1of note 2; fields of item 1

  item 2 of note 2; fileds of item 2






Which Visualforce tags are the right ones for this? Thanks!





I have a visualforce page with a command Button. When this is pressed some work is done in the page-reference of the controller-extension. During this work it is sometimes necessary to open new Windows in which are PDF-Documents are generated and diplayed. Is it possible to open a second, third, forth ... window with a visualforce page rendered as PDF directly from the apex code without leaving the original window. In the pagereference I think, I can only pass one new page, which is then displayed in the actual window, but I want to stay on this window with the original content and open the others for the user, who can then print them?






I have the need to generate very big invoices with many positions that don't fit on one page. At a code view session at the dreamforce a salesforce developer told me to create a list of lists with the invoicepositions. Each List of the inner Lists contains the invoicepositions for one page. If I do so I have the problem to get only one list of the lists. I don't know how to do that with the apex:datatable tag. Here is my getter method:


    public List<List<Tourzusammenfassung__c>> getTourzusammenfassung()
        List<List<Tourzusammenfassung__c>> TZ;
        return TZ;


And here my page:


        <apex:dataTable value="{!Tourzusammenfassung[0]}" var="TZ" id="theList" styleClass="my_table">
            <apex:facet name="header"></apex:facet>
            <apex:column >
                <apex:facet name="header">TourNr.</apex:facet>
                <apex:Outputtext value="{!TZ.Tourmodell__r.name}"/>


But this does not work. Can anyone help me on this. If there are any other soltions for paginated PDF's let me know please!






I try to rerender a pageblock that wasn't rendered before. In the page the user can select articles and add them as orderpositions to an order. When he comes here for the first time there are no orderpositions and I want to hide the pageblock. But that does not work. Here is my code:


<apex:page standardController="Auftragsposition__c" extensions="BarVerkaufWizardController" tabStyle="Auftragsposition__c" >
  <apex:form ID="Artikelform">


      <apex:PageBlock ID="ArtikelBar "rendered="{!Bar_prop}">  
      <apex:pageBlockSection title="ausgewaehlte Artikel Bar" collapsible="false" id="selectedArtBar" rendered="{!Bar_prop}">
           <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!BVAposlisteBar}" var="AP" id="selectedPBTableBar" rendered="{!Bar_prop}">
... //some columns



       <apex:pageBlock ID="Artikelblock">
              <apex:actionStatus id="Status" starttext="Suche..."/>
              <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Artikelliste}" var="Art" id="Artikeltable">
                  <apex:column headerValue="Bar">
                      <apex:commandButton action="{!SelectedArtBar}"  rerender="ArtikelBar,selectedArtBar,selectedPBbTableBar,Gesamtpreis" value="Bar">
                        <apex:param name="b" assignTo="{!applyArtId}" value="{!Art.ID}"/>

...  //some more columns 



And here is the controller code:


    public Boolean Bar_prop{
            Boolean bar = True;
            system.debug ('################### Länge BVAposlisteBar ' + BVAposlisteBar.size());
            if (BVAposlisteBar.size() == 0){
                bar = False;
            system.debug ('################### Bar Tabelle anzeigen ' + bar);
            return bar;

The system sets the right value for Bar_prop and it gets true if the user selects an article, but if the Pageblock and the pageblocksection weren't rendered before, they are not rendered. If only the pageblocktable wasn't rendered before, everything runs as expected.


Where is the problem?

Thanks in advance!





I have written a controller extension, which is a wizard for three VF pages, that are called from the user in consecutive order. When I as systemadmin open the first page, I can open the page editor and see the Viewstate. If I now go to the second page, I can still see the page editor and the Viewstate, but the code that is displayed in the editor is that of the first page. If I now proceed to the third page, I cannot see the page editor or the Viewstate either.


Is that an error or am I too stupid?


Thanks for your help!




I want to capture the enter-key when a User enters a searchText and then hits enter, so that the corresponding search button is clicked. I've got it so far, that the systems searches what it is expected and displays the results. But then the system goes to the next page (the enter-key is obviously still in action). How can I make this key/event null?


My Javascript&colon;

<script type="text/javascript">

function doSearchOnEnter(element,e) {

var keynum = 0;

if (window.event) {

   keynum = window.event.keyCode;

} else if (e.which) {

   keynum = e.which;


alert("Element " + Element);

alert("e.which " + e.which);

if (keynum == 13) {

   var mySearchButton = document.getElementById('{!$Component.Kundenform.Kundensuche.Suchsection.btnSearch}');

   if (mySearchButton != null) {


    } else {

        alert('was not found.');



e = null;

element = null;

alert("Element " + Element);                                                              ****** here the system displays the searchresults *******

alert("e " + e);                                                                                        ****** if I pass this line the systems jumps to the next page *************

return false;





The corresponding VF code:


              <apex:inputText id="searchText" value="{!searchText}" onKeyPress="doSearchOnEnter(this,event)"/>

              <apex:inputText style="display:none"/>

              <apex:commandButton id="btnSearch" action="{!Kundensuche}" title="Kundensuche" alt="Kundensuche" value="Kundensuche" rerender="Kundenblock" status="Status"/>


Can anyone help?





I need some guidance on customer settings and picklists: I have a list of different VAT with a Name and the percentage. I would like to make these settings available to the user in a picklist-field in a customer-object for articles. Is that possible? If yes, how can I define the picklist-values?


Thanks in advance




I use eclipse as IDE for salesforce. If I save a class, trigger, page or something else, I have always to save these changes manually (with right mouseclickk/ Force/ save to server). I think normally that should be done as soon as I save with Ctrl-S.

Does anyone know which parameter may be wrong in my IDE?






I am designing a force.com application with different locations. In these locations are different warehouses. Each user of the platform should only work with the items in the warehouse of the specific location. So the user should have a lookup-relationship to the location. But if I try to generate a customer field for the user a lookup-relationship is not possible. What can I do, to link the user to the location?






I have a public class called parameterlesenclass in which I have a public function called read_decimal_param like this:


public class Parameterlesenclass



    public decimal read_decimal_param (String param_name)






If I now try to call this function from a clobal void within a global class with the following code:


        Decimal WBZ = parameterlesenclass.read_decimal_param('WBZ');


I get the compilation error:  Method does not exist or incorrect signature: parameterlesenclass.read_decimal_param(String)


Has anyone an idea why a public function is not found?


Thanks Harry



I'm quite new to developing Apex and Visualforce. My actual challenge is to schedule a batch apex class called "Bestellungsbatch". I tried to call this batch with the following class to then be able to schedule this class by the schedule Apex Page "Setup -> monitoring -> scheduled jobs":


global class scheduledBestellungsBatch implements Schedulable
    global void execute(SchedulableContext sc)
        Bestellungsbatch b = new Bestellungsbatch();
        b.query = 'Select ID, Name, Artikel__c, Datum__c, Auftragsposition__c from Bedarf__c';
        b.email = 'klose@klosesrockepartner.de';


If I now got to Setup -> Monitoring -> Scheduled Jobs nothing is shown. I think something is missing. Has anyone an idea how I can schedule this job?






I have an orderposition that is referenced in a quotationposition. I now want to reference fields in the according orderposition.

In my VF page I tried to reference the following:


       <apex:dataTable value="{!KV_Positionen}" var="KP" id="Table" styleClass="my_table">
            <apex:facet name="header"></apex:facet>
            <apex:column >
                <apex:facet name="header">Anzahl</apex:facet>
                <apex:Outputtext value="{!KP.Auftragspositionen__c.GenAnzVerp__c}"/>



Auftragspositionen__c (orderposition) is a lookup in KV_Positionen (quotationposition).


My controller looks like:


                        KV_Positionen = [select name, KVA__c, Artikel__c, Auftragsposition__c, Verkaufspreis__c,
                                                        MWSt_1__c, MWSt_2__c, KK_Preis__c, gesetzl_zuzahlung__c, wirtschaftl_zuzahlung__c
                                                        from KVA_Position__c where Auftragsposition__c = :Apos.Id];


public KVA_Position__c[] getKV_Positionen()
                system.debug ('KV_pos: ' + KV_Positionen);
                return KV_Positionen;


I always get the error

Invalid field Auftragspositionen__c for SObject KVA_Position__c


If I try it with Auftragspositionen__r I get also an error.


Thanks in advance



I created an app (MyDemoApp) with some classes, triggers, VisualForce and Google Visualization directly from the browser (i.e. without using the Force.com IDE).  Then, I installed the Force.com IDE on my Mac, and created a Force.com Project.  Next, I had the IDE connect to my Force.com account to download all the metadata components for my application.  I opted to fetch all the components.  Force.com IDE does its thing, and after a while it finishes without any errors.  However, when I go look in my project under src/applications, the metadata file for my application, MyDemoApp.app, is missing.  The file doesn't show up even if I do a "Refresh from Server" on src/applications, src or the entire project.  If I look in package.xml, I see MyDemoApp in the CustomApplications section.  The wierd thing is that the only other app that I have (Force.com) shows up fine i.e. Force_com.app is present in src/applications.  If I change any files (e.g. an Apex Class) and compile it, I get no errors and my changes are reflected in the test org.


I don't know if this is related, but when I do a "Refresh from Server", I get the following Warning message:

"Refresh error: Cannot retrieve documents in a user's private folder; move the document to a named folder".


Removing the Force.com app, not selecting it as a component to be fetched, restarting the IDE, etc. doesn't help.  MyDemoApp.app just doesn't show up.  I want to put all my files in SVN, and therefore, want to download the .app file as well.


Any ideas?





  • September 15, 2010
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