• Fly_MJ
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I'm green so be gentle :smileyhappy: I'm more of an architect looking to move or rebuild an app on force.com and I'm looking to make sure that the key parts of this app will be able to be built with Force.com


The functionality I'm looking for or testing is this...  I will have a table with of over 15,000 codes or values that will grow soon to over 60,000 codes-  This table will serve as a Lookup to another table in which there will be about 36 possible fields in which codes will be entered from the "lookup" table


We want to be able to more or less build a rules engine-  starting with simple ones such as  no code can be the same in any of the 36 fields.  Then move to creating more complex to things like  if field 1= X  then   Field 17  can't be this, this , this, this, this ,this....so what if the list of what can't go in the field is huge like 200 or more.


When they type in these fields they wil only be able to enter values that are in the lookup table.  This is more of user interface type question but maybe someone knows-  can you enter a value in a field and have it validate or work these "rules" on the fly versus filling out the whole "form and then validating??  Thanks much!

  • February 09, 2011
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Work Flow/Functionality


1. "Documents" are faxed into system via MyFax or Uploaded by customer through simple customer "portal"/Screen

2. Those "documents" or "jobs" come into a screen or queue

3 A clerk is then able to click on the job look at the document and enter about 6 data elements into a form.

4. Clerk can also place job on hold, can manipulate document meaning split one doc into 2 or more other jobs or join 2 or more jobs to form 1 document or job

5. If job is satisfactory clerk submits to a work queue- clerk can also manually assign to workers

6. workers login and see their assigned jobs and call also elect to pull up to 5 more jobs from the queue

7. worker reads through document/job and fills out data fields on a data entry form. there are upt 64 fields of data. there is some logic where if 1 questions answer might then open another field up.  There is also some validation that needs to happ very quickly or on the fly within these fields

8. When worker is satisfied and previews a pdf form they submit to customer- can also leave notes

9. Customer is notified by email their job is ready. Customer logs in to portal- and looks at their product which is a 1 page pdf file that has data populated on it from the worker.  customer can accept it then dowload, print,save or reject it and send us notes of why

 That is  the general workflow..



1. Faxes come in via MyFax then need to be transfereed from Myfax to system via SSL

2 System needs to be able to compute and create an email invoice to customers autmatically every month

3. System needs to create a timecard if you will for the workers

4. User interface needs to be custom not look like salesforce

5. The "document" needs to be able to be viewed in a seperate pop up window which can be moved to another monitor and blown up, to zoom, etc

6.documents need to be pdf but viewing could be SWF.

7. because customers vary with faxes an uploads when the docs or jobs come in they need to be optimized as far as file size/quality/etc

8. Need to leverage some sort of mechanism to store upload/faxed documents basically forever- using something like Amazon S3 storage

9. The document/ -workers need to be able to make tags or annotations on top of the doc which are stored in the database and clickable where it takes you to that portion of the document when clicked.

10. document and the product-pdf form needs locked when customer accepts- but need safety switch to unlock if need be

11.workers must not be able to print or save the jobs/documents to their computer- viewable only

12.Rules engine needs to be developed so that we can create rules for data entry without programming-  ie  This data can't be with this data

13. Secure Chat between Users


This system exists but hardly any of these requirements were met. Currently a MS SQL database with .Net programmed front end. let me know feel free to move the post if you don't think it's appropriate.  Thanks

  • September 03, 2010
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Work Flow/Functionality


1. "Documents" are faxed into system via MyFax or Uploaded by customer through simple customer "portal"/Screen

2. Those "documents" or "jobs" come into a screen or queue

3 A clerk is then able to click on the job look at the document and enter about 6 data elements into a form.

4. Clerk can also place job on hold, can manipulate document meaning split one doc into 2 or more other jobs or join 2 or more jobs to form 1 document or job

5. If job is satisfactory clerk submits to a work queue- clerk can also manually assign to workers

6. workers login and see their assigned jobs and call also elect to pull up to 5 more jobs from the queue

7. worker reads through document/job and fills out data fields on a data entry form. there are upt 64 fields of data. there is some logic where if 1 questions answer might then open another field up.  There is also some validation that needs to happ very quickly or on the fly within these fields

8. When worker is satisfied and previews a pdf form they submit to customer- can also leave notes

9. Customer is notified by email their job is ready. Customer logs in to portal- and looks at their product which is a 1 page pdf file that has data populated on it from the worker.  customer can accept it then dowload, print,save or reject it and send us notes of why

 That is a the general workflow..



1. Faxes come in via MyFax then need to be transfereed from Myfax to system via SSL

2 System needs to be able to compute and create an email invoice to customers autmatically every month

3. System needs to create a timecard if you will for the workers

4. User interface needs to be custom not look like salesforce

5. The "document" needs to be able to be viewed in a seperate pop up window which can be moved to another monitor and blown up, to zoom, etc

6.documents need to be pdf but viewing could be SWF.

7. because customers vary with faxes an uploads when the docs or jobs come in they need to be optimized as far as file size/quality/etc

8. Need to leverage some sort of mechanism to store upload/faxed documents basically forever- using something like Amazon S3 storage

9. The document/ -workers need to be able to make tags or annotations on top of the doc which are stored in the database and clickable where it takes you to that portion of the document when clicked.

10. document and the product-pdf form needs locked when customer accepts- but need safety switch to unlock if need be

11.workers must not be able to print or save the jobs/documents to their computer- viewable only

12.Rules engine needs to be developed so that we can create rules for data entry without programming-  ie  This data can't be with this data


This system exists but hardly any of these requirements were met. Currently a MS SQL database with .Net programmed front end. let me know feel free to move the post if you don't think it's appropriate.  Thanks

  • September 03, 2010
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Work Flow/Functionality


1. "Documents" are faxed into system via MyFax or Uploaded by customer through simple customer "portal"/Screen

2. Those "documents" or "jobs" come into a screen or queue

3 A clerk is then able to click on the job look at the document and enter about 6 data elements into a form.

4. Clerk can also place job on hold, can manipulate document meaning split one doc into 2 or more other jobs or join 2 or more jobs to form 1 document or job

5. If job is satisfactory clerk submits to a work queue- clerk can also manually assign to workers

6. workers login and see their assigned jobs and call also elect to pull up to 5 more jobs from the queue

7. worker reads through document/job and fills out data fields on a data entry form. there are upt 64 fields of data. there is some logic where if 1 questions answer might then open another field up.  There is also some validation that needs to happ very quickly or on the fly within these fields

8. When worker is satisfied and previews a pdf form they submit to customer- can also leave notes

9. Customer is notified by email their job is ready. Customer logs in to portal- and looks at their product which is a 1 page pdf file that has data populated on it from the worker.  customer can accept it then dowload, print,save or reject it and send us notes of why

 That is a the general workflow..



1. Faxes come in via MyFax then need to be transfereed from Myfax to system via SSL

2 System needs to be able to compute and create an email invoice to customers autmatically every month

3. System needs to create a timecard if you will for the workers

4. User interface needs to be custom not look like salesforce

5. The "document" needs to be able to be viewed in a seperate pop up window which can be moved to another monitor and blown up, to zoom, etc

6.documents need to be pdf but viewing could be SWF.

7. because customers vary with faxes an uploads when the docs or jobs come in they need to be optimized as far as file size/quality/etc

8. Need to leverage some sort of mechanism to store upload/faxed documents basically forever- using something like Amazon S3 storage

9. The document/ -workers need to be able to make tags or annotations on top of the doc which are stored in the database and clickable where it takes you to that portion of the document when clicked.

10. document and the product-pdf form needs locked when customer accepts- but need safety switch to unlock if need be

11.workers must not be able to print or save the jobs/documents to their computer- viewable only

12.Rules engine needs to be developed so that we can create rules for data entry without programming-  ie  This data can't be with this data


This system exists but hardly any of these requirements were met. Currently a MS SQL database with .Net programmed front end. let me know feel free to move the post if you don't think it's appropriate.  Thanks



  • September 02, 2010
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