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The requirement is to conditionally render controls based on the currently selected app. The code looks like this:


<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!AllSearchProducts}" var="i">
<apex:column headerValue="Name"><apex:outputLink value="/{!i.Id}"> {!i.Name}</apex:outputLink></apex:column>
<apex:column headerValue="Brand Name" value="{!i.Brand_Name__c}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Source="{!i.Source__c}" rendered="!IF(what should go here?)"/>



The third column needs to be conditionally rendered if a particular app is selected but not rendered if a different app is currently selected. How can the current app be determined at runtime?

The requirement is to conditionally render controls based on the currently selected app. The code looks like this:


<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!AllSearchProducts}" var="i">
<apex:column headerValue="Name"><apex:outputLink value="/{!i.Id}"> {!i.Name}</apex:outputLink></apex:column>
<apex:column headerValue="Brand Name" value="{!i.Brand_Name__c}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Source="{!i.Source__c}" rendered="!IF(what should go here?)"/>



The third column needs to be conditionally rendered if a particular app is selected but not rendered if a different app is currently selected. How can the current app be determined at runtime?

i created  field in Opportunity object    i.e Renewal Date.


once Product is added  to Particual Opportunity record  then automatically updated Renewal Date with Today Date .using workflow. please help me.......................................

  • February 10, 2012
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i have the following scenario:


In the Child Object I have a custom field that is a Lokup object and i'm trying

to setup a Lookup filter that depends on one custom field on the Parent



The problem is that i cannot access the field of the Parent Object  in the Lookup

Field. The only workarount is to copy the parent object custom field in the

child object.


Is there any other solution?


Many thanks 

  • February 08, 2012
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I have a custom object (Order__c) where I've embedded a visualforce page within the page layout.  The page has an extension to retrieve a list of the related list (Stops__c).  I'm trying to create a link on the Name of the stops so the user can click the link and go to the specific record with in the related list (Stops__c), or better yet mimic the pop-up window that shows when you hoover the mouse over a lookup field.  Any ideas on how to achieve this? 


Below is the main code I have so far on my Visualforce page, I've managed to link it to the page, but only when I'm in the visualforce/apex edit mode with the URL is set at apex/order?id={lorder__c.Id}


Visualforce markup:


<apex:dataTable value="{!StopList}" var="STOP">


      <apex:column >
        <apex:facet name="header">
         <apex:outputText value="Stop Name"/>
       <apex:outputLink value="Stops?id={!STOP.Id}" id="theLink"> {!STOP.Name} </apex:outputLink>
       <!-- Position name field is linked to the job details page -->



The link only works when I'm the visualforce edit view (visual.force.com/apex/order?id=a0kS0000000738i), but not when I'm in the normal record view (my.salesforce.com/a0kS0000000738i)  The link goes to another Visualforce page called Stops.  Any ideas on how to get this link to work in the regular record view, or also have a popup on mouseover?


Thanks in advance!



Hi all,

           Iam struggling from the past 3 days to find the application name in the apex controller.Any help would be appreciated.




  • July 26, 2010
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How can i get current Application name in my controller?

what is the piece of apex code.

Thank you.




I am i have a created a custom object and am trying to make a master-detail relationship with the object Product. The problem is when I select Master-Detail the Product object does not show up in the drop down list. Does this mean that I can not create a Master Detail relation ship keeping the Product as the master or is there some settings to be changed to get this done.




  • May 20, 2009
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I am developing an app for the salesforce platform and have a general question about the architecture of custom objects.  I want to be able to create different "types" of custom objects which are really more like a "subclass" of one of the standard objects.  These custom subtype objects would have (inherit) all the field and methods of the base class, but would also contain their own unique fields, methods, customer links, etc.  I want to do this *without* having to add a custom "type" field to the base object and making this type field a picklist of all the available subtypes for the object.  Creating the new subclass object with a Master/Detail relationship isn't really a truly accurate design since that relationship implies a one:many relationship between the objects and what I want is a 1:1.  In other words, it's not a header object with (possible) multiple detail records relationship, not is it really a lookup type either.
For example, in addition to the "base" Account object, I might want to have "Personal Account" and "Business Account" and "Charity Account" objects all with fields inherited from the Account object, but with their own unique fields as well.  Can this be done?  If so, what is the best way to do this?  If not, would I be better off using a Master/Detail, Lookup, or no relationship at all?  thanks