• Ashes
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We have a wrapper class in our logic which we are using to display list of checkboxes and records on visualforce page.
public class wrapper
         public Subscription_Fees__c fee {get;set;}
         public boolean bSelected {get;set;}
         public Wrapper(Subscription_Fees__c f, boolean selected){

whenever we select record, it will pass value to controller through Param tag.  

<apex:actionFunction action="{!togglecheckBox}" name="passparam" reRender="payterms, showselected">
        <apex:param name="myParam1" value="" />

<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!wrapper}" var="f" align="center" rules="none" width="80%" id="FeeList"> <apex:column headerValue="Select" > <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!f.bSelected}" onclick="passparam('{!f}');" /> </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="Product Name" ><apex:outputField value="{!f.fee.product__r.name}" /> </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="Invoice_Product_Description__c" ><apex:outputField value="{!f.fee.Invoice_Product_Description__c}" /> </apex:column> </apex:pageBlockTable>

if I am passing instance of object (onclick="passparam('{!f}'))..., it is passing the object but I am not able to parse it in controller.

Is there any way that I can do that?



  • January 04, 2016
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We are implementing Webservice for one of client. Its two integration between Salesforce and third party. For Inbound integration, we have provided login WSDL(To login and to get session id) and after getting successful session id, to send information to Salesforce we are using another WSDL file. For login WSDL we are using https://test.salesforce.com/services/Soap/c/34.0 (For Test) and https://login.salesforce.com/services/Soap/c/34.0 (For Prod). 
But in another WSDL (use to send data to Salesforce), we are not able to use test.salesforce and login.salesforce. Instead, we are using https://cs23.salesforce.com/services/Soap/class/ASRP_WaiverWebservice. We want to avoid using hard coding. Its urgent. 

  • October 01, 2015
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I am setting new Email to Case functionality. It is working as expected but after creation of case, Default owner is appearing in created by. It would be difficult for Case owners to identify that who has actually created that case.

I am using OnDemand Service. 
Please help me here. I am struggling with this issue since long time. 
  • March 30, 2015
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We are using SOAP call to send information from SFDC to our Target system but sometimes it is taking more than 2 mins(Salesforce governor limit) to get response from target system.

Can we increase the waiting time from salesforce side to more than 2 mins?
  • October 06, 2014
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We are trying to integrate Salesforce with SQL database.  Our Deveopment(Non prod) SQL database is locally host and production database is publically host.

While development, we are integrating Salesforce Sandbox with SQL non production database(which is locally host) using SOAP. Its result in following error.
System.CalloutException: IO Exception: Unauthorized endpoint, please check Setup->Security->Remote site settings. endpoint.

I already added our url in remote site setting but still it is giving same error.
  • August 13, 2014
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I am trying to setting up Java Client Application in Desktop for Salesforce. I am referrring below document for performig this task:

But while performig below command in CMD, I am getting error:
java -classpath C:\Project\Salesforce\force-wsc-30.0.0.jar com.sforce.ws.tools.wsdlc C:\Project\Salesforce\partner .\partner.jar

Error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/stringtemplate/v4
        at com.sforce.ws.tools.wsdlc.run(wsdlc.java:142)
        at com.sforce.ws.tools.wsdlc.main(wsdlc.java:64)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.stringtemplate.v4.STGroupDir
        at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
        at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
        at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        ... 2 more
  • July 08, 2014
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I am trying to setting up Java Client Application in Desktop for Salesforce. I am referrring below document for performig this task:

But while performig below command in CMD, I am getting error:
java -classpath C:\Project\Salesforce\force-wsc-30.0.0.jar com.sforce.ws.tools.wsdlc C:\Project\Salesforce\partner .\partner.jar

Error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/stringtemplate/v4
        at com.sforce.ws.tools.wsdlc.run(wsdlc.java:142)
        at com.sforce.ws.tools.wsdlc.main(wsdlc.java:64)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.stringtemplate.v4.STGroupDir
        at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
        at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
        at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        ... 2 more
  • June 29, 2014
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we have a scenario here where we are providing a functionality to user to change his own profile through Apex visualforce page.

We are aware about Salesforce limitation to change own profile but stil is there any bypass for this?
  • May 29, 2014
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We have lots of profiles and now for one of the object we have to remove access of Certain record types for all these profiles.


It is very difficult to go on each and every profile and remove the access. Is there any easy way to that?

  • August 21, 2013
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I heard that we can access salesforce application through mobile as well. 


Can you please guide me which objects and functionality we can access through salesforce mobile.


If anyone have docs related to it then please share it with me.




  • April 28, 2013
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Hello All,


I am trying to find how to do a indexing in SOQL. Actually we have lots of records and for searching functionality we have to use indexing. So please let me know if any one knows about it.




  • September 12, 2012
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We are using Flex to give a rich UI to salesforce applications.

But as it does not support on iPad, users asks us to develop it in VF. So in this flex app we have used advance data grid.


So is it possible to implement it in Visualforce?

  • August 01, 2012
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Hello Everyone,


I am using export to excel functionality in my application. It is working fine if list contains less than 1000 records and not working if list is having more than 1000. 


When I have done R&D, I found that we can store more than 1000 records in List but if we are going to use it in VF page or DataTable of VF page it gives me exception that 'Collection size 1,007 exceeds maximum size of 1,000'.


We can use pagination in this functionality, but it is Separating excel sheet for each page, Which is not a client requirement. Client wants all records in a single excel sheet.


So Please suggest me a solution.




  • June 04, 2012
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In my project I am moving my all data of 20 objects from one account to other. In each object I have more than 50000 data. So to avoid governor limit problem
I used batch apex method. Initially I had implemented this batch apex for only 2 objects. At that time it worked fine. but when I tried to implement it for all 20 objects, It gave me runtime error that we cant run more than 5 batch processes concurrently. I am using single batch class for all objects.
I saw solution regardind this problem. In that they used Email functionality to solve this problem. But they implemented it for only two batches. If i adopt this method then I have to create 20 batch classes for each object which seems to be useless. So is there any other solution?

  • July 15, 2011
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How do we develop a dynamic checkboxes?
  • June 02, 2011
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We are using SOAP call to send information from SFDC to our Target system but sometimes it is taking more than 2 mins(Salesforce governor limit) to get response from target system.

Can we increase the waiting time from salesforce side to more than 2 mins?
  • October 06, 2014
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Hi All,

Am facing this issue on step 5 , can any one help me complete this challenge.

User-added image


We have a wrapper class in our logic which we are using to display list of checkboxes and records on visualforce page.
public class wrapper
         public Subscription_Fees__c fee {get;set;}
         public boolean bSelected {get;set;}
         public Wrapper(Subscription_Fees__c f, boolean selected){

whenever we select record, it will pass value to controller through Param tag.  

<apex:actionFunction action="{!togglecheckBox}" name="passparam" reRender="payterms, showselected">
        <apex:param name="myParam1" value="" />

<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!wrapper}" var="f" align="center" rules="none" width="80%" id="FeeList"> <apex:column headerValue="Select" > <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!f.bSelected}" onclick="passparam('{!f}');" /> </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="Product Name" ><apex:outputField value="{!f.fee.product__r.name}" /> </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="Invoice_Product_Description__c" ><apex:outputField value="{!f.fee.Invoice_Product_Description__c}" /> </apex:column> </apex:pageBlockTable>

if I am passing instance of object (onclick="passparam('{!f}'))..., it is passing the object but I am not able to parse it in controller.

Is there any way that I can do that?



  • January 04, 2016
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We are implementing Webservice for one of client. Its two integration between Salesforce and third party. For Inbound integration, we have provided login WSDL(To login and to get session id) and after getting successful session id, to send information to Salesforce we are using another WSDL file. For login WSDL we are using https://test.salesforce.com/services/Soap/c/34.0 (For Test) and https://login.salesforce.com/services/Soap/c/34.0 (For Prod). 
But in another WSDL (use to send data to Salesforce), we are not able to use test.salesforce and login.salesforce. Instead, we are using https://cs23.salesforce.com/services/Soap/class/ASRP_WaiverWebservice. We want to avoid using hard coding. Its urgent. 

  • October 01, 2015
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I have made 3 fields required using validation rule.I have javascript button for closing case. When these 3 fields are null and if i try to close the case by  clicking on javascript button, I am not able to close the case.
Now my requirement is either it should bypass the validation or populate 3 field values once i click on the javascript button.Please guide me in this.
  • August 25, 2015
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I have this issue can some one guide me here. Based on two picklist values i.e stage and type need to update % field.
i.e stage = A and Type = B update % to 5 and again if stage = A and Type = E % to 10 like this.

Please let me know easiest way to do this. Thanks in advance.
I am setting new Email to Case functionality. It is working as expected but after creation of case, Default owner is appearing in created by. It would be difficult for Case owners to identify that who has actually created that case.

I am using OnDemand Service. 
Please help me here. I am struggling with this issue since long time. 
  • March 30, 2015
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We are experiencing an issue where sometimes we cannot log into SalesForce using the following code. It seems to work about 90-95% of the time, but every now and then it fails, and causes a 404 page – the error shown is “Could not connect to host.”. The username and password we’re using (i.e. $this->SF_username) are both valid as it works most of the time.

The issue seems to lie in the “$this->sforce->login” part of the following code, which I believe is handled on the SalesForce end. I can’t find any (code) declaration of that login() function in the “sforce” SoapClient object, though it is present in the “partner.wsdl.xml” XML file. I’ve tried assigning the result of “$this->sforce->login()” to a variable and printing it, but when the login() function fails, it doesn’t get that far, it just triggers the 404 page.

$mySforceConnection = $joomlaSf->getSFConnection();


function getSFConnection()
if ($mySforceConnection->createConnection(JPATH_BASE . '/custom_files/SF_sync/soapclient/partner.wsdl.xml')) {
$mySforceConnection = new SforcePartnerClient();
$mySforceConnection->login($this->SF_username, $this->SF_password);

public function login($username, $password) {
if ($this->callOptions != NULL) {
if ($this->loginScopeHeader != NULL) {

// The following function seems to be causing the issue.
$result = $this->sforce->login(array (
'username' => $username,
'password' => $password

$result = $result->result;
return $result;

Does anyone have any insight as to why this happens, and possible solutions to fix this?

We are trying to integrate Salesforce with SQL database.  Our Deveopment(Non prod) SQL database is locally host and production database is publically host.

While development, we are integrating Salesforce Sandbox with SQL non production database(which is locally host) using SOAP. Its result in following error.
System.CalloutException: IO Exception: Unauthorized endpoint, please check Setup->Security->Remote site settings. endpoint.

I already added our url in remote site setting but still it is giving same error.
  • August 13, 2014
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I'm trying to create a trigger to update 2 picklist fields based on the value of a number field. However, I get the following error on line 5:

"Comparison arguments must be compatible types: String, Integer"

Here's my code:

trigger UpdateHHIncome on Account (before insert, before update) {

    Account acct = trigger.new[0];
        if(acct.Household_Income__c == 1){
           acct.Tax_Filing_Status_Peakfolio__c = 'Single';     
           acct.Household_Income__c = 'Up to $8,925';}
        else if(acct.Household_Income__c == 2){
           acct.Tax_Filing_Status_Peakfolio__c = 'Single';
           acct.Household_Income__c = '$8,926 - $36,250';}
        else{acct.Tax_Filing_Status_Peakfolio__c = 'Single';
             acct.Household_Income__c = '$36,251 - $87,850';}

How to update the field values of a Quote object with field values from a selected row (checkbox) of a table on Visualforce?

I have a button that I need to create a case, but render the edit page of that new case, but if cancel is clicked its still creating the new case.  I can't quite figure out how to accomplish this altogether.  Please help!


Page: <apex:page standardController="Case" extensions="CW_MAMtoIncident" action="{!autorun}">

public class CW_MAMtoIncident{
public Case caseID;
public Case newCase{get;set;}

    public CW_MAMtoIncident(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
     public pageReference autorun(){
       caseID = [SELECT Site_Code__c, Id FROM Case WHERE Id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('caseID')];
       Case newCase = new Case(Id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('newid'));
       newCase.RecordTypeId = '01230000000uzis';
       newCase.ParentId = caseID.Id;
       if(caseID.Site_Code__c == 'CAR')
           newCase.AccountId = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
if(caseID.Site_code__c == '')
           newCase.AccountId = '';
       //insert newCase;
        PageReference retPage = new PageReference('/' + newCase.Id + '/e' );
        return retPage;
  • May 30, 2014
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we have a scenario here where we are providing a functionality to user to change his own profile through Apex visualforce page.

We are aware about Salesforce limitation to change own profile but stil is there any bypass for this?
  • May 29, 2014
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I heard that we can access salesforce application through mobile as well. 


Can you please guide me which objects and functionality we can access through salesforce mobile.


If anyone have docs related to it then please share it with me.




  • April 28, 2013
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I create a custom object "opp product"  and the reuirment is below:

field # 1: Process (which is flied date)

field # 2 : closing stage (which is pick list )

field # 3 : closing stage owner  (which is lookup field on oppportunity)

field # 3 : App recieved by  (which is lookup field on user)


the requirment is that if the processing filed had  date picked and closing stage = app recv then closing stage owner  should be App recieved by .

I am not sure that how to write a validation rule for this.

please help me and i am new to salesforce.



I create a custom object "opp product"  and the reuirment is below:

field # 1: Process (which is flied date)

field # 2 : closing stage (which is pick list )

field # 3 = closing stage owner  (which is lookup field on oppportunity)

the reuirment is that if the processing filed had no date picked and closing stage = close complete then closing stage owner  should be null.

I am not sure that how to write a validation rule for this.

please help me and i am new to salesforce.



Hello All,


I am new to the Force/SF/VF development platforms and I am having an issue while trying to create a custum object.


Basically, the app is a time keeper, where the User enters the number of hours worked each week. 


My "Week" custom object has fields for each day of the week (i.e. "Monday_Hours","Tuesday_Hours",etc) and the Date of the Sunday of that week, which is selected from a picklist. I am creating a vf page where the top portion of the page is an input form, while the bottom shows all the weeks that have been entered for that user. I wrote a custom extension which calls all the Week__c objects whose user matches the current. I also wrote a method in this extension which "Saves and Refreshes" the page. Theory being that, after the user enters the data in the input form and clicks "Save" the pages refreshes with the recent input visible in the lower half of the page.


When I call my "Save and Refresh" method, I get an Insufficient Priveliges error. I don't think this has to do with User permissions, rather, I think that the input fields are causing disruption as the VF page works when I comment out the apex:inputField's


Has anyone run across an error similiar to this? Or am I missing some fundamental concept of the VF/SF development platform?

  • October 12, 2012
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We are using Flex to give a rich UI to salesforce applications.

But as it does not support on iPad, users asks us to develop it in VF. So in this flex app we have used advance data grid.


So is it possible to implement it in Visualforce?

  • August 01, 2012
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