• Baktash H.
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I feced problems after writing the apex class .How to run the apex class .

please give me explanation with an example

I have an Email to case setup in my org and it is working very fine but. If a attachments are attached to an email they apper in the email related list which is the standard functionalty. But my client want them to be under the case and also under the Email . can we have any work around.





I have a custom object (contract_review__c) for which I have created a visualforce page. It uses contract_review__c as a standard controller with a custom controller extension (findings).  I'm using PageBlockTable referencing the custom controller extension to iterate over data. 


The first three classes of the attached code work fine (note that the related_findings__c object is a related table to Contract_review__c and Contract is the standard object.


The last class does not show any records on the visualforce page, even though in debug I can see it has found 12 rows which is the correct number. I've hard coded an account Id for the minute to eliminate that as an issue.


Any ideas? Thanks in advance

Controller Extension

public class Findings {


    public Findings(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
    Public Review_findings__c [] getKeyfindings () {
        return [Select Name,Review_area__c,Status__c,What_was_the_finding__c,type__c,What_is_the_financial_Impact__c,related_to_review__c
        FROM Review_Findings__c where related_to_review__c = :System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('id') 
        and include_in_executive_summary__c='Yes' order by Name ASC];
     Public Review_findings__c [] getFailedfindings () {
        return [Select Name,Review_area__c,Status__c,What_was_the_finding__c,type__c,What_is_the_financial_Impact__c,related_to_review__c
        FROM Review_Findings__c where related_to_review__c = :System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('id') 
        and Status__c='Failed'order by Name ASC];
       Public Review_findings__c [] getPassedfindings () {
        return [Select Name,Review_area__c,Status__c,What_was_the_finding__c,type__c,What_is_the_financial_Impact__c,related_to_review__c
        FROM Review_Findings__c where related_to_review__c = :System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('id') 
        and Status__c!='Failed'order by Name ASC];
        Public Contract [] getContractListing() {       
        return [Select AccountId,Agreement_type__c,StartDate,EndDate,ContractNumber
        FROM Contract where AccountID ='001Z0000003sLj4'];

VF Page code for getContractlisting

<apex:page standardcontroller="Contract_Review__c" showheader="false" contenttype="application/pdf"  extensions="Findings" renderas="pdf"  cache="true">

<apex:pageblock >
 <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Contractlisting}" var="cl" cellpadding="10" rules="all" styleclass="pageblock" >
    <apex:outputField value="{!cl.StartDate}" />
    <apex:outputField value="{!cl.EndDate}" />


how to calculate Age, Months, Days from Birthdate to Current Date?

I am creating a test case on a Trigger that acts on Cases Object


I am creating an object

Case abc = new Case ();


when I do system.debug ('The case created date is: ' + abc.CreatedDate);


In the output I see null for the created data, isn't this automatically generated how can it be null? its a not writable field

  • July 20, 2012
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Found an Idea dated a few years back (http://success.salesforce.com/ideaview?id=087300000006n6mAAA) suggesting the use of SQOL in formulas. Has it been implemented?


if not is there an improved alternative to what was suggested for a similar query in 2007 :


Not sure if this would work, but you can use SOQL in an Apex trigger, which could be fired in response to a field update, which could be set by a workflow.  You'd end up with the value in the field, after the record had been saved.

Hope this helps.

- Rick Greenwald




  • November 25, 2011
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Is it possible to concatenate 2 fields and then set this as a value of a different field.


for example:


Field1__c = Field2__c + Field3__c


Is this possible??


Thanks in advance! 

  • November 23, 2011
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 Hi we are having a custom login page for the users and the issue is when a user enters an incorrect password, the page just refreshes and its not throwing any error message , I need to see a message like "The password you entered was incorrect" when the password is incorrect.


Need help on how i can check with the stored password and the enterd one.





  • November 23, 2011
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i am having issue with date field.


i have one field of type Date in my custom object. and i am storing the date value in it successfully.


here is my code:


public Date agendaDate2; // user name which will be provided by user   

public Date getAgendaDate2()   


return agendaDate2;   


public void setAgendaDate2(Date dateValue)   


       agendaDate2= dateValue;   



i am showing date value in <apex:inputText> my VF page


but it shows the "Fri Nov 18 00:00:00 GMT 2011" in this format.


i want to show this date in  12/11/2011 format.


show how can i do that ?


please help i am newbie in salesforce.


any kind of help will be greatly appriciated.


thanks in advance...




I have two Date fields on an Object that represent Start and End Dates.


i would like to Render a component if it falls within the Start and End Dates. The following is an INCORRECT attempt to accomplish this.


<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!TODAY()>=Inbox_Assignment__c.StartDate__c && 
!TODAY()<= Inbox_Assignment__c.EndDate__c}">

Does someone know the proper syntax for this?

Hi guys,


below is my code.. but these error messages keep poping up..can someone help me?


ErrorError: BillingClose line 2, column 2: The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed 
ErrorError: The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed.


VF page:


<apex:page tabStyle="Billing_Close__c" showHeader="true" controller="BillingCloseController" />
        <apex:pageBlock title="BillingClose">
                <apex:pageBlockButtons location="both">
                <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}"/>
                <apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}"/>
                <apex:commandButton value="Billed" action="{!billed}"/>

            <apex:pageBlockSection columns="2">
                    <apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
                        <apex:outputLabel value="BillingClose Name"  />
                        <apex:inputField value="{!billingclose.name}"/>
                        <apex:outputLabel value="Invoice_Date__c" />
                        <apex:inputField value="{!billingclose.invoicedate}" />
                        <apex:outputLabel value="Comments__c" />
                        <apex:inputField value="{!opportunity.comments}"/>
                        <apex:outputLabel value= "Status__c"/>
                        <apex:inputField value="{!billingclose.status}" id="status_select"/>
                            <apex:selectOption itemLabel="Billed" itemValue="Billed"></apex:selectOption >
                            <apex:selectOption itemLabel="To be Billed" itemValue="To be Billed"></apex:selectOption >
                            <apex:selectOption itemLabel="Do not Bill" itemValue="Do not Bill"></apex:selectOption >
                      <apex:inputCheckbox onselect="Reconciled__c"/>
                      <apex:outputLabel value="Owner" />
                        <apex:outputLabel value="{!$User.FirstName} {!$User.LastName}"/>
                        <apex:inputField value="{!billingclose.owner.name}"/>
                    </apex:pageBlockSectionItem >





public with sharing class BillingCloseController {





i am having issue of formating the date........


can anybody solve this?


i am retrieving the created date value is like : (Thu Nov 03 09:39:35 GMT 2011)


i want to convert it into this format : (11/2/2011 8:57 AM)


my code is like this:


requirementCommentObj = [select Comment__c, Requirement__c, Commented_By__c,Commented_By__r.Name,createdDate,Name from Requirement_Comment__c];


for(Integer i = 0; i < requirementCommentObj.size(); i++)           


requirementCommentObj[i].createdDate.format('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');         


return requirementCommentObj;




but this is not working.

any kind of help will be really apriciated......

thanks in advance............




I'm brand new to APEX, I need some help.


I have a custom object called Patient__c and a custom object called EMR__c, I want to automatically create an EMR record when i create a patient, with just the patient field filled, the rest should be blank (and none other EMR fields are setup as required fields).


I created the trigger below, but I get the following error when saving a patient (the new patient's name is John Smith):


Error: Invalid Data.
Review all error messages below to correct your data.
Apex trigger insert_EMR caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: insert_EMR: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.StringException: Invalid id: John Smith: Trigger.insert_EMR: line 7, column 82


trigger insert_EMR on Patient__c (after insert) {

List<EMR__c> ListA = new List<EMR__c>();

for (Patient__c pat : trigger.new)
    EMR__c emr1= new EMR__c(Patient__c=pat.name);
    insert ListA;


any ideas would be appreciated,



  • October 11, 2011
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i wanted to know if there is a way to get the IDs of listviews of an Object in Apex Code.




is it true or false that when I delete a parent record, the child records are not deleted? I always thought, that the child records are deleted in a master-detail relationship.




I ask because of the question of the bottom.


i try to format currencies to different formats. Until now i have figured out these formats:







But there is one format i can't do, its this, with all commas:



I hope you can show me how to format that in VF.


Thanks in advance.


I'm about to build a page which should be put in the standard layout of record pages.

The page should work for every object thats why i can't use the standard controller, because in the standard controller I need to know on which object I am. Then i need to get the record ID of the record from the URL.


One way would be to get the URL of the page and get the ID with String methods. But I don't think thats very professional and may lead to errors some times.


Maybe you have any Ideas.

Hello, i tried to implement simple map into a visual force page from this tutorial: http://code.google.com/intl/en/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/tutorial.html It simply doesn't work. Maybe because it is V3? Because this example with the old version works: http://wiki.developerforce.com/page/Code_Samples#Google_Maps_API_mashup_for_Leads.2C_Contacts_and_Accounts But google say they no longer support V2 and developers should use V3. Maybe you can help me. Thanks in advance.



i have written a trigger which does a small fieldupdate on the created record. It is after insert.

I did a bit of research about apex batch, but didn't find anything specific to my problem.


No do I need to learn everything about apex batch or can you tell me what i need to know, maybe you can give me links to the knowledge i need.



Hey, i would like to know how much a customer portal license costs.

I've wondered how much they pay for their portal every month: http://mystarbucksidea.force.com/



i have a small problem.


I need to know the difference between 2 datetimes in seconds.

One is a CreatedDate field, the other is datetime.now()


I tried converting them to timestamps to calculate with them but it didn't work.


Anyone have ideas?

Hello, i have a small problem...

I want to update a list like this, but it doesnt work.


                List<obj__c> list = [SELECT Value__c,Masterobj__r.otherValue__c FROM obj__c ];

                for(obj__c i : list){
                        i.Value__c = true;

                        i.Master__r.otherValue__c = true;


                update list;


Value__c becomes true but not    Master__r.otherValue__c. Where is my mistake?


i was going to implement a beautiful popup on a page of mine:



Actually it works.

But in this popup i have a commandButton.

It looks like this:


<div style="display:none">

<apex:commandLink action="{!myAction}" value="Do it."/>



I am pretty sure it is because the display:none. Because when I remove it myAction works and does what it is supposed to do. But the display none is inevitable, because it should be visible in the popup and not before.


PS: The return type of the function is a PageReference and redirects me to another page.


Can anyone help me?

Hello, i am struggling here with a little problem. Actually i almost do the exact same things like here:


but it not everything works.


 The problem:

I have an object with a field, Category__c, so every record has a category. I have a VF page where the categories are listed in a picklist and the records in a datatable. I want that it shows only the records with the category i have chosen.


What works:

I have rendered the picklist with this:

       public List<SelectOption> getCategories()
          List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
           Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldResult = obj__c.Category__c.getDescribe();
           List<Schema.PicklistEntry> ple = fieldResult.getPicklistValues();
                options.add(new SelectOption('All', 'All'));
           for( Schema.PicklistEntry f : ple)
              options.add(new SelectOption(f.getLabel(), f.getValue()));
           return options;


And the datatable works too.

Now i need the selected value in the picklist. I tried this(like in the link above):

    String category;
    public String getCategory() { return this.category; }
    public void setCategory(String s) { this.category = s; }


But when I do System.Debug, it says category is null, but i see that 'All' is selected.

The list looks like this:

        <apex:selectList value="{!category}" id="category" size="1" required="true">
          <apex:selectOptions value="{!Categories}"/>
          <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="dataTable"/>


As you see i am facing 2 problems.

1. I don't get the selected Picklistvalue from the VF-Page

2. the "onchange" event doesn't work. Nothing happens when I change the Picklistvalue.


my action region does not really work and i don't know why.


                 <apex:dataTable id="tableid" value="{!list}" var="i">
                            <apex:column value="{!i.Field__c}"/>
                <apex:inputTextarea value="{!newRecord}" /><br/>
                <apex:commandLink value="Add" action="{!add}" rerender="tableid"/>


This simple script only should add a new record to the list and refresh the table.

It does the action but the whole page refreshs.

Does anyone see my mistake?


i think I have this time sth. interesting.

The error message is in the Subject and it results because of the following.

I have a list, lets call it SuperList. And in a function getSuperList I put it in a datatable.

But the function should do sth. else too.


       List<Obj__c> SuperRecords = new List<Obj__c> ();

        for(Obj__c x : SuperList){
            if(x.wasSuper__c == false) SuperRecords.add(i);

update SuperRecords;


wasSuper is a checkbox. And i want that every Record which has ever been in the SuperList gets the checkbox wasSuper to true. But i get that annoying Error Message.


I hope you can help me.



i have a register function and i am about to add an Email Verification. Right now when a user registers, he gets an empty email because I do not really know how to realize this.

The function should be: The new Participant registers, gets an email with a Link, on which he has to click to be registered.

On Forums like this you usually get a link with a random number. Thats not the problem,

but how should the page look like where the link redirects to, and what should it do?

Maybe just do the insert of the Participant when the link is visited?


Thanks in advance.

Hello I have a simple Problem,

I have the CreatedDate field of an Object, and instead of the date i need the difference between now and the Date,

because I want to show it in the Visual Force like this for example:

5 Hours Ago or

10 day Ago.


I didn't find a method to calculate such things.


Thanks in advance.


i have a small problem.

I want to put some information in a datatable.

I have an object with a field, type. lets say there is type A, B and C

The datatable should say

A    315 records

B   457 records

C  9874 records


Does this work with the Group By function? I ask because i couldn't realize it with that,

The easier way would be to make a datatable and list for every type, but thats not professional and the user should later be able to add types by himself without writing new apex.


Thanks in advance.


I want to change to Change the format of a CreatedDate.

Now when i put it on a VF it looks like this:

Sat Oct 08 11:07:45 GMT 2011


I used valueofGmt, format, and that stuff but nothing worked for me to convert it to this format:



Thank you in advance.


I have a little Problem:


I have a user page where it shows a number in a VF force page. The apex code is like this:

 List<Obj__c> values = [SELECT Name FROM Obj__c WHERE RelatedObj__r.Id =: variable.Id];
number = values.size();


This works. Now comes the Problem. I want a datatable with all users, and in one column should be the number.


How is it possible, that i get the listsize of every record in that coloumn? With the single one it is easy, because i know the Id ( variable.Id )of the record, but in a datatable I dont.


i have a little problem.

I want to use actionsupport to rerender sth.

I tried to build this http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/pages/Content/pages_compref_actionSupport.htm

in my script, but it didn't work for me, and i think i know why.


It looks like this:

<apex:outputpanel id="region">

             <apex:actionSupport event="onclick" action="{!ListPlusOne}" rerender="Region">
                 <apex:outputText  value="Click: {!Listsize}"/>



Actually it should refresh {!Listsize} too, when I click on the text, but it doesn't. I think it doesn't refresh it, because i get  {!Listsize} out of the controller. I do a Soql, save the listsize in that variable and show it on the VF page.

The function ListPlusOne adds a record to ListSize. Maybe first the controller gets the Listsize and then it shows the old value und after that it adds a record to the list.


I hope you understand my problem, I want that when I click on the text, It increments by one and shows the new listsize.

If displaying  leads in visualforce they are not following insertion order.

please anyone help me to print leads in insertion order.

my contoller is like this


  public list<lead> getUnas() {  

list<lead> cc=[select created_time__c,id,quemember__c,ownerid,lastname,company,status,email from lead where ownerid=\'00G90000000OTUm\' order by created_time__c];

return cc;



If displaying  leads in visualforce they are not following insertion order.

please anyone help me to print leads in insertion order.


  public list<lead> getUnas() {  

list<lead> cc=[select created_time__c,id,quemember__c,ownerid,lastname,company,status,email from lead where ownerid=\'00G90000000OTUm\' order by created_time__c];

return cc;


I feced problems after writing the apex class .How to run the apex class .

please give me explanation with an example



Can anybody tell me how to pass parameters across pages via the controller.


I have the same controller associated with 3 pages.


And I want the value I set in the 1st page to be available for display on the 3rd page.

Is it possible to do the same via the controller ?





  • July 27, 2012
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I have an Email to case setup in my org and it is working very fine but. If a attachments are attached to an email they apper in the email related list which is the standard functionalty. But my client want them to be under the case and also under the Email . can we have any work around.



Hi all,


We use web-to-lead, which generates lots of enquiries from outside of our area of coverage (despite our area of coverage being clearly stipulated on all of our contact pages!).


Out of courtesy, before deleting a lead who's outside of our area, I'd like a button (in Leads) that sends them a templated email saying 'Thanks for your enquiry but sorry, you are outside of our coverage area (blah blah)'.


I'm fine with creating custom buttons, but could use some code to create and send the email.  Ideally the email will contain a couple of lead mergefields and be created and sent on a single click (I don't need to review it).


I'm conversant with creating email templates.


Can anyone give me some guidance as to the best button code to pull this action together please?


Thanks in advance.



PS:  It would be even better if the button could email the lead and then delete them?

I have a custom object which has several fields which need to be populated with contacts. 
I have created a look up relationships for each  where the related to field is Contact.

How can I:

(a) filter the list displayed in the look up box so that only contacts for a particular account are shown

(b) filter the list displayed based on a custom field added to Contacts ?


I've tried to use the filter options when the field is created but it does not seem to have the options I want ?  Am I missing something ?  Can I do this by this method or do I have to create a page from scratch in code if I want to do things like this ?








hi friends,, i'm a salesforce learner doing course in X institute ameerpet,hyderabad. now i want to do a project,,,, will u help me to suggest any project on any domain,

what is the shortcut to  get developer tools in vf page

  • July 25, 2012
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I have  made a visualsource page , the controller class is unit tested with 98% coverage How do I make into an Application

during lead convert, it can create opportunity automatically. however, during opportunity creation, it does not update opportunity product's pricebook id. from documentation, opporunity product is accessing opportunitylineitem. is there a way to set opportunitylineitem's pricebook id? i tried setting its PricebookEntryId but it does no reflect changes. anyone can give some hints? thanks.

Hi SF Team,


I want only a partial page refresh to happen and show the extra field depending on the picklist value selected..


Consider the Example


On  a screen, there is a Pick List field named UOM.

1. If the UOM from drop list changes to "Each", then a field named "Number of units" must be displayed.
2. As soon as drop down list value changes to "Box", then a field named "Box Weight" must be displayed
3. As soon as drop down list value changes to "Gallon", then a field named "Volume" must be displayed




  • July 23, 2012
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I have a custom object (contract_review__c) for which I have created a visualforce page. It uses contract_review__c as a standard controller with a custom controller extension (findings).  I'm using PageBlockTable referencing the custom controller extension to iterate over data. 


The first three classes of the attached code work fine (note that the related_findings__c object is a related table to Contract_review__c and Contract is the standard object.


The last class does not show any records on the visualforce page, even though in debug I can see it has found 12 rows which is the correct number. I've hard coded an account Id for the minute to eliminate that as an issue.


Any ideas? Thanks in advance

Controller Extension

public class Findings {


    public Findings(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
    Public Review_findings__c [] getKeyfindings () {
        return [Select Name,Review_area__c,Status__c,What_was_the_finding__c,type__c,What_is_the_financial_Impact__c,related_to_review__c
        FROM Review_Findings__c where related_to_review__c = :System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('id') 
        and include_in_executive_summary__c='Yes' order by Name ASC];
     Public Review_findings__c [] getFailedfindings () {
        return [Select Name,Review_area__c,Status__c,What_was_the_finding__c,type__c,What_is_the_financial_Impact__c,related_to_review__c
        FROM Review_Findings__c where related_to_review__c = :System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('id') 
        and Status__c='Failed'order by Name ASC];
       Public Review_findings__c [] getPassedfindings () {
        return [Select Name,Review_area__c,Status__c,What_was_the_finding__c,type__c,What_is_the_financial_Impact__c,related_to_review__c
        FROM Review_Findings__c where related_to_review__c = :System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('id') 
        and Status__c!='Failed'order by Name ASC];
        Public Contract [] getContractListing() {       
        return [Select AccountId,Agreement_type__c,StartDate,EndDate,ContractNumber
        FROM Contract where AccountID ='001Z0000003sLj4'];

VF Page code for getContractlisting

<apex:page standardcontroller="Contract_Review__c" showheader="false" contenttype="application/pdf"  extensions="Findings" renderas="pdf"  cache="true">

<apex:pageblock >
 <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Contractlisting}" var="cl" cellpadding="10" rules="all" styleclass="pageblock" >
    <apex:outputField value="{!cl.StartDate}" />
    <apex:outputField value="{!cl.EndDate}" />


can we write Visualforce code in Force.com IDE?

I mean can we develop UI screen in Force.com IDE?

Hello I have PageBlockTable with in line editing and a link to delete the selected row.
The delete works fine, however I cannot figure our how to refresh the page or even just the
pageblocktable to show that the row has been deleted.


Thanks in Advance


Delete method:

public string SelectedDetailId { get; set; }
public void DeleteDetail()
if (SelectedDetailId == null) {
Product_Detail__c toBeDeleted = [SELECT name FROM Product_Detail__c WHERE Name = :SelectedDetailId LIMIT 1];
if (toBeDeleted != null) delete toBeDeleted;




Apex Code:

<apex:pageBlockTable id="annTable" value="{!AnnuityProducts}" var="item" Title="Annuity Detail">

<apex:column >
<a href="javascript&colon;if (window.confirm('Are you sure?')) DeleteDetail('{!item.name}');" style="font-weight:bold">Del</a>

<apex:column headerValue="Carrier">
<apex:outputField value="{!item.Name__c}">
<apex:inlineEditSupport showOnEdit="saveButton, cancelButton" hideOnEdit="editButton" event="ondblclick" changedStyleClass="myBoldClass" resetFunction="resetInlineEdit"/>

<apex:column headerValue="Type">
<apex:outputField value="{!item.Type__c}">
<apex:inlineEditSupport showOnEdit="saveButton, cancelButton" hideOnEdit="editButton" event="ondblclick" changedStyleClass="myBoldClass" resetFunction="resetInlineEdit"/>

<apex:column headerValue="Verified Assets">
<apex:outputField value="{!item.Asset_Total__c}">
<apex:inlineEditSupport showOnEdit="saveButton, cancelButton" hideOnEdit="editButton" event="ondblclick" changedStyleClass="myBoldClass" resetFunction="resetInlineEdit"/>

<apex:column headerValue="Portability">
<apex:outputField value="{!item.Portability__c}">
<apex:inlineEditSupport showOnEdit="saveButton, cancelButton" hideOnEdit="editButton" event="ondblclick" changedStyleClass="myBoldClass" resetFunction="resetInlineEdit"/>

<apex:column headerValue="Product Detail Name">
<apex:outputField value="{!item.Name}">


<apex:actionFunction action="{!DeleteDetail}" name="DeleteDetail" reRender="test" >
<apex:param name="name" value="" assignTo="{!SelectedDetailId}"/>

  • July 20, 2012
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