• sayanasreekanth@gmail.com
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Hi All

I got the WSDL from the Middleware and it parsed in to Salesforce it generated 4 classes. I wrote a test code in order to see if we are getting a valid response. Here is the error throwing. Can anyone let me know what exactly is the issue.


System.CalloutException: Web service callout failed: Unable to parse callout response. Apex type not found for element TransactionDate


Below is the class generated which has the transactiondate. 


 public class AccountsReceivableDetail {
        public Date TransactionDate;
        public DateTime PostDateTime;
        public Decimal Amount;
        public Decimal RemainingAmount;
        public ibusCzncorpComEsbBusinessobjects.Tax Tax;
        public ibusCzncorpComEsbBusinessobjects.GLAccount GLAccount;
        public ibusCzncorpComEsbBusinessobjects.Payment[] Payment;
        public ibusCzncorpComEsbBusinessobjects.Adjustment[] Adjustment;
        private String[] TransactionDate_type_info = new String[]{'TransactionDate','http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema','date','0','1','false'};
        private String[] PostDateTime_type_info = new String[]{'PostDateTime','http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema','dateTime','0','1','false'};
        private String[] Amount_type_info = new String[]{'Amount','http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema','decimal','0','1','false'};
        private String[] RemainingAmount_type_info = new String[]{'RemainingAmount','http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema','decimal','0','1','false'};
        private String[] Tax_type_info = new String[]{'Tax','http://ibus.czncorp.com/ESB/BusinessObjects','Tax','0','1','false'};
        private String[] GLAccount_type_info = new String[]{'GLAccount','http://ibus.czncorp.com/ESB/BusinessObjects','GLAccount','0','1','false'};
        private String[] Payment_type_info = new String[]{'Payment','http://ibus.czncorp.com/ESB/BusinessObjects','Payment','0','-1','false'};
        private String[] Adjustment_type_info = new String[]{'Adjustment','http://ibus.czncorp.com/ESB/BusinessObjects','Adjustment','0','-1','false'};
        private String[] apex_schema_type_info = new String[]{'http://ibus.czncorp.com/ESB/BusinessObjects','false','false'};
        private String[] field_order_type_info = new String[]{'TransactionDate','PostDateTime','Amount','RemainingAmount','Tax','GLAccount','Payment','Adjustment'};

Hi All

I got the WSDL from the Middleware and it parsed in to Salesforce it generated 4 classes. I wrote a test code in order to see if we are getting a valid response. Here is the error throwing. Can anyone let me know what exactly is the issue.


System.CalloutException: Web service callout failed: Unable to parse callout response. Apex type not found for element TransactionDate


Below is the class generated which has the transactiondate. 


 public class AccountsReceivableDetail {
        public Date TransactionDate;
        public DateTime PostDateTime;
        public Decimal Amount;
        public Decimal RemainingAmount;
        public ibusCzncorpComEsbBusinessobjects.Tax Tax;
        public ibusCzncorpComEsbBusinessobjects.GLAccount GLAccount;
        public ibusCzncorpComEsbBusinessobjects.Payment[] Payment;
        public ibusCzncorpComEsbBusinessobjects.Adjustment[] Adjustment;
        private String[] TransactionDate_type_info = new String[]{'TransactionDate','http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema','date','0','1','false'};
        private String[] PostDateTime_type_info = new String[]{'PostDateTime','http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema','dateTime','0','1','false'};
        private String[] Amount_type_info = new String[]{'Amount','http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema','decimal','0','1','false'};
        private String[] RemainingAmount_type_info = new String[]{'RemainingAmount','http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema','decimal','0','1','false'};
        private String[] Tax_type_info = new String[]{'Tax','http://ibus.czncorp.com/ESB/BusinessObjects','Tax','0','1','false'};
        private String[] GLAccount_type_info = new String[]{'GLAccount','http://ibus.czncorp.com/ESB/BusinessObjects','GLAccount','0','1','false'};
        private String[] Payment_type_info = new String[]{'Payment','http://ibus.czncorp.com/ESB/BusinessObjects','Payment','0','-1','false'};
        private String[] Adjustment_type_info = new String[]{'Adjustment','http://ibus.czncorp.com/ESB/BusinessObjects','Adjustment','0','-1','false'};
        private String[] apex_schema_type_info = new String[]{'http://ibus.czncorp.com/ESB/BusinessObjects','false','false'};
        private String[] field_order_type_info = new String[]{'TransactionDate','PostDateTime','Amount','RemainingAmount','Tax','GLAccount','Payment','Adjustment'};




Hi All


I am having a problem in opening the vfpage in IE and firefox. It is working great in chrome and safari. 


 <apex:column headerValue="Customer Name/GAN" onclick="callCon('customername');" headerClass="TableTitle">


<apex:commandLink value="{!hir.Name__c} / {!hir.GAN__c}" action="{!searchSelectedUserData}" style="text-decoration:none;" >
<apex:param name="recID" value="{!hir.Name__c}~{!hir.id}~{!hir.GAN__c}" assignTo="{!customername}"/>


<apex:actionFunction name="callCon" oncomplete="callCon1();">
<apex:actionFunction name="callCon1" action="{!searchcustomername}"/>


In the frontend when i click the link it is working fine in chrome and safari but in IE and in firefox the page is loading and throwing an error in the browser. The error is throwing in the vf page onclick action. Users use IE and i need it get this worked in IE. can you please let me know how the javascript works on IE?

Hi All


I am getting this error when i write the ontabenter function on the tab.

<apex:tab label="Billing" name="billName" id="tabBilling" ontabenter="callCon('Billing');" style="background-color:white;"  rendered="{!IF(strSearchlevel='1',false,true)}">

<apex:outputText value="{!IF(lstDisputeInfo.size>0,'Yes','No')}" label="Account In Dispute" />

 <apex:actionFunction name="callCon" oncomplete="callCon1();">
                        <apex:param name="firstParam" value="" assignTo="{!Tabselected}"/>


Below is the error. when i remove the ontabenter action it is not throwing the error, but i need to write the ontabenter action in order to capture the clicks on the tab. Please let me know your taughts on this.Appreciate your time and help.


The value 'null' is not valid for operator '>'

Error is in expression '{!IF(lstDisputeInfo.size>0,'Yes','No')}' in component <apex:outputText> in page summarypage




I am trying to store a value in the custom object field through the controller. whenever a visualforce main tab is clicked. I have 2 tabs and for each tab there are 2 subtabs. I wrote the onclick="callcon('tabname') on the main tab and gaved the apexaction:function. but when i click the maintab the value is getting stored for the subtabs.the onclick functionality which i wrote for maintab is working for subtabs not for maintabs For eg when i click the main tab1 it is not storing the value of the maintab, when i click the subtabs of the maintab the value is storing. It is acting just opposite of what i required. Can you please let me know what made me wrong. Here is my VF page code. I mentioned in Red the changes i did in VF page to store a value.Appreciate your help.


 <apex:tab label="Maintab1" name="billName" id="Maintab1" onclick="callCon('maintab1');" style="background-color:white;" rendered="{!IF(lstHierarchyCustomerNameSearch.size>0,false,true)}" >

<apex:tabPanel switchType="client" selectedTab="name1" id="subTabPanel1" tabClass="activeTab" inactiveTabClass="inactiveTab">

<apex:tab label="Subscriber Billing" id="BTNtabTwo" style="background-color:white;">

<apex:pageBlockSection title="Subtab1" id="Subtab1">

<apex:outputText value="{!objCustomerAccount.Service_Type__c} {!objCustomerAccount.Ser_Type_Des__c}" label="Service Type"/>
  <apex:outputField value="{!objCustomerAccount.State_Tax_Code__c}"/>

<script>colorPageBlock(document.getElementById("{!$Component.Subscriberbillinginquiry}"), "{! strPageBlockSectionColorCode}");</script>



<apex:tab label="subtab2" id="subtab2" style="background-color: white;" rendered="false"  >

 <apex:pageBlockSection title="subtab2Info." id="subtab2info">

 <apex:outputField value="{!objCustomerAccount.Credit_Rating__c}"/>

<apex:outputField value="{!objCustomerAccount.Last_Bill_Cycle__c}"/>

<script>colorPageBlock(document.getElementById("{!$Component.Creditandpriorbillinginfo}"), "{!strPageBlockSectionColorCode}");</script>



<apex:tab label="Maintab2" name="name6" id="maintab2" onclick="callCon('maintab2');" style="background-color: white;"  rendered="{!IF(lstHierarchyCustomerNameSearch.size>0,false,true)}" >

As for maintab has 2 subtads this tab has also subtabs

<apex:actionFunction name="callCon" oncomplete="callCon1();">
                        <apex:param name="firstParam" value="" assignTo="{!Tabselected}"/>
                        <apex:actionFunction name="callCon1" action="{!searchtab}"/>

Below is the Apexcode

public string Tabselected {get;set;}

public Tool_used__c tool;
 public List<Users_of_Tool__c>ulist;

 Public PageReference searchtab() {
    tool = new Tool_used__c();     //sreekanth  
    uList = new List<Users_of_tool__c>();
      if(Tabselected != null && Tabselected != '') {
        system.debug('###### '+Tabselected);
        tool.Search_by_WTN__c = Tabselected;

return null;


Hi All


I amtrying to insert a value  in a custom object field  whenever user hits the tab in visualforce page. As well i am trying to pull the user information who clciked the tab. When i checked the debuglogs it is entering in to the loop and throwing the DML currently not allowed Error. What should i need to do inorder to insert a value. Appreciate your help 


Here is the part of the vf page

 <apex:tab label="Credit History" id="BTNtabSix" onclick="Callcon('Credithistory');" style="background-color: white;" >

<apex:actionFunction name="callCon" oncomplete="callCon1();">
<apex:param name="firstParam" value="" assignTo="{!Tabselected}"/>
<apex:actionfunction name="callCon1" action="{!searchtab}"/>



Here is my part of my controller. I called the searchtab method in one of the void method

public with sharing class SummaryPageController {

public used_tab__c Tab; //sreekanth
public List<tools_of_users__c> uList;
public String Tabselected {get;set;}
Integer cnt;

 public void objCustomerAccountInfo(){


lstCreditHistory = [SELECT Account_DOB__c,Account_Id__c from FROM Credit_History__c WHERE Account_Id__c =:strAccId  LIMIT 999];
if(lstCreditHistory.size()>0) objCreditHistory = lstCreditHistory[0];


Public PageReference searchtab() {

Tab = new used_tab__c(); //sreekanth
uList = new List<tools_of_users__c>();

if(Tabselected != null && Tabselected != '') {

system.debug('###### '+Tabselected);
Tab.tab_used__c ='Tabselected';

system.debug('###### '+Tab.tab_used__c);
cnt = [SELECT COUNT() FROM tools_of_users__c WHERE User_Record_Id__c = :Userinfo.getUserId()];

if(cnt == 0) //not existing yet
ulist.add(new tools_of_users__c(User_Record_Id__c = Userinfo.getUserId()));
Database.SaveResult saveResult = Database.Insert(uList[0], false);

System.debug('************* New List_of_User__c Id: ' + saveResult.getId());

Tab.users__c = saveResult.getId();
insert Tab;

}catch(System.DMLException de){
System.debug('************insert of new tools used to NEW user FAILED:'+'\n'+ de.getMessage());

//get the current user record Id
uList= [SELECT Id, User_Record_Id__c FROM tools_of_users__c WHERE User_Record_Id__c = :Userinfo.getUserId()];
Tab.users__c = uList[0].Id;

insert Tab;
//update uList[0];
system.debug('################### '+Tab.Id);

}catch(System.DMLException de){
System.debug('************insert of new tools used to EXISTING user FAILED: '+'\n'+ de.getMessage());
return null;




I am trying to insert a value in tool1.Search_by_GAN__c = 'linkselected'; But the value is getting null in debug log. it is entering in to the loop but throwing null value. I am sure i did some mistake in the visualforce page  I mentioned something wrong in the value in VF page mentioned below in Red.


VF page:

 <apex:outputLink target="_blank" onclick="callCon('DST');" value="https://www3.onlinefinancialdocs.com/tf/FANMedia?tx=Startup&cz=c060413270517141319080417&cmd=logon_&doctype=list&qta=verify">DST</apex:outputLink>


<apex:actionFunction name="callCon" oncomplete="callCon1();"/>
<apex:param name="firstParam" value="callcon1();" assignTo="{!linkselected}"/>
<apex:actionFunction name="callcon1" action="{!searchLink}"/>



 public String linkSelected {get; set;}

 public PageReference searchLink() {

tool1 = new Tool_Used__c(); 
uList1 = new List<Users_of_Tool__c>(); 

if(linkSelected != null && linkSelected != '') {
system.debug('###### '+linkselected);
tool1.Search_by_GAN__c = 'linkselected';



Hi There is a dropdown values in which user slects any of the drop down value and hit search button and the values will be displayed. I am writing my code to get the user information whenever a user hits the search button for reporting purpose.
For the first time when a user selects a value from the drop down and hit search button my code is working fine. For the second time on the same page when the user hits the search button it is throwing the error. If i refresh the page and do the search it is working. Here is the error it is throwing. i am pasting the code. Please have a look and apprepiate your help.
Record ID: cannot specify Id in an insert call
Apex controller.
public String getSearchColumnNames(String strName){
if(strName.equals('GAN')) return 'GAN__c';
if(strName.equals('BTN')) return 'BTN_Phone__c';
if(strName.equals('Order Number')) return 'BTN_Phone__c';
if(strName.equals('Trouble Ticket Number')) return 'BTN_Phone__c';
if(strName.equals('Circuit ID')) return 'Circuit_id__c';
if(strName.equals('CLLI')) return 'CLLI__c';
if(strName.equals('Product')) return 'BTN_Phone__c';
if(strName.equals('USI')) return 'BTN_Phone__c';
if(strName.equals('Summary Master TN')) return 'Summary_master_phone__c';
if(strName.equals('Customer Name')) return 'Name__c';
if(strName.equals('WTN')) return 'WTN__c';

return null;
public PageReference searchReport() {

if(linkSelected != null && linkSelected != '') {
system.debug('###### '+linkSelected);
tool.Search_by_BTN__c = 'linkselected';

if(strSearchByValue != null && strSearchByValue != '')
tool.Search_by_BTN__c = 'Search By BTN';

else if(strSearchByValue.equals('GAN')) {
tool.Search_by_BTN__c = 'Search By GAN';
else {
tool.Search_by_BTN__c = strSearchByValue;
if(strSearchByValue.equals('Summary Master TN')){
tool.Search_by_BTN__c = 'Search by Summary Master TN';
if(strSearchByValue.equals('customer Name')){
tool.Search_by_BTN__c = 'Search by Customer Name';
tool.Search_by_BTN__c = 'Search by WTN';
if(strSearchByValue.equals('Circuit ID')){
tool.Search_by_BTN__c = 'Search by Circuit ID';
if(strSearchByValue.equals('Order Number')){
tool.Search_by_BTN__c = 'Search by Order Number';
if(strSearchByValue.equals('Trouble Ticket Number')){
tool.Search_by_BTN__c = 'Search by Trouble Ticket Number';

system.debug('###### '+tool.Search_by_BTN__c);
cnt = [SELECT COUNT() FROM Users_of_Tool__c WHERE User_Record_Id__c = :Userinfo.getUserId()];

if(cnt == 0) //not existing yet
ulist.add(new Users_of_Tool__c(User_Record_Id__c = Userinfo.getUserId()));
Database.SaveResult saveResult = Database.Insert(uList[0], false);

System.debug('************* New List_of_User__c Id: ' + saveResult.getId());

tool.Users__c = saveResult.getId();
insert tool;

}catch(System.DMLException de){
System.debug('************insert of new tools used to NEW user FAILED:'+'\n'+ de.getMessage());
//get the current user record Id
uList = [SELECT Id, User_Record_Id__c FROM Users_of_Tool__c WHERE User_Record_Id__c = :Userinfo.getUserId() Limit 1];
tool.Users__c = uList[0].Id;
insert tool;
update uList[0];

}catch(System.DMLException de){
System.debug('************insert of new tools used to EXISTING user FAILED: '+'\n'+ de.getMessage());
return null;

Here is the vf page
<apex:outputLink target="_blank" onclick="callCon('DST');" value="https://www3.onlinefinancialdocs.com/tf/FANMedia?tx=Startup&cz=c060413270517141319080417&cmd=logon_&doctype=list&qta=verify">DST</apex:outputLink>

<apex:outputLink target="_blank" value="https://www3.onlinefinancialdocs.com/tf/FANMedia?tx=Startup&cz=c060413270517141319080417&cmd=logon_&doctype=list&qta=verify">DST</apex:outputLink>-->
<apex:actionFunction name="callCon" onComplete="callCon1();">
<apex:param name="firstParam" value="" assignTo="{!linkSelected}"/>
<apex:actionfunction name="callCon1" action="{!searchReport}"/>

Hi All


I am getting this error when i write the ontabenter function on the tab.

<apex:tab label="Billing" name="billName" id="tabBilling" ontabenter="callCon('Billing');" style="background-color:white;"  rendered="{!IF(strSearchlevel='1',false,true)}">

<apex:outputText value="{!IF(lstDisputeInfo.size>0,'Yes','No')}" label="Account In Dispute" />

 <apex:actionFunction name="callCon" oncomplete="callCon1();">
                        <apex:param name="firstParam" value="" assignTo="{!Tabselected}"/>


Below is the error. when i remove the ontabenter action it is not throwing the error, but i need to write the ontabenter action in order to capture the clicks on the tab. Please let me know your taughts on this.Appreciate your time and help.


The value 'null' is not valid for operator '>'

Error is in expression '{!IF(lstDisputeInfo.size>0,'Yes','No')}' in component <apex:outputText> in page summarypage


Hi All

I got the WSDL from the Middleware and it parsed in to Salesforce it generated 4 classes. I wrote a test code in order to see if we are getting a valid response. Here is the error throwing. Can anyone let me know what exactly is the issue.


System.CalloutException: Web service callout failed: Unable to parse callout response. Apex type not found for element TransactionDate


Below is the class generated which has the transactiondate. 


 public class AccountsReceivableDetail {
        public Date TransactionDate;
        public DateTime PostDateTime;
        public Decimal Amount;
        public Decimal RemainingAmount;
        public ibusCzncorpComEsbBusinessobjects.Tax Tax;
        public ibusCzncorpComEsbBusinessobjects.GLAccount GLAccount;
        public ibusCzncorpComEsbBusinessobjects.Payment[] Payment;
        public ibusCzncorpComEsbBusinessobjects.Adjustment[] Adjustment;
        private String[] TransactionDate_type_info = new String[]{'TransactionDate','http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema','date','0','1','false'};
        private String[] PostDateTime_type_info = new String[]{'PostDateTime','http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema','dateTime','0','1','false'};
        private String[] Amount_type_info = new String[]{'Amount','http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema','decimal','0','1','false'};
        private String[] RemainingAmount_type_info = new String[]{'RemainingAmount','http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema','decimal','0','1','false'};
        private String[] Tax_type_info = new String[]{'Tax','http://ibus.czncorp.com/ESB/BusinessObjects','Tax','0','1','false'};
        private String[] GLAccount_type_info = new String[]{'GLAccount','http://ibus.czncorp.com/ESB/BusinessObjects','GLAccount','0','1','false'};
        private String[] Payment_type_info = new String[]{'Payment','http://ibus.czncorp.com/ESB/BusinessObjects','Payment','0','-1','false'};
        private String[] Adjustment_type_info = new String[]{'Adjustment','http://ibus.czncorp.com/ESB/BusinessObjects','Adjustment','0','-1','false'};
        private String[] apex_schema_type_info = new String[]{'http://ibus.czncorp.com/ESB/BusinessObjects','false','false'};
        private String[] field_order_type_info = new String[]{'TransactionDate','PostDateTime','Amount','RemainingAmount','Tax','GLAccount','Payment','Adjustment'};

Hi All


I am getting this error when i write the ontabenter function on the tab.

<apex:tab label="Billing" name="billName" id="tabBilling" ontabenter="callCon('Billing');" style="background-color:white;"  rendered="{!IF(strSearchlevel='1',false,true)}">

<apex:outputText value="{!IF(lstDisputeInfo.size>0,'Yes','No')}" label="Account In Dispute" />

 <apex:actionFunction name="callCon" oncomplete="callCon1();">
                        <apex:param name="firstParam" value="" assignTo="{!Tabselected}"/>


Below is the error. when i remove the ontabenter action it is not throwing the error, but i need to write the ontabenter action in order to capture the clicks on the tab. Please let me know your taughts on this.Appreciate your time and help.


The value 'null' is not valid for operator '>'

Error is in expression '{!IF(lstDisputeInfo.size>0,'Yes','No')}' in component <apex:outputText> in page summarypage




I am trying to insert a value in tool1.Search_by_GAN__c = 'linkselected'; But the value is getting null in debug log. it is entering in to the loop but throwing null value. I am sure i did some mistake in the visualforce page  I mentioned something wrong in the value in VF page mentioned below in Red.


VF page:

 <apex:outputLink target="_blank" onclick="callCon('DST');" value="https://www3.onlinefinancialdocs.com/tf/FANMedia?tx=Startup&cz=c060413270517141319080417&cmd=logon_&doctype=list&qta=verify">DST</apex:outputLink>


<apex:actionFunction name="callCon" oncomplete="callCon1();"/>
<apex:param name="firstParam" value="callcon1();" assignTo="{!linkselected}"/>
<apex:actionFunction name="callcon1" action="{!searchLink}"/>



 public String linkSelected {get; set;}

 public PageReference searchLink() {

tool1 = new Tool_Used__c(); 
uList1 = new List<Users_of_Tool__c>(); 

if(linkSelected != null && linkSelected != '') {
system.debug('###### '+linkselected);
tool1.Search_by_GAN__c = 'linkselected';
