• jthor@entransform.com
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   I wanted to implement the apple push notifcation service in my app. I was wondering if there was a tutorial that can tell whether I can install the SSL certificate on salesforce, or other options that I possibily look into? The link to what I want to do 


I was wondering what is a Service Cloud user? And how are they different from other user and what license and profile do they have? I am asking this becuase I want to do the Apple Push notification as decribed here http://wiki.developerforce.com/page/Push_Notifications_for_Salesforce_Mobile_Apps_with_Urban_Airship and was wondering what other type of user can do this.



    I understand that there is already a similiar post to this ( http://boards.developerforce.com/t5/Visualforce-Development/JavaScript-Remoting-calls-not-working-from-managed-package/m-p/404629#M47105 )but it is quite old and the fix they presented did not solve my problem completely. I basically do a javascript remoting call which works perfectly. I then sent my code and it got integrated with other code and it still works. Once we package it it stop working and it turns out that it was a name space bug as mention above by the post posted above. So I was given a copy of the pacakged code, which included the controller the VF page, and the component. I then made a copy of  those code by creating my own copy with a different number and took out all the name space issues. So now the copy from the package looks exaclty like the code I had sent before except with the code that was added during integration. But still my javascript remoting does not work, it should be noted that I use javascript remoting in the component and it works the only that does not work is the one in the visual force page. It should be noted that the javascript remoting in the component works in the package as well. I am completely lost, how is it that both code are exactly the same, yet one's visual force remoting works and the other doesn't? I even try copying and replacing my old code into the new VF page that I created and my old code does not work. 


UGH help. 


   So I am using the mobileSDK for the iPhone and has been able to make a working app. Now that I am ready for testing I am planning on using testflight for beta testing. The problem is that once I get test flight to start I do not know how to get back to the the app and it is stuck at a black screen. It did ot crash , the app is still running. I do see the blue salesforce screen first before the test flight sdk is loaded in and the black sccreen appears.


In my AppDeleagte.m look like this.


#import "AppDelegate.h"
#import "TestFlight.h"
@implementation AppDelegate

-(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    // start of your application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions // ...
    [TestFlight takeOff:@"7147b222-57d0-4426-8e96-ae468f8d0799"];
    // The rest of your application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method// ...
    return TRUE;

#pragma mark - App lifecycle


 Thnx for any help

I have a select statement [SELECT clientID__c FROM FacebookApp__c]. It use to work before but then it stop working. I see the record there when i go to my salesforce org, I check the schema to run my SOQL in my force IDE and it does return me the record, but when I run the code it does not return any records. I made sure that I was running as sys admin too just for extra reassurance. The only thing that changed was that I use to call it in a RemoteAction Method then for some reason my RemoteAction method  stop wokring and I decided to debug it and know this select query won't even retrun me a record. Is their some kind of security settings that I change or need to change?



    I seem to have a problem. I have a piece of code that does a little javascript remoting that wokrs fine in android, but doe not in iphone. 

function fbLogin() {
           function(result, event){
           		var permissions = 'email,publish_stream,manage_pages,read_stream';
           		var url = document.URL;
				var permissionUrl = "https://m.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?client_id=" + result + "&response_type=code&redirect_uri=" + encodeURIComponent('url') + "&scope=" + permissions;				
				window.location = permissionUrl;
           	}else if(event.type === 'exception'){
           		alert("Failed to login. Please log in again");
           		alert("An unknown error has occurred");

 I'm wondering what's wrong? Is it a security issue where we can't open up a new window in the javascript remote? Or is it becuase iphone does not let us do? 

Is there a way for a visual force page to execute something when it is called via page reference  in the controller?



  So I want to write a trigger so that when something get inserted to an object a parameter is passed to a method in my contoller. That methods  then calls a javascript function defined in my visual force page and passes the parameter to that function. How can I call a java script function using a apex method in my controller? Is possible? 

Hi Force Community,


      I have a question. Not sure if I am suppose to post this in Visual force developement or Apex code development so here goes. I am doing some javascript remoting to call some method in my controller. The code works when I am in developer mode but when i turn that off it shows this  warning message : "Javascript proxies were not generated for controller mobileController2 : may not use public remoted methods inside an iframe". I gave it to my co-worker and it does not matter if he is in developer mode or not. I looked around and changed the controller to global as well as as make the remote action method that I am calling global. To do the javascript remoting I tried that short hand and the full name space as well, but still nothing. It should be noted that I have other javascript remoting in my code and those works fine, but those one does not have to do anything with iframe. Any help or suggestion would be greatly appreciated.



   I am building a a hybrid app using sencha touch and the  mobile SDK. Anyways I wanted to be able to to exceute method from sencha to my controller which in turn does some Facebook api calls. So I am using visual force remoting to call that method. Calling the method remotely works but when I try to do it call some facebook stuff it give me and error.


Visualforce Remoting Exception: line 13, column 1: ApexPages.currentPage() is null - Facebook API not supported Class.FacebookToken.getAccessToken: line 13, column 1

 I am using the  force.com tool kit for facebook http://wiki.developerforce.com/page/Getting_Started_with_the_Force.com_Toolkit_for_Facebook


here is the code 

    public static PageReference wallPost(string message){
    	FacebookPublish.postToWall(getAccessToken(), 'me', new Map<String, String>{'message' => message});
        return null;

  btw I am extending the FaceBookLoginController since I am not mapping individual account to facebook account.



         So I was able to query the image from salesforce and it returned me a string.When I click on the link it takes me to a page but there is no image. I checked the link of the image and they are the same except the URL that salesforce gave me via soql query added the "&amp;"  to the URL. How do I get rid of that? Also when I set the HTML of an image component from sencha it interprets the tags as a string and display the HTML code instead of the image. When i try to set the source of the image component it adds looks for the image in static resource using the URL as the path name to the resource. Sorry about all the question, but  am at a dead end.

I developed a hybrid app using the Sencha Framework and the Mobile SDK. The app works in Android, but when I try running it on an iPhone some of the features stopped working. I was wondering if there is a difference between how salesforce work with Android and iOS?



  I am using sencha and salesforce to build a mobile SDK. My app was working just fine for my part where I was able to query object from salesforce as well as insert. But after adding my co-worker's code into my project i get an error in the javascript console in my browser and I can longer naviaget to my page but only to his, but then when I go to his pages I can;t query any object. If I add my code to my co-worker it works just fine. Am i forgetting to configure something? The error is below.


  1. Visualforce Remoting Exception: No serializer found for class core.filemanager.FileBlobValue
  2. VFRemote.js:114
    1. $VFRM.Util.errorVFRemote.js:114
    2. (anonymous function)VFRemote.js:129
    3. a.Event.fireVFRemote.js:48
    4. a.Observable.fireEventVFRemote.js:43
    5. _Visualforce.Direct._Visualforce.extend.onProviderDataVFRemote.js:83
    6. a.Event.fireVFRemote.js:48
    7. a.Observable.fireEventVFRemote.js:43
    8. _Visualforce.direct.RemotingProvider._Visualforce.extend.onDataVFRemote.js:91
    9. _Visualforce.extend.handleResponseVFRemote.js:72
    10. (anonymous function)

Hello folks,


      I was wondering if there was a way for me to change the login site from the standard saleforce login to a custom login page I created. I tried modifying the production url in server.xml which is suppose to be use to access a custom server and the production login url in  the loginservermanager.java in the Mobile sdk itself. When I do that it throws a null error when trying to install the apk. Is there a proper way for me to change the login page or at least make my custom page the first thing in the app before logging into salesforce?


Thanks in adavance for any replies or views. 

Hello, I am new to salesforce and was wondering if there was a way for me to upload a php file into sales force, where my visual force component/page can access it? I am thinking maybe store it as a static resource but it's throwing an error that it does not recognize the format.  


Thank you for that your time to read this.

Hi Force Community,


      I have a question. Not sure if I am suppose to post this in Visual force developement or Apex code development so here goes. I am doing some javascript remoting to call some method in my controller. The code works when I am in developer mode but when i turn that off it shows this  warning message : "Javascript proxies were not generated for controller mobileController2 : may not use public remoted methods inside an iframe". I gave it to my co-worker and it does not matter if he is in developer mode or not. I looked around and changed the controller to global as well as as make the remote action method that I am calling global. To do the javascript remoting I tried that short hand and the full name space as well, but still nothing. It should be noted that I have other javascript remoting in my code and those works fine, but those one does not have to do anything with iframe. Any help or suggestion would be greatly appreciated.


   I wanted to implement the apple push notifcation service in my app. I was wondering if there was a tutorial that can tell whether I can install the SSL certificate on salesforce, or other options that I possibily look into? The link to what I want to do 



   So I am using the mobileSDK for the iPhone and has been able to make a working app. Now that I am ready for testing I am planning on using testflight for beta testing. The problem is that once I get test flight to start I do not know how to get back to the the app and it is stuck at a black screen. It did ot crash , the app is still running. I do see the blue salesforce screen first before the test flight sdk is loaded in and the black sccreen appears.


In my AppDeleagte.m look like this.


#import "AppDelegate.h"
#import "TestFlight.h"
@implementation AppDelegate

-(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    // start of your application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions // ...
    [TestFlight takeOff:@"7147b222-57d0-4426-8e96-ae468f8d0799"];
    // The rest of your application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method// ...
    return TRUE;

#pragma mark - App lifecycle


 Thnx for any help



    I seem to have a problem. I have a piece of code that does a little javascript remoting that wokrs fine in android, but doe not in iphone. 

function fbLogin() {
           function(result, event){
           		var permissions = 'email,publish_stream,manage_pages,read_stream';
           		var url = document.URL;
				var permissionUrl = "https://m.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?client_id=" + result + "&response_type=code&redirect_uri=" + encodeURIComponent('url') + "&scope=" + permissions;				
				window.location = permissionUrl;
           	}else if(event.type === 'exception'){
           		alert("Failed to login. Please log in again");
           		alert("An unknown error has occurred");

 I'm wondering what's wrong? Is it a security issue where we can't open up a new window in the javascript remote? Or is it becuase iphone does not let us do? 

Is there a way for a visual force page to execute something when it is called via page reference  in the controller?



  So I want to write a trigger so that when something get inserted to an object a parameter is passed to a method in my contoller. That methods  then calls a javascript function defined in my visual force page and passes the parameter to that function. How can I call a java script function using a apex method in my controller? Is possible? 

Hi Force Community,


      I have a question. Not sure if I am suppose to post this in Visual force developement or Apex code development so here goes. I am doing some javascript remoting to call some method in my controller. The code works when I am in developer mode but when i turn that off it shows this  warning message : "Javascript proxies were not generated for controller mobileController2 : may not use public remoted methods inside an iframe". I gave it to my co-worker and it does not matter if he is in developer mode or not. I looked around and changed the controller to global as well as as make the remote action method that I am calling global. To do the javascript remoting I tried that short hand and the full name space as well, but still nothing. It should be noted that I have other javascript remoting in my code and those works fine, but those one does not have to do anything with iframe. Any help or suggestion would be greatly appreciated.



         So I was able to query the image from salesforce and it returned me a string.When I click on the link it takes me to a page but there is no image. I checked the link of the image and they are the same except the URL that salesforce gave me via soql query added the "&amp;"  to the URL. How do I get rid of that? Also when I set the HTML of an image component from sencha it interprets the tags as a string and display the HTML code instead of the image. When i try to set the source of the image component it adds looks for the image in static resource using the URL as the path name to the resource. Sorry about all the question, but  am at a dead end.

I developed a hybrid app using the Sencha Framework and the Mobile SDK. The app works in Android, but when I try running it on an iPhone some of the features stopped working. I was wondering if there is a difference between how salesforce work with Android and iOS?

Hello folks,


      I was wondering if there was a way for me to change the login site from the standard saleforce login to a custom login page I created. I tried modifying the production url in server.xml which is suppose to be use to access a custom server and the production login url in  the loginservermanager.java in the Mobile sdk itself. When I do that it throws a null error when trying to install the apk. Is there a proper way for me to change the login page or at least make my custom page the first thing in the app before logging into salesforce?


Thanks in adavance for any replies or views. 

I have created a pushtopic on a custom object and successfully tested in the VF page. But when I try to put the same Cometd jquery code on a sites enabled for a Customer portal I am getting the below error captured using firebug.


"NetworkError - 503 Service unavailable - https://site............/cometd/24.0/"


I am just trying to give a streaming api proof of concept on customer portal.

  • November 02, 2012
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Has anyone implemented apple push notification server on force.com? Any guidance how to go about implementing this?


