• Moha
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hi guys,
does anyone know something about ISV Customer Community Members licenses ? if there is a link or a document it would help a lot.
thanks :)
  • February 12, 2014
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hello, i'm using <apex:repeat> in my visualforce page and i want  the results to be displayed like this : 

1   2   3

and with <apex:reapeat> they are diplayed like that : 




i tried to implement <apex:panelgrid> but it's not working anyhelp please

this is my VF Code : 


<apex:page cache="false" sidebar="true" showHeader="true" controller="xxxxx">

<apex:pageBlock title="SAMPLE - Custom xxxx" >

<apex:repeat value="{!DashName}" var="oneName">
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="3">
<apex:outputPanel layout="block" style="width: 25%; float: left;">
<apex:panelGrid columns="2">

<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
<c:GoogleChartComponent dashboardName1="oneName.Name" />
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
<c:GoogleChartComponent dashboardName1="oneName.Name"/>

<apex:pageBlockSection columns="2">
<apex:outputPanel layout="block" style="width: 25%; float: left;">
<apex:panelGrid columns="1">

<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
<c:GoogleChartComponent dashboardName1="{!oneName.Name}"/>


  • July 24, 2013
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Hello, i've deployed my package in a dev org, but some problems remains, as example i cannot acces a record on a list of a customized object, it gives me SOQL query, but when i try to do that in my production environement it wroks fine,

anyhelp please i need help

  • July 16, 2013
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Hello, i would like to log a Case to Salesforce support team, but it's not possible it gives me a loop when i go to Help ==>customer support ==> Case

  • July 11, 2013
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Hello everyone, i'm tryuing to upload a beta managed package, when i want to upload it gives me the error : 


Average test coverage across all Apex Classes and Triggers is 24%, at least 75% test coverage is required.


and when i go to the ApexClasses List and i run all  test then i click on Code Coverage it gives me 75%, it means i can upload but i dont have the possibility do to the error i wrote above


anyhelp please, thank you

  • July 09, 2013
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hello i have this method : 

public string getViewEmailsReport()
logo = 'Reportlogo';
lstDocument = [Select Id,Name,LastModifiedById from Document where Name = :logo limit 1];
strOrgId = UserInfo.getOrganizationId();
String instance =URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm();
strDocUrl = instance + '/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file='+lstDocument[0].Id;
return strDocUrl ;

and i wrote a test method for it :

public string getViewEmailsReport()
logo = 'Reportlogo';
lstDocument = [Select Id,Name,LastModifiedById from Document where Name = :logo limit 1];
strOrgId = UserInfo.getOrganizationId();
String instance =URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm();
strDocUrl = instance + '/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file='+lstDocument[0].Id;
return strDocUrl ;


but it gives me an error : 

System.ListException: List index out of bounds: 0



anyhelp please

  • July 09, 2013
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Hello i would like to write a testmethod for this method : 

     public string getViewEmailsReport()
        logo = 'Reportlogo';
       List<Document> lstDocument = [Select Id,Name,LastModifiedById from Document where Name = :logo limit 1]; 
       strOrgId = UserInfo.getOrganizationId();
         String instance =URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm();
         string strDocUrl = instance + '/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file='+lstDocument[0].Id;
             return strDocUrl ;


anyhelp please, thank you

  • July 08, 2013
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Hello, i'm trying to create a new user from PortalSite, but it's giving me this error: 

There was an error in registering a user in site Login. The error message is: portal account owner must have a role

when i register and i check AccountList and ContactList, i find that both of records are created and the Contact is associated to this account but i can't login because the owner of that record don't have a rôle, and i wanted to change the rôle of the owner but i couldn't find out How, 

i'm enabling self register in customer portal

setting a default profile which is : highVolumecustomer portal

i checked SiteProfil i called it : Login

and i wanted to set a default role for the Site Profile and for the HighVolumeportal and it seems that it's not allowed for those both, 

  • June 20, 2013
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Hello, i'm trying to create a new user from PortalSite, but it's giving me this error: 

There was an error in registering a user in site Login. The error message is: portal account owner must have a role

when i register and i check AccountList and ContactList, i find that both of records are created and the Contact is associated to this account but i can't login because the owner of that record don't have a rôle, and i wanted to change the rôle of the owner but i couldn't find out How, 

i'm enabling self register in customer portal

setting a default profile which is : highVolumecustomer portal

i checked SiteProfil i called it : Login

and i wanted to set a default role for the Site Profile and for the HighVolumeportal and it seems that it's not allowed for those both, 


  • June 20, 2013
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hell i have this error and i don't know why it's rendering it to me, i had all things working well, sudently it gives me this : Insufficient PrivilegesYou do not have the level of access necessary to perform the operation you requested. Please contact the owner of the record or your administrator if access is necessary. 
 help please

  • June 18, 2013
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Hello, i'm using the <apex:enhancedList> to view the Document List but its rendering an Error that  : 

Insufficient PrivilegesYou do not have the level of access necessary to perform the operation you requested. Please contact the owner of the record or your administrator if access is necessary. 

but if use another Object in the EnhancedList it works,

this is the Tag that i'm using : <apex:enhancedList customizable="true" type="Document" listId="00lb0000000fizX" height="250" rowsPerPage="25"/>

  • June 13, 2013
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Hello, i have a problem with <apex:iframe> i need to call the Mass Email used in Contact Tab on iframe, but when i save the Visual Force page it doesn't render what i want it's empty, this is the iframe that i'm using

  <apex:iframe src="/ui/massmail/MassMailStageManager?setupid=MassMailFilter&ftype=C&wizardRetUrl=%2F003%2Fo"/>

anyhelp please


  • June 12, 2013
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Hello I need to retrieve the Url of the current Organisation at runtime i used this url but it doesn't retrieve the right url :



thanks for the help

  • June 11, 2013
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Hello i'm trying to show an image on site/Portal from Document i'm using the methode below, but unfortunately it doesn't show the Image, can anyone give me a help




<apex:image url="{!Logo}"/>


Controller : 


public string getLogo()
List<Document> lstDocument = [Select Id,Name,LastModifiedById from Document where Name = 'LogoSite' limit 1];
string strOrgId = UserInfo.getOrganizationId();
string strDocUrl = 'https://'+ApexPages.currentPage().getHeaders().get('Host')+ '/servlet/servlet.ImageServer?id='+lstDocument[0].Id+'&oid=' + strOrgId;
return strDocUrl;

  • June 10, 2013
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Hello i'm developping a managed package, and i would like to know how can the customer change an image or a file which is included in a visualforce page, i know that it's not possible with static ressource since we cannot modify a static ressource with a managed package so any snippet of Code for Help i found this snippet but it's not complet if there is anyone who can help that would be great


 public String getLogo() {
    	if (theFormat != null && theFormat.Logo__c != null && theFormat.Logo__c.length() > 0) {
	    	List<Document> docs = [ SELECT Name, Id From Document WHERE Name = :theFormat.Logo__c LIMIT 1 ];
	    	if (docs.size() > 0) {
	    		Document doc = docs[0];
		    	string imageid = doc.id;
		    	imageid = imageid.substring(0,15);
		    	return '<img src="/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=' + imageid + '"/>';
    	return '';


 <apex:outputText value="{!Logo}" escape="false" />
  • June 07, 2013
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Hello, well i have a request i have Contact that participate in one Event or More, now if the contact is already participatin i'm able to retreive his details in this participation and show them then modify if he wants to, but if he doesn't have a participation in any event  i can click on New button and Create new participation and my problem is when i click on Save it gives me an Error which is " Id not specified in an update call"



this is the methode for the New : 

public void NewRecord(){
related = new Related_Events_and_Reports__c();

and this is the methode for Save :

     public void save() {
        if (related == null ) {

              //means if it's new record insert it
              insert related;
      try {

        else if (related != null ) {

// if the record already exist update it
      update related;


}catch(DmlException e){


now if i change in the if(related != null) TO  if(related.id != null){ update related; } it doesn't give me the Error but it doesn't insert in the Table



Any Help Please !!

  • May 29, 2013
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hello in the code bellow : 


//the first statement return the Right Contact using the user.contactId i want to use this contact in another query to select a record which is associated to this contact, but the problem is that i have message error " no rows for assignement SObject



List<Contact> contactname = [SELECT name, id from Contact where id =: user.contactId];

 Related_Events_and_reports__c related;


    related = [Select id, Event__c, Related_Contact__c, Yes__c, No__c FROM Related_Events_and_reports__c
where Related_Contact__c =:contactname];

But if i use the Id directly in the Second query i get the result as example : 

related = [Select id, Event__c, Related_Contact__c, Yes__c, No__c FROM Related_Events_and_reports__c
where Related_Contact__c =:'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'];


so i don't know how to put the right id directly in the query


any Help would be great thanks


  • May 28, 2013
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Hello, i need some help, i have a Junction OBject  called RelatedEvent it's related to Contact object and Event__c Object, i need to create an apex class and visual force Page to retreive record detail in my customer portal view, my problem is when i pass a static id of a precised record it retreives details, but i don't know to select the right Id dynamically to show me the details, if anyone have an idea i will send him my Class to help me


  • May 27, 2013
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Hello, i wonder if there is a way to hide Custom Buttons from some Users in The List View, any help would be great thanks 

  • May 24, 2013
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Hello, i want to create a Custom Help Page on contact Tab or on Record Detail for a Contact, but i can't figure out how to do it,

i was able to  do it with Custom Objects but with Standard object i can't figure out how to do it, Help please


  • May 22, 2013
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hi guys,
does anyone know something about ISV Customer Community Members licenses ? if there is a link or a document it would help a lot.
thanks :)
  • February 12, 2014
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hi guys,
does anyone know something about ISV Customer Community Members licenses ? if there is a link or a document it would help a lot.
thanks :)
  • February 12, 2014
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hello, i'm using <apex:repeat> in my visualforce page and i want  the results to be displayed like this : 

1   2   3

and with <apex:reapeat> they are diplayed like that : 




i tried to implement <apex:panelgrid> but it's not working anyhelp please

this is my VF Code : 


<apex:page cache="false" sidebar="true" showHeader="true" controller="xxxxx">

<apex:pageBlock title="SAMPLE - Custom xxxx" >

<apex:repeat value="{!DashName}" var="oneName">
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="3">
<apex:outputPanel layout="block" style="width: 25%; float: left;">
<apex:panelGrid columns="2">

<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
<c:GoogleChartComponent dashboardName1="oneName.Name" />
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
<c:GoogleChartComponent dashboardName1="oneName.Name"/>

<apex:pageBlockSection columns="2">
<apex:outputPanel layout="block" style="width: 25%; float: left;">
<apex:panelGrid columns="1">

<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
<c:GoogleChartComponent dashboardName1="{!oneName.Name}"/>


  • July 24, 2013
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Hello, i've deployed my package in a dev org, but some problems remains, as example i cannot acces a record on a list of a customized object, it gives me SOQL query, but when i try to do that in my production environement it wroks fine,

anyhelp please i need help

  • July 16, 2013
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Hello, i would like to log a Case to Salesforce support team, but it's not possible it gives me a loop when i go to Help ==>customer support ==> Case

  • July 11, 2013
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Hello everyone, i'm tryuing to upload a beta managed package, when i want to upload it gives me the error : 


Average test coverage across all Apex Classes and Triggers is 24%, at least 75% test coverage is required.


and when i go to the ApexClasses List and i run all  test then i click on Code Coverage it gives me 75%, it means i can upload but i dont have the possibility do to the error i wrote above


anyhelp please, thank you

  • July 09, 2013
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hello i have this method : 

public string getViewEmailsReport()
logo = 'Reportlogo';
lstDocument = [Select Id,Name,LastModifiedById from Document where Name = :logo limit 1];
strOrgId = UserInfo.getOrganizationId();
String instance =URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm();
strDocUrl = instance + '/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file='+lstDocument[0].Id;
return strDocUrl ;

and i wrote a test method for it :

public string getViewEmailsReport()
logo = 'Reportlogo';
lstDocument = [Select Id,Name,LastModifiedById from Document where Name = :logo limit 1];
strOrgId = UserInfo.getOrganizationId();
String instance =URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm();
strDocUrl = instance + '/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file='+lstDocument[0].Id;
return strDocUrl ;


but it gives me an error : 

System.ListException: List index out of bounds: 0



anyhelp please

  • July 09, 2013
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I'm trying to show or hide a <tr> HTML tag inside an apex:repeat, but can't find a way where SFDC will save the code without error. Basically I'm building a table and want to start a new <tr> if a certain condition is met (item number mod 3 = 0, so create a new row when the table row has three cells). Attached is a simplifed example, but it shows what I'm trying to do.


Note: I can't use an apex:panelGroup because I have nested repeaters in each "column".





public with sharing class TestBuildTable {
	public List<Integer> Ints {get;set;}
	public TestBuildTable() {
		this.Ints = new List<Integer>();
		for (Integer i=0; i<20; i++) {


VF page first try (fail):

<apex:page id="TestBuildTable" Controller="TestBuildTable">
    <apex:repeat value="{!Ints}" var="int">
	  {!IF(MOD(int,3)==0,'<tr>',' ')}
	    <td>{!int} nested repeat here</td>
	  {!IF(MOD(int,3)==0,'</tr>',' ')}


VF page second try (fail):

<apex:page id="TestBuildTable" Controller="TestBuildTable">
    <apex:repeat value="{!Ints}" var="int">
	  <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!MOD(int,3)==0}" layout="none"><tr></apex:outputPanel>
	  <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!MOD(int,3)==0}" layout="none"></tr></apex:outputPanel>


The desired result is a table that looks like this:

1    2    3

4    5    6

7    8    9

10 11 12

13 14 15

Hi All,


I work with an ISV Partner who has a developer org where a managed package is updated / upgraded / tested and then uploaded "privately' to the exchange for a set of clients to install.


The orgs that install my package have the standard EE limits applied to them.


Herein lies the issue I have come across, whilst doing some development a new TAB was inadvertently added to the managed package and subsequently uploaded as a 'managed - released' package. It took the custom TABS within the managed package to 26.


This as you can see has caused HUGE implications across the current install base and for new clients. The package is constantly being updated / customised to suit clients needs and updates are continously being pushed however now that it has 26 TABS it will not install on any of the orgs as it reaches the 25 custom tab limit.




As I see it there are a range of possibilities and I look to any sf reps / partner ops / product managers subject matter experts out there to let me know what is feasible.


IDEAL SOLUTION - Since the tab that has been added is not installed on any clients org (it physically cannot be because of the limit on the install orgs, developer org doesn't have a tab limit) - I'm looking for an overall package admin or someone that can reference or edit the package I have created and manually remove the tab from it altogether. It can be deleted from the salesforce developer instance altogether I don't care it's not needed at all! Support tells me it cannot be deleted but someone out there must have access to it!!

Is there a way to 'rollback' to a previous package version that only had 25tabs in it's managed set>? And then be able to delete the 25th tab somehow completely from the developer org?


Other options include:


Going through the LMA process and getting the application security checked so that it's contents do not affect sf org limits. This is obviously primary concern right now however the whole process could take up to 2-3 weeks which is time we don't have! This problem needed to be sorted out YESTERDAY!


Upgrading provisions on future clients and current installbase so that orgs can install apps with more than 25 tabs. (i.e. increase tab limit)


I really need to know if the ideal solution is feasible here as that would be well... Ideal. But I'm interested to see if anyone has any other suggestions.

TIME IS A FACTOR. There are new clients coming on board this week and next not to mention the current install base that is catered for in package updates so this really needs to get sorted out.


As always any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance for any reads of this post.

