• Subhani P
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Hello.  We'd like to sync Outlook records to Salesforce using Salesforce for Outlook - but sync certain fields to the fields within a custom object. The fields in question that are part of the custom object used to be in the Contacts standard object.  We need the field mapping function from the connector for the field in the custom object we created. 

  • October 16, 2013
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Hi all,

I am facing too many problems in sf.

1) I am not able to log a case.

when i am trying to log a case it brings me back to the home page :( and i am stcuk in a loop.


2) Not able to see the Code Coverage column of apex classes

When i open Develop-> Apex Classes, i am not able to see code coverage of any class.

Instead the column is not available in view.

I tried to create a new view but then there also code coverage column was not availble.

How will i get to know the code coverage then?


3) Not able to see the option of Change set under Develop even though i am having all the necessay permissions.


Any help.




This is Rajesh, I have a task like i want to create two dashboards and i have to save that dashboards into two 

different folders respectively, and then i have to assign permission to access that two folders to two difffernt users, like logged user should able to access his assaigned dashboard only  another is also same like first user,

Pls help me on this ASAP.



Thanks & Regards,

I am looking for a specific requirement where I need to send an email login user whenever the user is creating a new Contact in Salesforce. If any contact exist with the same email Id, I need to send an email to login user and do not allow to create the contact.
I tried with a before insert trigger by searching in stack exchange and it allows me not to insert a new record with different email id.
I need help on how to sent a particular email template notification to login user with the details that I am entering while creation of Contact record.
Ex: If My contact details like,
Name: Smith Email: smith.k@gmail.com
Email should go as,
Hi Smith,
Below Email is does not exist in Contact records
Email: smith.k@gmail.com
Below is my code trigger.
trigger triggerOnContact on Contact (before insert) { final String errMsg = 'The Email is Not available in the Contacts '; Set< String > emailSet = new Set< String >(); for( Contact c : Trigger.new ) emailSet.add( c.Email ); Map< String, Id > duplicateContactMap = new Map< String, Id >(); for( Contact c : [select Id, Email from Contact where Email = :emailSet] ) duplicateContactMap.put( c.Email, c.Id ); for( Contact c : Trigger.new ){ if(!duplicateContactMap.containsKey(c.Email)){ c.addError( errMsg); } } }
Please help me how to implement the requested logic.. Thanks in advance

hiee dis is vijay


                          i want to knw why we use <pageblocksectionitem> and any small expample for it..thanks in advance :)

I have to integrate CTI system with Salesforce. I have installed open CTI from following link.



Can anyone guide me How can I configure it with my CTI System? I have simple requirement. I have to open relative account page as a pop up when a call is reached at CTI System.Please help.

Hello.  We'd like to sync Outlook records to Salesforce using Salesforce for Outlook - but sync certain fields to the fields within a custom object. The fields in question that are part of the custom object used to be in the Contacts standard object.  We need the field mapping function from the connector for the field in the custom object we created. 

  • October 16, 2013
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Hi all,

I am facing too many problems in sf.

1) I am not able to log a case.

when i am trying to log a case it brings me back to the home page :( and i am stcuk in a loop.


2) Not able to see the Code Coverage column of apex classes

When i open Develop-> Apex Classes, i am not able to see code coverage of any class.

Instead the column is not available in view.

I tried to create a new view but then there also code coverage column was not availble.

How will i get to know the code coverage then?


3) Not able to see the option of Change set under Develop even though i am having all the necessay permissions.


Any help.



how to create barcode in vf page, used Barcode Zone appexchage app before, after winter 14 release its no longer a free app.




  • October 15, 2013
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why do we get System.QueryException Comparison method violates its general contract! ?


Hi All,


I am having really tough time dealing with Salesforce Test classes.


My first problem is when I write a test class, then the class I am testing does not show up in Overall Code Coverage.


Then when I click on test the class does show up in Class Code Coverage and show me the coverage % but when I click on it it opens without the colors telling me which line is covered and which is not.



Please let me know how to resolve this.





i want to change date format in site.com.  i have displed date with expressions {!job_date} and it displying date as "Wed Sep 18 12:13:23 GMT 2013" but i need date firmat like "mm-dd-YY" .  please help me.  

I clicked on Reset Security Token in my salesforce account about 3-4 times today but I have not yet received the security token on my email. I have also checked my Junk folder. What could be the problem?

When we try to run a  simple  ‘join’ query  (below) we can only see the columns from the driving table  ( In this case Account History Child table is the driving table)  however the columns from Parent tables appears as a Link  (in this case Account).


We  understand that the clicking on the link gives  the selected columns of  the Parent table as a pop up but  we want  every selected column from both Tables on the display  (Just like  the Query editor does)  and export the entire  result  set to a  CSV file. The only  reason we started using ‘Force explorer’  is because  ‘Query Editor’  doesn’t  allow bulk export.  ‘Data Loader’  also does export but it doesn’t allow Joins.


Can you help  if there is a quick fix or way out for this ?



SELECT Account.ID,Account.FirstName ,Account.LastName

      ,Account.PersonBirthDate ,Account.Phone ,Account.CreatedDate

      ,Account.LastModifiedDate ,Account.LastModifiedByID

      ,AccountHistory.AccountID, AccountHistory.ID

      ,AccountHistory.Field ,AccountHistory.NewValue

      ,AccountHistory.OldValue ,AccountHistory.CreatedDate

      ,AccountHistory.CreatedById ,AccountHistory.Isdeleted

FROM  AccountHistory

WHERE Account.LastModifiedDate > 2013-10-08T00:00:00Z

  and AccountHistory.Field = 'Phone' order by Account.ID


Does anyone know where the option is to pre-populate the Account Name on a contract when the new contract starts from the Opportunity Related list section?

How to get the metadata of fields including  the custom fields of case in apex class?

Like the default value , description, required or not , type, etc .

My requirement is to integrate two Salesforce Orgs using Apex webservices since Apex supports both callouts and webservices,

I.e  I should be able to create,delete,update records (for an object) of one Org from another Org.



Request you to guide me through the steps in implementing it.


Also,please share the examples with the complete code.




Sfdc Beginner



public PageReference OnSendEmail()
//string strOWEA = '';
string ContactId = apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('ContactId');
PageReference redirect = new PageReference('/apex/enterdetailspage');
if(dateStatusReport.Item_Date__c == null)
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'Room Expenditure Date field can not be blank.Please enter a Date.'));
return null;
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'There is no data for send status report.'));
return null;
lstContact = new list<contact>();
set<id> setemailAddress = new set<id>();
list<string> lstemailAddress = new list<string>();
setPMId = new set<string>();
// setTLId = new set<string>();
setRMId = new set<string>();

if(ContactId !=null)
lstContact = [select id,Name,ReportsTo.Email,Email from Contact where Id =: ContactId];

lstTimesLog = [SELECT id,Name,Contact__r.Name,Item_Date__c,Item_Names__c,Session__c,Amount__c,Contact__r.ReportsTo.Email,Contact__r.Email
FROM Item__c
WHERE Contact__c = : ContactId AND Item_Date__c =: dateStatusReport.Item_Date__c
ORDER BY Item_Date__c DESC];

string strDate;
string strContactName;
string HtmlBody = 'Daily Room Expediture';
for(Item__c testTimesLog : lstTimesLog)
Datetime TLDate = testTimesLog.Item_Date__c;
strDate = TLDate.format('dd/MM/yyyy');

strContactName = testTimesLog.Contact__r.Name;

HtmlBody += '<br></br>';
//HtmlBody += '<br><br><br><br><b>Daily Status Report of '+strContactName+' for '+strDate+'</b></br></br></br></br>';
HtmlBody += '<br><br><br><br><b>'+ lstContact[0].Name +' - Daily Status Report - '+'['+strDate+']'+'</b></br></br></br></br>';
HtmlBody += '<br></br>';
HtmlBody += '<br><body><table border= \"3\" width= \"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"10\" style><tr style=\"background-color:#6D7579;color:white;\" ALIGN=\"CENTER\"><th>Item Date</th><th>Item Name</th><th>Session</th><th>Amount</th></tr></br>';

for(Contact eachContact : lstContact)
Totalamount = 0;

updateContact = new list<Contact>();

for(Item__c objTimeLog : lstTimesLog)

if(objTimeLog.Contact__r.Email !=null)
if(eachContact.ReportsTo.Email !=null)

if(OtherEmail != null && OtherEmail != '')

Totalamount += objTimeLog.Amount__c;

Datetime TLDate = objTimeLog.Item_Date__c;
string RoomExpenditureDate= TLDate.format('dd/MM/yyyy');

// HtmlBody+='<tr ALIGN=\"CENTER\"><td> '+Room Expenditure Date+' </td><td>'+objTimeLog.Item_Date__c+'</td><td>'+objTimeLog.Item_Names__c+'</td><td>'+objTimeLog.Session__c+'</td><td>'+objTimeLog.Amount__c+'</td></tr>';
HtmlBody+='<tr ALIGN=\"CENTER\"><td>'+RoomExpenditureDate+'</td><td>'+objTimeLog.Item_Names__c+'</td><td>'+objTimeLog.Session__c+'</td><td>'+objTimeLog.Amount__c+'</td></tr>';



HtmlBody +='<tr ALIGN=\"LEFT\"><td COLSPAN=\"7\"><b>Total Amount in (Rs/-) : '+Totalamount+'</b></td></tr>';
HtmlBody +='</table></body>';
HtmlBody += '<br></br>';
HtmlBody +='<b>Note : </b> This is an unmonitored mailbox. Please do not reply back on this email address.';

for(wrapListForEmail s :lstEmailToAddress){
if(s.email != null){

//Messaging.MassEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.MassEmailMessage ();
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
// if(strOWEA !=null)
// mail.setOrgWideEmailAddressId(strOWEA);
// mail.setToAddresses(lstemailAddress);
String[] emailToAddress = new String[] {lstContact[0].Email};
String[] emailCCAddress = new String[] {lstContact[0].ReportsTo.Email};
mail.setSubject(lstContact[0].Name +' - Daily Status Report - '+'['+strDate+']');
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {mail});
return redirect;
return null;

catch(Exception e)
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,e.getMessage()));
return null;

I am trying out the new REST API Get Deleted Objects Resource in the Winter '14 release.  When I try to make a call to the API using the URI like the one in the Release Notes:





I get the error:


"Error parsing the 'start' date string. This operation requires properly formatted 'start' and 'end' date/time parameters to be specified. Please consult the documentation for the format of these date/time fields."


I am calling this from a C# program which works fine for other REST API calls, I just can't seem to get this one to work.

how to send bulk email from socketlab.com using salesforce.[organization wide addresses]

how send to configure the socketlab to salesforce., i ll send the email from [organization wide addresses]in salesforce, to configure.

Some test classes you cannot run through UI, but can through IDE.   How do such test classes affect the total code coverage percentage for the org?   Are they seen as having 0% coverage, or whatever the IDE says they cover (95% for example)?


 MIXED_DML_OPERATION, DML operation on setup object is not permitted Error


We are getting below error while updating some opportunities.



A workflow or approval field update caused an error when saving this record. Contact your administrator to resolve it. java.sql.SQLException: ORA-20067: ORA-06512: at "GRUMPY.SOPPORTUNITY", line 2447 ORA-06512: at line 1



Did anyone get this error before?


Thanks ,
