• jsymonds24
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  • Member since 2013
  • Salesforce Database Manager
  • Newforma

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I would like to post a comment to a Chatter group when content is added or updated in a Library.  I have looked throught the Developer's Guide for a class without success.  Any advice would be greatley appreciated.
We have a Customer Community based on the Napili template. We need to reset values on a field in Topic records which Salesforce support says must be done using the Chatter API.  I tried to do this using cURL and username-password OAuth authentication, but to connect to a Community requires using the  OAuth Web server or user-agent workflows.  These appear to require creating an application to manage the process of user authentication and handling of the token to use for my update requests.  Does anyone have experience with this or know where I can find better detail than the Salesforce documentation on how to accomplish this?
I am trying to develop something for our production Customer Community in a Developer org.  I need Customer Community licenses for testing.  How do I get them?

We just started using Case management for our Support group.   One of the issues they've raised is related to closing a case.  They don't want have to seperately click 'Send an Email' to send the customer a case closing message then click 'Close Case' to close the case.  They would like a button on the Email page layout called 'Send and Close Case' that would send the email then open the standard 'Close Case' page.  Can anyone suggest how I would go about doing that?


Thanks & Regards,


I am trying to write a trigger that will create an activity when an opportunity reaches a certain stage.  I want the activity to be assigned to the owner of the opportunity and to be related to the opportunity, but when I try to assign values to the appropriate fields I get 'Field is not writeable' errors.  Here is the code with these fields commented out:



trigger CreateActivityAfterClosedWon on Opportunity (after insert, after update) {
    List<Task> NewTasks = new List<Task>();
    for (Opportunity opp: Trigger.new){
        if (opp.StageName == '100 - Closed Won - Booked'){
                NewTasks.add(new Task(
                    ActivityDate = Date.today(),
                    //What = opp.Id,
                    //Owner = opp.Owner,
                    Status = 'Closed',
                    Activity_Type__c = 'Project Won',
                    Priority = 'Normal',
                    Subject = opp.Name));

    insert NewTasks;



With these fields commented out, the trigger runs in the sand box and creates activities, but the activities are not related to any object and are assigned to me (because the code ran under my account).


Can anybody suggest a solution?

Thanks & Regards,


We just started using Case management for our Support group.   One of the issues they've raised is related to closing a case.  They don't want have to seperately click 'Send an Email' to send the customer a case closing message then click 'Close Case' to close the case.  They would like a button on the Email page layout called 'Send and Close Case' that would send the email then open the standard 'Close Case' page.  Can anyone suggest how I would go about doing that?


Thanks & Regards,


We have a Customer Community based on the Napili template. We need to reset values on a field in Topic records which Salesforce support says must be done using the Chatter API.  I tried to do this using cURL and username-password OAuth authentication, but to connect to a Community requires using the  OAuth Web server or user-agent workflows.  These appear to require creating an application to manage the process of user authentication and handling of the token to use for my update requests.  Does anyone have experience with this or know where I can find better detail than the Salesforce documentation on how to accomplish this?
I am trying to develop something for our production Customer Community in a Developer org.  I need Customer Community licenses for testing.  How do I get them?

We just started using Case management for our Support group.   One of the issues they've raised is related to closing a case.  They don't want have to seperately click 'Send an Email' to send the customer a case closing message then click 'Close Case' to close the case.  They would like a button on the Email page layout called 'Send and Close Case' that would send the email then open the standard 'Close Case' page.  Can anyone suggest how I would go about doing that?


Thanks & Regards,


I am trying to write a trigger that will create an activity when an opportunity reaches a certain stage.  I want the activity to be assigned to the owner of the opportunity and to be related to the opportunity, but when I try to assign values to the appropriate fields I get 'Field is not writeable' errors.  Here is the code with these fields commented out:



trigger CreateActivityAfterClosedWon on Opportunity (after insert, after update) {
    List<Task> NewTasks = new List<Task>();
    for (Opportunity opp: Trigger.new){
        if (opp.StageName == '100 - Closed Won - Booked'){
                NewTasks.add(new Task(
                    ActivityDate = Date.today(),
                    //What = opp.Id,
                    //Owner = opp.Owner,
                    Status = 'Closed',
                    Activity_Type__c = 'Project Won',
                    Priority = 'Normal',
                    Subject = opp.Name));

    insert NewTasks;



With these fields commented out, the trigger runs in the sand box and creates activities, but the activities are not related to any object and are assigned to me (because the code ran under my account).


Can anybody suggest a solution?

Thanks & Regards,
