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i'm looking to update custom picklists on opportunity when a sepcific user is sending an email with specific subject,
there are two user lookups on the opp, when the user in lookup A sends the email and the subject contains X, or user  B with subject Y, i'd like a picklist C or D to be updated with a value "in progress"

i found this but i cant modify to meet the above..

trigger TaskSubject on Task (after update, after insert) {
set<id> accountIdSet = new set<id>();
//capture all the subject names in a set
//set<string> subjectName = new set<string>{'financial review','legal precheck'};
map<id, list<opportunity>> opptyMap = new map<id, list<opportunity>>();
list<opportunity> updateOppList = new list<opportunity>();
//get those tasks where the tasks are related to opp, Capture the account IDs in a set.
for(task t: trigger.new){
            string tempId = string.valueOf(t.WhatId);
    }   }
//If we get the opportunities then change the stage.
if(Trigger.isUpdate && opptyMap.size()>0){
    for(task t: trigger.new){
 //Check if the subject of the task is one among the set
 //and also confirm that the subject has been changed.
        if(t.subject != trigger.oldMap.get(t.id).subject && opptyMap.containsKey(t.whatId)){
  //iterate thru the list of the opportunity associated with that account
  //and check which of the opportunity contains the task subject in the
   //opportunity name and update the stage to qualification
            for(opportunity oppty: opptyMap.get(t.whatId)){
                }            }        }        }        }
if(Trigger.isInsert && opptyMap.size()>0){
     for(task t: trigger.new){
                for(opportunity oppty: opptyMap.get(t.whatId)){
                   }              }            }         }        }
//update the oppties
    update updateOppList;
}     }

 i crete one formula field for find the age of student in that i wrote dis (YEAR(TODAY())-YEAR(DOB__c) Formula
 now i get age in years
next one more formula fiedls for months in that i wrote dis MONTH(TODAY())-MONTH(DOB__c) formula and days for DAY(TODAY())-DAY(DOB__c).
I get perfect answers but my requirement is in need years months days in one formula field ...
what formula i can write send answer any one please
Hi everybody,

I am looking for a solution how to express a formula for an user-defined field with the following description:

the formula should show the corresponding letter salutation dependent on the picklist values in fields Salutation and tthe Contact Language, for example:

- if you choose in the picklist Salutation "Mr." and the Contact Language is "English", the user-defined field will show for example the expression "Dear Mr. John Benson" for John Benson, in the user-defined field

- if you choose in the picklist Salutation "Mrs." and the Contact Language is "English", the user-defined field will show for example the expression "Dear Mrs. Diana Fox" for Diana Fox

- if you choose in the picklist Salutation "Herr" and the Contact Language is "German", the user-defined field will show for example the expression "Sehr geehrter Herr X Y" for X Y

- if you choose in the picklist Salutation "Frau" and the Contact Language is "German", the user-defined field will show for example the expression "Sehr geehrte Frau A B" for A B

I wrote this formula, which unfortunately is not working right:

if((ISPICKVAL(Sprache__c  ,"Deutsch") && (ISPICKVAL(Salutation  ,"Herr"))),"Sehr geehrter Herr" & FirstName & LastName)
if((ISPICKVAL(Sprache__c  ,"Deutsch") && (ISPICKVAL(Salutation  ,"Frau"))),"Sehr geehrte Frau" & FirstName & LastName) OR
if((ISPICKVAL(Sprache__c  ,"Englisch") && (ISPICKVAL(Salutation  ,"Mr."))),"Dear Mr." & FirstName & LastName) OR
if((ISPICKVAL(Sprache__c  ,"Englisch") && (ISPICKVAL(Salutation  ,"Mrs."))),"Dear Mrs." & FirstName & LastName)

The syntax error says "extra if"

witth CASE:

CASE((ISPICKVAL(Sprache__c ,"Deutsch")) && (ISPICKVAL(Salutation ,"Herr")),"Sehr geehrter Herr" & FirstName & LastName,
((ISPICKVAL(Sprache__c ,"Deutsch")) && (ISPICKVAL(Salutation ,"Frau"))),"Sehr geehrte Frau" & FirstName & LastName,
((ISPICKVAL(Sprache__c ,"Englisch")) && (ISPICKVAL(Salutation ,"Herr"))),"Dear Mr." & FirstName & LastName,
((ISPICKVAL(Sprache__c ,"Englisch")) && (ISPICKVAL(Salutation ,"Frau"))),"Dear Mrs." & FirstName & LastName)

it says: "incorrect argument type for CASE"

Can anybody please help me? what am I doing wrong?
Hello there,

I have a junction-like object of two lookup fields. Now I want those two fields to be read-only on their page layouts. How can I make it?

I used all ways like Page Layout, Field level security, Profiles, etc.

Please help.

Thanks in advance.
I'm trying to write a formla for a text field.  We have a "Communication Preference Confirmed" text field that I would like to show "Recieved" if the "Communication Opt In " check box = True OR if the Email Opt Out = True


We would also like the "Communication Preference Confirmed" text field to show "Required" if the "Communication Opt in"  checkbox is blank and the "Email Opt Out" = False

I haven't received any help in formulas, so I'm thinking I might have asked in the wrong section! Thanks for looking.

We have a field "Lifetime__c", that we would like to show a summation of all hourly imported values (importing to "Imported__c"). A simple formula field seems circular (Lifetime__c + Imported__c = Lifetime__c). What is the best way to go about this? Is there a way to create a field that does not overwrite, but adds on? A better formula field? Triggers? Roll-Up Summary Fields??

The goal is to have Lifetime__c updated hourly with a numerical value being imported (and overwritten) hourly to Imported__c like thus:

Hour 0: Imported__c - 5 Lifetime__c - 5
Hour 1: Imported__c - 3 Lifetime__c - 8
Hour 2: Imported__c - 7 Lifetime__c - 15

Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!
We have a field "Lifetime__c", that we would like to show a summation of all hourly imported values (importing to "Imported__c"). A simple formula field seems circular (Lifetime__c + Imported__c = Lifetime__c). What is the best way to go about this? Is there a way to create a field that does not overwrite, but adds on? A better formula field? Triggers? Roll-Up Summary Fields??

The goal is to have Lifetime__c updated hourly with a numerical value being imported (and overwritten) hourly to Imported__c like thus:

Hour 0: Imported__c - 5 Lifetime__c - 5
Hour 1: Imported__c - 3 Lifetime__c - 8
Hour 2: Imported__c - 7 Lifetime__c - 15

Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!

Curently I have the following validation rule that requires the Billing Address field to be required. The issue I am having is it does not work when a user creates new Account. Only works after the Account has been saved and then is updated.  How to get the validation to apply  when a user creates a new Account?

      DATEVALUE( CreatedDate )  >=   DATEVALUE('2011-06-01'),
ISBLANK( BillingStreet ),
ISBLANK( BillingCity ),
ISBLANK( BillingState ),
ISBLANK( BillingPostalCode )
I wrote a validation rule on the case object, worked fine for sys admins, but for standard users it always evaluated to true:

NOT(ISPICKVAL(Status,'Closed')) &&
IF( AssetId <> NULL, Asset.AccountId <> AccountId, false)

I wrote 2 others, that didn't ever evaluate to true:

NOT(ISPICKVAL(Status,'Closed')) &&
IF( NOT(ISBLANK( AssetId )) ,
Asset.Account.Name = Account.Name,false)

NOT(ISPICKVAL(Status,'Closed')) &&
IF(AssetId <> NULL,
If( AccountId <> NULL,
Asset.Account.Name <> Account.Name,false), false)

What don't any of these work? What should the rule say??
User-added image

I need the "Former Customer Notes" field (which is a text field) to become required when the "Former Customer" field (picklist)  is marked "Yes." What is the formula to do this?
I have an junction object with three lookup fields to three budget types (other objects). They are filled in depended on selected record type.
As result of formula I want to have 18 character Id.
'Product Budget', EMS_Product_Budget_gne__r.Id,
'Region Budget', EMS_Region_Budget_gne__r.Id,

Compiled size: 523 characters. Great but it returns 15char Id. Lets use CASESAFEID()
'Product Budget Allocation', EMS_Product_Budget_gne__r.Id,
'Region Budget Allocation', EMS_Region_Budget_gne__r.Id,
EMS_Territory_Budget_gne__r.Id) )

Error: Compiled formula is too big to execute (9,780 characters). Maximum size is 5,000 characters.
'Product Budget Allocation', CASESAFEID( EMS_Product_Budget_gne__r.Id),
'Region Budget Allocation', CASESAFEID( EMS_Region_Budget_gne__r.Id),
CASESAFEID( EMS_Territory_Budget_gne__r.Id) )

Error: Compiled formula is too big to execute (8,374 characters). Maximum size is 5,000 characters

Why is it that expensive? Is there a way to wokaround this?

Since Assets don't allow for history tracking on fields, I am trying to create a long text field that tracks the values of these fields.  I have it pretty much worked out except for the picklist fields.  

Here is my Workflow Rule:
ISCHANGED( AccountId ),
ISCHANGED( ContactId),
ISCHANGED( SerialNumber ),
ISCHANGED( Serial_Number_2__c ),
ISCHANGED( Hardware_Status__c ),
ISCHANGED( Hardware_Model_iSC1__c),
ISCHANGED( Hardware_Model_iSC2__c )

Here is my Field Update:
"Asset changed from " +
PRIORVALUE(AccountId) +  "to " + AccountId + BR() +
PRIORVALUE( ContactId ) + "to " + ContactId + BR() +
PRIORVALUE( SerialNumber )+  "to " + SerialNumber + BR() +
PRIORVALUE( Serial_Number_2__c )+  "to " + Serial_Number_2__c + BR() +
PRIORVALUE( Hardware_Status__c ) + "to " + TEXT(Hardware_Status__c) + BR() +
PRIORVALUE( Hardware_Model_iSC1__c ) +  "to " +  TEXT(Hardware_Model_iSC1__c) + BR() +
PRIORVALUE( Hardware_Model_iSC2__c ) +  "to " +  TEXT(Hardware_Model_iSC2__c) + BR() + "by " + 
LastModifiedById +  BR() +

The problem lies in the values the picklists are returning are not the actual PRIORVALUE, it is returning the picklist number(see bold below).
11to In Storage - New
1to ISC250-01P1227A
1to ISC250-01T2394A

Thoughts on how I can get the actual value to return?  Thanks,
We have a valdation rule which references a RecordTypeID. When I enter this ID into the URL is says 'Insufficient Privileges'. I have the system admin profile and access to development mode. Is there any way to locate a RecordTypeID in a mass search funcationality?

We are attempting to group Contact Titles into a Roles Custom Contact Field.  Here is what we have so far:

The issue:  We want to add an IF(CONTAINS(Title, "AP"), "Finance",       BUT it is pulling in anything with AP in the title.  Is there a way to run the IF CONTAINS, and then an exception like but NOT(CONTAINS(Title, "SAP"  ??

Any ideas are appreciated!  Thanks!

IF(CONTAINS(Title, "Assistant"), "Assistant",
IF(CONTAINS(Title, "Basis"), "Other",
IF(CONTAINS(Title, "Supply Chain"), "Other",
IF(CONTAINS(Title, "Security"), "Other",
IF(CONTAINS(Title, "Chief Financial Officer"), "CFO",
IF(CONTAINS(Title, "VP Finance"), "CFO",
IF(CONTAINS(Title, "Vice President Finance"), "CFO",
IF(CONTAINS(Title, "Chief Information Officer"), "CIO",
IF(CONTAINS(Title, "Accountant"), "Finance",
IF(CONTAINS(Title, "Accounting"), "Finance",
IF(CONTAINS(Title, "Vice President IT"), "CIO",
IF(CONTAINS(Title, "IT"), "IT",
IF(CONTAINS(Title, "IT Manager"), "IT",
IF(CONTAINS(Title, "IT Director"), "IT",
IF(CONTAINS(Title, "Information Technology"), "IT",
IF(CONTAINS(Title, "Chief Executive Officer"), "CEO",
IF(CONTAINS(Title, "Operations"), "Operations",
IF(CONTAINS(Title, "Operating"), "Operations",
IF(CONTAINS(Title, "Chief Technology Officer"), "CTO",
IF(CONTAINS(Title, "Chief Technical Officer"), "CTO",
IF(CONTAINS(Title, "VP Technology"), "CTO",
IF(CONTAINS(Title, "Vice President Technology"), "CTO",
IF(CONTAINS(Title, "Information Systems"), "CTO",
IF(CONTAINS(Title, "Sales"), "Sales",
IF(CONTAINS(Title, "Human Resources"), "HR",
IF(CONTAINS(Title, "Procurement"), "Procurement", NULL))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Hi, I have a simple report and I would like to know how can I convert a number column into time format (hh:mm:ss)?

I have a column (number) that is calculated in mins and I would like to show as time format (hh:mm:ss) in my report instead of whole number.

For example,
- 45 will show 00:45:00,
- 65 will show 01:05:00

is there any formula rules in report can do this?

Hi, I have a problem with my formula which should count End Date from Start Date + Contract Term, but the problem is that Contract Term values are not always divisible by 12? For example (37 or 41) .

Here is my formula before I found out that all the values aren't divisible by 12:

(YEAR(Service_Contract_Period_Start_Date__c)+VALUE(TEXT(Service_Contract_Term__c ))/12),

How should I solve this ?
Please add a field to the Visit object, but do not add it to any of the layouts, called " GP Margin Range " . This field needs to auto populate as one of the following ranges: " 0-30%, 30-40%, 40-50%, 50%+ ", based on the value in the Estimated GP Margin field.

E.G. if the Estimated GP Margin is 43% the GP Margin Range should be 40-50%.
I would appreciate any ideas of suggestions for writing a Fomula that looks at two fields (Date/Time Fields) and then sets a Text value (maybe  a Case statement) of "Day Shift" or "Night Shift" as follows:

Day Shift = 6 am to 6 pm (with same day)
Night Shift = 6 pm to 6am (across 2 days)

Thanks in advance for any ideas about ways to do this.

I need to create several validation rules off the back of the same process - we have a picklist and we need to enforce that if A, B or C are selected from A, B, C, D or E, that another field on the page becomes mandatory. I cannot find any code anywhere to create this and am struggling with the CASE and ISPICKVAL functions. Can anybody help? Thanks so much,
I am trying to prevent my users from skipping stages.  I have created this rule but I keep getting errors.  Can someone help me?
    ispickval<>(priorvalue(stage), "Presented Program")
   ,ispickval(stage,"Statement Collected")
    <>ispickval(priorvalue(stage), "Statement Collected")
   ,ispickval(stage,"Statement Analyzed")
    <>ispickval(priorvalue(stage), "Statement Analyzed")
   ,ispickval(stage,"Analyzer Presented")
    <>ispickval(priorvalue(stage), "Analyzer Presented")
   ,ispickval(stage,"Closed Won")