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I've learned how to pre-populate a form using an S-Control and/or Custom Link.
Is it possible to automatically submit the pre-populated form without user intervention?
Ultimately, I'd like to pre-populate several different forms and auto-submit them.  Sounds like a job for API man, however, I don't have access to the API due to this being a Team Edition version.
I'm workink with AJAX.  Any method that doesn't require the API would be valuable.
If you don't think this is possible, that feedback would be useful as well!
I am a freelance developer mainly working with the following:
Appexchange API
I also do office manipulation (e.g. excel spreadsheets, outlook mail, automatic upload to sharepoint and more).
Please let me know if you have any projects you need completed.  Will develop at a good price. Thanks..
  • October 16, 2006
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I am making this query in the sforce explorer
Select AmountInherited, CreatedById, CreatedDate, CurrencyIsoCode, ForecastCategoryInherited, Id, LastModifiedById, LastModifiedDate, OpportunityId, OutOfDate, OverrideAmount, OverrideComment, OverrideForecastCategory, OverridePeriodId, OverrideQuantity, OwnerId, PeriodInherited, QuantityInherited, SystemModstamp from OpportunityOverride where LastModifiedDate>2006-02-20T00:00:00.000Z and I have 216 results

The same one in sforce Excel Connector 153 rows return (sforce excel connector 6.15)
For both the 7.0 Endpoint otherwise this table is not avalaible

Hope you can provide help

I'm trying to develop a tool that uses salesforce's contracts. However what I need to do is have this tool automatically approve contracts. I've tried by setting only the status field to be an in approval process status but I keep getting an "invalid status" message when trying to update the contract.

Can anybody shed some light on how to accomplish this? I looked into the approval object as well but it doesn't seem to have a pointer to the contract and I'm trying to avoid sending unneeded email messages out to users that don't need them.
  • February 03, 2005
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