• NeelimaG
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I have a requirement to read multiple files that will be placed on a network drive on a daily basis and update Salesforce records with the data from the file. These are csv files with each value in quotes (to handle the commas in the values).
The process should be automated. Looking for suggestions on possible ways of implementing this. Any code samples will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I have created a domain in my sandbox and deployed (2 days ago). When I try to launch the Import Wizard, I am getting below error.
An error has occurred in the following section: [Exception, DomainNotPropagated_desc]. Salesforce.com has been notified of this error
Can you suggest why I am getting this error and how I can fix it?
I have a VF page with MyController and MyComponent.
MyController is used both in VF page and Component.
I have two variables in MyController and these will be set to some value from the Component.
But when I try to access them from VFPage, the variables are returning null.
Below is the simplified code for the three items.
Any ideas?

public with sharing class MyController {
     public String var1 {get; set;}
     public String var2 {get;set;}
    //method called from component
      public void setVariables() {
} //end of MyController

Component code:
<apex:component controller="MyController" access="global"> <apex:attribute name="VarId1" description="The type of record we are viewing." type="String" assignTo="{!var1}" />
<apex:attribute name="VarId2" description="The type of record we are viewing." type="String" assignTo="{!var2}" />
<apex:commandButton value="Verify Code" onclick="veify();return false;" >
<apex:actionFunction name="verify" action="{!setVariables()}" rerender="" status="counterStatus2">
</apex:commandButton> </apex:form>

My VF page
<apex:page docType="html-5.0" controller="MyController" showHeader="false" sidebar="false" standardStylesheets="false" applyBodyTag="false"> <html lang="en">
<apex:outputPanel id="verifiedBlockId" rendered="{!verified}"> <div class="col-sm-12 padding-left-0"> <h1><apex:outputText id="VarId" value="{!var1}"></apex:outputText></h1> <apex:outputText id="VarId2" value="{!var2}" style="visibility:hidden" ></apex:outputText> </apex:outputPanel>
<c:TG_MyComponent VarId1="" VarId2=""></c:MyComponent> </body> </html> </apex:page>
I am trying to set our application session time out to exactly one hour. I have already set the Session Timeout value to 1 hour in Session Settings. Is there a way to enforce exactly 1 hour timeout instead of the the way SF calculates session timeout (as below) ?

"The last active session time value isn’t updated until halfway through the timeout period. That is, if you have a 30 minute timeout, the system won’t check for activity until 15 minutes have passed. For example, assume you have a 30 minute timeout value. If you update a record after 10 minutes, the last active session time value won’t be updated because there was no activity after 15 minutes. You’ll be logged out in 20 more minutes (30 minutes total) because the last active session time wasn’t updated. Suppose you update a record after 20 minutes. That’s five minutes after the last active session time is checked, so your timeout resets and you have another 30 minutes before being logged out, for a total of 50 minutes."
We have an IDP (Siteminder) initiated SSO session for our application. Our IDP will not be providing us a logout url or disable the SM session when the user logsout of Salesforce application. Is there a way to get hold of SMSession cookie from salesforce so I can clear the session?

Thank you!
I have a requirement to read multiple files that will be placed on a network drive on a daily basis and update Salesforce records with the data from the file. These are csv files with each value in quotes (to handle the commas in the values).
The process should be automated. Looking for suggestions on possible ways of implementing this. Any code samples will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I have created a domain in my sandbox and deployed (2 days ago). When I try to launch the Import Wizard, I am getting below error.
An error has occurred in the following section: [Exception, DomainNotPropagated_desc]. Salesforce.com has been notified of this error
Can you suggest why I am getting this error and how I can fix it?
I have a VF page with MyController and MyComponent.
MyController is used both in VF page and Component.
I have two variables in MyController and these will be set to some value from the Component.
But when I try to access them from VFPage, the variables are returning null.
Below is the simplified code for the three items.
Any ideas?

public with sharing class MyController {
     public String var1 {get; set;}
     public String var2 {get;set;}
    //method called from component
      public void setVariables() {
} //end of MyController

Component code:
<apex:component controller="MyController" access="global"> <apex:attribute name="VarId1" description="The type of record we are viewing." type="String" assignTo="{!var1}" />
<apex:attribute name="VarId2" description="The type of record we are viewing." type="String" assignTo="{!var2}" />
<apex:commandButton value="Verify Code" onclick="veify();return false;" >
<apex:actionFunction name="verify" action="{!setVariables()}" rerender="" status="counterStatus2">
</apex:commandButton> </apex:form>

My VF page
<apex:page docType="html-5.0" controller="MyController" showHeader="false" sidebar="false" standardStylesheets="false" applyBodyTag="false"> <html lang="en">
<apex:outputPanel id="verifiedBlockId" rendered="{!verified}"> <div class="col-sm-12 padding-left-0"> <h1><apex:outputText id="VarId" value="{!var1}"></apex:outputText></h1> <apex:outputText id="VarId2" value="{!var2}" style="visibility:hidden" ></apex:outputText> </apex:outputPanel>
<c:TG_MyComponent VarId1="" VarId2=""></c:MyComponent> </body> </html> </apex:page>