• Hope E.
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I have always this error when i try to deploy a flow
The version of the flow you're updating was active and can't be overwritten
I have disactivated the flows adn process builder related, but i still have error.

Can someone suggest me wht i can do ?
  • April 26, 2017
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In our SF orgs I used probabilistic encryptions before and generated a cash-only key which all worked.
Now I would like to change it to Deterministic.
In de the "Key management" settings, I go to 'choose tenant secret key' and then 'Bring your own key'.
In dev is all okay but in uat and production I dont see the cache-only key options at all. 
also in advanced setting, I'm not able to see for example 'Allow Cache-Only Keys with BYOK'.
what could be wrong then.
any idea please?

thank you!

Hi all, 

I need to convert some Json files stored on S3 to SF objects.

I've got these info from customer which I put in a named credential.

S3 Bucket - region eu-west-1
Bucket naam : 
    nonprd: nonProd
    key ID: keyId
    Access key: accessKey

Http http = new Http();
HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
request.setHeader('Accept', 'text/plain');
request.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');  
HttpResponse response = http.send(request);

I'll receive a response 'The specified bucket does not exist'. Can anybody help with the solution please?



I have a VF page. I need to populate a list of contacts in a picklist. by changing it the fields name, phone should be prefilled. there is also an option to create a new contact. 
Is there any easy way to achieve this?

thank you!

I'm looking for an easy way to change the object's recordtype via a button or something in Lightning.

any suggestion? 



I tried to user appexchange for this like EasyDescribe/Schema surfer but it doesn't include description... Any ideas?



I have couple of questions in my VF page.
A has 3 checkboxes (A,B,C)
B has 3 checkboxes (A,B,C)
I've created a wrapper class with the question's Id, checkbox name and the isSelected Boolean. But it only passes the values of the last Item to controller.

Do you have any idea why it's not working?

Thx in advance!


I have a visualforce page(site.com) which should allow internal and external users to upload files/images to Salesforce. Internal users dont have any problem but external users can only view the file and not upload it. I also don't get any error message.

Does anybody know a solution for this?

thank you



Hi All,

I have a custom field which contains the user's linkin URL. 
in my formula I want to use a image instead and linked to my custom field is field if it's filled.

It's not working and will throw an error. if I look at the Url it's like: https://sdworxgroup--int.cs85.my.salesforce.com/www.linkedin.com/in/

so I tried to remove the basic url from it but it still not working.

LEFT($Api.Partner_Server_URL_260, FIND( '/services', $Api.Partner_Server_URL_260)), ''), 

do you have any suggestion? 

thank you

What is the best way to generate an incremental Alpha-numeric id. e.g => A000 - A001- A002 ..... A999 - B000 - B001 - ... AAB0 .... ZZZZ



Hello all,
I still get this error.
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'Opp Stage by Adventure' report does not appear to be configured correctly. Make sure it has the correct report type, groupings, filters and chart type.
Cannot get what is going wrong.
User-added image
My Advature page is like this.
User-added image
Could you please help me with this? 


I collect the id of checked items and want to pass it to my controller and after that I want to refresh the Pageblock table. Can somebody help? 

function setFilter(obj){
                    var index = filterIds.indexOf(obj.value);
                    if (index > -1) {
                        filterIds.splice(index, 1);

RefreshTableX(); is a public void method.

Does any one knows what's the best way to set a default dat is start and End date of an event when a checkbox is checked and remove the date whe it's false?

I tried to do that via Validation rules and workflow but the Start/End date doesnt exists in a list of fields

Thanks ​

In our SF orgs I used probabilistic encryptions before and generated a cash-only key which all worked.
Now I would like to change it to Deterministic.
In de the "Key management" settings, I go to 'choose tenant secret key' and then 'Bring your own key'.
In dev is all okay but in uat and production I dont see the cache-only key options at all. 
also in advanced setting, I'm not able to see for example 'Allow Cache-Only Keys with BYOK'.
what could be wrong then.
any idea please?

thank you!

I'm looking for an easy way to change the object's recordtype via a button or something in Lightning.

any suggestion? 



I tried to user appexchange for this like EasyDescribe/Schema surfer but it doesn't include description... Any ideas?



I have couple of questions in my VF page.
A has 3 checkboxes (A,B,C)
B has 3 checkboxes (A,B,C)
I've created a wrapper class with the question's Id, checkbox name and the isSelected Boolean. But it only passes the values of the last Item to controller.

Do you have any idea why it's not working?

Thx in advance!


I have always this error when i try to deploy a flow
The version of the flow you're updating was active and can't be overwritten
I have disactivated the flows adn process builder related, but i still have error.

Can someone suggest me wht i can do ?
  • April 26, 2017
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  • 0

Hi All,

I have a custom field which contains the user's linkin URL. 
in my formula I want to use a image instead and linked to my custom field is field if it's filled.

It's not working and will throw an error. if I look at the Url it's like: https://sdworxgroup--int.cs85.my.salesforce.com/www.linkedin.com/in/

so I tried to remove the basic url from it but it still not working.

LEFT($Api.Partner_Server_URL_260, FIND( '/services', $Api.Partner_Server_URL_260)), ''), 

do you have any suggestion? 

thank you


I am having issues creating a table of related record for a custom object. I have a custom object 'Equipment Library' with a child custom object 'Equipment Library Item' which in turn had a field called 'Manufacturer'. I am able to create a table that populates with the related child objects and shows the name of each but when I include the Manufacturer field I get the following error: Invalid field Manufacturer for SObject Equipment_Library_Item__c

Can someone help?

I have read through similar questions and cant figure it out! Ive tried various endings for the Manufacturer field too and it still wont work (e.g. Manufacturer__c, Manufacturer_r, Manufacturers). My code is shown below:

<apex:page standardController="Equipment_Library__c" standardStylesheets="false" sidebar="false" showHeader="false">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">    
<apex:stylesheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.SLDS214_Rev2, 'assets/styles/salesforce-lightning-design-system-vf.min.css')}" />
<div class="SLDS214_scoping">
    <apex:dataTable  value="{!Equipment_Library__c.Equipment_Library_Items__r}" var="record" styleClass="slds-table slds-table--bordered slds-table--striped">
        <apex:column headerValue="Item Name" value="{!record.Name}"/>
        <apex:column headerValue="Item Name" value="{!record.Manufacturer}"/>
Hello all,
I still get this error.
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'Opp Stage by Adventure' report does not appear to be configured correctly. Make sure it has the correct report type, groupings, filters and chart type.
Cannot get what is going wrong.
User-added image
My Advature page is like this.
User-added image
Could you please help me with this? 


I have a trigger to do lots of actions before and after DML's. but in my test class i am getting erro: System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101. I have followed best practises for test classes such as not using query or DML in for loops but still i am getting this error.  Can sombody locate cause of this error.
trigger LeadTrigger on Lead (before insert, before update, after insert) {
    Group queue                    = [SELECT Id, name FROM Group WHERE type='Queue' and Name='TCC Counsellors' Limit 1];
    List<GroupMember> queueMembers = [SELECT Group.Name, UserOrGroupId FROM GroupMember WHERE GroupId =: queue.Id ];
    integer val = 0;
    List<Lead> Exleads = [SELECT Id, name, email, MobilePhone, Program__c FROM Lead WHERE Id NOT IN : Trigger.new ];
    List<Duplicate_Lead__c> DupLeads = new List <Duplicate_Lead__c>();
    List<Lead> dupLeadsUpdate = new List<Lead>();
    List<Lead> dupLeadsDelete = new List<Lead>();
    List<Lead> LeadsToUpdate = new List<Lead>();
    Set<Lead> myset = new Set<Lead>();
    List<Lead> result = new List<Lead>();

    for( Lead ld : Trigger.new ) {
    if(Trigger.isBefore && (Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate)){
       /*Remove Company field value*/    
       if(ld.Company != null){
          ld.Company = null;  
      /*Start - Set Assigned_to_Sales_Team value  */
       for( Group q : [SELECT Id, name FROM Group WHERE type='Queue' And name != 'TCC Counsellors']){
          if(ld.OwnerId == q.Id && ld.Assigned_to_Sales_Team__c == false){  
           ld.Assigned_to_Sales_Team__c = true;
     /*Start - FetchIntake */
       for( Calender__c cal : [SELECT Id, Start_Date__c, End_Date__c, Program__c, Intake_Month__c, Intake_Year__c FROM Calender__c WHERE Start_Date__c <= :System.Today() and End_Date__c >= :System.Today() ]) {
           if(Trigger.isInsert && ld.Program__c == cal.Program__c) {          
              ld.Intake__c        = cal.id;
              ld.Intake_Month__c  = cal.Intake_Month__c;
              ld.Intake_Year__c   = cal.Intake_Year__c;           

        /*Start - FetchTccValues*/
        for (GroupMember qm :queueMembers  ) {
             if( ld.ownerid == queue.Id ) {
                 ld.TCC_Lead_Status__c = ld.Status;
                 ld.TCC_Lead_Owner__c  = qm.Group.Name;
             } else if( ld.ownerid == qm.UserOrGroupId ) {
                 User us               = [SELECT Id,name FROM User where id =: qm.UserOrGroupId];
                 ld.TCC_Lead_Status__c = ld.Status;
                 ld.TCC_Lead_Owner__c  = us.name;
        /*Start - Lead Rating calculation*/
        if( ld.Program__c == 'EMBA' ) {
            if(ld.Work_Experience__c=='3 + years'){
            }if(ld.LeadSource=='Walk In'||ld.LeadSource=='Incomming Call'||ld.LeadSource=='Chat'){
            }if(ld.Info_session_Attended__c =='Yes'){
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'Cyber Security' || ld.Program__c == 'Machine Learning' || ld.Program__c == 'Virtual Reality') {
            if(ld.Work_Experience__c=='3 + years'){
            }if(ld.Qualification__c!='Undergraduate'&&ld.Qualification__c!='Graduate'&&ld.Qualification__c!='Post Graduate Diploma'&&ld.Qualification__c!='Masters Degree'&&ld.Qualification__c!='Undergraduate or postgraduate degree in Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, B.Sc, B.Pharma, BBA, Economics or Commerce'){
            }if(ld.Lead_City__c=='Mumbai'||ld.Lead_City__c=='Bengaluru' ||ld.Lead_City__c=='Pune'||ld.Lead_City__c=='Chennai'||ld.Lead_City__c=='Trivandrum'){
            }if(ld.LeadSource=='Walk In'||ld.LeadSource=='Incomming Call'||ld.LeadSource=='Chat'){
            }if(ld.Info_session_Attended__c =='Yes'){
    system.debug('Value of value variable:' + val);
        if( ld.Program__c == 'EMBA' ) {
            ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/10;
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'DMM'&& ld.Program_Type__c=='PT') {
             ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/10;
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'DMM'&& ld.Program_Type__c=='FT') {
             ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/9;
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'BDAP'&& ld.Program_Type__c=='PT') {
             ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/10;
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'BDAP'&& ld.Program_Type__c=='FT') {
             ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/9;
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'MGB') {
             ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/10;
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'GMBA') {
             ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/10;
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'GFMB') {
             ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/9;
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'MgLuxM') {
             ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/9;
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'Cyber Security' || ld.Program__c == 'Machine Learning' || ld.Program__c == 'Virtual Reality') {
             ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/11;
        }else if(ld.Program__c == 'BBA'|| ld.Program__c == 'BBC' || ld.Program__c == 'BEC') {
             ld.Lead_Rating_Percentile__c = (((Double)val)*100)/10;
      /*Start Lead status update to Not Contacted when Lead goes from TCC to RM*/
       if( Trigger.isBefore && Trigger.isUpdate ){
       Lead OldLead = Trigger.oldMap.get(ld.Id);
         for (GroupMember qm :queueMembers  ) {
           if( (OldLead.Ownerid == qm.UserOrGroupId) && ld.ownerid != queue.Id && string.valueOf(ld.OwnerId).startsWith('00G') ) {
                 ld.Status = 'Not Contacted';
      /*Start - Updating custom fields for mapping with account*/
       if(ld.Status != null){
           ld.Hidden_Lead_Status__c = ld.Status;
       if(ld.LeadSource != null){
           ld.Hidden_Lead_Source__c = ld.LeadSource;
           ld.Hidden_Do_Not_Call__c = ld.DoNotCall;
           ld.Hidden_Partial_Application__c = ld.Partial_Application__c;
    } // End  of Before trigger
     /*Start - After trigger for Lead Duplication*/
     if(trigger.isAfter && trigger.isInsert){
       for(Lead Ele : Exleads){
              if(( (ld.email != null && ld.email == Ele.email) && (ld.Program__c != null && ld.Program__c==Ele.Program__c) ) || ( (ld.MobilePhone != null && ld.MobilePhone == ELe.MobilePhone) && (ld.Program__c != null && ld.Program__c==Ele.Program__c) )){
              Duplicate_Lead__c DPLead = new Duplicate_Lead__c();
              DPLead.Name                = 'Duplicate Of'+' '+ Ele.Name;
              DPLead.Lead_Name__c        = ld.FirstName+ ' '+ld.LastName ;
              DPLead.Email__c            = ld.Email;
              DPLead.Mobile__c           = ld.MobilePhone;
              DPLead.Lead_Status__c      = ld.Status;
              DPLead.Lead_Source__c      = ld.LeadSource;
              DPLead.Work_Experience__c  = ld.Work_Experience__c;
              DPLead.program__c          = ld.Program__c;
              DPLead.Lead_City__c        = ld.Lead_City__c;
              DPLead.Lead_State__c       = ld.Lead_State__c;
              DPLead.Lead_Country__c     = ld.Lead_Country__c;
              Ele.Duplicacy__c = true;
              Lead leadDel = new Lead(Id=ld.Id);

      update result;
      update dupLeadsUpdate;
        Insert DupLeads;
         Delete dupLeadsDelete;

Thanks in advance!

I collect the id of checked items and want to pass it to my controller and after that I want to refresh the Pageblock table. Can somebody help? 

function setFilter(obj){
                    var index = filterIds.indexOf(obj.value);
                    if (index > -1) {
                        filterIds.splice(index, 1);

RefreshTableX(); is a public void method.

Does any one knows what's the best way to set a default dat is start and End date of an event when a checkbox is checked and remove the date whe it's false?

I tried to do that via Validation rules and workflow but the Start/End date doesnt exists in a list of fields

Thanks ​