• Malgorzata
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   I'm getting this error with this VF page :

ErrorError: Could not resolve the entity from <apex:outputField> value binding '{!Task[f]}'. outputField can only be used with SObject fields.


Can anyone help please? Thanks


<apex:page standardController="Task" showHeader="false">
    <apex:form >
      <apex:pageBlock title="New Task" mode="edit">
          <apex:pageBlockButtons location="top">
             <!-- <apex:commandButton onClick="{javascript&colon;window.close()}" value="Close this window"/> -->
             <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}"/>
          <apex:pageBlockSection columns="2">
           <apex:repeat value="{!$ObjectType.Task.FieldSets.TaskNote_CTask}" var="f">
                <apex:outputField value="{!Task[f]}"/>      


Hi all,

Is it possible to create a chatter component that displays the feed only of a particular group?
Couldn't find anything but the standard component and the <forceChatter:feed> component which doesn't seem to be able to display just a speicifc group taken as parameter. Please advise?
I followed this module to the exact "t" and I am still getting this error 
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The report does not appear to be using the Omni-Channel Reports report type.

Attached screen shots to show I followed steps
User-added image
User-added image
What am I missing here? 
I saved the report to the public folder and also ensured I logged in with the correct org.
I am working on the Omni-Channel Basics trail, under the Arm Your Supervisors with Real-Time Data and Reporting module and i cannot seem to pass the challenge.  I receive the error:

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The report does not appear to be using the Omni-Channel Reports report type.

Yet i have the report type created with that name, and a report created using that report type.  Something aint happy.
I am here to explain my problem with Adobe esign integrated with salesforce. I have created the Agreement
Template, Merge Mapping for the Form fields in the Agreement. As well as
uploaded the required Agreement document in the salesforce Document object
and Added that in the 'Add File Attachment' related list of the Agreement
When i try to send the Agreement i get "Sent Correctly" but Merge
Mapping is not working properly. Values from merge Mapping is not coming.
I get this error: 
User ID: 00520000001cRLdAAM
Agreement Name: Adobe Document Cloud Agreement
Agreement ID: a1Sw0000008INaxEAG

Object look up field: echosign_dev1__Account__r not set, ignoring mapping entry Object look up field: echosign_dev1__Account__r not set, ignoring mapping entry Object look up field: echosign_dev1__Account__r not set, ignoring mapping entry Object look up field: echosign_dev1__Account__r not set, ignoring mapping entry Object look up field: echosign_dev1__Account__r not set, ignoring mapping entry Object look up field: echosign_dev1__Account__r not set, ignoring mapping entry Object look up field: echosign_dev1__Account__r not set, ignoring mapping entry Object look up field: echosign_dev1__Account__r not set, ignoring mapping entry Object look up field: echosign_dev1__Account__r not set, ignoring mapping entry Object look up field: echosign_dev1__Account__r not set, ignoring mapping entry Object look up field: echosign_dev1__Account__r not set, ignoring mapping entry Object look up field: echosign_dev1__Account__r not set, ignoring mapping entry Object look up field: echosign_dev1__Account__r not set, ignoring mapping entry Object look up field: echosign_dev1__Account__r not set, ignoring mapping entry Object look up field: echosign_dev1__Account__r not set, ignoring mapping entry Object look up field: echosign_dev1__Account__r not set, ignoring mapping entry Object look up field: echosign_dev1__Account__r not set, ignoring mapping entry Object look up field: echosign_dev1__Account__r not set, ignoring mapping entry Object look up field: echosign_dev1__Account__r not set, ignoring mapping entry Object look up field: echosign_dev1__Account__r not set, ignoring mapping entry

Can someone help me?
HI all

In flows i have want to add cancel button for all the screens its populating but i am new to flows in salesforce and could not find any options to add. Please comment


I am trying to change the background color of a visual force page. The code I have is not working.  Please help! How do I fix this?


<apex:page standardcontroller="Feature_Request_Form__c" >
   background-color: blue; }
<apex:form >
<div>To complete the request, click on <b>Submit for Approval</b> button located on the <b>Approval History</b> section of this page.</div>

I'm having difficulty setting the finishLocation of a flow. I would like users to return to the originating Account record from which they started the flow from upon clicking the Finish button.


I have an object with a master-detail relationship to Account. In the object's related list on the Account, I have a custom button. When clicked, the custom button loads a Visualforce page with a flow:interview embedded in it. Here is the button's URL structure:



 Here is the Visualforce page without any finishLocation set:


<apex:page standardController="Account">
        <flow:interview name="UWScheduler" />

 Here's what I have tried:


Attempt1: In the custom button, set the retUrl=%2F{!Account.ID}
Result1: Upon clicking Finish in the flow, I loop back to the first flow screen, and the URL = /apex/UWRScheduler?sparkID=UWScheduler



Attempt2: Set the following in the Visualforce page:

finishLocation="{!URLFOR($Action.Account.View, Account.Id, null, true)}"


Invalid parameter for function URLFOR
Error is in expression '{!URLFOR($Action.Account.View, Account.Id, null, true)}' in component <flow:interview> in page uwrscheduler


Attempt3: Set the following in the Visualforce page:


 Result3: Clicking Finish in the flow logs me out of Salesforce!


Please help! My first flow is almost complete!

  • November 08, 2012
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   I'm getting this error with this VF page :

ErrorError: Could not resolve the entity from <apex:outputField> value binding '{!Task[f]}'. outputField can only be used with SObject fields.


Can anyone help please? Thanks


<apex:page standardController="Task" showHeader="false">
    <apex:form >
      <apex:pageBlock title="New Task" mode="edit">
          <apex:pageBlockButtons location="top">
             <!-- <apex:commandButton onClick="{javascript&colon;window.close()}" value="Close this window"/> -->
             <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}"/>
          <apex:pageBlockSection columns="2">
           <apex:repeat value="{!$ObjectType.Task.FieldSets.TaskNote_CTask}" var="f">
                <apex:outputField value="{!Task[f]}"/>      


If we need to do build a portal for lets say 5K+ users, need to consider COST as primary criteria for determination, which of below option is recommended or even allowed (wrt salefsorce contract etc) ?
  1. Salesforce Customer Portal : As this involves license fee per customer, hence this solution ends up to be too costly
  2. Force.com Site with Portal : This is similar to option1, here instead first login page is branded website page and behind this page is customer portal.
  3. Force.com Site with Custom Portal : This is like we build a portal, authentication, user management etc. This will not need any extra license but this is violation to salesforce agreement  (is it?) where they dont allow creating complete login mechanism. Hence doing this in hidden manner is not recommended.
  4. Communities
  5. Pay to Salesforce based on Number of Logins per month :  instead of paying per user per month, there's one concept of paying based on logins per month.
  6. Force.com (Public) Site with CustomerId/Token mechanism (no password) :  Here user enters some unique user-id/customer-id to login, no password simply a username. This option can be selected only if customer detail are not very sensitive as its unauthenticated or you can say authenticated just baed on some unique-id. There is one work around to make it more secure by sending a token to customer email address when they enter their email address as username and then entering the token (which they will receive in email) as password.
Shouldn't there be a cost effective solution which allows  to prepare portal for users where-in the functionality to be provided is read-only or number of portal users is too high.

Chirag Mehta | Satrang Technologies | http://www.satrangtech.com