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How to Link the Save button to a URL
How can i link my VF Save button to a URL so that when a record in saved in my form, the user is redirectd to "www.google.com". Ive tried looking on different forms but other situations is always different to mine. Thanks for your help!
his is a snippet of my code.
<apex:page standardController="Turndown__c" sidebar="false" showHeader="true" extensions="pagereference" >
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock title="Documented Turndowns" id="turndown_list">
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1" >
<!-- to remove the header, but keep the fields' help texts -->
<style type="text/css">
.bPageHeader {display: none;}
<!-- Inputfields -->
<apex:inputfield value="{! Turndown__c.Account__c }"/>
<apex:inputfield value="{! Turndown__c.Phone_Number__c }"/>
<apex:inputfield value="{! Turndown__c.Region__c }"/>
<apex:pageBlockButtons >
<apex:commandButton action="{!Save}" value="Save" />
Thanks again!
- Ola Bamidele
- November 22, 2017
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Trigger with helper class
I have created a Trigger and used Helper class in the trigger and created the Test Class which is covering 96% of helper class but when I am trying to deploy the code then it is showing 20% code coverage bcoz of which I am unable to deploy the code. Can anyone help?
trigger lead_agent_trigger on Lead (before insert,before Update)
Helper Class:-
public class Lead_Agent_Trigger_Helper {
public void Agent(List<Lead> Leads)
for(Lead loopVar : Leads)
string country = loopVar.Country;
//Agents__c agent = [select Id,Agent_Name__c,agent_email__c from Agents__c where Country__c like : country and Active__c = True and Edition__c =: loopVar.Edition__c limit 1];
if(loopVar.Sector_show__c == null && loopVar.Sectors__c == null)
Agents__c agent = [select Id,Agent_Name__c,agent_email__c,Sector_show__c,Sectors__c from Agents__c where
Country__c like : country and
Active__c = True and
Edition__c =: loopVar.Edition__c and
Sector_show__c = null and
Sectors__c = null limit 1];
loopVar.Agent__c = agent.Agent_Name__c;
loopVar.agent_email__c= agent.agent_email__c;
Contact contact = [select AccountId,Email from Contact where Id =: agent.Agent_Name__c limit 1];
loopVar.Agent_Account__c = contact.AccountId;
loopVar.Agents__c = agent.Id;
loopVar.Date_sent_to_Agent__c = date.Today();
else if(loopVar.Sector_show__c != null && loopVar.Sectors__c != null)
String sector = loopVar.Sectors__c;
Agents__c agent1 = [select Id,Agent_Name__c,agent_email__c,Sector_show__c,Sectors__c from Agents__c
where Country__c like : country
and Active__c = True and Edition__c =: loopVar.Edition__c
and Sector_show__c =: loopVar.Sector_show__c
and Sectors__c Includes (:sector) limit 1];
loopVar.Agent__c = agent1.Agent_Name__c;
loopVar.agent_email__c= agent1.agent_email__c;
Contact contact1 = [select AccountId,Email from Contact where Id =: agent1.Agent_Name__c limit 1];
loopVar.Agent_Account__c = contact1.AccountId;
loopVar.Agents__c = agent1.Id;
loopVar.Date_sent_to_Agent__c = date.Today();
catch(Exception E){}
Test Class:-
public class Lead_Agent_Trigger_Helper {
public void Agent(List<Lead> Leads)
for(Lead loopVar : Leads)
string country = loopVar.Country;
//Agents__c agent = [select Id,Agent_Name__c,agent_email__c from Agents__c where Country__c like : country and Active__c = True and Edition__c =: loopVar.Edition__c limit 1];
if(loopVar.Sector_show__c == null && loopVar.Sectors__c == null)
Agents__c agent = [select Id,Agent_Name__c,agent_email__c,Sector_show__c,Sectors__c from Agents__c where
Country__c like : country and
Active__c = True and
Edition__c =: loopVar.Edition__c and
Sector_show__c = null and
Sectors__c = null limit 1];
loopVar.Agent__c = agent.Agent_Name__c;
loopVar.agent_email__c= agent.agent_email__c;
Contact contact = [select AccountId,Email from Contact where Id =: agent.Agent_Name__c limit 1];
loopVar.Agent_Account__c = contact.AccountId;
loopVar.Agents__c = agent.Id;
loopVar.Date_sent_to_Agent__c = date.Today();
else if(loopVar.Sector_show__c != null && loopVar.Sectors__c != null)
String sector = loopVar.Sectors__c;
Agents__c agent1 = [select Id,Agent_Name__c,agent_email__c,Sector_show__c,Sectors__c from Agents__c
where Country__c like : country
and Active__c = True and Edition__c =: loopVar.Edition__c
and Sector_show__c =: loopVar.Sector_show__c
and Sectors__c Includes (:sector) limit 1];
loopVar.Agent__c = agent1.Agent_Name__c;
loopVar.agent_email__c= agent1.agent_email__c;
Contact contact1 = [select AccountId,Email from Contact where Id =: agent1.Agent_Name__c limit 1];
loopVar.Agent_Account__c = contact1.AccountId;
loopVar.Agents__c = agent1.Id;
loopVar.Date_sent_to_Agent__c = date.Today();
catch(Exception E){}
- Avesh Lakha
- November 21, 2017
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System.Callout Exception Unexpected end of file from server
public String endpoint_x ='callout:SAP_Callout';
AS per salesforce doc https://help.salesforce.com/HTViewSolution?id=000003652 we have whitelisted the Salesforce IP ranges in Firewall on SAP End.
But during callout, still we are getting Error,
System.Callout Exception Unexpected end of file from server
Named Credentials: http://prntscr.com/l28ba7
Snapshot of IP ranges which is configured in firewall.
- Amol Ch
- October 05, 2018
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VF page not updating realted list record when created new record from same page.
Assesment is Custom object. We have two button "Create Assesment" & "Update assesment" on VF Page.
Scenario 1: When I open the page & click on update assessment then it updates the related record correct. Its Fine.
Scenario 2: When I open the page & click on create assessment button it open in new tab and I've created the record. Again back to same vf page & click on update assessment button then it updating the wrong records.
how to resolve this issue.
Vf Page:
<apex:page standardController="Assessment__c" sidebar="false" showHeader="false" showChat="true" extensions="AssessmentController"> <apex:form > <apex:pageBlock id="block1" > <apex:pageMessages ></apex:pageMessages> <apex:pageBlockSection title="Assessments" id="Assessments" columns="1" collapsible="true" > <apex:outputPanel > <apex:commandLink action="{!createAssesmnt}" target="_blank"><apex:commandButton value="New Assesment" style="float:right;"/></apex:commandLink> <apex:commandButton action="{!updateAss}" value="Update Assesment" style="float:right;" reRender="refTble"/> </apex:outputPanel> <apex:outputPanel Id="blockrefresh"> <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Asses}" var="a" Id="refTble" > <apex:column headerValue="Assment" style="width: 5px;" > <apex:outputLink value="/{!a.id}" target="_blank">Open</apex:outputLink> </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="Description" > <apex:inputField value="{!a.Assessment_Description__c}" style="overflow:hidden"/> </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="Last Screening" > <apex:inputField value="{!a.Last_Screening__c}" style="overflow:hidden"/> </apex:column> </apex:pageBlockTable> </apex:outputPanel> </apex:pageBlockSection> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:form>Controller:
public with sharing class AssessmentController { private List<Assessment__c> asses; Assessment__c assment; Assessment__c AssRec; public Outcome__c outcome{get;set;} public AssessmentController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { this.assment= (Assessment__c)controller.getRecord(); outcome = new Outcome__c (); AssRec= [select id,Name,Patient__r.Name,PHQ9_Measurement_ID__c,PSMS_Measurement_ID__c from Assessment__c where Id=:assment.Id]; } public PageReference createAssesmnt(){ Schema.DescribeSObjectResult result = Assessment__c.SObjectType.getDescribe(); PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/' + result.getKeyPrefix() + '/e?C00N1a000006Z8Gs_lkid='+assment.Patient__c+'&CF00N1a000006Z8Gs='+AssRec.Patient__r.Name); pageRef.setRedirect(true); return pageRef; } public List<Assessment__c> getAsses() { asses = [Select id,Assessment_Description__c,Last_Screening__c,Clone__c,Category__c,Date_Due__c, Resolved__c,Delete__c,Type__c,Sort__c,RT_Type__c,Outcome_Count__c,Create_Outcome__c,Use_Screening_Update__c,Screening_Update__c, (select id,Name,Assessment_Description__c,Outcome_Description__c,Type__c,Completed__c from Outcomes__r) from Assessment__c where Resolved__c=false AND Patient__c=:assment.Patient__c ORDER BY Assessment_Description__c ASC]; for(Assessment__c a:asses) system.debug('Assesment List ##'+a.Id+' '+a.Assessment_Description__c); return asses; } public pageReference updateAss(){ try{ for(Assessment__c a:asses) system.debug('Assesment List @@'+a.Id+' '+a.Assessment_Description__c); update asses; return null; } catch(Exception e){ string message='Data Base error during saving...'; ApexPages.addMessage( new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR,message)); return null; } } }
- Amol Ch
- November 13, 2017
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Display the list of realted record in VF page.
So need a contact list should be visible on mosuseover. Is it possible? or other option.
we can display the realted list of contact below to all account record but in this case user has to scroll down. This it is not satisfy my requirement.
- Amol Ch
- November 03, 2017
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VF page to get the data posted by external webservice
As per this documentation I'm able to send the correct data to 2checkoout API. 2checkout is processing my payment on their side. As per this I've mentioned the my VF page redirect URL on 2checkout , so i can redirect to back to my website after transaction complete.
After completing transaction on 2checkout, it will redirecting to my website at same time they sending the transaction parameter.
Now I've to get that transaction paramenter to my VF page. So I can store it in salesforce. How to get the parameter in VF page.
I've try to implement the below:
VF page
<apex:page controller="paymentstatuscontr" action="{!SearchEvent}"> hello {!a}<br/> {!b}<br/> <apex:outputText value="{!response}"/> <br/> {!op} </apex:page>Contoller :
public class paymentstatuscontr { public string a {get; set;} public string b {get; set;} public string response { get; set;} public HttpResponse op { get; set;} public void SearchEvent() { System.debug(' ------ '); a='test data'; // Instantiate a new http object Http h = new Http(); // Instantiate a new HTTP request, specify the method (GET) as well as the endpoint HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); req.setEndpoint('https://sandbox.2checkout.com/checkout/purchase'); req.setMethod('GET'); req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); HttpResponse res = h.send(req); System.debug(' ------ '+res); System.debug(' ------ '+res.getbody()); /* /// tryied this but getting error System.CalloutException: no protocol Error Salesforce call out if (res.getStatusCode() == 302) { req.setEndpoint(res.getHeader('Location')); res = new Http().send(req); response =res.getbody(); } */ response =res.getbody(); op = res; if(res.getStatusCode()==201){ system.debug('@@@Success'); b='Pass'; } else{ system.debug('@@@failed'); b='Fail'; } } }
https://sandbox.2checkout.com/checkout/purchase This is the URL for 2 Checkout where I'm redirecting from 2chekout to my website. Please check below website.
Below is the output of VF page:
It's showing me 302 Found.
Is I'm going by correct way or in wrong way.
Please Suggest the solution.
I've created the PHP page as putted that php page as redirect page, in this case I'm getting the all parameter on PHP page. But got stuck by using VF Page.
- Amol Ch
- October 05, 2017
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Integrate Outlook with salesforce
My requirement is, when I received email, I've to add the email attachment to the respective contact record in salesforce.
As standard salesforce for outlook in not supporting. I'm using salesforce classic version.
Please guide.
- Amol Ch
- September 21, 2017
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Only custom Domain should be able to see on google for community- Website
consider, My community url : www.xyz.force.com.
Customized domain name for community : www.xyz.com.
When I'm searching for website in google, it shows the pages with link like; www.xyz.force.com/... This should not be happen. means customer should not be able to see standard domain name of community.
Customer should be able to see the link on google like; www.xyz.com/...
Please check below screenshot:
I've already submitted the sitemap.xml file to google webmaster tool more than 2 -3 week ago.
Please suggest any workaround.
- Amol Ch
- June 26, 2017
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custom domain is not working without www
when i type the my website URL like "www.mycompany.com" it works perfectly.
But the same URL is not working without www. means, when I type "mycompany.com" in the browser URL. It doesn't working , it shows blank page.
Please guide.
- Amol Ch
- June 16, 2017
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How to fetch more than 50 k record on VF page
Means My SOQL is Build dynamically in controller and I'm using Standard Set controller method to return the record.
I want the page pagination to display all 70 k record on VF page.
How we can do that.. Please Guide.
- Amol Ch
- February 20, 2017
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How to view data outside salesforce?
I've different product pricing in saleforce. i 've to send the link of product and pricing to the customer via email. when customer click on that link in email they can able to see it.
Question is when customer open that link how it can see. Can we see that information on newly devloped PHP or asp.net website. or we need to by any saleforce portal for this. I'm not sure, customer is outside the company. he does not have saleforce access.
and another is when customer open link in email on that page he has book now option when he click on it, then it redirect to another payment site which is also we have to connect to the saleforce.
The diagram is:
Please give some suggestion.
- Amol Ch
- September 06, 2016
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How to scan finger print in salesforce?
now the quoestion is;
How to scan finger in salesforce.
i've to use finger print machine which is connected to computer externally.
Please guide.
- Amol Ch
- August 04, 2016
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How to scan barcode in salesforce
Suppose my comoputer is connect with barcode scanner machine.
In salesforece i've a custom object ITEM. create a visualforce page of this item object and when we click on new button the page will display.
we can scan the barcode then barcode id should be display on the page in row.
and finally when we click on saved button then record will be saved
How to achieve overall this functionality.
Please suggest.
- Amol Ch
- August 02, 2016
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Javascript custom button throws error for non admin user
{!REQUIRESCRIPT("/soap/ajax/29.0/connection.js")} var o = new sforce.SObject("Student__c"); o.id = "{!Student__c.Id}"; alert(o.id) o.Laptop__c = true; result =sforce.connection.update([o]); if (result[0].getBoolean("success")) { alert("record with id " + result[0].id + " updated"); } else { alert("failed to update " + result[0]); } window.location.reload();it throws me error as;
failed to update {errors:{fields:'Id', message:'Record ID: id value of incorrect type: fgggggggggg', statusCode:'MALFORMED_ID', }, id:null, success:'false', }Even if i've removed read only form page layout still its throwing why? please suggest.
- Amol Ch
- July 21, 2016
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read only field not updated by the javascript button. how i do it ?
when i run for admin it works, but when it run for non-Admin user, this will not update the read only check box field.
i want checkbox field should be editabe from that button and not manually
how can i do?
- Amol Ch
- July 20, 2016
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formula field is not getting executed in test class
@isTest(seealldata=false) public class CreateOpty_Phyothersvcs_WPatsBatchTest { static testMethod void test() { patient__C pat=new patient__C(); pat.name=test; cost__C=100; insert pat; job__c jb = new job__c(); jb.name__c=test; patient__C.id=pat.id; //some field insert jb; //formula field in job object is patient_cost__c=patinet__r.cost__C system.debug(''+jb.patient_cost__c); //it showing null //when i write query like List<job__c> job = new List<job__c>(); job=[select id patient_cost__c from patient_cost__c where id=:jb.id]; system.debug(''+job[0].patient_cost__c); //it showing 100 correct as required // but i want here 100 system.debug(''+jb.patient_cost__c); //its still showing nulli've some formula field and another field update based on that formula field and thus
If formula field is Null then other field update operation will also be failed .
another it will not be cover test code coverage in apex class
in apex class i've used condtion like ex.
public class MySampleApexClass { //some code List<job__c> jb=new List<job__c>(); job=[select id,patient_cost__c from job__C where //some condition]; for(job__c job : jb ) { if(job.patient_cost__c<=50000) //this will fails(not cover in test class) due to formula field { //some code with different operation } } }
- Amol Ch
- June 30, 2016
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how to cover Catch block in test class
trigger SetAccountStatus on job__c (after insert) { List<Account> AccSt = new List<Account_Status__c>(); List<Account> updatedAccSt = new List<Account_Status__c>(); List<Id> patientIds = new List<Id>(); for (job__c job: trigger.new) { patientIds.add(patient.id); } AccSt = [Select Id,Account_Status__c from Account WHERE job__c in :patientIds ]; for(Account_Status__c a : AccSt) { a.Account_Status__c = true; updatedAccSt.add(a); } if(updatedAccSt.size()>0) { try{ update updatedAccSt; } catch{ // here is code to send Email and other operation } } }below is the test class.
@istest(seealldata=false) public class SetAccountStatustest { static testMethod void test() { patient__c pat = new patient__c(); pat.name__c=Test; //some field insert pat; Account acc = new Account(); acc.Name=Test; acc.Patient__C=pat.id; acc.Account_Status__c //some field; insert acc; job__c acc = new job__c(); job.Name__c=test; //some field insert job; } }The above class is only example. my code is big code due to this i put here example.
- Amol Ch
- June 29, 2016
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Field filter throws error in test class, even if criteria meet correct
@IsTest public class test1 { Static testmethod void test12() { Job__c job= new Job__c(); job.skdate__Finish__c = '20/08/2014 8:30 AM'; job.skdate__Start__c = '18/08/2014 8:30 AM'; job.Invoice_Start__c = DateTime.parse('18/08/2014 8:30 AM'); job.Invoice_Finish__c = DateTime.parse('20/08/2014 8:30 AM'); job.sked__Duration__c = 501; job.sked__Region__c = Reg.Id; job.sked__Type__c='Podiatry Clinic'; job.Job_Billable__c =true; job.Service_Type__c='Podiatry'; job.Resource_Name__c=Res.Name; insert job; Patient_Services__c ps = new Patient_Services__c(); ps.Service_Type__c = 'Podiatry'; ps.Job__c = job.id; ps.Who_to_Invoice__c='Medicare Account'; ps.Patient_Service_Invoice_Start__c=DateTime.parse('18/08/2014 8:30 AM'); ps.Patient_Service_Invoice_Finish__c=DateTime.parse('20/08/2014 8:30 AM'); ps.Patient_Service_Lunch__c='10'; insert ps; } }at the line insert ps it throwing error as below
Value does not exist or does not match filter criteria.: [Job__c]
Please suggest what wrong here.
- Amol Ch
- June 16, 2016
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Field filter throwing error in test class
in my test class, i'm creating my test data like;
@Istest(SeeAllData=false) public class test1{ Static testmethod void test12() { job__c job= new Job__c(); //job fields job.Service_Type__c='ABC'; insert job; Patient_Services__c ps = new Patient_Services__c(); //ps fields ps.Service_Type__c='ABC'; insert ps }}at the line insert ps it throwing error as below
Value does not exist or does not match filter criteria.: [Job__c]
Please suggest what wrong here.
- Amol Ch
- June 15, 2016
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Error in test class while Mass updating not cover code coverage
public class OptyCreationForDispFootPres { public static void createopty(List<Patient_Services__c> PSlist, map<id,Patient_Services__c> oldPSMap) { set<string> PatientID= new set<string>(); List<Patient_Services__c> psnewlist = new List<Patient_Services__c>(); List<Rate_Card__c> rcardnewlist =new List<Rate_Card__c>(); List<sked__Job__c> joblist=new List<sked__Job__c>(); List<sked__Job__c> joblistnw=new List<sked__Job__c>(); Set<OpportunityLineItem> olilist=new Set<OpportunityLineItem>(); List<OpportunityLineItem> olilist1=new List<OpportunityLineItem>(); List<Opportunity> oplist=new List<Opportunity>(); List<Account> accname = new List<Account>(); Integer extid; String RecNamePodwP,RecNameAudwP,RecNameDiteticscwP,RecNameDivTrpwP,RecNameMntHlthwP,RecNameOccTrpwP,RecNameOptmwP,RecNamePhytrpwP,RecNamePhyTrpExClswP,RecNameRegNrsewP,RecNameSpchTrpwP; String myeffDate = date.today().format(); Date Nxtoptycreationdate,Closedate; String BillableCycle,InvoiceSentby,InvoiceSentTo,Accntterms,RateCardtype; List<Patient_Services__c> psupdlist= new List<Patient_Services__c>(); Map<String, Schema.SObjectType> sObjectMap = Schema.getGlobalDescribe() ; Map<String,Schema.RecordTypeInfo> recordType = sObjectMap.get('Opportunity').getDescribe().getRecordTypeInfosByName(); ID RtIdPodwP,RtIdAudwP,RtIdDiteticscwP,RtIdDivTrpwP,RtIdMntHlthwP,RtIdOccTrpwP,RtIdOptmwP,RtIdPhytrpwP,RtIdPhyTrpExClswP,RtIdRegNrsewP,RtIdSpchTrpwP; User vLstUserop = [select id from User where Opportunity_Owner__c=true and IsActive=true LIMIT 1]; List<Opportunity> opty=[select Id,Opty_No__c from Opportunity order by CreatedDate DESC limit 1]; for(Patient_Services__c PS :PSlist) { if(ps.Ready_for_Billing__c==true && ps.Dispensing_Footwear_F049__c==true && oldPSMap.get(ps.id).Dispensing_Footwear_F049__c ==false) { PatientID.add(ps.id); } } psnewlist = [select id,Medicare_Account__c,Emergency_Visit__c,DVA_Code__c,Patient_DVA_Number__c,Patient_Medicare_No__c, Podiatry_Services__c,Job_Start_Datew_otime__c,Dispensing_Footwear_F049__c,DVA_Account__c,Initial_Consultation__c, Subsequent_Consulation__c,RecordType.name,Patient__r.Medicare_Account__c,Patient__r.Medicare_Account__r.Name, Patient__r.DVA_Account__c,Patient__r.DVA_Account__r.Name,Who_to_Invoice__c,Patient_Service_Lunch__c, Patient_Service_Invoice_Duration__c,Job_allocation_count__c,Job_Invoice_Start__c,Job_Invoice_Duration__c,Job_Invoice_Finish__c, Lunch_Break_Duration_from_Job__c,Job_Billable__c,Job__c,Patient_Service_Invoice_Finish__c,Patient_Service_Invoice_Start__c, Job_Type__c,Resource_Name__c,Service_Type__c from Patient_Services__c where id in :PatientID ]; if(PatientID.size()>0) { system.debug('++++++++++++++++++++++++++'+psnewlist.size()); List<Rate_Card__c> ratecardlist = new List<Rate_Card__c>(); ratecardlist=[Select id,Next_Opportunity_Creation_Date__c,Which_Rate_to_use_withpatients__c,Footwear_Dispensed__c, Emergency_Visit__c,PricebookEntryId__c,Job_Type__c,Assessment__c,Travel__c,Report__c,Treatment_Rate__c,Menu_Review__c, Hourly_Rate__c,Account_Name__c,Other__c,Next_Billable_Date__c,Opportunity_Creation_Frequency__c,Invoice_sent_by__c,Invoice_sent_to__c,Account_Terms__c, Rate_Card_Type__c from Rate_Card__c where Account_Name__c='Department of Veteran Affairs']; // String DVAaccId = pslines.Patient__r.DVA_Account__c; // String DVAaccName = pslines.Patient__r.DVA_Account__r.Name; for(Patient_Services__c pslines : psnewlist) { for(Rate_Card__c rcard : ratecardlist) { if(rcard.Job_Type__c ==pslines.Job_Type__c && rcard.Rate_Card_Type__c == pslines.Service_Type__c) rcardnewlist.add(rcard); } } if(rcardnewlist.size()>0) { for(Patient_Services__c pslines : psnewlist) { if(pslines.RecordType.name =='Podiatry') { RtIdPodwP = recordType.get('Podiatry with Patients').getRecordTypeId(); RecNamePodwP=recordType.get('Podiatry with Patients').getName(); System.debug('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'+pslines.RecordType.name); } else if(pslines.RecordType.name =='Audiology') { RtIdAudwP = recordType.get('Audiology with Patients').getRecordTypeId(); RecNameAudwP=recordType.get('Audiology with Patients').getName(); } else if(pslines.RecordType.name =='Dietetics') { RtIdDiteticscwP = recordType.get('Dietetics with Patients').getRecordTypeId(); RecNameDiteticscwP=recordType.get('Dietetics with Patients').getName(); } else if(pslines.RecordType.name =='Diversional Therapy') { RtIdDivTrpwP = recordType.get('Diversional Therapy with Patients').getRecordTypeId(); RecNameDivTrpwP=recordType.get('Diversional Therapy with Patients').getName(); } else if(pslines.RecordType.name =='Mental Health') { RtIdMntHlthwP = recordType.get('Mental Health with Patients').getRecordTypeId(); RecNameMntHlthwP = recordType.get('Mental Health with Patients').getName(); } else if(pslines.RecordType.name =='Occupational Therapy') { RtIdOccTrpwP = recordType.get('Occupational Therapy with Patients').getRecordTypeId(); RecNameOccTrpwP=recordType.get('Occupational Therapy with Patients').getName(); } else if(pslines.RecordType.name =='Optometry') { RtIdOptmwP = recordType.get('Optometry with Patients').getRecordTypeId(); RecNameOptmwP=recordType.get('Optometry with Patients').getName(); } else if(pslines.RecordType.name =='Physiotherapy') { RtIdPhytrpwP = recordType.get('Physiotherapy with Patients').getRecordTypeId(); RecNamePhytrpwP=recordType.get('Physiotherapy with Patients').getName(); } else if(pslines.RecordType.name =='Physiotherapy Exercise Classes') { RtIdPhyTrpExClswP = recordType.get('Physiotherapy Exercise Classes with Patients').getRecordTypeId(); RecNamePhyTrpExClswP=recordType.get('Physiotherapy Exercise Classes with Patients').getName(); } else if(pslines.RecordType.name =='Registered Nurse') { RtIdRegNrsewP = recordType.get('Registered Nurse with Patients').getRecordTypeId(); RecNameRegNrsewP=recordType.get('Registered Nurse with Patients').getName(); } else { RtIdSpchTrpwP = recordType.get('Speech Therapy with Patients').getRecordTypeId(); RecNameSpchTrpwP=recordType.get('Speech Therapy with Patients').getName(); } for(Opportunity oppty:opty) { extid=Integer.valueOf(oppty.Opty_No__c)+1; } Opportunity newopp =new Opportunity(); newopp.Optycreationbatch__c='DVA-WP-'+myeffDate+'-'+extid; for(Rate_Card__c rc : rcardnewlist) { OpportunityLineItem oli = new OpportunityLineItem(); oli.Opportunity =new Opportunity(Optycreationbatch__c=newopp.Optycreationbatch__c); oli.PriceBookEntryId = rc.PricebookEntryId__c; oli.Patient_Service__c=pslines.Id; oli.Provider_Name__c=pslines.Resource_Name__c; oli.Patient_Service_Invoice_Start__c=pslines.Patient_Service_Invoice_Start__c; oli.Patient_Service_Invoice_Finish__c=pslines.Patient_Service_Invoice_Finish__c; oli.Rate_Card__c=rc.Id; oli.UnitPrice = rc.Hourly_Rate__c; oli.Quantity = pslines.Job_allocation_count__c; oli.Patient_Service_Lunch__c=pslines.Patient_Service_Lunch__c; oli.Invoice_Start__c=pslines.Job_Invoice_Start__c; oli.Invoice_Finish__c=pslines.Job_Invoice_Finish__c; oli.Lunch_Break_Duration_from_Job__c=pslines.Lunch_Break_Duration_from_Job__c; oli.DVA_Code__c=pslines.DVA_Code__c; oli.AHP_Type__c=pslines.Podiatry_Services__c; if(pslines.Job_Billable__c ==true) { oli.Job_lkup__c=pslines.Job__c; oli.UnitPrice = rc.Footwear_Dispensed__c; oli.Quantity = pslines.Job_allocation_count__c; } else { oli.Job_lkup__c=pslines.Job__c; oli.Quantity = pslines.Job_Invoice_Duration__c; oli.UnitPrice=0; } if( (oli.Quantity!=NULL) && (oli.PriceBookEntryId!=NULL)) { olilist1.add(oli); psupdlist.add(pslines); } newopp.OwnerId=vLstUserop.Id; newopp.stagename='To be reviewed'; Nxtoptycreationdate=rc.Next_Opportunity_Creation_Date__c; Closedate=rc.Next_Billable_Date__c; BillableCycle=rc.Opportunity_Creation_Frequency__c; InvoiceSentby=rc.Invoice_sent_by__c; InvoiceSentTo=rc.Invoice_sent_to__c; Accntterms=rc.Account_Terms__c; RateCardtype=rc.Rate_Card_Type__c; newopp.DVA__c = true; newopp.AccountId=pslines.Patient__r.DVA_Account__c; System.debug('$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'+pslines.Patient__r.DVA_Account__r.Name); if(pslines.RecordType.name =='Podiatry') { newopp.Name= pslines.Patient__r.DVA_Account__r.Name +'-' + RecNamePodwP + '-'+ Nxtoptycreationdate.format(); newopp.RecordTypeId = recordType.get('Podiatry with Patients').getRecordTypeId(); } else if(pslines.RecordType.name =='Audiology') { newopp.Name= pslines.Patient__r.DVA_Account__r.Name +'-' + RecNameAudwP + '-'+ Nxtoptycreationdate.format(); newopp.RecordTypeId=RtIdAudwP ; } else if(pslines.RecordType.name =='Dietetics') { newopp.Name= pslines.Patient__r.DVA_Account__r.Name +'-' + RecNameDiteticscwP + '-'+ Nxtoptycreationdate.format(); newopp.RecordTypeId=RtIdDiteticscwP ; } else if(pslines.RecordType.name =='Diversional Therapy') { newopp.Name= pslines.Patient__r.DVA_Account__r.Name +'-' + RecNameDivTrpwP + '-'+ Nxtoptycreationdate.format(); newopp.RecordTypeId=RtIdDivTrpwP ; } else if(pslines.RecordType.name =='Mental Health') { newopp.RecordTypeId=RtIdMntHlthwP ; newopp.Name= pslines.Patient__r.DVA_Account__r.Name +'-' + RecNameMntHlthwP + '-'+ Nxtoptycreationdate.format(); } else if(pslines.RecordType.name =='Occupational Therapy') { newopp.RecordTypeId=RtIdOccTrpwP ; newopp.Name= pslines.Patient__r.DVA_Account__r.Name +'-' + RecNameOccTrpwP + '-'+ Nxtoptycreationdate.format(); } else if(pslines.RecordType.name =='Optometry') { newopp.RecordTypeId=RtIdOptmwP ; newopp.Name= pslines.Patient__r.DVA_Account__r.Name +'-' + RecNameOptmwP + '-'+ Nxtoptycreationdate.format(); } else if(pslines.RecordType.name =='Physiotherapy') { newopp.RecordTypeId=RtIdPhytrpwP ; newopp.Name= pslines.Patient__r.DVA_Account__r.Name +'-' + RecNamePhytrpwP + '-'+ Nxtoptycreationdate.format(); } else if(pslines.RecordType.name =='Physiotherapy Exercise Classes') { newopp.RecordTypeId=RtIdPhyTrpExClswP ; newopp.Name= pslines.Patient__r.DVA_Account__r.Name +'-' + RecNamePhyTrpExClswP + '-'+ Nxtoptycreationdate.format(); } else if(pslines.RecordType.name =='Registered Nurse') { newopp.RecordTypeId=RtIdRegNrsewP ; newopp.Name= pslines.Patient__r.DVA_Account__r.Name +'-' + RecNameRegNrsewP + '-'+ Nxtoptycreationdate.format(); } else if(pslines.RecordType.name =='Speech Pathology') { newopp.Name= pslines.Patient__r.DVA_Account__r.Name +'-' + RecNameSpchTrpwP + '-'+ Nxtoptycreationdate.format(); newopp.RecordTypeId=RtIdSpchTrpwP ; } newopp.closedate=Closedate; newopp.Billable_Cycle__c=BillableCycle; newopp.RateCard__c=rc.Id; newopp.Invoice_sent_by__c=InvoiceSentby; newopp.Invoice_sent_to__c=InvoiceSentTo; newopp.Date_From__c=pslines.Job_Start_Datew_otime__c; newopp.Patient_DVA_No__c = pslines.Patient_DVA_Number__c; newopp.Patient_Medicare_No__c = pslines.Patient_Medicare_No__c; newopp.AHP_Type__c= pslines.Podiatry_Services__c; newopp.Date_To__c=Nxtoptycreationdate; newopp.Service_Type__c=RateCardtype; oplist.add(newopp); } } } } if(olilist1.size()>0 && oplist.size()>0) { Database.SaveResult[] srList = Database.insert(oplist,false); Database.SaveResult[] srListlineitem = Database.insert(olilist1,false); List<OpportunityLineItem> psidsfromlines=new List<OpportunityLineItem>(); List<Patient_Services__c> psfinalupd= new List<Patient_Services__c>(); List<Patient_Services__c> pswthsamejob = new List<Patient_Services__c>(); List<sked__Job__c> jobfinalupd=new List<sked__Job__c>(); Map<Id,Boolean> lineidssuccess=new Map<Id,Boolean>(); List<Billing_Error_log__c> errorlog=new List<Billing_Error_log__c>(); for (Database.SaveResult sr : srListlineitem) { if (!sr.isSuccess()) { Billing_Error_log__c billlog = new Billing_Error_log__c(); for(Database.Error err : sr.getErrors()) { billlog.Error_Message__c='The following error has occured while inserting Line items:'+err.getStatusCode() + ': ' + err.getMessage(); billlog.Error_Message__c=billlog.Error_Message__c+'Line item Fields that affected this error: ' + err.getFields(); billlog.Object_name__c='Opportunity Product'; errorlog.add(billlog); //insert billlog; } } if (sr.isSuccess()) { lineidssuccess.put(sr.getId(),sr.isSuccess()); } } for (Database.SaveResult sr : srList) { if (!sr.isSuccess()) { Billing_Error_log__c billlog = new Billing_Error_log__c(); // Operation failed, so get all errors for(Database.Error err : sr.getErrors()) { billlog.Error_Message__c='The following error has occured while inserting opportunity:'+err.getStatusCode() + ': ' + err.getMessage(); billlog.Error_Message__c=billlog.Error_Message__c+' Opportunity Fields that affected this error: ' + err.getFields(); billlog.Object_name__c='Opportunity'; //if(billlog.Id=='') errorlog.add(billlog); //insert billlog; } } } system.debug('errorlog'+errorlog); if(errorlog.size()>0) { insert errorlog; } if(lineidssuccess.size()>0) { psidsfromlines=[select Id,Patient_Service__c from OpportunityLineItem where Id in: lineidssuccess.keySet()]; List<sked__Job__c> jobvalues; List<Patient_Services__c> psvalues; Map<Id,Id> psidmap=new Map<Id,Id>(); Map<Id,String> jobidmap=new Map<Id,String>(); Integer counterjob=0; if(psidsfromlines.size()>0) { for(OpportunityLineItem oitem:psidsfromlines) { psidmap.put(oitem.Id,oitem.Patient_Service__c); } try { psvalues=[select Id, Added_to_Opty__c,Dispensing_Footwear_F049__c,Added_to_Opty_Dispensing_Footwear__c from Patient_Services__c where Id in :psidmap.values()]; system.debug('psvalues'+psvalues); for(Patient_Services__c psupdt:psvalues) { psupdt.Added_to_Opty_Dispensing_Footwear__c=true; psfinalupd.add(psupdt); } if(psfinalupd.size()>0) { system.debug('psfinalupd'+psfinalupd); update psfinalupd; } } catch(DMLException e) { list<string> emailsjob = new list<string>(); Messaging.reserveSingleEmailCapacity(2); Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mailjob = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); htmlBody += 'Dear Admin,'; htmlBody += '<br/><br/>DML Exception Occurred: e.getMessage()'; htmlBody += '<br/><br/>Error Message: ' + e.getMessage() + '. Error Message: e.getMessage()'; htmlBody += '<br/><br/>Regards,<br/><br/>HealthStrong Salesforce Admin</p>'; htmlBody += '</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td><td width="3" style="background-color:transparent;background-image:url(http://i3.createsend1.com/ti/r/F2/A34/58B/075043/images/main_right.png);background-repeat:repeat-y;background-position:0 0;background-attachment:scroll;" ></td></tr></table> </td></tr></table></body></html>'; mailjob.setHtmlBody(htmlBody); emailsjob.add('errorlog@healthstrong.com.au'); mailjob.setToAddresses(emailsjob); mailjob.setSaveAsActivity(false); mailjob.setReplyTo('technicalsupport@healthstrong.com.au'); mailjob.setSenderDisplayName('HealthStrong Salesforce Support'); mailjob.setSubject('Error Updating the flag Added to Opportunity for the Jobs'); Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mailjob }); } } } } } }due to size limitation i will give by code in below post
- Amol Ch
- June 10, 2016
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Test class not cover code coverage Please guide
global class CreateOpty{ WebService static String CreateOptywithps(String Id) { List<Patient_Services__c> ps= new List<Patient_Services__c>(); List<Rate_Card__c> rcard=new List<Rate_Card__c>(); List<sked__Job__c> joblist=new List<sked__Job__c>(); List<sked__Job__c> joblistnw=new List<sked__Job__c>(); Set<OpportunityLineItem> olilist=new Set<OpportunityLineItem>(); List<OpportunityLineItem> olilist1=new List<OpportunityLineItem>(); List<Opportunity> oplist=new List<Opportunity>(); List<Account> accname = new List<Account>(); Integer extid; String RecNamePodwP,RecNameAudwP,RecNameDiteticscwP,RecNameDivTrpwP,RecNameMntHlthwP,RecNameOccTrpwP,RecNameOptmwP,RecNamePhytrpwP,RecNamePhyTrpExClswP,RecNameRegNrsewP,RecNameSpchTrpwP; String myeffDate = date.today().format(); Date Nxtoptycreationdate,Closedate; String BillableCycle,InvoiceSentby,InvoiceSentTo,Accntterms,RateCardtype; List<Patient_Services__c> psupdlist= new List<Patient_Services__c>(); Map<String, Schema.SObjectType> sObjectMap = Schema.getGlobalDescribe() ; Map<String,Schema.RecordTypeInfo> recordType = sObjectMap.get('Opportunity').getDescribe().getRecordTypeInfosByName(); ID RtIdPodwP,RtIdAudwP,RtIdDiteticscwP,RtIdDivTrpwP,RtIdMntHlthwP,RtIdOccTrpwP,RtIdOptmwP,RtIdPhytrpwP,RtIdPhyTrpExClswP,RtIdRegNrsewP,RtIdSpchTrpwP; User vLstUserop = [select id from User where Opportunity_Owner__c=true and IsActive=true LIMIT 1]; ps=[select id,Medicare_Account__c,Emergency_Visit__c,DVA_Code__c,Patient_DVA_Number__c,Patient_Medicare_No__c,Podiatry_Services__c,Job_Start_Datew_otime__c,Dispensing_Footwear_F049__c,DVA_Account__c,Initial_Consultation__c,Subsequent_Consulation__c,RecordType.name,Patient__r.Medicare_Account__c,Patient__r.Medicare_Account__r.Name,Patient__r.DVA_Account__c,Patient__r.DVA_Account__r.Name,Who_to_Invoice__c,Patient_Service_Lunch__c,Patient_Service_Invoice_Duration__c,Job_allocation_count__c,Job_Invoice_Start__c,Job_Invoice_Finish__c,Lunch_Break_Duration_from_Job__c,Job_Billable__c,Job__c,Patient_Service_Invoice_Finish__c,Patient_Service_Invoice_Start__c,Job_Type__c,Resource_Name__c,Service_Type__c from Patient_Services__c where id=:ID ]; joblistnw=[Select id,name,Facility_Patient_Sevices_Count__c,Day_count__c,Added_to_Opportunity__c,Opportunity_Id__c,Job_Start_Datew_otime__c,Job_Finish_Datew_otime__c,Lunch_Break_Duration__c,Job_Invoiced__c,sked__Type__c,sked__Account__c, Resource_Name__c,sked__Job_Allocation_Count__c,Invoice_Finish__c, Invoice_Duration__c, Invoice_Start__c,Job_Billable__c,sked__Duration__c from sked__Job__c where id=:ps[0].Job__c]; String medaccId = ps[0].Patient__r.Medicare_Account__c; String MedaccName=ps[0].Patient__r.Medicare_Account__r.Name; String DVAaccId = ps[0].Patient__r.DVA_Account__c; String DVAaccName=ps[0].Patient__r.DVA_Account__r.Name; // Check Record type and assing Id and Name to Variable if(ps[0].RecordType.name =='Podiatry') { RtIdPodwP = recordType.get('Podiatry with Patients').getRecordTypeId(); RecNamePodwP=recordType.get('Podiatry with Patients').getName(); } else if(ps[0].RecordType.name =='Audiology') { RtIdAudwP = recordType.get('Audiology with Patients').getRecordTypeId(); RecNameAudwP=recordType.get('Audiology with Patients').getName(); } else if(ps[0].RecordType.name =='Dietetics') { RtIdDiteticscwP = recordType.get('Dietetics with Patients').getRecordTypeId(); RecNameDiteticscwP=recordType.get('Dietetics with Patients').getName(); } else if(ps[0].RecordType.name =='Diversional Therapy') { RtIdDivTrpwP = recordType.get('Diversional Therapy with Patients').getRecordTypeId(); RecNameDivTrpwP=recordType.get('Diversional Therapy with Patients').getName(); } if(ps[0].Who_to_Invoice__c=='Medicare Account') { rcard=[Select id,Next_Opportunity_Creation_Date__c,Which_Rate_to_use_withpatients__c,Footwear_Dispensed__c,Emergency_Visit__c,PricebookEntryId__c,Job_Type__c,Assessment__c,Travel__c,Report__c,Treatment_Rate__c,Menu_Review__c,Hourly_Rate__c,Other__c,Next_Billable_Date__c,Opportunity_Creation_Frequency__c,Invoice_sent_by__c,Invoice_sent_to__c,Account_Terms__c,Rate_Card_Type__c from Rate_Card__c where Account_Name__c='Department of Human Services' AND Job_Type__c=:ps[0].Job_Type__c AND Rate_Card_Type__c=:ps[0].Service_Type__c ]; } else { rcard=[Select id,Next_Opportunity_Creation_Date__c,Which_Rate_to_use_withpatients__c,Footwear_Dispensed__c,Emergency_Visit__c,PricebookEntryId__c,Job_Type__c,Assessment__c,Travel__c,Report__c,Treatment_Rate__c,Menu_Review__c,Hourly_Rate__c,Other__c,Next_Billable_Date__c,Opportunity_Creation_Frequency__c,Invoice_sent_by__c,Invoice_sent_to__c,Account_Terms__c,Rate_Card_Type__c from Rate_Card__c where Account_Name__c='Department of Veteran Affairs' AND Job_Type__c=:ps[0].Job_Type__c AND Rate_Card_Type__c=:ps[0].Service_Type__c]; } List<Opportunity> opty=[select Id,Opty_No__c from Opportunity order by CreatedDate DESC limit 1]; for(Opportunity oppty:opty) { extid=Integer.valueOf(oppty.Opty_No__c)+1; } //Create opportunity and opportunity line item if(rcard.size()>0 && joblistnw.size()>0 && ps.size()>0) { Opportunity newopp =new Opportunity(); if(ps[0].Who_to_Invoice__c=='Medicare Account') newopp.Optycreationbatch__c='Medicare-WP-'+myeffDate+'-'+extid; if(ps[0].Who_to_Invoice__c=='DVA Account') newopp.Optycreationbatch__c='DVA-WP-'+myeffDate+'-'+extid; if(ps.size()>0) { for(Patient_Services__c pslines:ps) { OpportunityLineItem oli = new OpportunityLineItem(); oli.Opportunity =new Opportunity(Optycreationbatch__c=newopp.Optycreationbatch__c); oli.PriceBookEntryId = rcard[0].PricebookEntryId__c; oli.Patient_Service__c=pslines.Id; oli.Provider_Name__c=pslines.Resource_Name__c; oli.Patient_Service_Invoice_Start__c=pslines.Patient_Service_Invoice_Start__c; oli.Patient_Service_Invoice_Finish__c=pslines.Patient_Service_Invoice_Finish__c; oli.Rate_Card__c=rcard[0].Id; oli.UnitPrice = rcard[0].Hourly_Rate__c; oli.Quantity = pslines.Job_allocation_count__c; oli.Patient_Service_Lunch__c=pslines.Patient_Service_Lunch__c; oli.Invoice_Start__c=pslines.Job_Invoice_Start__c; oli.Invoice_Finish__c=pslines.Job_Invoice_Finish__c; oli.Lunch_Break_Duration_from_Job__c=pslines.Lunch_Break_Duration_from_Job__c; oli.DVA_Code__c=pslines.DVA_Code__c; oli.AHP_Type__c=pslines.Podiatry_Services__c; if(pslines.Job_Billable__c ==true) { oli.Job_lkup__c=pslines.Job__c; if(pslines.Emergency_Visit__c == true) { oli.UnitPrice = rcard[0].Emergency_Visit__c; oli.Quantity = pslines.Job_allocation_count__c; } if(pslines.Dispensing_Footwear_F049__c == true) { oli.UnitPrice = rcard[0].Footwear_Dispensed__c; oli.Quantity = pslines.Job_allocation_count__c; } if(pslines.Who_to_Invoice__c=='DVA Account' && pslines.Service_Type__c=='Podiatry' && pslines.Initial_Consultation__c==true && pslines.Subsequent_Consulation__c==true) { oli.UnitPrice = rcard[0].Assessment__c; oli.Quantity = pslines.Job_allocation_count__c; } else { if(rcard[0].Which_Rate_to_use_withpatients__c=='Always use Treatment Rate') { oli.UnitPrice = rcard[0].Treatment_Rate__c; oli.Quantity = pslines.Job_allocation_count__c; } else if(rcard[0].Which_Rate_to_use_withpatients__c=='Always use Menu Review Rate') { oli.UnitPrice = rcard[0].Menu_Review__c; oli.Quantity = pslines.Job_allocation_count__c; } } } else { oli.Job_lkup__c=pslines.Job__c; oli.Quantity = pslines.Job_Invoice_Duration__c; oli.UnitPrice=0; } if( (oli.Quantity!=NULL) && (oli.PriceBookEntryId!=NULL)) { olilist1.add(oli); psupdlist.add(pslines); } }} if(psupdlist.size()>0) { newopp.OwnerId=vLstUserop.Id; newopp.stagename='To be reviewed'; Nxtoptycreationdate=rcard[0].Next_Opportunity_Creation_Date__c; Closedate=rcard[0].Next_Billable_Date__c; BillableCycle=rcard[0].Opportunity_Creation_Frequency__c; InvoiceSentby=rcard[0].Invoice_sent_by__c; InvoiceSentTo=rcard[0].Invoice_sent_to__c; Accntterms=rcard[0].Account_Terms__c; RateCardtype=rcard[0].Rate_Card_Type__c; } if(ps[0].Who_to_Invoice__c=='Medicare Account') { newopp.Medicare__c = true; newopp.AccountId=medaccId ; //Check record type and assign respective name to oppty if(ps[0].RecordType.name =='Podiatry') newopp.Name= MedaccName +'-' + RecNamePodwP + '-'+ Nxtoptycreationdate.format(); else if(ps[0].RecordType.name =='Audiology') newopp.Name= MedaccName +'-' + RecNameAudwP + '-'+ Nxtoptycreationdate.format(); else if(ps[0].RecordType.name =='Dietetics') newopp.Name= MedaccName +'-' + RecNameDiteticscwP + '-'+ Nxtoptycreationdate.format(); if(ps[0].RecordType.name =='Diversional Therapy') newopp.Name= MedaccName +'-' + RecNameDivTrpwP + '-'+ Nxtoptycreationdate.format(); } if(ps[0].Who_to_Invoice__c=='DVA Account') { newopp.DVA__c = true; newopp.AccountId=DVAaccId ; if(ps[0].RecordType.name =='Podiatry') newopp.Name= DVAaccName +'-' + RecNamePodwP + '-'+ Nxtoptycreationdate.format(); else if(ps[0].RecordType.name =='Audiology') newopp.Name= DVAaccName +'-' + RecNameAudwP + '-'+ Nxtoptycreationdate.format(); else if(ps[0].RecordType.name =='Dietetics') newopp.Name= DVAaccName +'-' + RecNameDiteticscwP + '-'+ Nxtoptycreationdate.format(); if(ps[0].RecordType.name =='Diversional Therapy') newopp.Name= DVAaccName +'-' + RecNameDivTrpwP + '-'+ Nxtoptycreationdate.format(); } newopp.closedate=Closedate; newopp.Billable_Cycle__c=BillableCycle; //check Patient service Record type and assign respective record type id to oppty if(ps[0].RecordType.name =='Podiatry') newopp.RecordTypeId=RtIdPodwP ; else if(ps[0].RecordType.name =='Audiology') newopp.RecordTypeId=RtIdAudwP ; else if(ps[0].RecordType.name =='Dietetics') newopp.RecordTypeId=RtIdDiteticscwP ; else if(ps[0].RecordType.name =='Diversional Therapy') newopp.RecordTypeId=RtIdDivTrpwP ; ///////////////////// newopp.RateCard__c=rcard[0].Id; newopp.Invoice_sent_by__c=InvoiceSentby; newopp.Invoice_sent_to__c=InvoiceSentTo; newopp.Date_From__c=ps[0].Job_Start_Datew_otime__c; newopp.Patient_DVA_No__c = ps[0].Patient_DVA_Number__c; newopp.Patient_Medicare_No__c = ps[0].Patient_Medicare_No__c; newopp.AHP_Type__c= ps[0].Podiatry_Services__c; newopp.Date_To__c=Nxtoptycreationdate; newopp.Service_Type__c=RateCardtype; oplist.add(newopp); psupdlist.clear(); } if(olilist1.size()>0 && oplist.size()>0) { insert oplist; insert olilist1; return (medaccId ); }}And below in test class,as per my knowledge i've created test class and try to cover few apex code line, but it not showing me any test code coverage,
as I am creating test class in correct way or wrong way ? Please guide
Please explain solution and how to write test class for this in brief
@Istest(SeeAllData=True) public class TestCreateOpty3 { Static testmethod void CreateOptyTest1() { Integer extid; User vLstUserop = [select id from User where Opportunity_Owner__c=true and IsActive=true LIMIT 1]; date myDate = date.today(); Map<String, Schema.SObjectType> sObjectMap = Schema.getGlobalDescribe() ; Map<String,Schema.RecordTypeInfo> recordType = sObjectMap.get('Opportunity').getDescribe().getRecordTypeInfosByName(); ID RtIdPodwP,RtIdAudwP,RtIdDiteticscwP,RtIdDivTrpwP,RtIdMntHlthwP,RtIdOccTrpwP,RtIdOptmwP,RtIdPhytrpwP,RtIdPhyTrpExClswP,RtIdRegNrsewP,RtIdSpchTrpwP; String RecNamePodwP,RecNameAudwP,RecNameDiteticscwP,RecNameDivTrpwP,RecNameMntHlthwP,RecNameOccTrpwP,RecNameOptmwP,RecNamePhytrpwP,RecNamePhyTrpExClswP,RecNameRegNrsewP,RecNameSpchTrpwP; RtIdPodwP = recordType.get('Podiatry with Patients').getRecordTypeId(); RecNamePodwP=recordType.get('Podiatry with Patients').getName(); RtIdAudwP = recordType.get('Audiology with Patients').getRecordTypeId(); RecNameAudwP=recordType.get('Audiology with Patients').getName(); Id MedicareAccRecordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Account.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Medicare Account').getRecordTypeId(); List<Account> Parentacc= new List<Account>(); Parentacc.add(new Account(RecordTypeId = MedicareAccRecordTypeId, Name = 'Department of Human Services', Account_Address__c = '123 street 123', ABN__c = '1236523652', Email__c = 'test1@test.com', Facility_Notification_Opt_Out__c = True, Is_Admin__c = True, Active__c = True)); insert Parentacc; List<Contact> Con= new List<Contact>(); Con.add(new contact(FirstName = '', LastName = 'TestContact', accountId = Parentacc[0].id, MobilePhone = '1234567890', email = 'test@skedulo.com', MailingStreet = 'ABC', Active__c = True, MailingCity = 'ABC', MailingState = 'ABC', MailingPostalCode = 'ABC', MailingCountry = 'ABC')); insert Con; Parentacc[0].Account_Contact__c = con[0].id; update Parentacc; List<Account> acc= new List<Account>(); acc.add(new Account(RecordTypeId = MedicareAccRecordTypeId, Name = 'Medicare Account', ParentId=Parentacc[0].Id, Account_Address__c = '123 street 123', ABN__c = '12345678912', Email__c = 'test@test.com', Facility_Notification_Opt_Out__c = True, Medicare_Number__c = '123456789', Is_Admin__c = True, Active__c = True, Card_Expiry_Date__c = system.today().addDays(10))); insert acc; sked__Region__c Reg = new sked__Region__c(Name='SYD'); Reg.sked__Timezone__c='Australia/Sydney'; insert Reg; sked__Location__c Loc = new sked__Location__c( Name = 'Test Location',sked__Region__c = Reg.Id,sked__Address__c = 'Test Address' ); insert Loc; sked__Resource__c Res = new sked__Resource__c(Name = 'Test Resource', sked__User__c=UserInfo.getUserId(),sked__Primary_Region__c = Reg.Id); insert Res; Patient__c pat1 = new Patient__c(First_Name__c='First', Last_Name__c='Last',Medicare_Account__c=acc[0].id, Location__c=Loc.Id, Patient_Status__c='Active'); Patient__c[] pat = new Patient__c[]{pat1}; insert pat; List<sked__Job__c> job=new List<sked__Job__c>(); job.add(new sked__Job__c(skdate__Finish__c = '20/08/2014 8:30 AM', skdate__Start__c = '18/08/2014 8:30 AM', Invoice_Start__c = DateTime.parse('18/08/2014 8:30 AM'), Invoice_Finish__c = DateTime.parse('20/08/2014 8:30 AM'), sked__Duration__c = 501, sked__Region__c = Reg.Id, sked__Type__c='Podiatry Clinic', Job_Billable__c =true, Resource_Name__c=Res.Name)); job.add(new sked__Job__c(skdate__Finish__c = '20/08/2014 8:30 AM', skdate__Start__c = '18/08/2014 8:30 AM', Invoice_Start__c = DateTime.parse('18/08/2014 8:30 AM'), Invoice_Finish__c = DateTime.parse('20/08/2014 8:30 AM'), sked__Duration__c = 501, sked__Region__c = Reg.Id, sked__Type__c='Audiology Clinic', Job_Billable__c =true, Resource_Name__c=Res.Name)); insert job; List<Patient_Services__c> ps= new List<Patient_Services__c>(); ps.add(new Patient_Services__c(Service_Type__c = 'Podiatry', Patient__c = pat1.Id, Job__c = job[0].id, Who_to_Invoice__c='Medicare Account', RecordTypeid= '01290000000hN0p', Patient_Service_Invoice_Start__c=DateTime.parse('18/08/2014 8:30 AM'), Patient_Service_Invoice_Finish__c=DateTime.parse('20/08/2014 8:30 AM'), Patient_Service_Lunch__c='10')); ps.add(new Patient_Services__c(Service_Type__c = 'Audiology', Patient__c = pat1.Id, Job__c = job[1].id, Who_to_Invoice__c='Medicare Account', RecordTypeid= '012O000000011Im', Patient_Service_Invoice_Start__c=DateTime.parse('18/08/2014 8:30 AM'), Patient_Service_Invoice_Finish__c=DateTime.parse('20/08/2014 8:30 AM'), Patient_Service_Lunch__c='10')); insert ps; List<PricebookEntry > Pricebook=new List<PricebookEntry >(); Pricebook =[select id from PricebookEntry where IsActive=true limit 1]; List<Rate_Card__c> rcard=new List<Rate_Card__c>(); rcard.add(new Rate_Card__c(Is_Active__c=true, Rate_Card_Type__c='Podiatry', Job_Type__c='Podiatry Clinic', Invoice_sent_by__c='Email', Invoice_sent_to__c='Account', PricebookEntryId__c= Pricebook[0].id, Treatment_Rate__c=100.00, Account__c = acc[0].Id, Which_Rate_to_use_withpatients__c='Always use Treatment Rate', Next_Opportunity_Creation_Date__c=date.parse('18/08/2016'))); rcard.add(new Rate_Card__c(Is_Active__c=true, Rate_Card_Type__c='Audiology', Job_Type__c='Audiology Clinic', Invoice_sent_by__c='Email', Invoice_sent_to__c='Account', PricebookEntryId__c= Pricebook[0].id, Treatment_Rate__c=100.00, Account__c = acc[0].Id, Which_Rate_to_use_withpatients__c='Always use Treatment Rate', Next_Opportunity_Creation_Date__c=date.parse('18/08/2016'))); insert rcard; List<Opportunity> opty=[select Id,Opty_No__c from Opportunity order by CreatedDate DESC limit 1]; extid=Integer.valueOf(opty[0].Opty_No__c)+1; List<Opportunity> newopp=new List<Opportunity>(); newopp.add(new Opportunity( Optycreationbatch__c='Medicare-WP-'+myDate+'-'+extid, OwnerId=vLstUserop.Id, stagename='To be reviewed', Medicare__c = true, AccountId=acc[0].Id , Name= acc[0].Name +'-' + 'Podiatry with Patients' + '-'+ myDate.format(), Invoice_sent_by__c=rcard[0].Invoice_sent_by__c, Invoice_sent_to__c=rcard[0].Invoice_sent_to__c, closedate=myDate, AHP_Type__c= ps[0].Podiatry_Services__c, Date_To__c=rcard[0].Next_Opportunity_Creation_Date__c, Service_Type__c= rcard[0].Rate_Card_Type__c, RecordTypeId=RtIdPodwP, RateCard__c=rcard[0].Id)); newopp.add(new Opportunity( Optycreationbatch__c='Medicare-WP-'+myDate+'-'+extid+1, OwnerId=vLstUserop.Id, stagename='To be reviewed', Medicare__c = true, AccountId=acc[0].Id , Name= acc[0].Name +'-' + 'Audiology with Patients' + '-'+ myDate.format(), Invoice_sent_by__c=rcard[0].Invoice_sent_by__c, Invoice_sent_to__c=rcard[0].Invoice_sent_to__c, closedate=myDate, AHP_Type__c= ps[1].Podiatry_Services__c, Date_To__c=rcard[0].Next_Opportunity_Creation_Date__c, Service_Type__c= rcard[0].Rate_Card_Type__c, RecordTypeId=RtIdAudwP, RateCard__c=rcard[0].Id)); insert newopp; List<OpportunityLineItem> oli = new List<OpportunityLineItem>(); oli.add(new OpportunityLineItem( OpportunityId =newopp[0].id, PriceBookEntryId = rcard[0].PricebookEntryId__c, Provider_Name__c=ps[0].Resource_Name__c, Patient_Service__c=ps[0].Id, Rate_Card__c=rcard[0].Id, Patient_Service_Invoice_Start__c=ps[0].Patient_Service_Invoice_Start__c, Patient_Service_Invoice_Finish__c=ps[0].Patient_Service_Invoice_Finish__c, Patient_Service_Lunch__c=ps[0].Patient_Service_Lunch__c, UnitPrice = rcard[0].Treatment_Rate__c, Invoice_Start__c=ps[0].Job_Invoice_Start__c, Invoice_Finish__c=ps[0].Job_Invoice_Finish__c, Lunch_Break_Duration_from_Job__c=ps[0].Lunch_Break_Duration_from_Job__c, AHP_Type__c=ps[0].Podiatry_Services__c, Quantity = 1, Job_lkup__c=ps[0].Job__c) ); oli.add(new OpportunityLineItem( OpportunityId =newopp[1].id, PriceBookEntryId = rcard[1].PricebookEntryId__c, Provider_Name__c=ps[1].Resource_Name__c, Patient_Service__c=ps[1].Id, Rate_Card__c=rcard[1].Id, Patient_Service_Invoice_Start__c=ps[1].Patient_Service_Invoice_Start__c, Patient_Service_Invoice_Finish__c=ps[1].Patient_Service_Invoice_Finish__c, Patient_Service_Lunch__c=ps[1].Patient_Service_Lunch__c, UnitPrice = rcard[1].Treatment_Rate__c, Invoice_Start__c=ps[1].Job_Invoice_Start__c, Invoice_Finish__c=ps[1].Job_Invoice_Finish__c, Lunch_Break_Duration_from_Job__c=ps[1].Lunch_Break_Duration_from_Job__c, AHP_Type__c=ps[1].Podiatry_Services__c, Quantity = 1, Job_lkup__c=ps[1].Job__c)); insert oli; }}
- Amol Ch
- June 03, 2016
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Look up filter not able to configure
On Patient Services Object one Look up field Named Patient related to Patient object & another lookup field Named job related to job object
The Location Field on both object Patient and Job.
When adding a Patient Service from the Patient object; then the Job field lookup should filter based on the Location of the Patient.
When I click on Job lookup field icon, it allow to show me only record that has location field is equal to location field of Patient record Patient 000972 in above image.
How to configure in look filter Please help
- Amol Ch
- April 18, 2016
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System.Callout Exception Unexpected end of file from server
public String endpoint_x ='callout:SAP_Callout';
AS per salesforce doc https://help.salesforce.com/HTViewSolution?id=000003652 we have whitelisted the Salesforce IP ranges in Firewall on SAP End.
But during callout, still we are getting Error,
System.Callout Exception Unexpected end of file from server
Named Credentials: http://prntscr.com/l28ba7
Snapshot of IP ranges which is configured in firewall.
- Amol Ch
- October 05, 2018
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Approval Process Field Update
I am having a Teacher Object with fields(Email,Phone,Name) and all those records are retrived in VisualForce Page with an edit button added manullay. Now, if any record field is edited then an approval process must run and after an approval the respective record field must be updated.
Is this Possible by Standard Feature of approval process or do i need to have a custom approval process if so please help me with the code
Thanks in Advance
- Geetham Gai Godavarthi
- November 28, 2017
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Pick list & Multipicklist
1. I do have one picklist field which has values as YES, NO, and NA as the default value.
2. I do also have a multipicklist field which has random values.
Requirement: When I select the picklist value with NO, the multi picklist should be visible otherwise, if I select YES and default value NA the multi picklist shouldn't be visible. Your help is really appreciated.
- Ravi_SFDC
- November 23, 2017
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Received Error when Validating Apex Class before Deployment
I'm a new admin and do not have any developer experience, so any help would be greatly appreciated!
I've added new tasks to an existing apex class button and it works perfectly in my sandbox instance but when I validate the change in production before deployment I received the following error code:
System.AssertException: Assertion Failed
Stack Trace: Class.TestCreateOnboardingTasks.verifyTasksCreated: line 51, column 1
This is line 45-59 in my apex class:
Task t = new Task();
t.WhatId = accountID;
t.WhoId = champion.Id;
t.Subject = 'Onboarding: Day 7';
t.ActivityDate = a.Subscription_Start_Date__c.addDays(7);
t.OwnerId = a.OwnerId;
insert t;
t = new Task();
t.WhatId = accountID;
t.WhoId = champion.Id;
t.Subject = 'Onboarding: Day 15';
t.ActivityDate = a.Subscription_Start_Date__c.addDays(15);
t.OwnerId = a.OwnerId;
insert t;
Any ideas on what to do for it to pass the validation test?
- Alex Stalteri
- November 22, 2017
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How to Link the Save button to a URL
How can i link my VF Save button to a URL so that when a record in saved in my form, the user is redirectd to "www.google.com". Ive tried looking on different forms but other situations is always different to mine. Thanks for your help!
his is a snippet of my code.
<apex:page standardController="Turndown__c" sidebar="false" showHeader="true" extensions="pagereference" >
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock title="Documented Turndowns" id="turndown_list">
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1" >
<!-- to remove the header, but keep the fields' help texts -->
<style type="text/css">
.bPageHeader {display: none;}
<!-- Inputfields -->
<apex:inputfield value="{! Turndown__c.Account__c }"/>
<apex:inputfield value="{! Turndown__c.Phone_Number__c }"/>
<apex:inputfield value="{! Turndown__c.Region__c }"/>
<apex:pageBlockButtons >
<apex:commandButton action="{!Save}" value="Save" />
Thanks again!
- Ola Bamidele
- November 22, 2017
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Field is not writeable: OpportunityLineItem.ProductCode
Please find the error which i am getting in test class : Field is not writeable: OpportunityLineItem.ProductCode at line 30 column 35 and suggest me how to resolve this.
- Kumar G
- November 22, 2017
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How to merge two trigger in same object
How can i merge two triiger in a single trigger on a perticular object.
I have created two trigger but not working at a time both trigger(one is working only ).so how to merge this two trigger on a single trigger.
trigger CreateOpportunity on Boutique__c (after insert , after update) { List<Opportunity> opps = new List<Opportunity>(); for (Boutique__c boutique : Trigger.new) { if((boutique.Visit_Type__c == 'Browsing' || boutique.Visit_Type__c == 'Enquiry') && boutique.LeadType__c== 'Regular' && String.isNotBlank(boutique.Opportunity_Name__c)) { Opportunity childOpp = new Opportunity(); childOpp.Boutique__c = boutique.Id; childOpp.Name = boutique.Opportunity_Name__c; childOpp.StageName = 'Invitation'; childOpp.CloseDate = System.Today()+150; childOpp.Contact__c = boutique.Customer_Name__c; childOpp.Amount = boutique.Amount__c; childOpp.AccountId = '0012800001J3sMRAAZ'; childOpp.Assisted_By__c = boutique.Assisted_By_Look_Up__c; childOpp.Budget_Range__c = boutique.Budget_Range__c; childOpp.Stone__c = boutique.Stone__c; childOpp.Shadow_Assistance__c = boutique.Shadow_Assistance_Look_Up__c; childOpp.Visit_Type__c = boutique.Visit_Type__c; //childOpp.Enquiry_Details__c = boutique.Enquiry_Details__c; childOpp.Enquiry_Details1__c = boutique.Enquiry_Details__c; childOpp.FullName__c = boutique.Customer_Name__c; opps.add(childOpp); } } if (!opps.isEmpty()) insert opps; }
Trigger ContactCountTrigger on Boutique__c(After insert,After Delete,After Undelete) { Set<Id> setAccountIds = new Set<Id>(); //Whenever your working with After Undelete operation you can access data through //Trigger.new or Trigger.newMap but not with Trigger.old or Trigger.oldmap variables if(Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUndelete) { for(Boutique__c con : Trigger.new) { setAccountIds.add(con.Customer_Name__c); } } if(Trigger.isDelete) { //if you use Trigger.new below in place of Trigger.old you will end up with //System.NullPointerException:Attempt to de-reference a null object for(Boutique__c con : Trigger.old) { setAccountIds.add(con.Customer_Name__c); } } List<Contact> listAccs = [Select id,name,Total_Visit__c,(Select id from Boutiques__r) from Contact where Id in : setAccountIds]; for(Contact acc :listAccs) { acc.Total_Visit__c = acc.Boutiques__r.size(); } update listAccs; }
- SFDC@Error
- November 21, 2017
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Trigger with helper class
I have created a Trigger and used Helper class in the trigger and created the Test Class which is covering 96% of helper class but when I am trying to deploy the code then it is showing 20% code coverage bcoz of which I am unable to deploy the code. Can anyone help?
trigger lead_agent_trigger on Lead (before insert,before Update)
Helper Class:-
public class Lead_Agent_Trigger_Helper {
public void Agent(List<Lead> Leads)
for(Lead loopVar : Leads)
string country = loopVar.Country;
//Agents__c agent = [select Id,Agent_Name__c,agent_email__c from Agents__c where Country__c like : country and Active__c = True and Edition__c =: loopVar.Edition__c limit 1];
if(loopVar.Sector_show__c == null && loopVar.Sectors__c == null)
Agents__c agent = [select Id,Agent_Name__c,agent_email__c,Sector_show__c,Sectors__c from Agents__c where
Country__c like : country and
Active__c = True and
Edition__c =: loopVar.Edition__c and
Sector_show__c = null and
Sectors__c = null limit 1];
loopVar.Agent__c = agent.Agent_Name__c;
loopVar.agent_email__c= agent.agent_email__c;
Contact contact = [select AccountId,Email from Contact where Id =: agent.Agent_Name__c limit 1];
loopVar.Agent_Account__c = contact.AccountId;
loopVar.Agents__c = agent.Id;
loopVar.Date_sent_to_Agent__c = date.Today();
else if(loopVar.Sector_show__c != null && loopVar.Sectors__c != null)
String sector = loopVar.Sectors__c;
Agents__c agent1 = [select Id,Agent_Name__c,agent_email__c,Sector_show__c,Sectors__c from Agents__c
where Country__c like : country
and Active__c = True and Edition__c =: loopVar.Edition__c
and Sector_show__c =: loopVar.Sector_show__c
and Sectors__c Includes (:sector) limit 1];
loopVar.Agent__c = agent1.Agent_Name__c;
loopVar.agent_email__c= agent1.agent_email__c;
Contact contact1 = [select AccountId,Email from Contact where Id =: agent1.Agent_Name__c limit 1];
loopVar.Agent_Account__c = contact1.AccountId;
loopVar.Agents__c = agent1.Id;
loopVar.Date_sent_to_Agent__c = date.Today();
catch(Exception E){}
Test Class:-
public class Lead_Agent_Trigger_Helper {
public void Agent(List<Lead> Leads)
for(Lead loopVar : Leads)
string country = loopVar.Country;
//Agents__c agent = [select Id,Agent_Name__c,agent_email__c from Agents__c where Country__c like : country and Active__c = True and Edition__c =: loopVar.Edition__c limit 1];
if(loopVar.Sector_show__c == null && loopVar.Sectors__c == null)
Agents__c agent = [select Id,Agent_Name__c,agent_email__c,Sector_show__c,Sectors__c from Agents__c where
Country__c like : country and
Active__c = True and
Edition__c =: loopVar.Edition__c and
Sector_show__c = null and
Sectors__c = null limit 1];
loopVar.Agent__c = agent.Agent_Name__c;
loopVar.agent_email__c= agent.agent_email__c;
Contact contact = [select AccountId,Email from Contact where Id =: agent.Agent_Name__c limit 1];
loopVar.Agent_Account__c = contact.AccountId;
loopVar.Agents__c = agent.Id;
loopVar.Date_sent_to_Agent__c = date.Today();
else if(loopVar.Sector_show__c != null && loopVar.Sectors__c != null)
String sector = loopVar.Sectors__c;
Agents__c agent1 = [select Id,Agent_Name__c,agent_email__c,Sector_show__c,Sectors__c from Agents__c
where Country__c like : country
and Active__c = True and Edition__c =: loopVar.Edition__c
and Sector_show__c =: loopVar.Sector_show__c
and Sectors__c Includes (:sector) limit 1];
loopVar.Agent__c = agent1.Agent_Name__c;
loopVar.agent_email__c= agent1.agent_email__c;
Contact contact1 = [select AccountId,Email from Contact where Id =: agent1.Agent_Name__c limit 1];
loopVar.Agent_Account__c = contact1.AccountId;
loopVar.Agents__c = agent1.Id;
loopVar.Date_sent_to_Agent__c = date.Today();
catch(Exception E){}
- Avesh Lakha
- November 21, 2017
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Unable to debug Self registration page on communities
- 3421
- November 20, 2017
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what is the use of Action support in salesforce
- ramesh babu 114
- November 20, 2017
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Error:Variable does not exist: DeleteLead
i want to delete Lead Records Based on the company name.But i am facing this Error any one can can support me.
public class DML_Delete
public static void RecordsDeletefromLead (string StartText)
if(StartText !='Null' && StartText !='')
StartText +='%';
Map<id,Lead> DeleteLead =new Map<id,Lead> ([select id,Company from Lead where Company Like:StartText]);
delete DeleteLead;
- siliveru venkatesh
- November 17, 2017
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Moving soql queries out of for loop
trigger WorkAssign on VanaHCM__Worker_Assignment__c (after insert, after update) { if(Trigger.isInsert) { VanaHCM__Worker_Assignment__c gplObject = new VanaHCM__Worker_Assignment__c(); // This takes all available fields from the required object. Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> mapFields = Schema.SObjectType.VanaHCM__Worker_Assignment__c.fields.getMap(); string objString = string.valueOf(gplObject); for(VanaHCM__Worker_Assignment__c gpl : trigger.new) { Id hcmID = (Id) gpl.get('VanaHCM__Worker_Assignment__c'); sObject idObject = [Select VanaHCM__Employee_ID__c From VanaHCM__Worker__c where Id = :hcmID]; string vpID = (string) idObject.get('VanaHCM__Employee_ID__c'); for (String str : mapFields.keyset()) { if (str == 'VanaHCM__Position__c') { if (gpl.get('VanaHCM__Position__c') != null) { String val = (string) gpl.get(str); sObject find = [Select Name from VanaHCM__Position__c where Id = :val]; string PC = (string) find.get('Name'); WebServiceCallout.sendNotification(vpID, str, PC, objString); sObject find1 = [Select Insurance_Code__c from VanaHCM__Position__c where Id = :val]; string co = (string) find1.get('Insurance_Code__c'); if (co != '') { sObject code = [Select Name from Insurance_Code__c where Id = :co]; string name = (string) code.get('Name'); WebServiceCallout.sendNotification(vpID, 'inscode' , name, objString); } } } else if (str == 'VanaHCM__Pay_Group_Worker_Assign__c') { String val = (string) gpl.get(str); if (val != null) { sObject find = [Select Name from VanaHCM__Pay_Group__c where Id = :val]; string PG = (string) find.get('Name'); WebServiceCallout.sendNotification(vpID, str, PG, objString); } } else if (str == 'Craft__c' && gpl.get('VanaHCM__Worker_Event__c') != 'a45500000006KVHAA2') { String val = (string) gpl.get(str); if (val != null) { sObject find = [Select Name from Craft__c where Id = :val]; String val1 = (string) find.get('Name'); WebServiceCallout.sendNotification(vpID, str, val1, objString); } else { WebServiceCallout.sendNotification(vpID, str, '', objString); } } else if (str == 'Class__c' && gpl.get('VanaHCM__Worker_Event__c') != 'a45500000006KVHAA2') { String val = (string) gpl.get(str); if (val != null) { sObject find = [Select Name from Class__c where Id = :val]; String val1 = (string) find.get('Name'); WebServiceCallout.sendNotification(vpID, str, val1, objString); } else { WebServiceCallout.sendNotification(vpID, str, '', objString); } } else if (str == 'VanaHCM__Department__c') { String val = (string) gpl.get(str); if (val != null) { sObject find = [Select Name from VanaHCM__Department__c where Id = :val]; String val1 = (string) find.get('Name'); WebServiceCallout.sendNotification(vpID, str, val1, objString); } } else if(gpl.get(str) == 'a45500000006KVHAA2') { datetime val = (datetime) gpl.get('VanaHCM__Termination_Date__c'); WebServiceCallout.sendNotification3(vpID, 'terminate', val, objString); } else if (gpl.get(str) == 'a45500000006KVJAA2') { datetime val = (datetime) gpl.get('VanaHCM__Effective_Date_Work_Assign__c'); WebServiceCallout.sendNotification3(vpID, 'rehire', val, objString); } else if (gpl.get('VanaHCM__Not_Eligible_for_Rehire__c') == 1) { WebServiceCallout.sendNotification(vpID, 'NOrehire', 'Y', objString); } } } } else if(Trigger.isUpdate) { VanaHCM__Worker_Assignment__c gplObject = new VanaHCM__Worker_Assignment__c(); // This takes all available fields from the required object. Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> mapFields = Schema.SObjectType.VanaHCM__Worker_Assignment__c.fields.getMap(); for(VanaHCM__Worker_Assignment__c gpl : trigger.new) { .....
- Joe Corya
- November 17, 2017
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Display the list of realted record in VF page.
So need a contact list should be visible on mosuseover. Is it possible? or other option.
we can display the realted list of contact below to all account record but in this case user has to scroll down. This it is not satisfy my requirement.
- Amol Ch
- November 03, 2017
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Integrate Outlook with salesforce
My requirement is, when I received email, I've to add the email attachment to the respective contact record in salesforce.
As standard salesforce for outlook in not supporting. I'm using salesforce classic version.
Please guide.
- Amol Ch
- September 21, 2017
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Developer Forums : Best Practice
That way people with a similar question can find the Solution without having to re-post the same question again and again. And the people who reply to your post know that the issue has been resolved and they can stop working on it.
Thanks #Copy_Steve Molis
- sfdcMonkey.com
- November 24, 2017
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