• Akash Punera
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[SELECT  id, owner.Any_Custom_Field_on_User__c 
FROM      Task]

This is returning an error.
I have created activities with due date, createddate and lastmodifieddate one year earlier then todays date, but the activities are still visible in timeline, I read a post that Salesforce archives activities every saturday, if anyone knows the schedule of salesforce archiver that will be great help.

Hi all,


I have a scenario where I need to create test coverage for some code that deals with Archived Activities (Events and Tasks with  isArchived =  TRUE).

1)  Aside from setting SeeAllData = TRUE, is there any way to create a few Archived records?


2)  I tried updating my Activities per the criteria here: http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/api/Content/sforce_api_guidelines_archive.htm, but it doesn't set isArchived to true for me.  I'm assuming this is some sort of nightly job?  If so, is there a system method that I can use to trigger this?  On the flip side, in a non-testing environment, if I update an Event or Task to violate the Archive criteria, isArchived is instantly updated to false.


Thanks in advance!



I have a batch apex - this queries the task table.

I need th query to return all activities till date - including archived activities. The API has a queryALL call that does this, but I haven't found a similar one in apex. Adding ALL ROWS to the end of the SOQL query doesn't work

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you


PS: this query is inside the execute method.

I've been trying to test the Archival process and am having some conflicting results with the API documentation (and information from one of the SEs)...

According to the API: http://www.sforce.com/us/docs/sforce40/sforce_API_objects_Event.html#wp1344166

Sforce archives activities according to the following criteria.

    • Events with an ActivityDateTime or ActivityDate value greater than or equal to 365 days old
    • Tasks with a Closed flag value of True and an ActivityDate value greater than or equal to 365 days old
    • Tasks with a Closed flag value of True, a blank ActivityDate field, and a create date greater than or equal to 365 days ago

    I've tried creating activities in my developer account dated back in 2001 and I cannot seem to get them archived (or what happens in the UI/API regarding accessability is incorrect). Can anyone confirm/deny the API docs and/or archival interval. (I was told it was nightly.)
