• Arpit Jain7
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Hi all, 

Still get the error message of the challenge 3) Create Seed Bank Agencies: 
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
We can't find Agency records in the Account object.

Tried to follow all the steps of other earlier questions, no success sofar. And start from scratch again Am i missing a step? 

Please help me! 
Hi All,

I want to logged-in as another user to execute some part of code, like in test classes we can use System.runAs(). But this is not applicable in non-test context. Is there another alternative to do this in non-test apex class?

The requirement is like ECom Finance Advisor profile user do not have permission to close the cases and still if he trying to close the case, it should give error. For this i have written a validation rule like below, but it is not working.

AND(Owner:User.Profile.Name="ECom Finance Advisor", 
ECom_Quick_Close__c == true)

ECom_Quick_Close__c is checkbox type field and ECom Finance Advisor is name of the profile.
I have added notes and attachments to one of my Account, If I run the below query I am getting notes but not attachements
SELECT Id,name,(SELECT Id, Name FROM Attachments),(SELECT Id, Title FROM Notes) FROM Account
If I run seperate query on attachments, then also I am not getting any attachmants, the result is 0.
SELECT Id, Name FROM Attachment
Does anyone know why the count is getting zero? even though I have attachments in my org.
Once I save the Case comment(Related List of Case Object), I am unable to edit/delete it.

..Please Help..Thanks

Can you please let me know how to delete the specific field on record level, means once save the record.

For example, i have saved account record as a test, In that record i have filled the value "Banglore" for address field. Now i need to delete that address field on record level. Can you please let me know how we can able to delete.

Thanks in advance.
I have a validation rule set to run that will prevent my team from converting a lead without the necessary information (see below). I want to allow them to convert the lead, though, if the Lead Status is equal to "Existing Customer". I also want all "Sales Admins" (Profile) to be able to convert while ignoring this validation rule.

How do I add those two exceptions to this rule?

ISBLANK( TEXT(LeadSource) ), 
ISBLANK( TEXT(Industry) ), 
ISBLANK( TEXT(Number_of_Agents__c) ), 
ISBLANK( Weekly_Volume_Tickets_Cases__c ), 
ISBLANK( TEXT( Email_Ticketing_Social_Platform__c )), 
ISBLANK( State), 
ISBLANK( Country)), 

Hi All, 
here is issue as stated ..

Use Case -
As a account Manager, If I create a task/Event for a particular Account and assigned to me, it automatically shows on my Homepage as an upcoming tasks. The ask is that even Sales Ops(who is Inside Sales for this Account and mapped against this Account Manager), should also be able to see this Task under "My Tasks components" on the Home Page which I created.
Eg. Adam is Account Manager and created a task for Account "XYZ", it's shows under under Adam Task section on Home Page. Now,  Bhanu is Sales Ops mapped to account Manager Adam, even if Adam did not assign this task to Bhanu, Bhanu should also be able to view this Task under his ''My Tasks List'' on his Home Page.

plz reply on this 
Thanks !
   I want to display the week number based  on quartrly of the year Please suggest me how to display
   Below is the image how it should be displayed
   User-added image

I wrote a formula which is giving quarter correctly but the week number is not displayed correclty
CASE(MONTH( CloseDate ),1,"Q4",2,"Q1",3,"Q1",4,"Q1",5,"Q2",6,"Q2",7,"Q2",8,"Q3",9,"Q3",10, "Q3",11,"Q4",12,"Q4","None")& "-W"&Text(CEILING( 
DAY( CloseDate ) + 
MOD( DATE( YEAR( CloseDate ), MONTH( CloseDate ), 1 ) - DATE( 1900, 4, 1 ), 7 ) 
) / 7 

I need to display the weekly based on the image attached Please suggest me how to modifiy the formula.

I have a validation rule:  AND( 
OR(BillingCountry = "US", BillingCountry = "USA", 
BillingCountry = "Hindustan"), 
"\\d{5}(-\\d{4})?")) )

I am not able to save  record after gave valid postal code.
Ex format:99999 or 99999-9999

Please let me know where i have done mistake
Hi Guys,

I have created a pageblock table where user can dynmically add and remove rows .In each rows I am using an input field .The problem I am facing while clicking the add row button its resetting the previous value entered in the previous row.Kindly help if anyone else faced the same problem .
<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="AddnRemoveController" >
<apex:form id="f" >
<apex:pageMessages ></apex:pageMessages>
 <apex:pageBlock mode="maindetail" >
 <!-- <apex:variable value="{!0}" var="rowNumber" /> -->
  <apex:commandButton value="AddRow" action="{!addrow}" reRender="table">
  <apex:commandButton value="Remove Row" action="{!removerow}" reRender="table">
  <!-- <apex:param value="" name="rowNum" assignTo="{!rowNum}" /> -->
  <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!wrapList}" var="wrapVar" id="table">
  <!-- <apex:variable value="{!wrapVar.index}" var="rowNumber" /> -->
   <apex:column >{!wrapVar.index}</apex:column>
   <apex:column headervalue="{!wrapVar.act.Industry}">
    <apex:inputField value="{!wrapVar.act.Industry}" id="modalBankCountry"/>
   <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!saving}" />
<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="AddnRemoveController" >
<apex:form id="f" >
<apex:pageMessages ></apex:pageMessages>
 <apex:pageBlock mode="maindetail" >
 <!-- <apex:variable value="{!0}" var="rowNumber" /> -->
  <apex:commandButton value="AddRow" action="{!addrow}" reRender="table">
  <apex:commandButton value="Remove Row" action="{!removerow}" reRender="table">
  <!-- <apex:param value="" name="rowNum" assignTo="{!rowNum}" /> -->
  <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!wrapList}" var="wrapVar" id="table">
  <!-- <apex:variable value="{!wrapVar.index}" var="rowNumber" /> -->
   <apex:column >{!wrapVar.index}</apex:column>
   <apex:column headervalue="{!wrapVar.act.Industry}">
    <apex:inputField value="{!wrapVar.act.Industry}" id="modalBankCountry"/>
   <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!saving}" />


  I need to create a formual field based on a date which quater it belongs to and the week 

  Example : Date = 1-Jan-2018 I need a formula to display as Q4-W1
                   Date = 1-Feb-2018 I need a formula to display as Q1-W1
                   Date = 8-Feb-2018 I need a formula to display as Q1-W2
                   Date = 1-May-2018 I need a formula to display as Q2-W1
                   Date = 8-May-2018 I need a formula to display as Q2-W2

Please suggest me how to get this done in using salesforce formula.
