• Jeanne Busch
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    Eventhough my code works i still get the error "The page does not bind to the record ID value (in order to link to the record detail page) " when i tried to check in the challenge. any help is appreciated.
code below:
<apex:page standardController="Account" recordSetVar="accounts" >
   <apex:pageBlock title="Account List">
      <!-- accounts List -->
       <apex:repeat value="{! accounts }" var="a">
            <apex:outputLink value="/{!LEFT(a.Id,15)}">/{!LEFT(a.Id,15)} </apex:outputLink>

I'm trying to do the data import wizard exercise (https://developer.salesforce.com/trailhead/force_com_admin_beginner/data_management/data_import) and I'm getting the above error when I choose the file Trailhead tells me to download.  I went searching in the forums for an answer to this and tried the one suggestion -- copying to a notepad app and re-importing into excel.  It didn't work.  The other "suggestion" is to change browsers.  I don't find this an acceptable alternative.  In addition to the time and hassle it will take to shut everything down and fire it all back up in another browser, I don't have appropriate security set up on IE and I don't trust Chrome at all.  I also can't ask my users to do that every time they want to import. 

I've already been using the DataLoader and, where possible, DemandTools to import data.  I thought this would be a chance to learn how the Import Wizard works.  But all this exercise tells me is what other folks have told me before -- the Import Wizard is a pain and they don't use it. 

I don't expect the Trailhead forum to fix this, but I am about to load the required data using DataLoader.  I hope the Challenge doesn't care how I loaded it.  I will report back.  But in the meantime if anyone has any useful suggestions, please chime in.  Thanks.
could  any one help me for my senario, i got a situation where i need to upload new account and contacts using data loader, please help, thanks in advance. 
Is anyone encountering this error :

"Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'Set Case to Escalated' Workflow field update action was not found."

Not sure what's going wrong, but the action sure is there !
Hi all, 
I'm a newby in Salesforce so I decided to start learning with the Trailhead. 
I have completed all the challanghes related to the "Getting Started with the Force.com Platform". 
This morning I started with the part 2: "Intro to Visual App Development". 

The fist challenge for Workflow Atuomation is about "Automated Process with Workflow". 
I did the challenge but I receive a failure even if It should seems to run correctly in my Develper Edition Platform. 
Tha error massage received by the check challange button is "Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong: Case escalation failed to assign a task to the owner."

I say that all seems to work fine because I edited e case, set up the Priority to High and: 
1) The Escaleted flag was set automatically to true as per the rule action defined
2) I receive a notification about escalation on that case (because I'm the owner of the case as per the task definition field)
3) An activity under the case was automatically created and assigne to me. 

As anyone tha same problem?
Any help would be much appreciated. 
Thank's in advance,