• Theodore Ray
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So stumped on this! Am finding this badge much harder than the reporting or security badges!

With challenge six I've set up a process that changes the sales prices on the adventure package when the fulfilment is set to cancelled (and the schdeduled date is in the future). The process works (i.e. when I cancel a fulfilment the price on the adventure product changes to the deposit amount). However, the checker is giving me the message: Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: The Fulfillment Cancellation Automation process does not appear to be working properly. Make sure that a cancelled Fulfillment updates the Adventure Package correctly. Which is more than a little frustrating having spent all day on this challenge and finally apparently got it to work!

I have set up my process as follows:

Object: Fulfilment (when a record is created or edited)
Criteria: All Conditions are met (AND):
              1: [Fulfilment__c].Status__c   Equals   Picklist   Cancelled
              2: [Fulfilment__c].Schedule_date__c   Greater than   Formula   TODAY()
Immediate Actions
Record: [Fulfilment__c].Opportunity.OpportunityLineItems
Criteria: No criteria just update the records
Field: Sales Price Reference  [Fulfilment__c].Deposit__c

As above the process seems to work so I just cannot figure out where I'm going wrong!

Can anyone please help?!?! It would be hugely appreciated!


Hi there

Can someone please tell me how to create this report!?

Having successfully imported the data and created a contacts by Hobbies and Ratings Report I am totally stuck on the Contacts without hobbies Report!! I have created the 2 fields on the account and also the bucket field for the Account Value field no problem but I cannot (1) filter to only view contacts without hobbies (2) create a working % open Ops field.

1 filter to only view contacts without hobbies
I have created a report on the report type: Contacts with Contact Hobbies and Hobby. This will not show reports without hobbies (I get zero results instead of the 10 on the Excel file which I have confirmed are on the system). I have subsequently tried creating a report on the accounts and contacts type but again there is no option to include fields with regards to hobbies so again I cannot filer.
User-added image
2 create a working % open Ops field
I've created a formula field as shown but just get an Error message or a % in the millions.
User-added image
If you can help, please post :-)

Many thanks!!

So stumped on this! Am finding this badge much harder than the reporting or security badges!

With challenge six I've set up a process that changes the sales prices on the adventure package when the fulfilment is set to cancelled (and the schdeduled date is in the future). The process works (i.e. when I cancel a fulfilment the price on the adventure product changes to the deposit amount). However, the checker is giving me the message: Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: The Fulfillment Cancellation Automation process does not appear to be working properly. Make sure that a cancelled Fulfillment updates the Adventure Package correctly. Which is more than a little frustrating having spent all day on this challenge and finally apparently got it to work!

I have set up my process as follows:

Object: Fulfilment (when a record is created or edited)
Criteria: All Conditions are met (AND):
              1: [Fulfilment__c].Status__c   Equals   Picklist   Cancelled
              2: [Fulfilment__c].Schedule_date__c   Greater than   Formula   TODAY()
Immediate Actions
Record: [Fulfilment__c].Opportunity.OpportunityLineItems
Criteria: No criteria just update the records
Field: Sales Price Reference  [Fulfilment__c].Deposit__c

As above the process seems to work so I just cannot figure out where I'm going wrong!

Can anyone please help?!?! It would be hugely appreciated!


Has anyone completed this trail? I am stomped on challenge number 3, regarding created the process for fulfillment. Any pointers or guidance would be appreciated.
I seem to have no clue what's wrong in the report which I created. As per the requirement - Summarize the report by Account Name, the contact’s Full Name, and show the Hobby Name." Here I do not understand Full Name, as in the report we only get First Name, Last Name.
The error says - 
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'Lightning Hobbies by Contact' report does not appear to have either the correct report type or (most likely) the correct columns.

I have summarized the report by Account Name, then by Last Name. Another column shown is Hobbies Name. The report filter is on Hobby Type (the bucket field) = Outdoor Activities and it is locked.

Does anyone know whats wrong?
I'm working on Trailhead Challenge to Create a flow to streamline entry of new accounts, contacts, and opportunities.

I've got a screen with:
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Company Name
  • Opportunity Amount
  • Opportunity Stage

Then Record Create to Create Account:
  • Name = Company Name
  • Variable AccountId

Then Record Create to Create Contact:
  • FirstName = First Name
  • LastName = Last Name
  • AccountId = AccountID

Then Record Create to Create Opp:
  • Name = Company Name (Can i use formula for Company_Name + "-" + Last_Name?)
  • CloseDate = Flow.CurrentDate (can I use Flow.CurrentDate + 30?)
  • AccountId = AccountID
  • StageName = Prospecting
  • Amount = Opportunity_Amount

The flow saves. But when I run it and enter info, I get error:
"An unhandled fault has occurred in this flow
An unhandled fault has occurred while processing the flow. Please contact your system administrator for more information."

At first, I thought it was because my formula weren't working to concatanate company name and last name, or to add 30 days to date for close date. But even when I remove the formulas and just use the screen fields, I get the same error.

What am I doing wrong?
Please help!  I am stuck on creating flows.  Can't seem to work.  I keep on re-doing my work and not sure if I am doing it right.  The challlenge as follows:

To pass this challenge you will need to create a flow that implements the business process of Account, Contact, and Opportunity data entry and place it on a Visualforce page.The Flow will need to be called 'New Customer Flow'.
The Flow should have a screen with fields for First Name, Last Name, Company Name, Opportunity Amount, and Opportunity Stage.
The Flow needs to have steps to create an account, a contact, and an opportunity from the data entered.
Opportunity name, close date and stage are required fields. Name the Opportunity '{Company Name} - {Last Name}', set the close date to one month from today and set the stage to 'Prospecting'.
The Flow should be invoked from a Visualforce page.
The Visualforce page should be called FlowPage.
The Visualforce page will need a component to reference the 'New Customer Flow' process.

If possible, if you can provide a snapshot.

Thank you.