• Philip Gulan
  • 35 Points
  • Member since 2016

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I have created an email tamplete which is available for use.
Then I have created an Email Alert with following values:
Description: Thank you
Unique Name: Thank_You_Eamil

in Process Builder I have selected "Eamil Alerts" and Thank_You_Eamil for Email Alert Field, but I get an Error message and the Email Alert cannot be recogonized.
any help is apperciated

User-added image,

User-added image
I need to write a formula to calculate the average currency of multiple fields which some can be with blank fields.
I have written a short formula to calculate the average value of multiple currency fields, so that if there is a blank value, it shouldn't be calculated.
Logically everything seems fine, but it is not recognizing the the blank fields

Any help is apperciated.

(ValueA__c +  ValueB__c + ValueC__c ) /
IF(ISBLANK(ValueA__c), 0, 1) +
IF(ISBLANK(ValueB__c), 0, 1) +
IF(ISBLANK(ValueC__c), 0, 1)

The problem is that wether the fileds are blank or filled the values are divided by 3 which it should be divided only based on the filled fields

I want to write Apex code to send mass email to a selected contact list - List<Contact> - and select an email template.
Any help is apperciated.

I need to create a formula field to get the date from the Creation Date and convert it to Julian Date. any help is apperciated
I need to create a button on contact related list so that I can send email to selected multiple contacts. What would be the best solution and best practices?
I want to create a visual force page to select documents related to account object and download these as single zipped file. 
1. Would there be a size limit for download?
2. What would be the best practice?
I need to create a button on contact related list so that I can send email to selected multiple contacts. What would be the best solution and best practices?
I have written a short formula to calculate the average value of multiple currency fields, so that if there is a blank value, it shouldn't be calculated.
Logically everything seems fine, but it is not recognizing the the blank fields

Any help is apperciated.

(ValueA__c +  ValueB__c + ValueC__c ) /
IF(ISBLANK(ValueA__c), 0, 1) +
IF(ISBLANK(ValueB__c), 0, 1) +
IF(ISBLANK(ValueC__c), 0, 1)

The problem is that wether the fileds are blank or filled the values are divided by 3 which it should be divided only based on the filled fields

I want to write Apex code to send mass email to a selected contact list - List<Contact> - and select an email template.
Any help is apperciated.

I need to create a formula field to get the date from the Creation Date and convert it to Julian Date. any help is apperciated
Trying to find this setting in salesforce and it is not populating...please help
Hi All,

    We have the data coming from external application to salesforce where the dates are stored in Julian format in 6 digits in external party application. . Can you please help me to convert this to salesforce date format through formula or workflow rule or Apex code

For ex : Julian date 115054 need to convert to salesforce date format 2/23/2011