• Gerardo Anasagasti
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  • Member since 2016

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Hello,  we are going to start to restrict some objects sharing, and we found that we cannot create the __share custom metadata for the objects, as per the documentation, salesforce creates them when the sharing of the objet is changed from public.

Our concer is that we have a metadata repository to store all our project metadata, and to use it to deploy at our different orgs (Dev, Int, Pre) prior to deploy to prod, but so far, we are not able to find the metadata type to be used with ANT to download this custom metadata named "...__shared"
Not sure if is because this is not available, or if it has a different metadata type. We just want to generate the __share, extract it with ANT from one Sandbox, and upload to a different one with ANT (if this is not possible, almost to get it from the sandbox and store it at our repository)
Hello,  we are going to start to restrict some objects sharing, and we found that we cannot create the __share custom metadata for the objects, as per the documentation, salesforce creates them when the sharing of the objet is changed from public.

Our concer is that we have a metadata repository to store all our project metadata, and to use it to deploy at our different orgs (Dev, Int, Pre) prior to deploy to prod, but so far, we are not able to find the metadata type to be used with ANT to download this custom metadata named "...__shared"
Not sure if is because this is not available, or if it has a different metadata type. We just want to generate the __share, extract it with ANT from one Sandbox, and upload to a different one with ANT (if this is not possible, almost to get it from the sandbox and store it at our repository)
I have built the reports and dashboards as outlined in the requirements, but I'm getting the following error "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: Couldn't find a component with the title 'My Top Accounts'."  
User-added image

However, I have the component on the dashboard as you can see below.
User-added image
What am I missing?

I'm not able to complete #2 Automate Accounts. It give me the following error.
"Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
Please check the configuration of the custom fields on the Account object. The formulas, rollup summaries, etc. did not produce the expected outcome."

Can anyone tell me what went wrong? Thanks.

My Custom Fields configuration are as following:
  • Number of deals (Roll-Up Summary field): Count Opportunity. No filter criteria
  • Number of won deals (Roll-Up Summary field): Count Opportunity with filter criteria as "Stage equals Closed Won"
  • Last won deal date (Roll-Up Summary field): MAX(Opportunity: Close Date) with filter criteria as "Stage equals Closed Won"
  • Deal win % (Formula field): Number_of_won_deals__c / Number_of_deals__c
  • Total amount of won deals (Roll-Up Summary field): SUM(Opportunity: Amount) with filter criteria as "Stage equals Closed Won"
  • Call for Service (Formula field): IF( DATE( YEAR(Last_won_deal_date__c)+2 , MONTH(Last_won_deal_date__c) , DAY(Last_won_deal_date__c) ) <= TODAY(), 'YES', 'NO')
I'm doing the simple lightning components challenge and have hit this problem in my existing trailhead org and a brand new dev org that I've just created:

Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: QVWBQHAG