• Vincent Drader 2
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  • Member since 2015

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Hi All,

I have a List View Button that executes a visualforce page to send the records in the list view to an sobject variable in the flow. The issue is that it only sends 20 records - I am assuming this might be because of pagination of visualforce records? Either way, I am not rendering anything for the user, I just need to pass ALL the records in the list view to the flow (and this is often over 200 records - so the list view row selection is not an option). Any thoughts? Below is my visualforce page code. It always passes 20 records - what changes can I make so that I can pass more than 20 records on to the flow?

<apex:page standardController="Tree_Record__c" tabStyle="Tree_Record__c" recordSetVar="AllTreeRecords" lightningStylesheets="true">

<apex:repeat value="{!AllTreeRecords}" var="row" rendered="false">

<flow:interview name="Tree_Order_Flow" finishLocation="{!URLFOR('/lightning/o/Tree_Order__c/list?filterName=Recent')}">
<apex:param name="Passed_Variable_Selected_Trees" value="{!AllTreeRecords}"/>
Is there a way in Flow to count and parse all the unique values for a field? For instance, if I have an open text field in Salesforce, which could have any value, is there a way to send records through a loop in Flow so that it would count all the unique values in that field? Then - could the flow take each of the records that have those unique values and put them in their own collection? Basically, parsing the data by all the avaliable unique values of a field. 

I am an admin, with limited Apex coding skills, but pretty good with declarative solutions like Process Builder and Flow. Can I somehow achieve what I'm going for with Flow?
Hi all - I'm trying to create a Flow that would create duplicate records in a custom object we have. I want to walk my users through screens to be able to input a few values, then they'd enter a "how many duplicate records do you want to create?" question. For instance, they may say 20, and then it would create 20 duplicate records with all the field values they assigned. Easy way to do this in Flow?
Nonprofit admin moonlighting as a developer here. I have a visualforce page that has a table I would like to sort by one of the columns A to Z. The visualforce page is just a pdf print out of certain things from the object and related lists. See below for the snippet of code I have for my table. How can I sort the table A-Z by "Latin Tree Name" column, which takes the {!tr.Tree_Name__r.Name} values?

<table width="100%" border="1">
<th width="15%">CRM Record #</th><th width="35%">Latin Tree Name</th><th width="15%">Stock Type</th><th width="17%">Form</th><th width="10%">Size</th><th width="8%">Quantity</th>
<apex:repeat value="{!Campaign.Tree_Records__r}" var="tr">
<td><apex:outputtext value="{!tr.Name}" /></td>
<td><apex:outputtext value="{!tr.Tree_Name__r.Name}" /></td>
Hello all - a am a CRM admin that is trying some more serious development work. We currently have some fields that could be updated by information stored in an external local government database. What's nice is the local government provides open API access to query the information (it's just geo-location information for addresses). They provide samples for HTTP POST, HTTP GET, SOAP 1.1, and SOAP 1.2. 

A few questions: 1) Which of those 4 protocols would you suggest I implement?; 2) Which one is the easiest to implement?; and 3) Where are some resources that could take me through my journey to success?

Attached is a sample of what the local government gives. I am showing the HTTP GET example, but they have examples for the others too. 
User-added image
Interest in hearing your thoughts. Thanks!
I am having an issue with a VisualForce page. I am relatively new at coding in visualforce, and have gotten standard pages to work, but this is the first time with a custom object. My custom object API name is "Internal_Request__c", thus, I put <apex:page standardController="Internal_Request__c"> as my controller. Is this correct? I currently get an error called "Error: Unknown property 'Internal_Request__cStandardController.Internal_Request__c'. See below.

User-added image
Any thoughts?
Hello all - a seasoned administrator here, but a novice developer. I am trying to set up a field in Salesforce on contact records that will give me the contact's local voting information based on their address. This seems possible with Google Civics Information API (https://developers.google.com/civic-information). However, I don't really know how to go about setting this up in Salesforce...

I have obtained an API key, and Google is very helpful in letting you test drive the API so that I know the following url: 


gives me the following good results (see screen shot below):
Google Civics API sample results

I suppose my question is, where do I start at turning this into an apex code? And is that the best way to get the results I want?

Is there a developer willing to help an admin just beginning to learn coding? Any input is appreciated. Thank you!

Hi all - I am new to coding, but have a Trigger that I am trying to test. It is a trigger that will make sure we are not importing duplicates based on a contacts email or other email. See where I am in testing the code below. I can't get the code coverage high enough to pull it in to production. Any suggestions? Specific code ideas would be great.


Class Test
Hello Developers - I am a SF user who is just beginning at coding. I am having trouble with making a trigger that will act as a dupe blocking rule and throw an error whenever a user tries to add a contact whose email matches the Email field OR our custom Other_Email_c field. Right now SF's Data.com Dupe management won't block dupes with a cross-field logic like this, so I turn to coding...but am not sure what this entails. Also would want to build in code that says do not fire trigger if user's profile = ______. Any ideas?
Hi All,

I have a List View Button that executes a visualforce page to send the records in the list view to an sobject variable in the flow. The issue is that it only sends 20 records - I am assuming this might be because of pagination of visualforce records? Either way, I am not rendering anything for the user, I just need to pass ALL the records in the list view to the flow (and this is often over 200 records - so the list view row selection is not an option). Any thoughts? Below is my visualforce page code. It always passes 20 records - what changes can I make so that I can pass more than 20 records on to the flow?

<apex:page standardController="Tree_Record__c" tabStyle="Tree_Record__c" recordSetVar="AllTreeRecords" lightningStylesheets="true">

<apex:repeat value="{!AllTreeRecords}" var="row" rendered="false">

<flow:interview name="Tree_Order_Flow" finishLocation="{!URLFOR('/lightning/o/Tree_Order__c/list?filterName=Recent')}">
<apex:param name="Passed_Variable_Selected_Trees" value="{!AllTreeRecords}"/>
If I run a flow from within Salesforce using a button, it will display in a lightning skin. However, if I launch that flow via a Visualforce page, it displays with the classic skin. Is there any code I can add to the Visualforce page to make it display in with the lightning skin? 
Nonprofit admin moonlighting as a developer here. I have a visualforce page that has a table I would like to sort by one of the columns A to Z. The visualforce page is just a pdf print out of certain things from the object and related lists. See below for the snippet of code I have for my table. How can I sort the table A-Z by "Latin Tree Name" column, which takes the {!tr.Tree_Name__r.Name} values?

<table width="100%" border="1">
<th width="15%">CRM Record #</th><th width="35%">Latin Tree Name</th><th width="15%">Stock Type</th><th width="17%">Form</th><th width="10%">Size</th><th width="8%">Quantity</th>
<apex:repeat value="{!Campaign.Tree_Records__r}" var="tr">
<td><apex:outputtext value="{!tr.Name}" /></td>
<td><apex:outputtext value="{!tr.Tree_Name__r.Name}" /></td>
I am having an issue with a VisualForce page. I am relatively new at coding in visualforce, and have gotten standard pages to work, but this is the first time with a custom object. My custom object API name is "Internal_Request__c", thus, I put <apex:page standardController="Internal_Request__c"> as my controller. Is this correct? I currently get an error called "Error: Unknown property 'Internal_Request__cStandardController.Internal_Request__c'. See below.

User-added image
Any thoughts?
Hello all - a seasoned administrator here, but a novice developer. I am trying to set up a field in Salesforce on contact records that will give me the contact's local voting information based on their address. This seems possible with Google Civics Information API (https://developers.google.com/civic-information). However, I don't really know how to go about setting this up in Salesforce...

I have obtained an API key, and Google is very helpful in letting you test drive the API so that I know the following url: 


gives me the following good results (see screen shot below):
Google Civics API sample results

I suppose my question is, where do I start at turning this into an apex code? And is that the best way to get the results I want?

Is there a developer willing to help an admin just beginning to learn coding? Any input is appreciated. Thank you!

Hello Developers - I am a SF user who is just beginning at coding. I am having trouble with making a trigger that will act as a dupe blocking rule and throw an error whenever a user tries to add a contact whose email matches the Email field OR our custom Other_Email_c field. Right now SF's Data.com Dupe management won't block dupes with a cross-field logic like this, so I turn to coding...but am not sure what this entails. Also would want to build in code that says do not fire trigger if user's profile = ______. Any ideas?