• Srinivas S
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Hi :)

I'm developing some Lightning Components and i have a big project in VisualForce Pages.
I want to replace some of the features for Lightning Components, for instance, i have a search system, and the ideia is to replace that search with a lightning component search.
Can i combine a lightning component search with results in VisualForce Pages?
My doubt is: If i search something, the results will appear in the VisualForce Pages like normal? Or i need to create another component to show the results?

What is meant by sandbox refresh time interval?
does it mean the time taken to complete the refresh from prod to test?

We've been working on this trigger for a week now and to say its drive us crazy is an understatement. We've been round the housees a little simply on the basis we're trying to expose the line items to a visualforce force.com profile page - If anyone has done this before then they'll appreciate the headache products creates.

We've had several workable inserts that have either repeatedly inserted new lines or that insert without populating the opportunity lookup. We've got to the point that our trigger hits a dml error using the field references we've provided. Assuming that if we collect the opportunity ID from the line item and that this isn't populated prior to insert is why we hit the error. We've seen this done where the ID is insert after the save and therefore bypassing the error but unfortunately this surpasses our knowledge.

Please can someone help and advise the appropriate change in order to fix this?
trigger BidProductsInsert on OpportunityLineItem(after insert, after update) {
    Map<Id, OpportunityLineItem> opl = new Map<Id, OpportunityLineItem>();
    Map<Id, Opportunity> opps = new Map<Id, Opportunity>();
    Map<Id, PricebookEntry> prices = new Map<Id, PricebookEntry>();
    Map<opportunitylineitem, bid_products__c> lines = new Map<opportunitylineitem, bid_products__c>();

    for(OpportunityLineItem record: Trigger.new) {
        opps.put(record.OpportunityId, null);
        prices.put(record.PricebookEntryId, null);
    opl.putAll([SELECT Id, OpportunityID FROM OpportunityLineItem WHERE Id IN :opl.keySet()]);
    prices.putAll([SELECT Id, Product2.Name, Product2Id FROM PricebookEntry WHERE Id IN :prices.keySet()]);
    for(OpportunityLineItem record: Trigger.new) {
            new bid_products__c(
    upsert lines.values();

    for(OpportunityLineItem record: Trigger.new) {
        record.bid_products__c = lines.get(record).Id;

Thank you,


I am reviewing some code that I inherited  :-)

It uses a "before" trigger as follows.  It is trying to take a variable from the Quote and
copy it to the OpportunityLineItem.

trigger OpportunityProductTrigger on OpportunityLineItem (before insert, before update) {


The method being called is as follows:
public class OpportunityProductServices{

    // Populating Base OpportunityLine Item's Sort Order number on Add-on OLI's 
    public static void addParentSortOrderNumber(List<OpportunityLineItem> lst_OLI){
        Set<String> set_OpportunityIds = new Set<String>(); // Creating Set of Opportunity Ids for which Opportunity Lineitem is created or updated
        for(OpportunityLineItem var : lst_OLI){
        Map<Id, Map<Id, QuoteLineItem>> map_Opprtunity2Quote = new Map<Id, Map<Id, QuoteLineItem>>();
        // Getting List of QLI for Opportunity ids which has Quote Quote Synced
        for(QuoteLineItem var : [Select Id, SortOrder, Base_OLI_Id__c, Quote.OpportunityId 
                                from QuoteLineItem WHERE Quote.isSyncing=true and 
                                Quote.OpportunityId IN : set_OpportunityIds]){
                map_Opprtunity2Quote.get(var.Quote.OpportunityId).put(var.Id, var);
                Map<Id, QuoteLineItem> map_QuoteLine = new Map<Id, QuoteLineItem>();
                map_QuoteLine.put(var.Id, var);
                map_Opprtunity2Quote.put(var.Quote.OpportunityId, map_QuoteLine);
        for(OpportunityLineItem var : lst_OLI){
            Map<Id, QuoteLineItem> map_QuoteLine = map_Opprtunity2Quote.get(var.OpportunityId);
            for(QuoteLineItem QLI : map_QuoteLine.values()){
                // Putting Sort Number on Custom Field of OLI
                if(var.SortOrder == QLI.SortOrder && QLI.Base_OLI_Id__c != null){
                    var.Base_OLI_Sort_Number__c =  map_QuoteLine.get(QLI.Base_OLI_Id__c).sortOrder;  


My question is this:

Since there are no DML operations being performed in the called method, does this
code *do* anything?

Is the "trigger.new" that is passed in directly from the trigger to the method passed by reference, and 
therefore setting Base_OLI_Sort_Number__c actually sets it somehow?



Hi all!
My aim is showing the pageBlock named iconGallery, when the user click on the commandLink "Show Gallery". If I put the "loadImage" method's code inside Constructor, everything goes perfect. So I wonder if the problem is between the Controller and VF page.

VF page:
<apex:page id="NewAchievement" controller="NewAchievement_Controller">
  <!-- Import Component -->
    <c:loadingSpinner />
  <!-- Page Header -->
  <apex:sectionHeader title="Achievement Edit" subtitle="New Achievement"/>
  <!-- Begin Form -->
  <apex:form >

    <apex:actionFunction action="{!loadImages}" name="loadImages" reRender="iconGallery" oncomplete="hideLoadingDialog();" />
    <apex:pageBlock title="Achievement Edit" mode="edit">
        <!-- Button Section -->
        <apex:pageBlockButtons location="top">
          <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}" />
          <apex:commandButton value="Save & New" action="{!saveNew}" />
          <apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}" />
        <!-- Fields -->
        <apex:pageBlockSection columns="1" showHeader="true" title="Information">
          <apex:inputField value="{!achievement.Name}" required="true" />
          <apex:inputField value="{!achievement.Category__c}" required="false" />
          <apex:inputField value="{!achievement.Points__c}"  required="true" />
          <apex:inputField value="{!achievement.Validation_Criteria__c}" required="true" style="width: 300px"/>
        <!-- Icon Selection -->
        <apex:pageBlockSection title="Select Icon">
          <apex:commandLink value="Show gallery"
                            oncomplete="hideLoadingDialog();" />

          <apex:image value="https://eu6.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=01558000000UI88" />

    <!-- Icon Gallery -->

    <apex:pageBlock title="Icon Gallery" id="iconGallery" rendered="{!isClicked}">
                <apex:repeat value="{!allLinks}" var="item">
                    <apex:outputLink value="http://www.google.es">
                        <apex:image onclick="String" value="{!item}" style="padding-right: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px"/>

public class NewAchievement_Controller {
    public Achievement__c achievement {get; set;}
    public List<Document> allImages {get; set;}
    public List<String> allLinks {get; set;}
    public Boolean isClicked {get; set;}

    public NewAchievement_Controller () {

        allImages = new List<Document>();
        allLinks = new List<String>();
        isClicked = false;

    public PageReference saveNew() {
        try { 
         insert achievement; 
        } catch(System.DMLException e) {
            return null;
        return (new ApexPages.StandardController(new Achievement__c())).edit();        
    public PageReference cancel() {
        return (new ApexPages.StandardController(achievement).view());        
    public PageReference save() {
        try {
        } catch(System.DMLException e) {
            return null;
        PageReference redirectSuccess = new ApexPages.StandardController(achievement).view();
        return (redirectSuccess);

    public PageReference loadImages() {

         //LOAD EXISTING IMAGES (16x16)
        allImages = [SELECT Id FROM Document WHERE FolderId = '00l58000000hBuj'];

        String s = 'https://eu6.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=';
        for(Integer i=0; i < (allImages.size()-106); i++) {

            Document d = allImages.get(i);
            allLinks.add(s + String.valueOf(d.Id));

        isClicked = true;

        return null;

Thank you in advance!

I have field called phone in contact when i inserted the new contact or updated the contact of related account the account phone should be prepoulated in the contact phone field of the existing account using trigger.

Thanks in advance.

I want my trigger to check a custom checkbox field (called Cancelled) when my opportunity stage changes from closed won to closed lost.
I know we can get that information from Opportunity Stage History reports also we can create a workflow rule (below)

1 AND(
4 IsClosed,NOT(IsWon))

From a knowledge perspective how can I achieve this via trigger?

Hi Everyone,

Im learning salesforce and  im unable to figure out how to implement the above program, can anyone help me with my querry?

Thanks in advance

 I have a problem with apex code thats supposed to delete attachment added to account after lead conversion, and then add the copy of this attachment to opportunity.

But when i convert my lead, nothing happens, i checked the Attachment.ParentID with system debug and i found something strange.
 The normal id of account is 0013600000LjlAi, but when in the debug its 0013600000LjlAiAAJ, do you know why that would happen?

Here is part of code responsible for getting parendId:

trigger Update_Attachment_Parent on Attachment (after insert, after update) {
//Create a List to store the Ids of Attachments to be deleted
List<Id> forDeletionIds = new List<Id>();
for (Attachment a : trigger.new){
//Check to see if the Attachment has an Account as the Parent Record
if(a.ParentId.getSobjectType() == Account.SobjectType){
//Select the Primary Opportunity from the Account
Account parent = [SELECT Primary_Opportunity__c FROM Account WHERE ID = :a.ParentId]; 
System.debug('The parentID is: ' + a.ParentId);

Side note: Person Accounts are enabled for our org and every converted account is a person account.

I need to have a trigger to copy the value of a picklist from Account to its related Contacts (another custom picklist).
The requirement is only to be copied if in the Contact poage the picklist is empty.

I tried this trigger:
trigger UpdateContactRegione on Contact(before Insert, before Update) {

    for(Contact Cont: Trigger.new){

     Account acct = [select id,Regione__c from Account where Id=:Cont.AccountId];

       if(Cont.Regione__c == null)

          Cont.Regione__c= acct.Regione__c;



But it worksonly if I change the picklist in Contact and not viceversa.

Any suggestions?

My selected value is stored in the variable 'val' and in the controller  i have given {get;set;} for val but val is shoing null instead of selected value from the picklist..
 <apex:selectList id="selected_list" value="{!val}" required="false" size="1">
       <apex:selectOption itemvalue="AllTime" itemLabel="AllTime"/>
          <apex:selectOption itemvalue="CurrentWeek" itemLabel="CurrentWeek"/>
          <apex:selectOption itemvalue="LastWeek" itemLabel="LastWeek"/>
       <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" action="{!viewData}" reRender="block"/>


public string val{get;set;}
 public pageReference viewData(){
 return null;
public List<Time_Log__c>getTimesheetEntries()
    List<Time_Log__c> timesheetentries = new List<Time_Log__c>();
    if(val =='CurrentWeek')
    system.debug('****************************+++++++++INSIDE if Current Week+++++++*****************************'); 
    timesheetentries = [select id,name,Allocation__c,Assigned_to__c,Action_Status__c,End_Date__c,Billable__c,Start_Date__c,Milestone__c,Progress_Percentage__c,Role__c,Projects__c ,Activity_Type__c,Task_If_Assigned__c,Time_Spent_Hrs__c from Time_Log__c where LastModifiedDate = THIS_WEEK];
    if(val =='LastWeek')
    system.debug('****************************+++++++++INSIDE if LAst Week+++++++*****************************'); 
    timesheetentries = [select id,name,Allocation__c,Assigned_to__c,Action_Status__c,End_Date__c,Billable__c,Start_Date__c,Milestone__c,Progress_Percentage__c,Role__c,Projects__c ,Activity_Type__c,Task_If_Assigned__c,Time_Spent_Hrs__c from Time_Log__c where LastModifiedDate = LAST_WEEK];
     system.debug('****************************+++++++++INSIDE else+++++++*****************************');    
     timesheetentries = [select id,name,Allocation__c,Assigned_to__c,Action_Status__c,End_Date__c,Billable__c,Start_Date__c,Milestone__c,Progress_Percentage__c,Role__c,Projects__c ,Activity_Type__c,Task_If_Assigned__c,Time_Spent_Hrs__c from Time_Log__c];
    return timesheetentries ;
HI friends
I have a requirement where I need to bind sobjects to an picklist and show it in visual force page.
Can it be done using dynamic apex ?
pls let me know.


public class AddmultipleAccountsController {
Account account = new Account();
public list<Account> listAccount{ get; set; }

public AddmultipleAccountsController()
listAccount=new list<Account>();

Public void addAccount()
Account acc = new Account();
public PageReference saveAccount() {
for(Integer i=0; i<listAccount.size(); i++)
insert listAccount;
return Page.addmore;

test class

public class addmul_test 
    static testmethod void addtest()
        AddmultipleAccountsController ar=new AddmultipleAccountsController();
        pagereference pf=Page.addmore;
HI guys

Can anyone can help me out:

-How to convert text to integer in SOQL.

Really appreciate quick response
I hv 10 classes and 1 trigger,code coverage is 95 %.I write Test classes for 9 classes and 1 trigger,(but not write test class for 1 class) (or) I write Test classes for 10 classes,( but not write test class for trigger).
 Is it possible to deployee the code to production. 
Hello everyone, 

I have been pounding my head into my keyboard for the last day trying to figure out how to write a test class for this trigger that will get more than %66. I am very new to writing apex, but I have written a few triggers for single objects and this is my first for a cross object trigger and for some reason the test class is just not making sence to me. So that brings me here. I am wondering if anyone can help me write a test class that will allow deployment into production. Any an all help is appricated :) I wouldn't mind a little explanation at how you came to the conclusion as well. The more you know! :)
The code is pretty simple. It checks for a created task with a specific subject line, then changes the "Status" of the associated lead.
trigger changeLeadStatus_Disconnected on Task (before insert, before update) {
    String desiredNewLeadStatus = 'Wrong #/Disconnected';

    List<Id> leadIds=new List<Id>();
    for(Task t:trigger.new){
        if(t.Subject=='Call with PhoneBurner - BAD PHONE'){
    List<Lead> leadsToUpdate=[SELECT Id, Status FROM Lead WHERE Id IN :leadIds AND IsConverted=FALSE];
    For (Lead l:leadsToUpdate){
        update leadsToUpdate;
    }catch(DMLException e){
        system.debug('Leads were not properly updated.  Error: '+e);

We have our Account triggers set up as one single apex class, which makes it challenging to find code suggestions as I am an Apex newb.

My requirements are as follows:

I need to restrict the deletion of account records to System Admins only, when the value of a certain checkbox field is set to true on the account.  
My research tells me I need a trigger, but since we don't have individual triggers I need to do this in our AccountTriggerHandler apex class.

Any advice is appreciated!

    I have one custom object called AddsViewList.In that i have 2 custom fields i.e,AddsName,Count..in custom object i have 10 sample records.First req is i have to get the record name py passing id in vf page..Second one is i have to display the page view count whenever the user refresh the page and the count should be updated...

Can anyone pls provide the code..

I have a requirement to validate the email which should be '@example.com'. please help me.

Sorry for the noobie question. Having serious trouble trying to get some help. The 'contact us' page just redirects to the 'help launch page' on multiple platforms.

Anyways I need support. I need to delete all notes from my account as I just starting to use the developer edition but somehow over 2500 'notes' have been created and take up all of the 5mb storage. I didn't create the notes, and I am not sure where they came from. I did install some apps but I don't think they can create notes without my knowledge. It is not possible to delete through the data loader or by any other means I have seen or at least nothing has worked. Also I am unable to install any app from marketplace to do the job since I don't have any storage. What can I do? 

Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks:)
We are getting the following error upon clicking on a tab which will create lighting component from the javaScript -
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of null
    at AuraInstance.message (/auraFW/javascript/zsWZWPmRKjQt6GsG2UtCYg/aura_proddebug.js:18708)
    at AuraInstance.handleError (/auraFW/javascript/zsWZWPmRKjQt6GsG2UtCYg/aura_proddebug.js:18676)
    at AuraInstance.$reportError$ (/auraFW/javascript/zsWZWPmRKjQt6GsG2UtCYg/aura_proddebug.js:18685)
    at reportError (/auraFW/javascript/zsWZWPmRKjQt6GsG2UtCYg/aura_proddebug.js:18523)

Please help me with any work around.

While making a package we develop test classes to validate Apex Triggers and Apex Classes behaviour and make sure to get 75% code coverage.
After making the managed package if the client installs the package and makes any field mandatory at field-level or introduces a validation rule test classes in the package will fail.

How to handle the above scenario to make sure to avoid failing the test classes even after introducing a validation rules or if they make any field mandatory at field level?

Please share your ideas?

We are having two managed packages –
  1. Primary Package
  2. Secondary Package
  • By installing the Primary Package we are working for the Secondary Package.
  • In secondary package all the objects, fields, field sets of the primary package will be available.
  • In one of the object of the Primary Package we have created a field set additionally.
  • In Primary Package few fields are removed and created one more version of the primary package.
  • In Secondary Package development instance upgraded the Primary Package to the latest version.
  • Trying to remove the deleted field (as part of later primary package it is deleted) from the field set which is created in Secondary Package Instance for one of the object of primary package.
Result: Not able to delete the field from a field set which is created in Secondary Package (field set is created for one of the object of primary package).
Please let me know if there is any work around. We have tried to remove in Force.com IDE also nothing worked out.

1. We have created a lightning component and lightning application.
2. Referred lightning app in visualforce page to display the table of records.

When we are displaying the bulk records (more than 500), it is taking more time (>30 Sec)  due to huge logic in the javaScript helper.

Instead of displaying all the 500 records at a time which is consuming more time, I want to load 5 records first later it can process for the remaining records.

If anyone of you having suggestions please let me know.


1. We have created a lightning component and lightning application.
2. Referred lightning app in visualforce page to display the table of records.

When we are displaying the bulk records (more than 500), it is taking more time (>30 Sec)  due to huge logic in the javaScript helper.

Instead of displaying all the 500 records at a time which is consuming more time, I want to load 5 records first later it can process for the remaining records.

If anyone of you having suggestions please let me know.

Hi :)

I'm developing some Lightning Components and i have a big project in VisualForce Pages.
I want to replace some of the features for Lightning Components, for instance, i have a search system, and the ideia is to replace that search with a lightning component search.
Can i combine a lightning component search with results in VisualForce Pages?
My doubt is: If i search something, the results will appear in the VisualForce Pages like normal? Or i need to create another component to show the results?

1,how many soql queries allowed in trigger not in apex class?
2,can we process one record in batch apex class?
I'm getting an "authentication failure" error, trying to do my very first login to SalesForce. I've read the doc N times, checked out other people's postings for the same error, still can't make it work.

Here's what I did:
1) set myself up with an intro developer account on developer.salesforce.com
2) naturally, i've got admin privileges. Verified that API is enabled. Created the security token for myself and captured it.
3) set up an app:
  •  enabled OA/Auth,
  • set scope to 'Full Data Access", 
  • set the callback URL to https://test.salesforce.com (is this right!?
4) went to "Manage" for the App and set up "Relax IP restrictions"

fired off the standard curl that everyone else uses, get nothing but "authentication failures".

Here's the CURL I'm using:

curl -v https://test.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/token \
-d "grant_type=password" 
-d "client_id=XXXXXXXXXXXXX" 
-d "client_secret=YYYYYYYYYYYYYY" 
-d "username=login@myco.com" 
-d "password=PWORDSECURITYTOKEN"    

What did I miss?

Hi All,

I have one JSON Data , i am serializing that data, but it is becoming NULL after deserialization.
I want to access the value form JSON data into the VF page. 

Here is my JSON Data: 

      "datecreated":"Fri, 10 Jun 2016 20:30:17 GMT",
                                 "datecreated":"Fri, 10 Jun 2016 21:33:04 GMT",
                                 "title":"1. User types defined",
                                 "datecreated":"Fri, 10 Jun 2016 21:33:09 GMT",
                                 "title":"2.  Create groups",
                                 "datecreated":"Fri, 10 Jun 2016 21:33:20 GMT",
                                 "title":"3.  Create users",


Here is My Wrapper Class
public class JSON2Apex {
    public list<MindTouchPage> mindTouchData;
    public list<path> pathData;

	public class Path {
		public String seo;
		public String type1;
		public String text;

	public class MindTouchPage {
		public String id;
		public String guid;
		public String draftstate;
		public String href;
		public String deleted;
		public String datecreated;
		public String language;
		public String namespace;
		public Path path;
		public Subpages subpages;
		public String title;
		public String uriui;

	public class Subpages {
		public List<MindTouchPage> mindTouchPage;

	public static JSON2Apex parse(String json) {
		return (JSON2Apex) System.JSON.deserialize(json, JSON2Apex.class);

controller class
global with sharing class ViptelaCustLandingController {
   global static String responseData{get;set;}
   global static String status{get;set;}
   public boolean isUserAuthenticated{get;set;}
   Public Integer closeCaseCount{get;set;}
   public Integer openCaseCount{get;set;} 
   public JSON2Apex mindTouch{get;set;}
    public MindTouchDataWrapper wrapper {
    // Constructor
    public ViptelaCustLandingController(){
     // Get the count of closed Cases
     closeCaseCount = [SELECT COUNT() FROM CASE WHERE status = 'closed'];
     openCaseCount = [SELECT COUNT() FROM CASE WHERE status !='closed'];  
    // Code will invoke on pageLoad
    public pageReference redirectToCustomAuthPage(){
            return new pagereference ('/viptelaLoginController');
            // status = 'User Authenticated';
            // Call the webService Function
           // getDataFromMindTouch();
             isUserAuthenticated = TRUE;
             return null;

    // WebService Method to Call the "MindTouch" API
  //  @future(callout = true)
        public void getDataFromMindTouch(){
            status = 'method Called';
            System.debug('WebService Method Called');
            // MindTouch User Name
            String userName = '**********';
            String password = '***********';
            String mindTouchURL = 'https://***************';
            //  Prepare the HTTP request and response
            HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
            HttpResponse res = new HttpResponse();
            Http http = new Http();
            // Construct Authorization and Content Header
           // Blob headerValue = Blob.valueOf(userName+':'+password);
              Blob headerValue = Blob.valueOf(username + ':' + password);
              String authorizationHeader = 'BASIC ' + EncodingUtil.base64Encode(headerValue);
           // String authorizationHeader = 'Basic'+ EncodingUtil.base64Encode(headerValue);
           // req.setHeader('Authorization', 'Basic UmlzaGF2OlJpc2hAMTk5MSo=');
            req.setHeader('Authorization', authorizationHeader);
            // Set Method,endpoint,and body
                res = http.send(req);
                System.debug('Response is =======' + res.getBody());
                //responseData = res.toString();
                responseData =res.getBody();
                status = 'TRUE';
                System.debug('response data variable value is' +responseData );
                //**************************Added by V******************************************
                //To overcome the limitation of @ variable in response, it is converted to the SFDC acceptable form using replace keywork
                //and same is reference in the MindTouchWrapper Class
                responseData = responseData.replace('"page"', '"mindTouchPage"');
                responseData = responseData.replace('"@id":', '"id":');
                responseData = responseData.replace('"@guid":', '"guid":');
                responseData = responseData.replace('"@draft.state":', '"draftstate":');
                responseData = responseData.replace('"@href":', '"href":');
                responseData = responseData.replace('"@deleted":', '"deleted":');
                responseData = responseData.replace('"date.created":', '"datecreated":');
                responseData = responseData.replace('"@seo":', '"seo":');
                responseData = responseData.replace('"@type":', '"type1":');
                responseData = responseData.replace('"#text":', '"text":');
                responseData = responseData.replace('"uri.ui":', '"uriui":');
                System.debug('response2 data variable value is' +responseData);
                //Parse is the deserialize method in the MindTouchWrapper class
               // MindTouchWrapper mindTouch = MindTouchWrapper.parse(responseData); 
                  mindTouch = JSON2Apex.parse(responseData);
                System.debug('Deserialized data is '+mindTouch);
                 //*************************Added by V*******************************************
            }Catch(System.CalloutException e){
                System.debug('ERROR' +e);
                System.debug('Response is ' + res.getBody());

VF Code to get Data
<apex:pageBlock >
                    <apex:pageBlockSection columns="2">
                         <apex:repeat value="{!mindTouch}" var="data">
                                  <apex:outputText value="{!data.id}"></apex:outputText>

Please hlep me to show data from JSON into VF page.

Using query, it is possible to get all user details from SalesForce (ex: /services/data/v{version#}/query/?q={SOQL queyy} ). I would like to know what is the maximum number of user records retrieved in a single query.

Please advise.
Hi all,

I have created the dynamic approval process on a custom object. In this i can able to send send one approval request. If i am trying to set one more approver id to req.setNextApproverIds(new Id[] {apl[1].approver__c}) method, I am getting exception. How can i send request to the second approver ? Please any body can help me.
Hi All,

Is there any feature in salesforce to transfer(share) files or documents between two salesforce orgs?

Thanks in advance

In the Bulk Apex Triggers Trailhead piece we are told to use WhatId to set the related field of a new task. However, when I look at the actual fields of the Task object the field name is actually What. When I try to use What I get an error. How would I have known to use the WhatId name instead and why is this in general?

User-added image
What is meant by sandbox refresh time interval?
does it mean the time taken to complete the refresh from prod to test?

We've been working on this trigger for a week now and to say its drive us crazy is an understatement. We've been round the housees a little simply on the basis we're trying to expose the line items to a visualforce force.com profile page - If anyone has done this before then they'll appreciate the headache products creates.

We've had several workable inserts that have either repeatedly inserted new lines or that insert without populating the opportunity lookup. We've got to the point that our trigger hits a dml error using the field references we've provided. Assuming that if we collect the opportunity ID from the line item and that this isn't populated prior to insert is why we hit the error. We've seen this done where the ID is insert after the save and therefore bypassing the error but unfortunately this surpasses our knowledge.

Please can someone help and advise the appropriate change in order to fix this?
trigger BidProductsInsert on OpportunityLineItem(after insert, after update) {
    Map<Id, OpportunityLineItem> opl = new Map<Id, OpportunityLineItem>();
    Map<Id, Opportunity> opps = new Map<Id, Opportunity>();
    Map<Id, PricebookEntry> prices = new Map<Id, PricebookEntry>();
    Map<opportunitylineitem, bid_products__c> lines = new Map<opportunitylineitem, bid_products__c>();

    for(OpportunityLineItem record: Trigger.new) {
        opps.put(record.OpportunityId, null);
        prices.put(record.PricebookEntryId, null);
    opl.putAll([SELECT Id, OpportunityID FROM OpportunityLineItem WHERE Id IN :opl.keySet()]);
    prices.putAll([SELECT Id, Product2.Name, Product2Id FROM PricebookEntry WHERE Id IN :prices.keySet()]);
    for(OpportunityLineItem record: Trigger.new) {
            new bid_products__c(
    upsert lines.values();

    for(OpportunityLineItem record: Trigger.new) {
        record.bid_products__c = lines.get(record).Id;

Thank you,

iam executing this code in anonymous block iam getting error like my requirment is only in anonumos window
Line: 35, Column: 1
System.ListException: Duplicate id in list: 00128000003LLRkAAO
pls hlp me
:*the following below  is my code:*
list<account> lst1 = new list<account>();
 list<schema.contact> lst = [select id,name,account.name,account.Fax from contact where account.Fax != null];
for(schema.contact c:lst)
    //Account ac = [select id,name,fax from account where id=:c.account.id];
update lst1;

I am reviewing some code that I inherited  :-)

It uses a "before" trigger as follows.  It is trying to take a variable from the Quote and
copy it to the OpportunityLineItem.

trigger OpportunityProductTrigger on OpportunityLineItem (before insert, before update) {


The method being called is as follows:
public class OpportunityProductServices{

    // Populating Base OpportunityLine Item's Sort Order number on Add-on OLI's 
    public static void addParentSortOrderNumber(List<OpportunityLineItem> lst_OLI){
        Set<String> set_OpportunityIds = new Set<String>(); // Creating Set of Opportunity Ids for which Opportunity Lineitem is created or updated
        for(OpportunityLineItem var : lst_OLI){
        Map<Id, Map<Id, QuoteLineItem>> map_Opprtunity2Quote = new Map<Id, Map<Id, QuoteLineItem>>();
        // Getting List of QLI for Opportunity ids which has Quote Quote Synced
        for(QuoteLineItem var : [Select Id, SortOrder, Base_OLI_Id__c, Quote.OpportunityId 
                                from QuoteLineItem WHERE Quote.isSyncing=true and 
                                Quote.OpportunityId IN : set_OpportunityIds]){
                map_Opprtunity2Quote.get(var.Quote.OpportunityId).put(var.Id, var);
                Map<Id, QuoteLineItem> map_QuoteLine = new Map<Id, QuoteLineItem>();
                map_QuoteLine.put(var.Id, var);
                map_Opprtunity2Quote.put(var.Quote.OpportunityId, map_QuoteLine);
        for(OpportunityLineItem var : lst_OLI){
            Map<Id, QuoteLineItem> map_QuoteLine = map_Opprtunity2Quote.get(var.OpportunityId);
            for(QuoteLineItem QLI : map_QuoteLine.values()){
                // Putting Sort Number on Custom Field of OLI
                if(var.SortOrder == QLI.SortOrder && QLI.Base_OLI_Id__c != null){
                    var.Base_OLI_Sort_Number__c =  map_QuoteLine.get(QLI.Base_OLI_Id__c).sortOrder;  


My question is this:

Since there are no DML operations being performed in the called method, does this
code *do* anything?

Is the "trigger.new" that is passed in directly from the trigger to the method passed by reference, and 
therefore setting Base_OLI_Sort_Number__c actually sets it somehow?



Hi All,
I have a Custom Controller like 
public class classname{

public classname(){

---------Do Sum Logic---------



I have written in test like
 PageReference pageRef = Page.MyPage;

classname cont = new classname();
cont.classname() ------------------------------Showing error here
Any Suggestions 

  • May 31, 2016
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Hi,i have a 100 contacts i want to send a email to all 100 contacts which  user selected.in this case which email(single or mass) i need to choose.if choose single email message i can only send 10 emails only. so  i chosen mass email but my TL told me to use Single email only,i am confusing which one i need to implement.why i should use single only..?why not mass..? any problem with mass..email..?please me help out

I am stuck on this. I am getting the "You have uncommitted work pending. Please commit or rollback before calling out" CalloutException, even though I am doing the operations in the right order as I understand it.

The batch job has to select accounts that need updating, call a webservice to query some data, and update the accounts with this new information.

Below is a simplified version of my code. Basically:

- In the start() method I run a query on Account and return a QueryLocator
- In the execute() method I loop through the List<Account>,  do as many callouts as needed and set the relevant fields in the Account objects; at the end of the loop I do one update operation.

This should preserve the rule "no not do callouts after DML operations". But the second callout after I first set the fields is failing. It seems though setting field values on the object counts as DML, even though I am not performing the update operation yet.

Does that make sense? How can it be fixed? Or is it a whole different thing that I am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.


global class AccountsUpdateWebService implements Database.Batchable<sObject>, Database.AllowsCallouts, Database.Stateful {
    global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc){
        String query = 'Select Id, Name FROM Account ...';
        return Database.getQueryLocator(query);

    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc, list<Account> accounts) {
        List<Account> toupdate = new List<Account>();
        for (Account account: accounts) {
            // Callout to web service that retrieves address info
            WSData wsdata = WebService.getData (account.Name);
            account.BillingStreet = wsdata.Street;
            account.BillingPostalCode = wsdata.PostalCode;

            toupdate.add (accounts);
        update toupdate;

    global void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc) {
Hi all!
My aim is showing the pageBlock named iconGallery, when the user click on the commandLink "Show Gallery". If I put the "loadImage" method's code inside Constructor, everything goes perfect. So I wonder if the problem is between the Controller and VF page.

VF page:
<apex:page id="NewAchievement" controller="NewAchievement_Controller">
  <!-- Import Component -->
    <c:loadingSpinner />
  <!-- Page Header -->
  <apex:sectionHeader title="Achievement Edit" subtitle="New Achievement"/>
  <!-- Begin Form -->
  <apex:form >

    <apex:actionFunction action="{!loadImages}" name="loadImages" reRender="iconGallery" oncomplete="hideLoadingDialog();" />
    <apex:pageBlock title="Achievement Edit" mode="edit">
        <!-- Button Section -->
        <apex:pageBlockButtons location="top">
          <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}" />
          <apex:commandButton value="Save & New" action="{!saveNew}" />
          <apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}" />
        <!-- Fields -->
        <apex:pageBlockSection columns="1" showHeader="true" title="Information">
          <apex:inputField value="{!achievement.Name}" required="true" />
          <apex:inputField value="{!achievement.Category__c}" required="false" />
          <apex:inputField value="{!achievement.Points__c}"  required="true" />
          <apex:inputField value="{!achievement.Validation_Criteria__c}" required="true" style="width: 300px"/>
        <!-- Icon Selection -->
        <apex:pageBlockSection title="Select Icon">
          <apex:commandLink value="Show gallery"
                            oncomplete="hideLoadingDialog();" />

          <apex:image value="https://eu6.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=01558000000UI88" />

    <!-- Icon Gallery -->

    <apex:pageBlock title="Icon Gallery" id="iconGallery" rendered="{!isClicked}">
                <apex:repeat value="{!allLinks}" var="item">
                    <apex:outputLink value="http://www.google.es">
                        <apex:image onclick="String" value="{!item}" style="padding-right: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px"/>

public class NewAchievement_Controller {
    public Achievement__c achievement {get; set;}
    public List<Document> allImages {get; set;}
    public List<String> allLinks {get; set;}
    public Boolean isClicked {get; set;}

    public NewAchievement_Controller () {

        allImages = new List<Document>();
        allLinks = new List<String>();
        isClicked = false;

    public PageReference saveNew() {
        try { 
         insert achievement; 
        } catch(System.DMLException e) {
            return null;
        return (new ApexPages.StandardController(new Achievement__c())).edit();        
    public PageReference cancel() {
        return (new ApexPages.StandardController(achievement).view());        
    public PageReference save() {
        try {
        } catch(System.DMLException e) {
            return null;
        PageReference redirectSuccess = new ApexPages.StandardController(achievement).view();
        return (redirectSuccess);

    public PageReference loadImages() {

         //LOAD EXISTING IMAGES (16x16)
        allImages = [SELECT Id FROM Document WHERE FolderId = '00l58000000hBuj'];

        String s = 'https://eu6.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=';
        for(Integer i=0; i < (allImages.size()-106); i++) {

            Document d = allImages.get(i);
            allLinks.add(s + String.valueOf(d.Id));

        isClicked = true;

        return null;

Thank you in advance!



If you have to take an interview of any salesforce position, what all question could you ask ?


Salesforce Developer - Skills -Apex , Force.com API , AppExchange, S-Control .



Please feel free to ask any questions ?



Message Edited by ronir on 02-04-2009 11:51 AM
Message Edited by ronir on 02-04-2009 11:55 AM
  • February 04, 2009
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Set collection (I guess all the Collections) in lightning component's javaScript Helper/Controller is not working from Summer'16, It is throwing the following error -
TypeError: Set is not a Constructor (or)
TypeError: Set is not a Function.
Sample Code:
var s = new Set();

1. Before Summer'16 upgrade it was working.
2. I have included the above sample code in the javaScript of the Visualforce, It is working. Only the Lightning Component is causing the issue.

Please help me with a work around or let me know if you have any suggestions.

I have this scenario, where I need to disable the lookup field on vf page on click of a command button. I am able to disable the input field but not the lookup icon. It is still working. I want it to be  displayed on page but in disabled mode.
I need to sort data based on column heading in table in lightning is there any one who has worked on same requirement in lightning?
Hi ,

I'm struggling with SF docs / forums / google and I don't succeed to find a response to a simple question:

How to list classes inheriting from a super class ?

Example :
public abstract MyRootAbstractClass
      public virtual String getLabel() {return null ;}

public class MyFirstChildClass extends MyRootAbstractClass
      public override String getLabel() {return 'MyFirstChildClassLabel' ;}

public class MySecondChildClass extends MyRootAbstractClass
      public override String getLabel() {return 'MySecondChildClassLabel' ;}

I need to be able to create a method who can return 'MyFirstChildClassLabel','MySecondChildClassLabel'

I anyone is able to fill the blank part in my code, I would be enternally thankful :)
        Type RootClassType = Type.forName('MyRootAbstractClass');
        // WHAT TO PUT HERE ??? :'( 
        List<String> AvailableChildClassList = new List<String>();
        for (String ChildClass : ChildClassList)
            ClassType = Type.forName(ChildClass);
            SomeInterface ClassInstance = (SomeInterface)ClassType.newInstance();
            String ChildClassLabel = ClassInstance.getLabel();
        return AvailableChildClassList;

Note: some code parts are missing about interface management but it's ok i know how to manage it :)

Many thanks , best regards & have a nice day :)
I am noticing that "click" event is not captured in the ui:message component.

My component:
<aura:component access="global">
 <ui:outputText value="simple text" click="{!c.onClick}"/>
 <ui:message title="Confirmation" severity="confirm" closable="true" click="{!c.onClick}">
   This is a confirmation message.

My JS Controller:
    onClick: function(cmp) {

Note that when I click on ui:outputText I do get the alert popup. But clicking on the ui:message does not give me the alert. 
According the lightning developer document, the ui:message is supposed to support click event.
Thank you for the help!