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Trigger syntax for Lead Convert trigger?
trigger test on Lead (after convert) { }
but I get an Invalid Token error. There are no hints in the documentation.
- dmcheng
- October 28, 2008
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Salesforce developer (London preferred)
We will fly the selected candidate to London for a week's training, in order to understand our system and the specific project requirements. Beyond that, work can be done from home while communicating with our Dev team regularly. Depending on the success of the project, a full-time developer position may open up shortly after.
The project is scheduled to begin as soon as a candidate is found.
3+ Years experience with back-end development in any C-family language.
At least some experience writing Salesforce APEX code, or a good understanding of Salesforce governor limits, quirks, and tricks.
Experience with integration projects.
Good to have:
Background with Tempest.
Front-end development skills (HTML, CSS, Javascript).
Salesforce development skills (Visualforce, DB customization, etc).
Good English communication skills.
If you are interested, please send a CV to amnon.kruvi@sirenum.com.
Thank you!
- beener
- September 07, 2016
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Seeking developer to help pass managed package security check
Sirenum.com is seeking a salesforce developer with experience in packaging code and resolving issues related to the Salesforce security check.
Work will be paid on a per hour / per project basis - I need to get an idea for pricing.
Many of the errors are related to Cross Site Scripting (XSS) / interconnectivity.
We will have many follow up projects.
Contact info:
Subject must include: "role:salesforce_developer"
- CV not required (but appreciated)
- Please indicate past development experience
- Please highlight XSS experience
- If you have a set hourly / monthly price - you are welcome to include it
- If you have any experience working for / developing for HR / workforce departments (recruiting / temping agency) - please highlight that.
- The company is based in London, with presence in Boston, MA.
- You may work from home or in our London HQ.
- beener
- January 26, 2014
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Needed: Batch Mail Merge
I would like a product that would generate all of these documents at a click. even if it takes some time to generate them. I would hope that attachments are attached to the appropriate object in salesforce, but more importantly, that I can get an email with a single document (I hope PDF), at the very least, one email with multiple documents would help.
- beener
- February 26, 2010
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Do time based workflow rules work in interim?
Suppose I have a workflow rule that occurs 31 days before a certain date.
Will the rule work on a new object, if the date occurs in the intrim (say 20 days)?
- beener
- February 26, 2010
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Time based Workflow Rules
I have a workflow rule that has never worked. any ideas please? thanks.
In my Org we are required to track the validity of multiple certifications per contact. I have instated a time based workflow rule that notifies by email 30 days before it expires.
I have set the following parameters
- Evaluation Criteria: Evalutaion When a record is created, or when a record is edited and did not previously meet the rule criteria
- Rule Criteria: ExpiryDate not equal to [blank]
- Time Dependent Workflow action: 31 days before expiry date: Send Email, create task.
- beener
- February 26, 2010
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Multiple Message panes for different components
I have been looking at the VisualForce component reference for the Apex:Message component.
In the example I have notices that one can have two Apex:Message components, using the "For" parameter.
Could someone please help me understand how I can use this, when I am using custom objects, and generating my own messages using the following code
Apexpages.addMessage( new Apexpages.Message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'My Message here'))
I could not find documentation of this.
- beener
- February 18, 2010
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Testing for Messages
I have VisualForce Page with a controller. I am currently writing a test for the code.
Some of the code is designed to return an Apexpages.Message using the Apexpages.addMessage method.
My question is how I can verify that this method is created, via the Test Method.
Thanks alot,
- beener
- February 18, 2010
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Unable to catch exception
I have written a controller, and a page that uses it. This method catches an exception, I am trying to pass the error to the apex : messages visualforce page .
Clicking Running this method, I get an "An unexpected error has occurred. " page. what's wrong with my exception catching?
public void deleteOldInvoices() {
//this method is in the controller. it is run from the page try { //some code here. } } catch (Exception e) { Apexpages.addMessages(e); } }
- beener
- February 16, 2010
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Count() SOQL exception when no results
I am attempting to query the number of rows I have for a particular object, so that if there are 0 objects, I don't operate.
I have tried the following line (this is the first line of code, which is called from an VisualForce ActionButton):
Integer Total_size = [select COUNT() from invoice__c where Week__c = :Current_Week_Ending.id];
I get the following error:
System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object
Any ideas why this happens? how can I verify that there are no objects before I work on it? for now, I will get the list and check it's size, but I think it's less efficient.
- beener
- February 16, 2010
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Over 200 Records
I need to create Apex code that manipulates over 200 records. Where can I find instructions on how to do this as simply as possible. I am aware that once can work with a SOQL query in a loop, which allows you to breat the 200 Barrier for one of the objects, but if you have to work with several sets of objects, it becomes difficult.
I would appreciate any sources of info.
- beener
- February 15, 2010
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Describing Database for development
Dear all.
I am attempting to create documentation of my database, so that I can send to developers who are not familiar with Salesforce.
I would like to create a list of all fields with their properties (Field type, mandatory or not, formula, etc).
I would hope to have this in PDF format or similar.
I am aware that SoqlX may be a possible solution, but I don't have a mac.
I have tried to see if I can see the schema (perhaps as XML) using Force.com ide, but I could not.
Any ideas?
- beener
- February 10, 2010
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Record Type Validation
until now, I had some validation rules for record types. It was hard coded: here's an example:
Staff_Member__r.RecordTypeId <> "01220000000BGkB"
This Validation rule limits the type of record allowed in this reference.
However, hard coding anything is offcourse bad practice, and leads to much work when working with the sandbox, because (I think) all new record Type ID numbers are generated.
I was attempting to replace this rule with a sandbox sensitive formula.
I've tried different variations of the following :
Staff_Member__r.RecordTypeId <> VLOOKUP($SobjectType.id , $SobjectType.name, "Client")
but I could not get it to work. Any ideas?
- beener
- February 04, 2010
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Save doesn't work using Visualforce, partner portal and std contoller
My Save button doesn't work
I am attempting to mimic web-to-lead and (later web-to-case) functionality using the following:
- visualforce.
- partner portal (which is free, but doesn't allow self registration)
- standard controller for lead.
- Web to lead attempt:
http://proactive.force.com/Job_Application - View your registration in the same page:
My Problem:
SAVE doesn't work.
In case you are curious, The reason I'm not using the standard webform is:
- I get the visual design for free
- I don't have to modify the form every time I modify a pick list (which is very annoying).
- (Later on. I can use apex code after the submission.)
- I tried to use the same page from salesforce (rather than from the site, so we have authentication).
I still CAN'T Save, BUT if there is an ?id=XXXXXXXXXX in the URL, I can make a change, and save. this works. - I'm attaching the outer part of my VF page, just so you see I'm using standarrd functionality, apex: inputfield and no special tricks.
<apex:page standardController="Lead">
<apex:form > <apex:pageBlock title="Initial Agreement" mode="edit">
<apex:pageBlockButtons >
<apex:commandButton action="{!save}" value="Save"/>
</apex:pageBlockButtons><apex:pageBlockSection title="Title" columns="1">
<apex:outputText ><br/>Welcome to My Application form.<br/>Please fill in the form below. </apex:outputText>
<apex:inputfield value="{!Lead.Agreement__c}" />
<!-- more input fields here -->
<!-- more input fields here -->
<!-- more input fields here -->
<!-- more input fields here -->
- beener
- November 10, 2009
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validation rule to require lookup field
I would like to enforce a lookup field to be 'required'.
I want to do this using a validation rule (I wish there was a 'required' checkbox for lookup fields), doing this on the page layout level is insufficient for my needs.
I've tried to set up a validation rule
ISNULL( Team__c )
But this failed to trigger even in cases it should have.
Any ideas?
- beener
- September 05, 2009
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Eclipse Questions
I have two Eclipse Questions, would appreciate your help.
- Eclipse annoyingly uses spaces instead of tabs. all of my code is indented in an inconsistant manner. How do I change from space indentation to tab indentation?
- I am using eclipse in windows. When I click on any of the help items in the force.com start page within eclipse, I get a help section. this help is rendered via Internet Explorer (I think), and consistantly doesn't render at the first time of every session. I was hoping to change the renderer to Internet explorer (assuming that that is really the problem). how do I do that?
- beener
- August 26, 2009
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Help Extract error from update result
I would like help in extracting & displaying the error that results from an update (in case of failure).
In my case, the failures are usually the result of a validation rule, and I would like to display the Rule's error (and hopefully the rules name).
Event more optimistically, I would like the error to be displayed next to the field, as in theregular Salesforce behavior, but I don't know how to do that, so back to basics:
I'm using Ajax toolkit to update a field, I show the result in an Alert. I can see what looks like a class literal, it seems that I would like to extract the string called "message".
The relevent portion of the code is colored.
{!REQUIRESCRIPT("/soap/ajax/16.0/connection.js")}var question = "You are about to ";if ( {!Timesheet__c.Inclusive_Rate_Validation_Override__c}) question+= "DISABLE";else question+= "ENABLE";question+= " manual override for this timesheet, \nAre you sure?"if (window.confirm(question)){ var timesheet= new sforce.SObject("Timesheet__c"); timesheet.id = '{!Timesheet__c.Id}'; timesheet.Inclusive_Rate_Validation_Override__c = {!NOT(Timesheet__c.Inclusive_Rate_Validation_Override__c )}; var connection = sforce.connection;sforce.connection.serverUrl = "/services/Soap/u/16.0"; var result; var callComplete = false; result = connection.update([timesheet]); if (result[0].getBoolean("success") ) window.parent.location.href="/{!Timesheet__c.Id}";else alert("Cannot Disable Manual Override, check that validation rules are held\n\nFailed to update Field with error: " +result[0]);}
The result I get looks like the following (I think this is a javascript class literal). I would like to extract the message.
Cannot Disable Manual Override, check that validation rules are held Failed to update Field with error: {errors:{fields:'Standard_Inclusive_Rate__c', message:'Standard Inclusive rate must be in the range [6..25]', statusCode:'FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION', }, id:null, success:'false', }
Thanks so much
- beener
- August 18, 2009
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Apex trigger & test help please
I've written a very simple Apex Trigger (My first).
it aims to count the number of Timesheet__c records with a given date, and update these to another object called Week__c.
I cannot seem to deploy this trigger. due to Test coverage being insufficiet (0%). and due to average Apex test coverage, which i is 50% (as opposed to the required 75%).
- Please help me understand what would be a test method for this trigger.
- Where would I write this method (in the apex trigger code? after the closing bracket?
trigger Timesheets_Count on Week__c (after insert, after update, after delete, after undelete) { Date weekending = Trigger.new[0].Week_Ending__c; Week__c my_week = [select w.id, w.Number_Of_Timesheets__c from Week__c w WHERE w.Week_Ending__c = :weekending limit 1]; Integer number_of_sheets = [select COUNT() from Timesheet__c t where t.Week_Ending__c =:weekending]; my_week.Number_Of_Timesheets__c = number_of_sheets; //update My_week;// is this Line needed at all
Thanks so much.
- beener
- January 03, 2009
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inline field component for VF
We all know inline Editable fields from the native VF interface. by this I mean a field that looks like "apex: outputfield" but when double clicked, becomes an "apex:inputfield".
I would like to know if there is any way that I could to this myself
(I have a VF page that works on multiple rows of data, using a datatable full of "apex:inputfield" components.
Is there a VF component for that? if not, is there an Idea to create one?
- beener
- January 03, 2009
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Freeze panes in VF and in Excel
1. I'm trying to mimic "Freeze panes" as in excel, on a VF page.
I have a VF page that uses the apex : Datatable component.
I would like for the leftmost 3 columns to remain visible even when viewing the far right side of the table.
Any Ideas how I could do this? I considered using two datatables, one next to the other,
but how would I make sure they are vertically synchronized? (scrolling to item 100 on the one list should be reflected on the2nd list).
If you think this is a problematic issue, please consider promoting this idea:
2. I'm trying to have "Freeze Panes" in Excel, when rendering a data table as an Excel file.
I assume there is somekind of Div tag to do that. any thoughts?
Please help.
Thanks in advance.
Message Edited by beener on 01-03-2009 05:25 AM
- beener
- January 03, 2009
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Where unmapped Lead fields go to on Conversion
When I convert a lead, where do the unmapped fields go to? are they deleted?
Is there a smart way to map all unmapped information into one big field? or to one big note? something to prevent the loss of information?
- beener
- December 09, 2008
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Seeking developer to help pass managed package security check
Sirenum.com is seeking a salesforce developer with experience in packaging code and resolving issues related to the Salesforce security check.
Work will be paid on a per hour / per project basis - I need to get an idea for pricing.
Many of the errors are related to Cross Site Scripting (XSS) / interconnectivity.
We will have many follow up projects.
Contact info:
Subject must include: "role:salesforce_developer"
- CV not required (but appreciated)
- Please indicate past development experience
- Please highlight XSS experience
- If you have a set hourly / monthly price - you are welcome to include it
- If you have any experience working for / developing for HR / workforce departments (recruiting / temping agency) - please highlight that.
- The company is based in London, with presence in Boston, MA.
- You may work from home or in our London HQ.
- beener
- January 26, 2014
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Project for MSc
I have joined the forum today. I have been tryig to find a good Project for my MSc in Salesforce,but was unable to find anything.
I am not sure if this is the correct place to post this:
I am hoping to find a company that would be able to suggest a possible project - something that would be useful to the company. Previously, I worked on Salesforce so possible ideas would be Quality of Service or located news item about company.
Quality of Service (My knowledge says):
Opportunity Product Objects
1 Trigger and 1 Class
(of course more will be done according to what the company’s requirements)
Located news item about company (rough idea):
What kind of products the company contains.
What products is the company releasing?
What is the company developing?
How customers come into that company?
How is the staff work going?
Who is the Owner?
Background: on my MSc programme I have been studying Telecommunication Systems. As part of the programme, I have to complete a project. The first stage, on which I spend only a small part of my time, starts in January and the aim is clarify the project aims. The second stage, which is full time, runs for 3 months from June. I have a supervisor at the University but would be happy to work as closely with a company as necessary.
If there are no requirements; what if I create a requirement list and if you could pass them onto the department for approval?
My idea is mainly programming based; if some networking could be included it would be great.
Kind regards,
- Anika
- January 07, 2014
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Unable to catch exception
I have written a controller, and a page that uses it. This method catches an exception, I am trying to pass the error to the apex : messages visualforce page .
Clicking Running this method, I get an "An unexpected error has occurred. " page. what's wrong with my exception catching?
public void deleteOldInvoices() {
//this method is in the controller. it is run from the page try { //some code here. } } catch (Exception e) { Apexpages.addMessages(e); } }
- beener
- February 16, 2010
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Count() SOQL exception when no results
I am attempting to query the number of rows I have for a particular object, so that if there are 0 objects, I don't operate.
I have tried the following line (this is the first line of code, which is called from an VisualForce ActionButton):
Integer Total_size = [select COUNT() from invoice__c where Week__c = :Current_Week_Ending.id];
I get the following error:
System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object
Any ideas why this happens? how can I verify that there are no objects before I work on it? for now, I will get the list and check it's size, but I think it's less efficient.
- beener
- February 16, 2010
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Over 200 Records
I need to create Apex code that manipulates over 200 records. Where can I find instructions on how to do this as simply as possible. I am aware that once can work with a SOQL query in a loop, which allows you to breat the 200 Barrier for one of the objects, but if you have to work with several sets of objects, it becomes difficult.
I would appreciate any sources of info.
- beener
- February 15, 2010
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Record Type Validation
until now, I had some validation rules for record types. It was hard coded: here's an example:
Staff_Member__r.RecordTypeId <> "01220000000BGkB"
This Validation rule limits the type of record allowed in this reference.
However, hard coding anything is offcourse bad practice, and leads to much work when working with the sandbox, because (I think) all new record Type ID numbers are generated.
I was attempting to replace this rule with a sandbox sensitive formula.
I've tried different variations of the following :
Staff_Member__r.RecordTypeId <> VLOOKUP($SobjectType.id , $SobjectType.name, "Client")
but I could not get it to work. Any ideas?
- beener
- February 04, 2010
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Save doesn't work using Visualforce, partner portal and std contoller
My Save button doesn't work
I am attempting to mimic web-to-lead and (later web-to-case) functionality using the following:
- visualforce.
- partner portal (which is free, but doesn't allow self registration)
- standard controller for lead.
- Web to lead attempt:
http://proactive.force.com/Job_Application - View your registration in the same page:
My Problem:
SAVE doesn't work.
In case you are curious, The reason I'm not using the standard webform is:
- I get the visual design for free
- I don't have to modify the form every time I modify a pick list (which is very annoying).
- (Later on. I can use apex code after the submission.)
- I tried to use the same page from salesforce (rather than from the site, so we have authentication).
I still CAN'T Save, BUT if there is an ?id=XXXXXXXXXX in the URL, I can make a change, and save. this works. - I'm attaching the outer part of my VF page, just so you see I'm using standarrd functionality, apex: inputfield and no special tricks.
<apex:page standardController="Lead">
<apex:form > <apex:pageBlock title="Initial Agreement" mode="edit">
<apex:pageBlockButtons >
<apex:commandButton action="{!save}" value="Save"/>
</apex:pageBlockButtons><apex:pageBlockSection title="Title" columns="1">
<apex:outputText ><br/>Welcome to My Application form.<br/>Please fill in the form below. </apex:outputText>
<apex:inputfield value="{!Lead.Agreement__c}" />
<!-- more input fields here -->
<!-- more input fields here -->
<!-- more input fields here -->
<!-- more input fields here -->
- beener
- November 10, 2009
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Database Schema
I am trying to find a way to export out a salesforce database schema into a report.
Ideally I would like something that list all of the standard and custom objects with every field.
Additional data such as field type and description would also be helpful.
And of course any relationship data would also be good.
I have both Mac and Windows and currently using Soql Xplorer for mac which is excellent but does not allow you to export as a above.
- Laytro80
- November 07, 2009
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Multi-picklist variable binding in SOQL
I'm attempting to bind a String into a SOQL query.
I get the following Error. expecting a left parentheses, found ':' (The line number refers to the SOQL query)
Any thoughts?
public List<Contact> getPeople_In_Category(){ String Category_selected_str = "Translator"; people_list = [select c.id, c.name, c.phone, c.mobilePhone, c.email, c.title, c.account.name FROM Contact c WHERE c.Category__c INCLUDES :Category_selected_str LIMIT 100]; return people_list;
- beener3
- February 09, 2009
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Apex trigger & test help please
I've written a very simple Apex Trigger (My first).
it aims to count the number of Timesheet__c records with a given date, and update these to another object called Week__c.
I cannot seem to deploy this trigger. due to Test coverage being insufficiet (0%). and due to average Apex test coverage, which i is 50% (as opposed to the required 75%).
- Please help me understand what would be a test method for this trigger.
- Where would I write this method (in the apex trigger code? after the closing bracket?
trigger Timesheets_Count on Week__c (after insert, after update, after delete, after undelete) { Date weekending = Trigger.new[0].Week_Ending__c; Week__c my_week = [select w.id, w.Number_Of_Timesheets__c from Week__c w WHERE w.Week_Ending__c = :weekending limit 1]; Integer number_of_sheets = [select COUNT() from Timesheet__c t where t.Week_Ending__c =:weekending]; my_week.Number_Of_Timesheets__c = number_of_sheets; //update My_week;// is this Line needed at all
Thanks so much.
- beener
- January 03, 2009
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editable table of data
I would like to create a table of data but it must be editable (think Excel)
Each row would be an entry in the object.
is this something that can be done in VF?
- beener3
- January 01, 2009
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Unable to Submit HTML Form in Inline Frames in IE, Works fine with Mozilla Firefox
Hi Friends,
I need to submit HTML Form's in Inline Frame(which are hidden). The forms are submitted programatically using form.submit() syntax.
Before submitting the forms I set the form target to be the inline frame, so when the submit is triggered the forms get posted in the hidden iframes. This entire process is working **bleep** fine with firefox, but the same is not working in IE as desired.
Instead of posting data in those inline frames, IE opens a new window where in it submits or posts the form.
Would really appreciate any help or light on above stated issue.
- Chirag Mehta
- December 22, 2008
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Simple Validation Rule question (regarding Record Type)
I'm trying to limit Record Type to be of a certain kind for one of my objects. the rule is very simple, but it doesn't work:
Staff_Member__r.RecordTypeId <> "01220000000DGbBAAW"
My rule fails in the following way. it disallows membership of any kind. in other words, it always evaluates to True.
Any ideas?
Thanks so much
- beener
- December 09, 2008
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how to retrieve server URL in APEX class or in trigger?
- PRepaka
- October 31, 2008
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Trigger syntax for Lead Convert trigger?
trigger test on Lead (after convert) { }
but I get an Invalid Token error. There are no hints in the documentation.
- dmcheng
- October 28, 2008
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SOQL DATETIME comparisons
I'm trying to do a simple query that compares two DATETIME fields on the same record. Here's the query:
SELECT Id FROM Lead WHERE AddressUpdated__c > AccountManagerUpdated__c
Both of these are custom fields (obviously) but I always get this error and for the life of me I can't figure out why:
MALFORMED_QUERY: ... unexpected token: AccountManagerUpdated__c
After much searching and doc flipping I can't seem to find anything that points at what I'm doing wrong...
Message Edited by ccrawford on 06-01-2007 09:30 PM
- ccrawford
- June 02, 2007
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