• JeremyW
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From the Salesforce Help doc: "Users with the Authenticated Website User license have read-only access to documents, ideas and questions, as well as full access to custom objects."


Is this an exclusive list? - I am reading it that authenticated website users cannot access contacts, am I correct?



When I followed these directions, I got errors.   
npm -g install cordova

Installs the latest version of cordova which is doesn't work with SFDC.   

Cordova 4.0 platform has a slew of underlying architecture changes that make it incompatible with the existing Mobile SDK out of the box. Classes have been renamed and moved around. Also, Cordova 4.0 requires the usage of their whitelist plugin for any network requests.
In short, the current version of Mobile SDK won't work with Cordova 4.0. Any 3.x version of Cordova should work fine.


WIth force.com we have to customer portal.  I am curious if you can use customer portal and make a mobile version of the pages to display on a mobile device such as an iphone.   This way our site is running all on force.com.   The only other solution is to create another website and use the rest api's.   





  • September 28, 2011
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I went to buy some more Authenticated user licenses from salesforce.com today for customer portal.  The pricing went up 10x from March of 2010.   I tried to get our sales rep to go back and make sure this is right, however she refused.    



  • September 27, 2011
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Is it possible to make a mobile version of a website using sites, then have them authinicate into the customer portal and provide a mobile experience is the customer portal?    



  • September 27, 2011
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Is there a difference between these two licenses?   


Thank you!  

  • September 27, 2011
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I put in a request to have site force enabled in our Winter 12 sandbox as per the winter 12 doc.   Tech support said we needed site force licenses despite being on Unlimited and put me in touch with our salesrep.   


Our sales rep is saying they don't have pricing and we have to wait till WInter 12 goes live in mid October.   


What is the point of making it available in winter 12 sandbox if I am not able to play around with it?   I want to use it.





  • September 26, 2011
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Where can I find some sample sites that we can download with code to use as a start for a new site?
Does anyone know what would be the best way to go as develop a page for a customer portal. Wheather to go with Sites.com or Force.com sites or Customer portal. I want to develop a client page in which allows the client to access a limited amount of information for example their client name, job orders etc.

I installed Amazon toolkit in salesforce developer org and I created an object of type AWS credentials. Then in EC2ConsoleController, I specified the name of the AWS credential object after that when I try to open EC2 Console tab but it is giving me error

Too many script statements: 200001
Error is in expression '{!constructor}' in component <apex:page> in page ec2console

Why am I facing this error and how to get rid of this? Please help

code of ec2console page is

<apex:page controller="EC2ConsoleController" sidebar="true"  action="{!constructor}">

    <!-- <apex:messages />  -->
    <apex:pageMessages />
    <apex:form >

        <apex:pageBlock title="Amazon EC2 Console">

            <apex:pageBlockButtons >
                <apex:commandButton action="{!refreshInstances}" value="Refresh"
                    rerender="instancesTable" status="instancesStatus" />
                <apex:actionStatus id="instancesStatus" startText="Please wait ..."></apex:actionStatus>

            <apex:pageblockSection title="Instances">
                <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!instances}" var="ins"
                    <apex:column value="{!ins.instanceId}">
                        <apex:facet name="header">Id</apex:facet>
                    <apex:column value="{!ins.imageId}">
                        <apex:facet name="header">Image Id</apex:facet>
                    <apex:column value="{!ins.instanceStateName}">
                        <apex:facet name="header">State</apex:facet>
                    <apex:column value="{!ins.privateDNSName}">
                        <apex:facet name="header">Private DNS</apex:facet>
                    <apex:column value="{!ins.dnsName}">
                        <apex:facet name="header">Public DNS</apex:facet>
                    <apex:column value="{!ins.amiLaunchIndex}">
                        <apex:facet name="header">Launch Index</apex:facet>
                    <apex:column value="{!ins.launchTime}">
                        <apex:facet name="header">Launch Time</apex:facet>
                    <apex:column value="{!ins.availabilityZone}">
                        <apex:facet name="header">Zone</apex:facet>
                    <apex:column >
                        <apex:commandLink action="{!TerminateInstances}"
                            rendered="{!ins.instanceStateName == 'running'}"
                            <apex:param name="instanceId" value="{!ins.instanceId}"></apex:param>
                            <apex:image url="{!$Resource.EC2Console_ShutdownImage}"
                                width="24" height="24" title="Shutdown Instance" />
                    <apex:column >
                        <apex:commandLink action="{!RebootInstances}"
                            rendered="{!ins.instanceStateName == 'running'}"
                            <apex:param name="instanceId" value="{!ins.instanceId}"></apex:param>
                            <apex:image url="{!$Resource.EC2Console_RebootImage}" width="24"
                                height="24" title="Reboot Instance" />


and EC2ConsoleController

public class EC2ConsoleController {

    EC2Connection ec2;
    private String AWSCredentialName = 'amazon'; //Modify this string variable to be the name of the AWS Credential record that contains the proper AWS keys and secret
    public List<EC2Connection.EC2Image> images {get;set;}
    public List<EC2Connection.EC2Instance> instances {get;set;}
    public String owner {get;set;}

    public EC2ConsoleController() {
        //ec2 = new EC2Connection(AWSCredentialName);      
        //this.owner = 'amazon'; //default owner
        //try { 
       //   getdescribeImages();
       //   getdescribeInstances();
       // } catch( exception ee ) {}     

       This method is called when the AWS_S3_Examples Visualforce page is loaded. It verifies that the AWS Keys can be found
       in the AWSKeys__c custom object by the specified name, as set in the string variable AWSCredentialsName. 

       Any errors are added to the ApexPage and displayed in the Visualforce page. 
    public PageReference constructor(){

            AWSKeys credentials = new AWSKeys(AWSCredentialName);

            ec2 = new EC2Connection(AWSCredentialName);      
            this.owner = 'amazon'; //default owner
            try { 
            } catch( exception ee ) {}

        }catch(AWSKeys.AWSKeysException AWSEx){
             System.debug('Caught exception in AWS_S3_ExampleController: ' + AWSEx);
             ApexPages.Message errorMsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.FATAL, AWSEx.getMessage());
             //throw new AWSKeys.AWSKeysException(AWSEx);

       return null; 

    //get public AMI images descriptions
    public void getdescribeImages() {        
        this.images = ec2.DescribeImages(owner);

    //get running instances    
    public void getdescribeInstances() {
        this.instances = ec2.DescribeInstances();

    //start up an EC2 image
    public void RunInstances() {
        String imageId = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('imageId');

    //terminate an EC2 image
    public void TerminateInstances() {
        String instanceId = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('instanceId');

    //reboot an EC2 image
    public void RebootInstances() {
        String instanceId = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('instanceId');

    //reload Instances
    public void refreshInstances() {

    //reload images
    public void refreshImages() {
        //System.debug('Owner : '+owner);
        this.images = ec2.DescribeImages(owner);

    //for the owner selectlist
    public List<SelectOption> getOwners() {
        List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
        options.add(new SelectOption('amazon','Amazon'));
        options.add(new SelectOption('self','My Images'));          
        return options;

      private String createTestCredentials(){

        AWSKey__c testKey = new AWSKey__c(name='test keys',key__c='key',secret__c='secret');
        insert testKey;
        return testKey.name;


    // EC2ConsoleController.t1();
    public static testmethod void t1() { 
        EC2ConsoleController ecc = new EC2ConsoleController();
        String credName = ecc.createTestCredentials();
        ecc.AWSCredentialName = credName;
    public static testmethod void t2() { 
        EC2ConsoleController ecc = new EC2ConsoleController();
        }catch(Exception ex){
    public static testmethod void t3() { 
            EC2ConsoleController ecc = new EC2ConsoleController();
        }catch(Exception ex){
    public static testmethod void t4() {
            EC2ConsoleController ecc = new EC2ConsoleController();
        }catch(Exception ex){
    public static testmethod void t5() { 
            EC2ConsoleController ecc = new EC2ConsoleController();
        }catch(Exception ex){

    public static testmethod void t6() { 
            EC2ConsoleController ecc = new EC2ConsoleController();
        }catch(Exception ex){

and i am getting this error on first line of ec2console page

<apex:page controller="EC2ConsoleController" sidebar="true"  action="{!constructor}">

now please help how to get rid of this error

I want to allow users access my site with linked in.

I already have Facebook as Auth. Provider, but when I try to create a new Auth. Provider I only get FB, SF and Jainrain.


How do I get to enable linkedin login?

From the Salesforce Help doc: "Users with the Authenticated Website User license have read-only access to documents, ideas and questions, as well as full access to custom objects."


Is this an exclusive list? - I am reading it that authenticated website users cannot access contacts, am I correct?



We are very excited to see APEX REST going GA in the Winter '12 release.

Special thanks to all developers that took the time to use the new feature and provide valuable feedback to our team. We really appreciate your participation in the pilot. Also we look forward to future collaboration. Thank you!

As you know, Apex REST API was previously available as a pilot in Summer'11. As a pilot release, we gather feedback and make adjustments prior to final GA releases. Below is an update we made in APEX REST prior to GA - please review it:

* Cookie support has been removed from RestRequest and RestResponse. The addCookie method and cookies property have been removed from both of these classes, and use of the following headers in the addHeader method isn't allowed: "cookie", "set-cookie", "set-cookie2", "content-length" and "authorization". Our security team felt this led to a more secure design overall.

If you participated in the Summer '11 pilot release please review your implementation to account for this update.

For more information about Apex REST, see the Force.com Apex Code Developer's Guide.

Thank you,

API Team

  • September 27, 2011
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I put in a request to have site force enabled in our Winter 12 sandbox as per the winter 12 doc.   Tech support said we needed site force licenses despite being on Unlimited and put me in touch with our salesrep.   


Our sales rep is saying they don't have pricing and we have to wait till WInter 12 goes live in mid October.   


What is the point of making it available in winter 12 sandbox if I am not able to play around with it?   I want to use it.





  • September 26, 2011
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I'm using Siteforce in a Winter'12 prerelease Dev org. I have noticed that the CSS property "content" is not supported. This property is used in combination with the pseudo-selectors :before and :after.

This a standard property, available since CSS2 (almost ten years ago!) and therefore accepted by W3C. It should be supported by Siteforce, in order to fulfill the standards.


  • September 26, 2011
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Is there a document that exists that explains the different types of licenses that can be used with Sites for authentication?  


What are the limits of the new Authenticated Sites user?   Can you access standard objects?   


Thank you,



Where can I find some sample sites that we can download with code to use as a start for a new site?

We are looking to create a mobile version of our site.  Will we have to create two separate versions of the site (one for desktop and one for mobile) or is there a tool that will transform a normal webpage into a mobile version?



Maybe some CSS?



Thanks for any response.

