• anilkallamadi kallamadi
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Can someboby please help me with the steps and approach, how to confugre the Monthly and weekly calendars in the same field? something like toggle where user should be able to select which calender he wants to use.

Please suggetions!!.
Hi Every one,

Is there a way we can show external application in the salesforce.com application other than using iframe and web tab.

The functionality required:

I have a button in the Opportunity when clicked takes me to the external application outside the Salesforce.com application. But what I am looking is when I click the button the external application should be shown in the salesforce.com rather than opening in the new URL. Because users should not feel they have moved out of the salesforce.com application.

Any suggestions please.
I have a requirement where I need to show weather in the dashboards using API. I am able to accomplish the requirement. I have created a text field called City Name where when user gives the city name and hits the button it will show weather of that particular city.

But now I want add a component attribute in the dashboard by clicking edit-->wrench, where I want to give the text field and user can fill in the City name here rather than user typing the City name in the VF page text field.

Please any suggestions.