• Anna Rudenko 9
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When trying to use collection variable to update ParentID field ,getting the following error message:
 "MALFORMED_ID: Parent Account ID: id value of incorrect type: true."

My collection called Get Parent Account Details:
User-added imageMy Update Record element (it happens after the decision element, where collection variable has only 1 record, I have the screen element showing the value of collection variable, which corresponds to Account ID. I dont understand why flow is showing me error saying that ID is of incorrect type - obviously I am missing smth here :) ):

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here is the outcome of screen element I was mentioning earlier (ID seems to be fine for population into ParentId field..):

User-added image

Any hints are very appreciated!
We have related list for child object on Account level.
I would like to add standard "New" button to it. This button should be opened in the new window. Also I would like some help text being displayed within this related list.
Here is what i got so far:
<apex:page standardController="Account">

        <apex:relatedList list="CSP_Passports__r" title="CSP Passports">
        <apex:facet name="header">If no CSP Passport form yet exists, use "New CSP Passport" button. <br/>
                                  If CSP Passport already exists, you can open it and press <b>Clone</b>.</apex:facet>
    <apex:relatedList list="CSP_Passports__r" title="If CSP Passport already exists, open it and press Clone. Otherwise create new form" />
    <apex:facet name="header">If no CSP Passport form yet exists, use "New CSP Passport" button. <br/>
                                  If CSP Passport already exists, you can open it and press <b>Clone</b>.</apex:facet>

The first part shows related list (but no New button). Plus it shows the comments.
Second part shows New button, but this button openes within this VF page + comments are missing. I put them into title but looks bad
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Any help is appreciated.
We have Account & its child object CSP Passport (master - detail relationship). 
If child passport already exists (one or many), show the user the message to go and clone existing record. 
If there is no child object - the button on Account shall go to standard creation of this child record. The only field I would like to get prepopulated is Account ID (being master-detail relat.).
Now I am getting error "Account is not defined".
Button is created on Account.
if(Account.CSP_Passport_Count__c>= 1) {
    alert("Please clone the latest created CSP Passport form");} 
else {
      window.open('a4e/e?CSP_Passport_Count__c.AccountId ={!Account.Id}');

Thanks in advance for all the suggestions
I am trying to update number field on Opportunity (# of created SE Request Cases): every time the user is launching the flow to create a case, the field shall get updated by +1.
The flow is being launched from Opportunity, "# of created SE Request Cases" field is being associated with this variable:

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This field is used in the formula which adds 1 to the above variable:
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Once in the flow the case record is created, I have record update element updating my initial number field on Opportunity:
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For some reason the field is being updated just ones - upon the first case creation - to 1.
And further when I am creating other cases from the same opportunity, the field value is still 1 (does not increament).

What am i missing?
maybe there is a better way to acomplish this?


my flow (launched from a Button) creates a Case Record from Opportunity and after a Custom Object connected to the case.
I managed in the last Screen element to redirect users in the Edit mode of created in the previous step record:
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However when the user is Saving the record (or pressing Cancel), SF redirects him to SF Home page screen and not to the created record. I am not sure why the button behavior is changed as the further edit and save of the record is done outside of the Flow..

Please could anyone suggest how can I redirect to the created record itself once the user presses Save?

Another possible solution would be to set RetUrl of the button, so that when the user is pressing "Finish" in the Flow, he will be redirected to the edit mode of custom created record.
Here what I have in the button, but still being redirected to Home Page:

Maybe because when starting the Flow, the value of varSEQualificationFormId does not exist?..

Thanks for any input!
I am looking for a way to invoke a Standard (or Custom) button via Flow.

We would like to to allow users using Clone button only if Opportunity is meeting the criterias specified in the flow.

So the user presses Button A, what triggers the flow. If all the flow parametres are ok, then another button (Opportunity Clone button) shall be triggered.

Thanks for an advice!
I would like to display the link for Approval Process Object in Visualforce email template.
The template has the following conditions:
How can I display same URL used in HTML template here: ApprovalRequest.External_URL? so it links to an approval page directly?
Thanks for any input

my flow (launched from a Button) creates a Case Record from Opportunity and after a Custom Object connected to the case.
I managed in the last Screen element to redirect users in the Edit mode of created in the previous step record:
User-added image
However when the user is Saving the record (or pressing Cancel), SF redirects him to SF Home page screen and not to the created record. I am not sure why the button behavior is changed as the further edit and save of the record is done outside of the Flow..

Please could anyone suggest how can I redirect to the created record itself once the user presses Save?

Another possible solution would be to set RetUrl of the button, so that when the user is pressing "Finish" in the Flow, he will be redirected to the edit mode of custom created record.
Here what I have in the button, but still being redirected to Home Page:

Maybe because when starting the Flow, the value of varSEQualificationFormId does not exist?..

Thanks for any input!

How do you get the same URLs used in HTML templates, in VisualForce templates that are not directly linked to the Approval Process Object Type ?


When sending approval requests HTML format, you have the following merge fields :



..that allow you to send direct link to the approval page, additionally to any object-related merge fields.


In my VisualForce template, I use a Custom Object as 'relatedToType' Object, so as to display merge fields linked to this object and provide extra information to the assigned approver.

<messaging:emailTemplate subject="{relatedTo.Name"} pending request from {!relatedTo.Owner.Name}"


I would like to use these URLs in my Visualforce template, but cannot find how to set the URL with the appropriate ID parameters.

Any thoughts ?