• Sforce Chris
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Hi there,


My field "Motivo" it's a picklist field. And the options that I have in there depends Record Type.


I'm trying to select the Record Type = Cobrança and rerender the page.
In that way my options in field "Motivo" will appear to select.


So, I tried this code and I don't know what I have to do to put this in work


<apex:selectList value="{!case.RecordTypeId}" size="1" >
  <apex:selectOptions value="{!Cobrança}"/>
  <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="{!case.motivo__c}"/>            	


 Please someone help me.



Everton Szekeres

CP7 Marketing

I'd like to know if anyone already managed to setup correctly Android Studio for using the SalesforceSDK. Somehow, I get an error, that package com.salesforce.androidsdk.app and so on is missing which basically means that the salesforce SDK library was not correctly added to the project.


However, in the project structure, I added the salesforceSDK project like that Module but something must be wrong. 


(I'm fine setting that up with Eclipse but I had hope it's working in the Android Studio).




I'd like to know if anyone already managed to setup correctly Android Studio for using the SalesforceSDK. Somehow, I get an error, that package com.salesforce.androidsdk.app and so on is missing which basically means that the salesforce SDK library was not correctly added to the project.


However, in the project structure, I added the salesforceSDK project like that Module but something must be wrong. 


(I'm fine setting that up with Eclipse but I had hope it's working in the Android Studio).






I wanted to understand which option of calling external web service is better?

Is it using 


option 1) Get the wsdl of the webservice and parse the wsdl in salesforce


option 2) Creating a soap envelope and sending the request to endpoint url using httpRequest class and parse the http request.


Please let me know?




  • February 02, 2013
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Hi there,


My field "Motivo" it's a picklist field. And the options that I have in there depends Record Type.


I'm trying to select the Record Type = Cobrança and rerender the page.
In that way my options in field "Motivo" will appear to select.


So, I tried this code and I don't know what I have to do to put this in work


<apex:selectList value="{!case.RecordTypeId}" size="1" >
  <apex:selectOptions value="{!Cobrança}"/>
  <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="{!case.motivo__c}"/>            	


 Please someone help me.



Everton Szekeres

CP7 Marketing


I can not figure out how to retrieve a list of all reports from the metadata API and must be missing something simple.  If I setup a ListMetadataQuery and just set the type to "Report" I get nothing in return.  If I set the folder to null or "" I still get nothing in return.  If I set the Type to "Report" and set the folder to a folder with in the org then I get all the reports from that folder, which is expected.  What I need to know is, is there a way to get a list of folders for reports?  Or is there a way to list all the reports regardless of folder? Thanks in advance for any help.

I guess the easiest way of asking this is for the ListMetadataQuery, does the method setFolder have a wildcard character that will return any result from any folder?  I tried "*" and it didn't work

Hi All,


I have a VFP within which I have written:

Visualforce page Name: MyAttach:

<apex:page standardController="CustomObj__C" extension="MyClass" action="saveAttach">

//here I generate PDF data with the help of both standard controller and its extension



in MyClass I have written this method as:


public void saveAttach()


    System.debug('Inside saveAttach');
    PageReference pdfPage = Page.MyAttach;
    pdfPage.getParameters().put('id',q.id);//q is variable of CustomObj__c which fetches records.
    Blob pdfBlob ;//= pdfPage.getContent();
    pdfBlob = pdfPage.getContent();
    Attachment a = new Attachment(parentId = q.id, name=q.id + '.pdf', body = pdfBlob);
    insert a;
    pdfBlob = Blob.valueOf('Unit Test Attachment Body');?



When I click a custom button(having MyAttach VFP) from CustomObj__c page layout, it give me error Too many nested getContent calls, I don't know why is this going in infinite loop.

Any Ideas/thoughts/workarounds to this are highly appreciated.

Thank you!


