• francys curven
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Admin Intermediate  Build a Battle Station App
Build the Object Model 

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Utilization__c, Unit_Cost__c]: [Utilization__c, Unit_Cost__c]
Cannot pass this challenge although I have passed it on another account.

I've completely recreated every step. The Home page is Process_Automation_Home for developer name. This challenge keeps telling me it cannot find the new lead flow even though I can use the flow on the page to generate a new lead. It has full functionality but apparently theres a magical parameter I can't seem to pass to complete this challenge.
I have tried everything to get this to work. None of the fixes have helped me get Salesforce Adoption Dashboards to be visible in MY Trailhead Playground2.

Please advice.
Business Analyst Journey via Vetforce
The links on the 2 modules below
  • Get a 404 Error when Clicking on the link
  • The completion/done signal isn't updating Vetforce.
Trail #2: Admin Beginner 
Module #3: Data Managemen

Trail #2: Admin Beginner 
Module #4: UI Customization
When prompted by the apex data loader I enter my salesforce.com username and password, but this message keeps appearing:

Error logging in to Salesforce. Please check your username and password.

When I login to salesforce.com with the same username and password it works.

Does anyone know why I can't login to the data loader?

Message Edited by Lkc037 on 12-11-2007 11:49 AM