• Bhuvanesh Mohankumar
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  • Member since 2018

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I am using Salesforce1 App to access my Salesforce environment, how to get a push notification, when I receive a chatter or any notification from the Salesforce site.

Settings what I have done:
Notification Settings: Setup, click Mobile Administration > Notifications > Settings, and then select both Enable in-app notifications and Enable push notification. 

Even after enabling these settings, I am not able to receive any push notification in both IOS/Android app. 
I have tried with @mentions, Chatterbox, Task creation etc.

I am a beginner to Salesforce, I understand that salesforce query works only with particular field name,
I am curious to know, is there any option to use a wildcard character or keyword to list all the fields in the object as similar to a SQL query.

Say for sample: SELECT * FROM ACCOUNT
I know, that there are multiple questions following, everything is related to REST API creation and consumption, so I added all in one place.

Can I create a new Rest API using my TrailHead account?
Is this API created can be exposed to the external world, means can this be tested in any POSTMAN API test tool?
I have to use this Rest API service in my IOS native mobile application, is that possible.
I am not sure where can I get the OAuth token to access this API if created successfully.
I am using Salesforce1 App to access my Salesforce environment, how to get a push notification, when I receive a chatter or any notification from the Salesforce site.

Settings what I have done:
Notification Settings: Setup, click Mobile Administration > Notifications > Settings, and then select both Enable in-app notifications and Enable push notification. 

Even after enabling these settings, I am not able to receive any push notification in both IOS/Android app. 
I have tried with @mentions, Chatterbox, Task creation etc.

Hey guys, 

Any idea why my visual flow is truncating the rich text label I have on my long text input field? I can't seem to stop it from happing. How can I fix this? 


Looks good in the flow builder: 
User-added image


But not when ran: 

User-added image



I am a beginner to Salesforce, I understand that salesforce query works only with particular field name,
I am curious to know, is there any option to use a wildcard character or keyword to list all the fields in the object as similar to a SQL query.

Say for sample: SELECT * FROM ACCOUNT
Our goal is to use information retrieved through NFC within a visualforcepage or lightning component using salesforce mobile (Salesforce1)

We are trying to understand if it will be possible to receive data from NFC using a javascript library, even if Salesforce mobile app does not have official permission to access to this kind of hardware.

Anyone could kindly help?

I have this error when I try to check challenge:

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Could not find an account named 'Blackbeards Grog Emporium' created from Workbench with the Description 'The finest grog in the seven seas.'

In the next picture you can see what I send by the Workbench

User-added image

The result is succes and in my Developer Org I can see the Account created correctly, but the challenge isn't passed.

This is the trailhead challenge I'm working on.
Create a report of Opportunities grouped by Type. Then follow the dashboard and share a snapshot on Chatter.
Name the report 'Opportunities by Type' and save it to the 'Unfiled Public Reports' folder.
The report must be of type Opportunities.
The report format must be a Summary report.
The report must be grouped by 'Type'.
The date range should be for All Time.
You can include any columns you like, but must include 'Amount' as one of the columns.
Create a dashboard named 'Opportunities Dashboard' and save it to the 'My Personal Dashboards' folder.
Create a dashboard component on the dashboard using the report you just created.
Set the header to 'Opptys by Type' and the title to 'For all time' for the dashboard component.
Use the horizontal bar chart dashboard component, and ensure the record count is displayed on the x-axis.
Follow the 'Opportunities Dashboard' dashboard in Chatter. Make sure that Feed Tracking is enabled for Dashboards first.
Post a snapshot of the 'Opptys by Type' dashboard component to Dashboard Chatter feed.

But I'm getting the following error when I check if the challenge has been completed
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The dashboard snapshot post to Chatter was not found.
Can someone hepl me?
If possible post the snapshots?
Hi all,
The question is
Install an AppExchange dashboard package and make updates to one of the dashboards.
You’ve been asked to create a new Lead trending dashboard. Rather than creating the dashboard from scratch, install a CRM adoption dashboard package from the AppExchange into your Developer Edition environment and update one of the dashboard components as specified below. (Note: While it's a best practice to always clone a dashboard before you modify it, for this example, you can go ahead and modify the dashboard directly).
Install Salesforce Adoption Dashboards from the AppExchange into your Developer Edition.
Refresh the '3 - Sales & Marketing Adoption' dashboard in the 'Salesforce Adoption Dashboards' folder at least once.
In '3 - Sales & Marketing Adoption' dashboard, change the dashboard component for 'New LEAD Trend by Source' to a pie chart and set the wedges to Lead Source.

The thing that I did:
User-added image

The Error I am getting:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The 'LEAD Trend by Source' dashboard component is not a pie chart.

With Regards,

The challenge is:

You've been given a requirement to keep Contact addresses in sync with the Account they belong to. Use Process Builder to create a new process that updates all child Contact addresses when the address of the Account record is updated. This process:Can have any name.
Must be activated.
Must update Contact mailing address fields (Street, City, State, Post Code, Country) when the parent Account shipping address field values are updated.

I start with Accounts when records is created or edited.
Filter criteria where accounts shipping address (street, city, state, zip code) is changed (used "or" logic).

I am stuck on the next step "add action".  I started with action type "Update Records".
On objects, I can't seem to change Accounts to Contacts.  Why?
Example for creating Opportunity :
curl https://na1.salesforce.com/services/data/v20.0/sobjects/Opportunity/ -H "Authorization: Bearer token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @newrecord.json -X PATCH
Example request body newrecord.json file :
{ "Name":"FFNEw","CloseDate":"3/2/2015","StageName":"Prospecting","Probability":10 }
My ASP.net code :
using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
client.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + token.access_token); client.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json");
var request = (HttpWebRequest)(HttpWebRequest.Create(token.instance_url + "/services/data/v20.0/sobjects/Opportunity/"));
request.Method = "POST";
using (var requestWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))
var response = request.GetResponse();
Getting Error 400 Bad Request in "request.GetResponse()".
I am able to create Account using same code. I don't Know what wrongs with Opportunity.

Is there a way to roll back or undo changes to an Account, contact or Lead based on the tracked history of changes?


Can a mass roll back be done based on criteria?

Can individual records be rolled back?