• Manuel Bustos 9
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Hi, has anyone worked with person accounts? i have some questions:
1) when i create an opportunity, i can instead of account (bussines account) select a person account?
2) If i create a person account, do i see it as an account in "all accounts" and as a contact in "all contacts"
3) Can i use that person (contact) in all the places where the application references a contact?



    I've been following this module in trailhead: Lightning Experience Customization

after creating the object (energy audits) in a new playground, if i create a new record in lightning i get errors:
This page has an error. You might just need to refresh it. First, would you give us some details? (We're reporting this as error ID: 334342124)
Tehnical details:
Uncaught afterRender threw an error in 'ui:inputSmartNumber' [Invalid regular expression: /[^a-zA-Z]k(?:\)|(\)?(?:\))?)?$/: Unterminated group]
throws at https://playful-badger-466160-dev-ed.lightning.force.com/auraFW/javascript/bZa2QajUSmHCPiEKj7zMjw/aura_prod.js:34:15. Caused by: afterRender threw an error in 'ui:inputSmartNumber' [Invalid regular expression: /[^a-zA-Z]k(?:\)|(\)?(?:\))?)?$/: Unterminated group]

if i swtich to salesforce classic it works fine. 

Could anyone help?
Sorry to bother, I tried searching but could not find any questions regarding an error I am experiencing when trying to follow the steps for creating a custom object.

On the topic mentioned above (Understand Custom & Standard Objects) from the module Data Modeling there is a section in which you are required to create a custom field ("Price") to a custom object previously created ("Property").

I follow all the steps mentioned on the topic:

Create a Custom Field
The Property object we just created is pretty bare-bones. Let’s add some custom fields to it. Head back to your Trailhead Playground.
 1. From Setup, go to Object Manager | Property.
 2. In the sidebar, click Fields & Relationships. Notice that there are already some fields there. There’s a name field and some of the system fields we talked about earlier.
 3. Click New in the top right.
 4. For data type, select Currency.
 5. Click Next.
 6. Fill out the following:
    1. Field Label: Price
    2. Description: The listed sale price of the home.
 7. Check the Required box.
 8. Click Next, Next again, and then Save.
You’ll see your new Price field in the list of Property fields. In the Field Name column, notice that it says Price__c. The “__c” part is an easy way to tell that a particular field is a custom field.

The problem I am facing is with the currency data type it seems, because whenever I try to go and add a new property I am thrown the following error:

Error when trying to create a new Property

Technical stuff:
Uncaught afterRender threw an error in 'ui:inputSmartNumber' [Invalid regular expression: /[^a-zA-Z]k(?:\)|(\)?(?:\))?)?$/: Unterminated group]
throws at https://playful-moose-230944-dev-ed.lightning.force.com/auraFW/javascript/bZa2QajUSmHCPiEKj7zMjw/aura_prod.js:34:15. Caused by: afterRender threw an error in 'ui:inputSmartNumber' [Invalid regular expression: /[^a-zA-Z]k(?:\)|(\)?(?:\))?)?$/: Unterminated group]

I am quite certain that this is being caused by the currency data type because I tried removing it and adding a simple check box just to test it out and that works fine. See below:

Correct Property

Has anyone else come across this issue? And how did you end up solving it? I am on Lightning Experience

Thank you very much in advance.
I too am getting errors and cannot proceed. I end up getting this error message: "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.StringException: Unrecognized base64 character: {"
I had done earlier modules with custom code so I figured removing those components/controller would help, plus, I tried switching out the email addresses in the Custom Settings for the Einstein Package - neither worked.
I'm Bummed! I was liking the Cat Rescue module! :( Hopefully Salesforce can figure out what's the blocker here.

I am getting the error as below

Didn't find the All Lusso Scarpe Employee group record page

Could you please suggest me
I'm struggling with the custom lightning component on this part. I don't have much background coding and am having trouble finding resources to help me achieve coding the lightning component. If someone could help give me some framework code to create a custom lightning component to hold a URL or direct me to a resource that help break this down I'd be very appreciative.


I'm looking into creating a process in which Salesforce will update the parent record if a field on the child has the value 'Rejected'.

So we have a parent object - Offer and child - Offer SIte.
Then if the field Status__c on Offer Site = 'Rejected', I want to apply the same value to a field called Status on Offer automatically once the field on Offer site is updated.

Does anyone know how to do this?
I'm not too sure on how I can write this into trigger as my experience with triggers is basic

Any help is much appreciated.


I have two objects A & B. I have 4 lookup fields on object A with object B. When I select lookup field value in first field; I want all the other 3 lookup fields to be autopopulated. (All the three are user fields on object B which are looked up in object A). How to accomplish this? Thanks in advance!

Is it possible to prevent duplicates using dataloader ,if it is possible then how can we prevent duplicates using Dataloader.... Please help me any body...?