• Leo Watkins
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I have exported attachments from Salesforce using Data Export but now need to match these attachments to the original records they were linked to so I can rename the attachments with the name of the record. Is there a way to do this?
This is the 2nd post I've made about this issue with the ReRender Attribute.

My page is using the opportunity standard controller and has an extension with the below Save method I am calling from my commandButton
public PageReference Save(){

            insert TD2nd;
            TD1st.X504_Related_Opportunity__c = TD2nd.Id;
            update TD1st;
            return new Pagereference('https://company--sandboxname.sandbox.lightning.force.com/lightning/r/Opportunity/' + TD2nd.Id +'/view');           
        catch(DmlException d){
            return NULL;

my save button looks like the below:
<apex:pagemessages id="msgs2"/>
             <div align="center">
                 <apex:commandButton action="{!Cancel}" value="Cancel"/>
                 <apex:commandButton action="{!Save}" value="Save" reRender="msgs, msgs2"/>
I put in the ReRender attribute so that if the user gets validation rules, they won't lost their work. However, when there are no validation rules and the save method executes, I get a grey page with a "Refused to Connect" error message. 

When I exit out of the page, I see that the new opportunity was inserted and everything worked fine, however, ever since I added the Rerender attribute, my save method can no longer navigate to the new opportunity without getting this error. 

What am I doing wrong??
I have a lwc component in which "imp notes" button is clicked then we can choose a pdf or word file form our system which is being done in .net page and text inside that  file has to be displayed in a field (long text area) in LWC . So What are the ways in which we can do this?
The ontoggle action which returns parameters like 'name', 'row' etc. I am able to get the value for 'name' parameter. Like this, var rowName = event.getParam('name'); but I am not able to get the value for 'row' parameter. Like, var abc = event.getParam('row'); It gives nothing in abc variable.
Any idea how to solve this issue?
Hi everyone,

I have a standard component on my opportunity page which allow me to upload files. However, to edit the name of the file or other custom field, i need to go into edit details after the file is added.

What i would like is when the file is uploaded, a dialog open and i have the same form as when i edit details. I think it all start with a record trigger after insert that would open a custom component but i'm looking for the easiest solution.

Best regards
When creating an event, we can assign the event to a queue or user. Once a queue or user is selected, we can only reassign it to a user. Is there any way to be able to reassign an event to a queue?