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I'm considering Rails for an app that will sync with a relational database. Are the data replication methods getUpdated and getDeleted available through ActiveSalesforce? Is getUserInfo, or some equivalent,
available through ActiveSalesforce?

Thanks in advance
I need to report on all accounts of a certain account type, with no contacts of a certain markup. If I were constructing a SQL query, I'd say something like
select account.accountname
Recordtype  = 'xxx'
AND ID NOT IN (select AccountID FROM Contact WHERE Contact.Status = 'yyy')
How can this be done in SalesForce / with a related tool?
I want to download campaigns created in Salesforce into a local table in my office. I want to have a job that runs that will update new campaigns created every 1 hour into the local table.
Anyone has something similar before? I would love to get some pointers before I start re-inventing the wheel.
I am using salesforce api for one of my Biz talk integration project .
I want to fire some query with multiple tables say account ,contact etc and with some where condition like urn value null .
Can any one tell me how can i do this as Query method does not support joins .
Please reply as soon as possible if any one knows solution for this
Thanks in Advance
I am trying to migrate a VBA document automation applicaiton from an Access database to Saleforce, calling SF data and populating local word templates. 
What is the best approach with VB.NET - I have been pointed towards datasets, but am not entirely sure what is the best practice..
Is it possible to define the relationships locally (in a local MDB for example), so that when SOQL string comes in, the relationship is already defined and couldl make processing faster(?).
My key concern is that if I have to write very bespoke data sets for each SOQL data set, if my Saleforce data fields change, is there any way to pick these up automatically, or would I have to change my VB code each time?
Is it likely in the future that SOQL will support joins - or is there any 3rd party VB query tool that could make the above much simpler?
Any pointers would be appreciated
I have to insert/update a large number of opportunities (several hundred to several thousand) on a daily basis.  There are 500,000+ opportunities stored in salesforce.  To make it worse, the financial system can't store the salesforce ID.  That means I can't use retrieve because I don't have the salesforce IDs.  So I'm stuck with query.

Each record from the financial system has a "sale number" which is stored in a custom field in salesforce.  What I need to do is something like this:

select <columnlist> from Opportunity where SaleNumber__c IN (sale number array)

I know SOQL doesn't support the IN keyword, so does anyone know of a better way to get this done?  What we have to do today is pull the ENTIRE list of opportunities and then do a local match to determine insert/update - big performance hog.

My real solution is to build an intermediate database that contains both the salesforce ID and the sale number, do a local match and then an upsert.  That's in the works, but will take longer.  In the meantime...

This sounds bad, but if I use this syntax:

select <columnlist> from Opportunity where (SaleNumber__c=1 OR SaleNumber__c=2 OR SaleNumber__c=3 OR...)

How many ORs can I use?  It could be a very long string of them.

We are evaluating SalesForce and need to be able to do full text boolean searches of documents on SF. Results of searched words need to be highlighted within the document view. We need to find out if this is a viable solution before selecting SF.

I'm trying to insert records inside a custom object using office toolkit 3 from excel vba. Now, when I try to modify the field MyObject(0)("RecordTypeId") = newId, execution stops and I get this error message from vba:
Run-time error '-2147467259 (80004005)':
Invalid field index::recordtypeid
Then I added a watch on MyObject to see its list of fields, everything OK but RecordTypeId wasn't on the list...
I checked in the Salesforce interface to check if this field was actually created inside the object: it was!... it's a standard field inside my custom object.
I read the docs, and here is what they (api7 as well as office3) say about the RecordTypeId field:
"RecordTypeId Fields

Record types are used to offer different business processes and subsets of picklist values to different Users based on their Profile settings.

Record types are configured in the Salesforce user interface. The RecordType object is read-only in the API. A client application can retrieve the list of valid record type IDs (String) for a given object by calling Query on the RecordType object.

The RecordTypeId field can contain the ID of the RecordType that is associated with a standard or custom object. Client applications can set this field in Create or Update calls. If specified in a Create or Update call, the record type ID (String) must refer to a valid record type for that object.

:: Note

The RecordTypeId field is available only if at least one record type is configured for your organization in the Salesforce user interface.

For more information about ID fields, see ID Fields".

It actually states that it is possible to set this field in Create or Update calls using the API...

Now, why is it then that there is no RecordTypeId field accesible for me? What am I doing wrong? Am I using the wrong api (API 6.0, I suppose).  What is the meaning of the Note above: how can I configure at least one record type for my organization in the Salesforce user interface?????

Help very much appreciated!

Best regards, Santiago

I am facing a technical issue while setting up SaleForce web service in the Office InfoPath 2003 SP1
form designer. The InfoPath form designer raises an error while creating the data connection for SForce
web service. For WSDL info as per the SalesForce setup instruction, I specified the URL to a local wsdl
file which, I created by copying the wsdl content from the URL available from SalesForce.com for

Error info:
WSDLOperation:The operation login had an invalid parts attribute HRESULT=0x80004005: Unspecified error
- WSDLOperation:Initializing of the input message failed for operation login HRESULT=0x80004005: Unspecified error
- WSDLPort:An operation for port Soap could not be initialized HRESULT=0x80004005: Unspecified error
- WSDLPort:Analyzing the binding information for port Soap failed HRESULT=0x80004005: Unspecified error
- WSDLService:Initialization of the port for service SforceService failed HRESULT=0x80004005: Unspecified error
- WSDLReader:Analyzing the WSDL file failed HRESULT=0x80004005: Unspecified error
Also after investigating I suspected one of the import tag used in the WSDL content which says,
<import namespace="urn:enterprise.soap.sforce.com"/>
As per one of the article this tag syntax is incomplete and MSXML 5.0 parser as supported by InfoPath 2003
SP1, would raise and error. [Ref: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/odc_ip2003_ta/html/ODC_INFInfoPathXSD.asp, under the section "Importing and Including Schemas".]
I am desparately looking for a solution. Can anyone on SForce forum help?
I'm planning on taking nightly back-ups from Salesforce.com into a database (SQL Server). I have a couple questions regarding the export process:

1.   If I only want the deltas should I use the LastModified Date as the selection criteria to determine recenlty created or updated records in the last 24 hours?

2.  Should I use Salesforce.com's server date/time value as a starting point for determining the above. If yes,  is it possible to do a select statement to get this value (outside of the SOAP getServerTimeStamp())?

3.  Do folks generally convert the UTC date/time stamp to their local time zone before inserting the records?

4.   If new fields are added (or maybe updated) should I consider dropping my back-up table and re-creating it to address this case?

I'm sure there are other points I need to consider so I'm hopefully folks can provide some additional input.
BTW, I'm planning on using Pervasive's Business Integrator to do the nightly exports.

Thanks in advance

Hi There!
I am undertaking a web overhaul and will be integrating the website with SFDC. I am currently integrating directly with SFDC via the API in real-time; however, some developers have recommended replicating the database and then doing a nightly data dump into SFDC. Can anyone offer a compelling reason to choose one over the other?
I appreciate any insight into this matter!
Need salesforce.com consultants local to Denver.  Must be available immediately. 

We have a java web application that replicates some of the Sforce Objects. The web application polls the Sforce site for changes when it receives a request. Sometimes many requests come to this web application within a short time interval.

Therefore our application's polling frequency can be less than 5 minutes at times. We have however limited this frequency to 1 minute. 

We use Sforce API 6.0. The API documentation recommends that the polling frequency should be more than 5 minutes and if the polling is too frequent Sforce built in controls will prevent the request.

Does Sforce web service prevent above type of requests?  We have not seen any errors thrown by Sforce in above instances. But sometime we notice that a few objects had not replicated correctly. Please advise us on the exact rules involved.

I am looking at updating to.from an oracle database.  We are looking to update the accounts/opportunity/contacts table from salesforce to an oracle database and also from oracle to salesforce.
Is this possible and how do I go about starting to achieve this?  Any help is appreciated.
Already hired someone.  Thanks for your interest.


Message Edited by FranksNickname on 03-03-2006 04:00 PM

I'm thinking about upgrading Karl's old ADO.NET provider to work as a ADO.NET 2.0 provider with batch update capability and VS Desgin support.

Is there any interest in the .NET community for a new version of the provider ?


I have what appears to be a rather straightforward task but since I'm new to both .NET Web development and salesforce.com, I figured I'd ask before I get started.

We are creating a Web application that needs to show users a list of Salesforce Opportunities and allow them to make a selection. The selection will be stored in our own SQL Server tables along with other non salesforce related data that is entered on the screen.

Is this doable? From what I am reading I need to create and download the enterprise.wsdl. I also saw sample applications but wasn't sure which one was most appropriate for my needs. We are using vb.NET and Visual Studio 2003 Enterprise edition for our development.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Does the handleEmailMessage() method update the Status of a CASE if it attaches an EmailMessage object to an existing case?

My problem:

Our Reps each have a queue and the view of the Case Tab is set up to only list Cases that are not "CLOSED". I am noticing a scenario where a CASE got created with my custom EmailToCase Agent, the Rep replies to the email and then CLOSES the CASE. The person who receives the email then replies and the EmailToCase handleEmailMessage() method attached that reply EmailMessage to the existing case (as outlined in the documentation... which is exactly what we want), but the Status of the CASE does not change (which may be by design).

If so, any suggestions on how I could re-open the case by updating the status.
