- Vipin Pulinholy
- 55 Points
- Member since 2004
- Salesforce Solution Engineer
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SOSL Query Plan
Any idea ?
- Vipin Pulinholy
- August 23, 2019
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Sandbox Refreshed Date on Sandbox
Any idea?
- Vipin Pulinholy
- January 24, 2014
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Salesforce Developer Opportunity in Denver
We have a Full Time Salesforce Sr. Developer position available in Denver , CO. Here are more details.
Strong VisualForce development experience
Strong experience with development of APEX code.
Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or Information Systems or equivalent experience. Master's degree in related systems or business field is strongly desired.
Salesforce Certification desired.
If you are interested please send me a note to kpknr@yahoo.com
- Vipin Pulinholy
- December 14, 2012
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just in time provisioning for customer portal users
Hi, Can you please tell me if the just in time provisoning can be used for cutomer portal users?
- Vipin Pulinholy
- September 16, 2011
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SOQL Aggregate Error : First error: Field must be grouped or aggregated: Id
Hi Friends,
I am running following query on Batch Apex:
Select Compensation_Bucket_Product__r.Compensation_Bucket_ID__r.Id Comp_Id, Reporting_Segment__r.Id RSC_Id, SUM(PFYE_Sales__c) PYESales, SUM(PFYE_GP__c) PYEGP, SUM(PFYTD_Sales__c) PYTDSales, SUM(PFYTD_GP__c) PYTDGP, SUM(CYFTD_Sales__c) CYTDSales, SUM(CFYTD_GP__c) CYTDGP, SUM(CY_Sales_Run_Rate__c) CYRRSales, SUM(CY_GP_Run_Rate__c) CYRRGP, SUM(NY_Sales_Run_Rate__c) NYRRSales, SUM(NY_GP_Run_Rate__c) NYRRGP, RecordTypeId FROM Compensation_Bucket_Forecast_Items__c GROUP BY Compensation_Bucket_Product__r.Compensation_Bucket_ID__r.Id, Reporting_Segment__r.Id, RecordTypeId HAVING Compensation_Bucket_Product__r.Compensation_Bucket_ID__r.Id <> NULL AND Reporting_Segment__r.Id <> NULL AND RecordTypeId =\''+salesRecId.Id+'\'';
This query runs well in VFcontroler/Eclipse. But if I run on batch Apex I get follwoing Error:
- Vipin Pulinholy
- January 31, 2011
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Show Open Task Count on Lead Detail Page- Bulk Trigger
Hi All,
I have a requirement to show # of open Task on Lead Detailpage. Below is the logic that we are planning to implement. I would like tocheck with you if any one has implemented similar functionality handling BULK insert/update.If so could you please share the code?
Trigger on Task <after insert after update>
for (Task thistask : Trigger.new)
// Get all leads assosited to Tasks
if (WhoId.startsWith('00Q'))
FOR each Lead
SelectCount() from Task where whoId=LeadId and Status=Completed
Updatecustom field “ Open Task” on Lead object
End Loop
Thank You .
- Vipin Pulinholy
- March 03, 2010
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Count # of Activities
I want to Display # of Open Task on a custom field on Account & Opportunity. Is there a way to display this ( Count (open Task) on Account/Opportunity)) with out using Trigger?
Could you please share your thoughts?
- Vipin Pulinholy
- February 26, 2010
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Query to get all Role which don't have any users assocated with
I need to get all Role Name which don't have any users assosciated with it.
SOQL like this:
Select u.Name, (Select Id From Users) from UserRole u where Id !=null
This is not working. Can any one tell me correct soql for this.
- Vipin Pulinholy
- November 05, 2009
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Task Trigger- Deployment Failure-Please Help
I have this trigger on task.
trigger PIMAccountOwnerUpdate on Task (before update,before insert) { for (Task h : Trigger.new){ Opportunity [] opid= [Select o.OwnerId,o.Owner.Alias from Opportunity o where id=:h.WhatId ]; Contact [] contid = [Select c.OwnerId, c.Owner.Alias from Contact c where id=:h.WhoId ]; if (opid .size()> 0) h.PIM_Account_Owner__c = opid[0].Owner.Alias ; else h.PIM_Account_Owner__c = '' ; if (contid .size() > 0) h.Contact_Owner_Alias__c = contid [0].Owner.Alias ; else h.Contact_Owner_Alias__c = '' ; } }
And following Test Class.
@istest private class PIMAccountOwnerUpdate { static testMethod void passTest() { test.starttest(); Date futureDate = date.newInstance(2010, 6, 6); Account account = new Account(name='testAccount'); insert account; account = [select name from Account where name=:account.name]; Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(name='testOpp', accountID=account.ID, StageName='Prospect 3', CloseDate = futureDate); insert opp; opp = [select ID, name from Opportunity where ID=:opp.ID]; Contact contact = new Contact(lastname='testContact', accountID=account.ID); insert contact; contact = [select name from Contact where LastName=:contact.lastname]; Task h = new Task ( OwnerId='005300000017Z6B', Status='In Progress',Subject='Compile a Mailing',WhatId=opp.Id ); try { insert h; System.assert(true); System.debug('Updated '); } catch (DmlException e) { System.debug('Query Issue: ' + e); } Task h1 = new Task ( OwnerId='005300000017Z6B', Status='In Progress',Subject='Compile a Mailing',WhoId=contact.Id ); try { insert h1; System.assert(true); System.debug('Updated1 '); } catch (DmlException e) { System.debug('Query Issue: ' + e); } Opportunity [] opid= [Select o.OwnerId,o.Owner.Alias from Opportunity o where id=:opp.Id ]; Contact [] contid = [Select c.OwnerId, c.Owner.Alias from Contact c where id='00330000002kPEq' ]; if (opid.size() > 0) { System.debug( 'Inside For Loop'); } test.stoptest(); } }
This is what the trigger does:
I have two custom fields created on Task (Activity) object (PIM_Account_Owner & Contact_Owner_Alias). When ever user update/creates any task I wanted to update these custom fields (PIMM_Account_Owner & Contact_Owner_Alias) with the value of Opportunity Owner Alias and Contact Owner Alias respectively.
When I run test on this test class I get 100% converge.
But when I try to deploy this trigger Production I get 0% coverage results.
I have this owner id (005300000017Z6B) present in the Sandbox and Prod.
I am using Eclipse Force IDE.Could any one please help me on this?
- Vipin Pulinholy
- September 16, 2009
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Issue with outputLink window.open in IE
I have this code in my VF page
<apex:outputLink onclick="window.open('/apex/myLastActivity?id={!m.Id}','LastActivity','width=610,height=170,toolbar=0,status=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=yes')" >{!n.Subject}</apex:outputLink>
When I click this 'Subject' link a new popup winodw should open. It works perfectly in Firefox. But in IE after I click this link it opens the new window and after that the main page (parent page) automatically refreshes to the following link:
And I get the "URL No Longer Exists
You have attempted to reach a URL that no longer exists on salesforce.com..... " Message.
Do any body know how to fix this issue?
- Vipin Pulinholy
- August 28, 2009
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Display Relationship Query Result
I have this code:
var soql= SELECT c.Account.Name (SELECT Subject,ActivityDate, Description from ActivityHistories) FROM Contact c WHERE Name Like 'XYZ%' var sql = sforce.connection.query(soql); var records = sql.getArray("records"); for (var a in records) { returnArray[a] = new Array(); alert(records[a].Name); //alert(records[a].ActivityHistories.Subject); .... .... }
I get Contact Name from records[a].Name. I am not sure how to get the values of ActivityHistories object.
I wanted to get the values of Subject,ActivityDate, Description and display it to the page.
Could you please help me ? how can we reference this Relatiohip query result?
Thanks for Your Time.
- Vipin Pulinholy
- August 25, 2009
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How do I access subquery values from pageBlockTable
I have this query in my apex class:
actvty= [ SELECT (SELECT ActivityDate, Description,Subject,who.name from ActivityHistories order by ActivityDate desc ) FROM Contact WHERE Id in :contid]; return actvty;
I am not sure how do I display this result in Visual force page. I tried the follwing but give me error.(Error: Invalid field Subject for SObject Contact)
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!actvty}" var="t" rendered="{!NOT(ISNULL(actvty))}" > <apex:column value="{!t.Subject}"/> <apex:column value="{!t.Who.Name}"/> <apex:column value="{!t.ActivityDate}"/> </apex:pageBlockTable> <apex:outputLabel value="No records to display" rendered="{!(ISNULL(actvty))}" styleClass="noRowsHeader"></apex:outputLabel> </apex:pageblock>
Could you please help me ?
- Vipin Pulinholy
- August 03, 2009
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Report :: Contact-Most recent activity Report
I need to create report to show contact & the very last activity performed against that person. I don’t what to show all activities performed against that contact. Only show the one past activity (past date) which is closest to today’s date.
Is this some thing possible to create? Please let me know.
Thank You.
- Vipin Pulinholy
- June 01, 2009
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Looking for a Activity Report/Dashboard Soultion.
I'm attempting to make a dashboard to show the Percentage of touches against clients.
We have rated our client A, B, and C type. And there is a predefined value (no. of days) for each type that sales rep should log an activity against a client.For type ‘A’ client it is 30 days, type B it's 90 and Type C it's 120 days.
We would like to show a dashboard (Vertical graph) with Y axis showing Touch Percentage(%) and X axis the Type of clients (Here its total 3 values, A,B, C).
For example if we have 100 client rated 'A' and the last activity date for 50 of these are older than 30 days , the graph should show the touch percentage for rated A is 50%
Here the challenge is to calculate the percentage values.
Is it possible to create a report grouped by client type and total number of activity logged against that client? Is anybody tried this kind of Activity report?
Please share if you have any idea.
- Vipin Pulinholy
- April 21, 2009
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Approval Process Trigger Error
I get the following Compile Error on this code. Could any one please help me to fix this?
Error: Compile Error: Expression of type Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest has no member named setNextApproverIds at line 7 column 1
trigger submitForApproval on test1__c (after update) { // Create an approval request for the account Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest req1 = new Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest(); req1.setComments('Submitting request for approval.'); req1.setObjectId(trigger.old[0].id); //req1.setNextApproverIds(new Id[] {UserInfo.getUserId()}); req1.setNextApproverIds='00530000000oigU'; // Submit the approval request for the account Approval.ProcessResult result = Approval.process(req1); }
- Vipin Pulinholy
- April 15, 2009
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SoQL Query Help - OpportunityContactRole
I am trying to write a query to get information from OpportunityContactRole. But this need to be joined with Opportunity & Account. Here is what I want.
Get all the OpportunityContactRole Id from OpportunityContactRole
Where Opportunity.Account.PersonContactId=OpportunityContactRole.ContactId and Opportunity.Id=OpportunityContactRole.OpportunityId
I am sure whether this is possible in soql. Can any one please help/guide me to write a query to get the required result?
Thank You.
- Vipin Pulinholy
- March 30, 2009
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Help to make this a bulk trigger
I have this trigger and it’s not functioning for bulk update (data loader update). I get the "System.Exception: Too many SOQL queries" error.
I need to modify this code to work in bulk . I am new to Map & Set. Can any one please help me to modify this code to handle bulk update.
trigger deleteOppContRole on Opportunity (after update) {
for (Integer i = 0; i < Trigger.old.size(); i++) {
try {
for (Account acc : [select PersonContactId from Account where id = :trigger.new[i].AccountId])
OpportunityContactRole [] oDWs =
[select id from OpportunityContactRole where OpportunityId = :trigger.new[i].id and ContactId=:acc.PersonContactId ];
if (oDWs.size() > 0)
delete oDWs;
} catch (System.QueryException ex) {
//Do Nothing - There must not have been any to delete.
Thanks for your help.
- Vipin Pulinholy
- March 20, 2009
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Trigger on opportunity to delete contact role (Person Account) not working
Hi ,
I am trying to create an update trigger on opportunity.
if any opportunity is updated i wanted to check if the assosicated Person Account (contact)
with this opportunty is present in the OpportunityContactRole and if so delete the records from OpportunityContactRole
Here is the trigger that I worte:
trigger deleteOppContRole on Opportunity (after update) {
for (Integer i = 0; i < Trigger.old.size(); i++) {
try {
//replace OppLineId__c with actual refference name.
OpportunityContactRole [] oDWs = [select id from OpportunityContactRole where OpportunityId = :trigger.old[i].id and ContactId=:trigger.old[i].Account.PersonContactId ];
delete oDWs;
} catch (System.QueryException ex) {
//Do Nothing - There must not have been any to delete.
Looks like the trigger is not getting the value ":trigger.old[i].Account.PersonContactId" so this is not working as expected. (There is no error, but not functioning correctly)
The value printed in debug log is 'null' for 'trigger.old[i].Account.PersonContactId'.
Can anyone tell me what's worng with this code and how to fix this ?
- Vipin Pulinholy
- March 11, 2009
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Visual force Email template for diplaying related list info
<apex:repeat var="cx" value="{!relatedTo.Cases}">
<td> <a href="https://www.mywebsite.com/{!cx.id}">View</a> </td>
From the existing wiki code I undersatnd that we can use the repeat tag to get the related list info.In this code I want to add a logic to get all id values and concat these values to form a URL parameter. For example if I have a 3 values from this related list I want to build a URL by concating these id value. So if I have 3 id values 2222,3333,4444, I want to build a URL look like this. https://www.mywebsite.com/?id=2222|3333|4444
Can any one guide me on this?
Thank You- Vipin Pulinholy
- March 01, 2009
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Salesforce.com Administrator Needed (Los Angles)
Looking for a Salsforce.com Administrator in LA Area. Need at least 2 year experience in Salesforce.com Administration.
(This is a Contract -to- Hire Position)
General Job Description:
Add, delete and modify users as employees are hired, transferred or leave the organization
Act as the single point of contact for questions from the user group
Assist with bulk imports and ownership of leads, contacts, accounts and opportunities
Maintain security profiles and access rights for users
Maintain, add or delete auto-sharing rules
Configure custom reports and dashboards
Create, edit or delete custom fields and custom objects
Create Workflow Rules to improve business processes
Create and update custom page layouts and record types
Deliver training and communication to user groups
Understanding of integration of the CRM with other enterprise systems
Please send you resume to vipindas.pulinholy@gmail.com .
Email me if you have any questions.
Message Edited by das on 12-10-2008 03:46 PM
Message Edited by das on 12-10-2008 04:01 PM
- Vipin Pulinholy
- December 10, 2008
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Sandbox Refreshed Date on Sandbox
Any idea?
- Vipin Pulinholy
- January 24, 2014
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how to update a field based on a lookup field
- Edward Scott 5
- October 30, 2015
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just in time provisioning for customer portal users
Hi, Can you please tell me if the just in time provisoning can be used for cutomer portal users?
- Vipin Pulinholy
- September 16, 2011
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Summer '11 Just-In-Time Provisioning for Customer Portal users
Can Just-In-Time Provisioning in Summer '11 be used to add new Customer Portal users?
- dmccarty96
- May 17, 2011
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SOQL Aggregate Error : First error: Field must be grouped or aggregated: Id
Hi Friends,
I am running following query on Batch Apex:
Select Compensation_Bucket_Product__r.Compensation_Bucket_ID__r.Id Comp_Id, Reporting_Segment__r.Id RSC_Id, SUM(PFYE_Sales__c) PYESales, SUM(PFYE_GP__c) PYEGP, SUM(PFYTD_Sales__c) PYTDSales, SUM(PFYTD_GP__c) PYTDGP, SUM(CYFTD_Sales__c) CYTDSales, SUM(CFYTD_GP__c) CYTDGP, SUM(CY_Sales_Run_Rate__c) CYRRSales, SUM(CY_GP_Run_Rate__c) CYRRGP, SUM(NY_Sales_Run_Rate__c) NYRRSales, SUM(NY_GP_Run_Rate__c) NYRRGP, RecordTypeId FROM Compensation_Bucket_Forecast_Items__c GROUP BY Compensation_Bucket_Product__r.Compensation_Bucket_ID__r.Id, Reporting_Segment__r.Id, RecordTypeId HAVING Compensation_Bucket_Product__r.Compensation_Bucket_ID__r.Id <> NULL AND Reporting_Segment__r.Id <> NULL AND RecordTypeId =\''+salesRecId.Id+'\'';
This query runs well in VFcontroler/Eclipse. But if I run on batch Apex I get follwoing Error:
- Vipin Pulinholy
- January 31, 2011
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Show Open Task Count on Lead Detail Page- Bulk Trigger
Hi All,
I have a requirement to show # of open Task on Lead Detailpage. Below is the logic that we are planning to implement. I would like tocheck with you if any one has implemented similar functionality handling BULK insert/update.If so could you please share the code?
Trigger on Task <after insert after update>
for (Task thistask : Trigger.new)
// Get all leads assosited to Tasks
if (WhoId.startsWith('00Q'))
FOR each Lead
SelectCount() from Task where whoId=LeadId and Status=Completed
Updatecustom field “ Open Task” on Lead object
End Loop
Thank You .
- Vipin Pulinholy
- March 03, 2010
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Count # of Activities
I want to Display # of Open Task on a custom field on Account & Opportunity. Is there a way to display this ( Count (open Task) on Account/Opportunity)) with out using Trigger?
Could you please share your thoughts?
- Vipin Pulinholy
- February 26, 2010
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Query to get all Role which don't have any users assocated with
I need to get all Role Name which don't have any users assosciated with it.
SOQL like this:
Select u.Name, (Select Id From Users) from UserRole u where Id !=null
This is not working. Can any one tell me correct soql for this.
- Vipin Pulinholy
- November 05, 2009
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Task Trigger- Deployment Failure-Please Help
I have this trigger on task.
trigger PIMAccountOwnerUpdate on Task (before update,before insert) { for (Task h : Trigger.new){ Opportunity [] opid= [Select o.OwnerId,o.Owner.Alias from Opportunity o where id=:h.WhatId ]; Contact [] contid = [Select c.OwnerId, c.Owner.Alias from Contact c where id=:h.WhoId ]; if (opid .size()> 0) h.PIM_Account_Owner__c = opid[0].Owner.Alias ; else h.PIM_Account_Owner__c = '' ; if (contid .size() > 0) h.Contact_Owner_Alias__c = contid [0].Owner.Alias ; else h.Contact_Owner_Alias__c = '' ; } }
And following Test Class.
@istest private class PIMAccountOwnerUpdate { static testMethod void passTest() { test.starttest(); Date futureDate = date.newInstance(2010, 6, 6); Account account = new Account(name='testAccount'); insert account; account = [select name from Account where name=:account.name]; Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(name='testOpp', accountID=account.ID, StageName='Prospect 3', CloseDate = futureDate); insert opp; opp = [select ID, name from Opportunity where ID=:opp.ID]; Contact contact = new Contact(lastname='testContact', accountID=account.ID); insert contact; contact = [select name from Contact where LastName=:contact.lastname]; Task h = new Task ( OwnerId='005300000017Z6B', Status='In Progress',Subject='Compile a Mailing',WhatId=opp.Id ); try { insert h; System.assert(true); System.debug('Updated '); } catch (DmlException e) { System.debug('Query Issue: ' + e); } Task h1 = new Task ( OwnerId='005300000017Z6B', Status='In Progress',Subject='Compile a Mailing',WhoId=contact.Id ); try { insert h1; System.assert(true); System.debug('Updated1 '); } catch (DmlException e) { System.debug('Query Issue: ' + e); } Opportunity [] opid= [Select o.OwnerId,o.Owner.Alias from Opportunity o where id=:opp.Id ]; Contact [] contid = [Select c.OwnerId, c.Owner.Alias from Contact c where id='00330000002kPEq' ]; if (opid.size() > 0) { System.debug( 'Inside For Loop'); } test.stoptest(); } }
This is what the trigger does:
I have two custom fields created on Task (Activity) object (PIM_Account_Owner & Contact_Owner_Alias). When ever user update/creates any task I wanted to update these custom fields (PIMM_Account_Owner & Contact_Owner_Alias) with the value of Opportunity Owner Alias and Contact Owner Alias respectively.
When I run test on this test class I get 100% converge.
But when I try to deploy this trigger Production I get 0% coverage results.
I have this owner id (005300000017Z6B) present in the Sandbox and Prod.
I am using Eclipse Force IDE.Could any one please help me on this?
- Vipin Pulinholy
- September 16, 2009
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Issue with outputLink window.open in IE
I have this code in my VF page
<apex:outputLink onclick="window.open('/apex/myLastActivity?id={!m.Id}','LastActivity','width=610,height=170,toolbar=0,status=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=yes')" >{!n.Subject}</apex:outputLink>
When I click this 'Subject' link a new popup winodw should open. It works perfectly in Firefox. But in IE after I click this link it opens the new window and after that the main page (parent page) automatically refreshes to the following link:
And I get the "URL No Longer Exists
You have attempted to reach a URL that no longer exists on salesforce.com..... " Message.
Do any body know how to fix this issue?
- Vipin Pulinholy
- August 28, 2009
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Display Relationship Query Result
I have this code:
var soql= SELECT c.Account.Name (SELECT Subject,ActivityDate, Description from ActivityHistories) FROM Contact c WHERE Name Like 'XYZ%' var sql = sforce.connection.query(soql); var records = sql.getArray("records"); for (var a in records) { returnArray[a] = new Array(); alert(records[a].Name); //alert(records[a].ActivityHistories.Subject); .... .... }
I get Contact Name from records[a].Name. I am not sure how to get the values of ActivityHistories object.
I wanted to get the values of Subject,ActivityDate, Description and display it to the page.
Could you please help me ? how can we reference this Relatiohip query result?
Thanks for Your Time.
- Vipin Pulinholy
- August 25, 2009
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How do I access subquery values from pageBlockTable
I have this query in my apex class:
actvty= [ SELECT (SELECT ActivityDate, Description,Subject,who.name from ActivityHistories order by ActivityDate desc ) FROM Contact WHERE Id in :contid]; return actvty;
I am not sure how do I display this result in Visual force page. I tried the follwing but give me error.(Error: Invalid field Subject for SObject Contact)
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!actvty}" var="t" rendered="{!NOT(ISNULL(actvty))}" > <apex:column value="{!t.Subject}"/> <apex:column value="{!t.Who.Name}"/> <apex:column value="{!t.ActivityDate}"/> </apex:pageBlockTable> <apex:outputLabel value="No records to display" rendered="{!(ISNULL(actvty))}" styleClass="noRowsHeader"></apex:outputLabel> </apex:pageblock>
Could you please help me ?
- Vipin Pulinholy
- August 03, 2009
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COUNT Query total pushed to another object
Hi All,
Im beginning to learn Apex, so bare with me! ive been faced with a curly one to start me off with learning Apex and i am a little stuck already. Here is the situation:
* 2 objects involved - Customer Satisfaction Index (will call it CSI here on in) and Tasks.
* On the CSI object, there are a number of Tasks that need to be completed by the Account Owner. These tasks are created via workflow from the CSI Object and are therefore Tasks
* What i require is a COUNT of all the Tasks that have the status as "Completed" relating to that CSI to be displayed in the field Completed_Tasks_c on the CSI object.
Im having trouble with the COUNT part of it displaying in the Completed Tasks field.
Any help? Thanking you all in advance.
- Fleetman
- June 10, 2009
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Issue with viewing Attachment in VF screen in IE
Hello Friends,
I am facing a strange issue with opening attachments from a custom VF screen in IE.
It's working fine in Mozilla(Firefox) but giving me nightmares in IE :(
Code is pasted below:
<apex:outputLink onclick="window.open('https://cs2.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file={!act.CostAttachmentId}','Attachments');" rendered="{!IF(act.CostAttachmentId <> null,true,false)}"> View</apex:outputLink>
Its running fine in Mozilla(FireFox) but somehow, in IE the link of the main VF page gets broken when this new window is opened.
I have no clue as to why is this happening :(
Can anyone please help me out??
- Cool_Devloper
- March 30, 2009
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How do i set Approver email in Approval Processing Class ?
Hi all,
I have created an Approval Process on Case object and i have select Approver option manully.
I have one trigger that trigger the Approval process but i am unable to findout any Option or Method for assigning Approver for Approval process.
Please let me know if any one has any idea?
-- Deepak
- Deepak Pansari
- March 29, 2009
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